Peace is found with others

Explore the Wildking's Forge and the vast open wilderness that covers the Region of Karnor.

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Character Sheet: ... 5856#p5856

Frost 7th, 120 AS

The two hadn't been together long. At least not in his mind. A year maybe long a human but to him it was a bit different. He was still very young in terms of his race. But that was beside the point. Vadon had a plan! A plan to do something nice for the both of them. A chance to get away from the city proper. They wouldn't go far into the wilderness, just far enough that they could be alone. A small picnic, some time to spend together and time for him to maybe find a piece or two to bring back so he could work on them.

But regardless, the day was about them. He could use some time off. While he loved his job and had a passion for the craft. He had been working nonstop for the past few days. He deserved a break. Walking up to Eaven's house with a blanket thrown over his shoulder and a small basket of food. Rapping his knuckles across the door of her house. The large man stood there waiting. Looking like a giant standing at the smaller door.

"Little flower are you home? I thought that we might be able to spend some time together?" He called out. Hoping that she was there. Wondering if he should have told her ahead of time instead of making it a surprise. But it was too late now. As he stood at the door and continued to wait. If she wasn't home then he would just leave and try again another day.
word count: 283
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Frost 7th, 120 ASxx

Eaven was ready to scream. She dropped the hammer and clutched her right hand to her chest. The long, flat boards of wood had been pristine and blemish free (aside from the natural grain of the material, of course) earlier in the week when Vadon dropped them off for her use. He had been so kind to offer such good material for her project and she had been too impatient to wait and ask for his help, knowing he had a busy week ahead. It was just going to be a small garden box. How hard could a few nails in the corners be? She’d watched him work dozens of times over the year they’d been together, both with professional and personal projects. The way he was able to turn a found chunk of wood from the forest floor into a beautifully polished piece of furniture or decoration was mesmerizing. Years of working with his hands, relying on their strength and accuracy for his own survival, had translated into a sureness in his craft that Eaven could only dream of achieving for herself. Vadon made it look like fun. Vadon made it look like art. Vadon made it look easy.

It was not easy.

The boards on the floor in front of her had too many holes. Some of them had splintered open into wide cracks and been rendered worthless for reuse from her ungraceful attempts at removing the nails and some were still filled with nails too bent for her to even try and wiggle out. The two pieces that she had successfully hammered together looked haphazard at best and she had zero clue how to further add any dividers into the mix.

Eaven ran a hand across her forehead to wipe away the loose hairs that had escaped from her messy braid. She sighed shakily, feeling the tears of frustration begin to prickle in her eyes. Her pointer finger began to throb angrily from the impact of the hammer and her eyes were fixed on the lone, straight nail that was left, rolling back and forth on the floorboard, spared from becoming crooked like the rest. Mocking her. She had just moved to gather ice for her finger when there was a knock on the front door.

“Little flower, are you home? I thought that we might be able to spend some time together?” It was Vadon’s voice. Eaven would recognize that soft, deep tone anywhere.

She turned to go and open the door but paused, feeling nervous about the state he would find both her and the wood in. There was no time to put everything away, and he’d surely hear the noise it was bound to make. It was only a second of hesitation, though. Eaven was far too excited for a surprise visit after not seeing him for a few days. She went and opened the door. The tears that had been inbound shrunk away, a bright smile replaced the frown on her face and the throbbing in her finger was momentarily forgotten.

“Vadon,” she beamed and walked into his outstretched arms. The frustrations continued to melt away as she let herself be enveloped in his warmth. He smelled of cut wood and the fabric of his shirt felt soft against her cheek. She could feel him positioned a little awkwardly and noticed he was holding a basket. “What’s all this?” she asked, taking a step back to appraise the situation. “Um, come on in.”
word count: 597
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Character Sheet: ... 5856#p5856


One giant arm wrapped around the shorter woman. A warmth growing in his chest as time seemed to slow for a mere moment. Until he glanced up at the 'wood work' that was behind her. She had asked for some material and he was more then happy to share in his hobby. Though what he saw was beginners work for sure. Having to stiffen a laugh as he let her go and glanced back down at her. "To answer your question, I thought that we could go out and enjoy the crisp air." Glancing from her to the lumber that laid beyond. "I see you were using the lumber you asked for.. Can I help?" He asked.

It wasn't that he couldn't just let her do it. But he was standing her and whatever it was that she wanted probably wouldn't take that long. It was still earlier in the day and the two would have plenty of time. "Unless it's something you would like to handle yourself." A chuckle slipping past his lips as he ducked under her doorway to step inside.

Setting the basket down on the table. He walked over to the place that she had started her work. Kneeling down to pick up one of the pieces of lumber. It was sort of obvious what she was planning on making. Though knowing her might have given him more of an idea. The woman was obsessed with plant life and gifted in it's nurturing. Something that Vadon wasn't even sure where to begin with. "Are you trying to make a box to hold dirt?" Asking in a matter of fact tone. The word for the device escaping his mind as he absentmindedly moved piece by piece into place.

Taking two of the longer pieces and setting them on the floor before grabbing a few more and putting them into a general lay out of how it would go. Though he didn't do much after that. Not wanting to step on her toes or block her from expressing herself. Everyone deserved the chance to try a project. Regardless if they were a beginner or master.

word count: 378
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Frost 7th, 120 ASxx

Eaven followed Vadon inside and shut the door quietly behind them. She felt warmth creep up her chest and into her cheeks as she watched him begin to rearrange the wood. He was quiet as he maneuvered the pieces into position- creating the entire shape of the box before even so much as looking at the hammer. She felt silly for not thinking of that herself.

“It’s a garden bed. Not a ‘dirt box’,” she answered him, smiling to herself as she went to fill a small washcloth with ice for her finger. Now that the initial rush of excitement at her boyfriend’s arrival had passed the ache pushed its way back into her mind. Eaven leaned up against the small kitchen counter and watched him; the coolness of the ice helped calm the dull throbbing. She wondered how many times Vadon might have hit his own fingers when he had begun learning. He’d told her about his childhood helping out on the tree farm, but it was not until recently he had really engaged in woodworking. Though she had never seen him too banged up, Eaven figured he handled pain much better than she ever could. The numerous marks and scars on his body, left behind from his old profession, were evidence of years perseverance in spite of danger.

Though Vadon was certainly large and muscular enough to handle more than his own, sometimes it hit her funny to think about Vadon being dangerous. He was so sweet and warm and gentle. His personality was loud, booming and bright but it never translated into something that people would be threatened by- at least in her eyes. Eaven wondered if she would ever see that side of him. Or if she wanted to. The idea of him being back out and fighting…

No. Eaven told herself. He was done. He was safe. He was on the floor of her small home putting together the base for her very first private garden. Finally, an opportunity to bring some freshness into her life this coming Glade. It was right around the corner and she had big plans for the little plot.

Eaven moved from the counter and knelt down on the floor beside Vadon, still holding the cloth of ice to her finger. She felt guilty asking him to help on his day off, and especially when he had already planned to take her out for a date, but she really wanted the box to be done and the mess off of her floor. It couldn’t take that long to finish, right? Not with Vadon’s talent.

“Could you… maybe show me how, if we have time?” Eaven asked quietly. She wasn’t completely sure why she still felt hesitant to ask him for favors. On the surface she felt confident in his feelings for her, but perhaps there was a deeper part of her mind that couldn’t fathom why someone like him would choose her. “Though, I don’t know how helpful I’ll be with this,” she lifted her slowly numbing hand slightly.

word count: 530
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