Brenner is a fit, but lean man standing 5 foot 11 with light blue eyes speckled with tinges of green around the pupil. He has medium-length, dirty blonde hair with darker eyebrows, and a complexion that can grow quite fair, but tans easily and is typically kissed by the sun from his work above the clouds. He is a proud military man and is more comfortable in uniform than in leisure-wear, but keeps all of his wardrobe crisply ironed and pristine.
The best word to describe Brenner might be ‘severe’. Melchior Dornkirk’s exacting nature rubbed off profusely on his younger son, whose worldview was further influenced by his time in military academies and later the Air Defense Corps itself. Though popular in military circles, he lacks his older brother's natural charisma and ease around people from different walks of life. He staunchly believes in hierarchies in the armed forces and beyond, and is a harsh disciplinarian to those subordinates who fail to fall in line. Though he can be excessively punitive, he is widely considered just. He isn’t cruel for cruelty’s sake, nor does he exact discipline on undeserving parties or unnecessarily punish those who have mitigating circumstances justifying their breaches. Although dutiful to a fault, Brenner is afflicted with a terrible temper inherited from his fiery mother. It takes a great deal to stir the volcano that brims beneath his polished surface, but when it erupts it can blaze at length and cause him to forget himself.
Beyond the filial ambitions instilled in Brenner by his father, the younger Dornkirk brother is also markedly proud of his Gelerian heritage. Amongst his closest confidantes, Brenner might admit that he believes the best course of action for Zaichaer is either to emulate or assimilate into the Imperium.
Brenner was born the second son of Melchior Dornkirk, one of Zaichaer’s premier airship-building magnates, and his wife Sylana Dornkirk née Falkanos originally of the Gelerian Imperium,
The Brothers Dornkirk were raised under the exacting eye of their ambitious father, whose ingenuity had brought him from working as a child on the factory floor of a now-defunct shipping enterprise in the Siegeworks to founding one of the most influential design and construction companies in present-day Zaichaer. Dornkirk Windworks boasted multiple contracts with the city’s military, and placed Melchior amongst the elite of the city.
Having grown up in squalor on the East End, Melchior’s legacy was all-important, and his children were expected to advance the Dornkirk name to new heights that would span countless generations. Melchior wished to be remembered as the founder of a potent, prestigious line and, until it was firmly established, he expected his sons to struggle and sacrifice throughout their lives as an investment toward that glorious future. His eldest son, Stefan, was to succeed him as head of Dornkirk Windworks. He was educated in ship design and construction, economics and stewardship. His second son, Brenner, was to advance their name through a martial cursus honorum.Whilst Stefan was at his science books, Brenner was at his military strategy texts. Whilst Stefan built model ships to gain a grasp on engineering principles, Brenner was at target practice with his rifle, or sparring with his swordmaster.
Both brothers were socialised from a young age amongst the elite of Zaichaer’s military industrial complex. They were coddled by neither parent, but disciplined harshly if they did anything to bring the slightest shame to the Dornkirk name. They were expected to be seen and not heard, but ever watchful- Ever diligent as they learned the customs and practices of Zaichaer’s most powerful people, whom they would learn to emulate.
Brenner enlisted in the Zaichaer Air Defence Corps directly out of the Battle Academy, at the age of seventeen. His intimate knowledge of airships, from having grown up amongst one of the Corps primary suppliers, proved incalculably beneficial. Brenner has been moving up the ranks ever since, and currently serves as second-in-command on the Searing Victory, a Firestorm-Class dirigible dreadnought designed by his elder brother and constructed by Dornkirk Windworks.
Researching Before an Experiment
Use of a Microscope
Proper Use of Protective Equipment
Identifying Tiny Forms of Life
Use of Glass Slides
Understanding the Building Blocks of Life
Learning From a Professional
Handling Equipment with Care
Understanding the Size Doesn't Indicate Danger
Utilizing New Scientific Equipment
Applying Rationalization
Concealing distaste
Behaving cavalierly
Managing facial expressions
Minding his tone
Omitting details to shape narrative
Turning insults into jokes
Making excuses for others
Feinting toward safer subject matter
Lying to himself
Lying to others
Dehumanizing the enemy
Subtly shifting perspectives
Pressing the matter
Being Taught to Operate New Tech
Studying New Technology
Learning from the Designer
Recognizing Possible Uses of New Designs
Learning for Use on the Job
Understanding Basic Airship Design
Understanding Basic Dragonshard Engine Design
Suggesting Improvements Based on Experiments
Knowing When Not to Touch
Understanding Enough to Make Repairs
Enduring side effects of Stealth Tech
Deferring to formality
Humility before social betters
Curbing foul language in front of a lady
Recognising his place in the hierarchy
Traversing ebbs and flows of conversation
Navigating mixed company
Delivering socially acceptable insults
Casting aspersions with subtlety
Smooth recovery
Downplaying offences
Making introductions
Charming relative strangers
Familiarity with foreign forms of address
Maintaining decorum whilst inebriated
Concealing revulsion
Sharing his spirits
Guiding one through the ins and outs of fashion
How to utilize fashion in politics
Educating the less genteel
Deference to chain-of-command
Awareness of Forms-of-Address
Knowing when to be brief
Navigating the Ton
Making introductions
Broadcasting disapproval
Holding his liquor
Being polite to rivals
Expressing gratitude
Prompting allies
Humble bragging
Ship-to-ship travel with Dragonshard Flight Apparatus
Technical understanding of aerodynamics
Familiarity with aeronautical engineering
Ground to ship flight with rocket pack
Rocket pack maintenance
Hunting pack animals
Homing in on quarry based on sound
Big game hunting
Trophy hunting
Forest camouflage
Intimidating suspicious figures
Demanding answers of outsiders
Icily delivered threats (SP)
Invoking the State
Threatening with a firearm
Standing ground against larger figures
Invoking the political fallout of defying the State
Unearthing disloyalty
Drawing out the truth
Keeping his cards close to his chest
Posing pointed questions
Getting right to the point
Learning about his enemy to better combat them
Using compliments to acquire information
Detaining suspicious figures
Questioning suspects
Translating foreign texts
Researching using reference materials
Interpreting ancient texts
Remaining clear-minded through anger
Assessing a dangerous scenario
Recognising magic abuse
Sharpening senses with rage
Analysing speech patterns
Inquiring after background information
Gathering data
Assessing threats
Exercising due diligence around strange creatures
Acquiring information through friendly banter
Exploiting common interests
Extrapolating information from clues
Disarming with humour
Passively perceptive
Keeping an ear to the ground
Assessing unfamiliar environs
Attentiveness under pressure
Keeping eyes on the shadows
Rousing oratory (SP)
Appearing unfazed under pressure (SP)
Inspiring rookies
Putting career before friendships
Obeying superior officers
Personal connection with subordinates
Sacrificing for family
Sacrificing for the State
Inspiring rhetoric
Looking the part
Imperious with peons
Cool-headed in crisis
Making split-second decisions
Getting civilians to safety
Prioritizing the wellbeing of civilians
Instilling confidence in others
Stirring Nationalistic sentiment
Rationalising extreme actions
Masking opinion as fact
Speaking on behalf of the State
Sporting loser
Concocting epic schemes
Leading with ideas
Making himself look good
Standing up for his principles
Facing down mortal danger
Giving credit where it’s due
Using tragedy to prey upon pathos
Invoking the law of the land
Giving orders under duress
Overcoming guilt
Shooting first, asking questions later
Leading diplomatic envoys
Representing the Fatherland
Downplaying embarrassing situations
Strategic humility
Balancing recreation with work
Decompressing as needed
Dissuading a powerful entity from unleashing havoc
Standing his ground in the face of imminent danger
Delegating tasks
Keeping the chain of command informed
Sharpens his focus under pressure
Proffering direct chastisement of his social betters
Commandeering control
Using discretion
Delegating tasks outside of his own skillset
Following detailed instructions from superiors
Creating itineraries
Resource requisition
Magical Theory:
Working Through Aversion
Observing Negation in Use
Observing Aether Syphoning in Use
Use of Aura Glass
Learning to Interpret Seeing Magic
How Negation Deflects Physical Force
How Aether Syphoning Absorbs Magic
How Held Aether Sustains Lysanrin
Basic knowledge of Lysanrin abilities
Seeing the merit in fighting fire with fire
Diagnosing choking symptoms
Administering first aid
Assessing emergencies
Gathering health data
Referring patients to professionals
Using a Syringe to Draw Blood
Finding a Vein
Use of a Tourniquet
Feild Medicine Training
Dealing with Rolling Veins
Applying Basic Bandaging
Use of a Centrifuge
Learning about blood
Basic inter-species contrast awareness
Basic Astronavigation (SP)
Evasive manoeuvres (SP)
Airship pre-flight
Airship take-off
Finding destinations under the influence
Reaching destinations with rocket pack
Locating government agencies
Guiding strangers through Zaichaer proper
Familiarity with geography of the Fatherland
Familiarity with Onneifer Airbase and surrounding areas of Zaichaer
Making an idiomatic point
Getting others excited about his ideas
Being seen by the right people
Knowing when to leave a soiree
Drinking to impress
Navigating inter-familial dynamics
Understanding of marriage alliances
Manipulation of language
Arguing on behalf of the State
Patriotism signaling
Strident patriotism
Securing exclusive invitations
Impressing the powers that be
Taking risky gambits for dynastic advancement
Composing a formal pitch letter
Concealing enthusiasm
Concealing nervousness
Exercising discretion
Earnest, patriotic rhetoric
Formal reception of foreign dignitaries
Fledgling diplomacy
Concealing contempt
Standing on ceremony
Navigating Zaichaer's hierarchic structure
Making introductions
Couching his opinions as facts
Carefully crafting compliments
Knowing when candour is appropriate
Deploying extended metaphors to make a point
Knowing when to hold his tongue
Putting the good of the State before his personal well-being
Maintaining the rule of law
Managing expectations
Employing textured language
Masking bigotry
Bonding with rivals over commonalities
Managing crises with aplomb
Navigating familial power dynamics
Concealing motives
Maintaining wits while inebriated
Stoicism through alarming news
Forcing cordiality
Getting down to business
Employing diplomacy in personal matters
Processing before speaking
Burying concerns
Deploying subtle digs
Filling awkward silences
Weaponizing silence
Asserting himself
Voicing umbrage
Ranged Weaponry:
Aiming with mounted guns (SP)
Aiming a rifle while in motion (CS)
Basic rifle maintenance(CS)
Rifle sniping
Point blank pistol shot
Firing pistol at moving target
Drawing under duress
Quick shot when threatened
Pistol maintenance
Head shot
Medium-range pistol shooting
Mid-range kill shots
Shooting wild game
Shooting in low light conditions
Coordinated timing
One-shot kills
Skeet shooting
Advanced pistol maintenance
Teaching others
Friendly competition
Advanced rifle maintenance
Reloading efficiently
Imparting training
Making use of shooting range
Assembling arms
Shooting stationary targets
Maintaining coherence whilst inebriated
Teasing banter
Confirming preexisting biases
Strident views smoothly delivered
Exhibiting humility
Amusing banter
Playful barbs
Rationalisation of personal beliefs
Finding his echo chamber
Telling personal stories to make points
Creating allegories
Off-colour jokes
Hyperbolising the truth
Framing the argument to suit his purposes
Defining terms on his own terms
Making negatives look positive
Flirtatious banter
Connecting over shared interests
Sympathetic responses
Demurring from flattery
Impressing superiors
Taking big chances
Campaigning to raise morale
Adapting beliefs to suit the Zeitgeist
Furtively collecting biological samples
Holding the cards close to his vest
Keeping State secrets
Knowing when to let allies in on intel
Using Kathalan fluency to speak furtively
Plotting large-scale sabotage of enemy facilities
Exploiting extreme precautions
Holding clandestine briefing sessions
Forming a cabal
Formulating furtive plots
Prioritizing mission focuses
Keeping classified State secrets
Exploiting Stealth tech
Commissioning top secret experiments
Exploiting diplomacy to benefit espionage
Accounting for obstacles
Accounting for security
Exploiting biological weapons
Forming furtive alliances
Tacking personal motives onto joint missions
Swapping tongues while in undesirable company
Exploring a foreign city
Learning about disparate cultures
Inspecting new environs
Getting a feel for new neighborhoods
Subtly gathering intel from locals
Buying rounds to ply strangers
Bending the truth
Projecting comfort in uncomfortable scenarios
Putting strangers at ease
Furtive flirtation
Exercising caution with phrasing
Using disarming humor
Concealing motives
Omitting inconvenient truths
Sowing seeds of discontent
Recounting myths and histories
Securing a campsite
Serving sentry duty
Alert on little sleep
Taking one for the team
Tending to self-care regimen
Basic bombardment (SP)
Basic Air Corps flight formations (SP)
Air-to-ground combat strategy (CS)
Analysing surroundings
Clocking patterns
Keeping logs
Conferring with teammates
Delegating duties
Serving as Acting Captain
Commanding an airship
Learning new tech
Guiding a crew through a crisis
Designating stations
Making announcements
Encouraging crewmates
Leading an inaugural flight
Inspiring speeches
Leading briefing sessions
Imparting pertinent intel
Planning a mission
Assigning roles
Coordinated strategy
Interdepartmental collaboration
Deferring to the chain of command
Diverting threats
Minimizing casualties
Airship maintenance
Supervising a resupply
Assessing intelligence
Field medicine training
Establishing a perimeter
Assuming command from lower-ranking officers
First aid
Focusing on the mission at hand
Leading an away mission
Managing troop morale
Exploring uncharted areas
Time-management in the Warrens
Engaging in battle against feral, fungal fauna
Ranged combat against quadrupeds
Melee combat against quadrupeds
Holding the line
Supporting a cause through fashion
Capes are truly a statement when utilized correctly
Sticking with tradition before an important event
Countering self deprecation with uplifting humor
Leading a partner to a new venue for privacy
Using auditory senses to track
Using olfactory senses to track
Using tactile senses to track
Using ocular senses to track
Using gustatory senses to track
Unarmed Combat:
Military Training
Training with Comrades
Fighting Alongside an Ally
Two Against One
Facing Longer Reach
Taking Advice
Observing Others Fight
How to Pull a Punch
Proper Stance
Warming Up
Re: Brenner Dornkirk [WIP]
Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2021 8:06 pm
by Brenner Dornkirk
Items 1. Starter Package (Ranged Combatant/Noble) - 1 Set of Fine Clothing (Cloak or Coat and footwear included), 1 Waterskin, 1 Backpack which contains: 1 Set of Toiletries,10 days of rations,
single Set of Eating Utensils (i.e. tin plate, cup, fork, spoon, knife), Flint & Steel 2. Rifle (SP) 3. 20 bullets (SP) 4. Sword, Cutlass 5. 1 Set of Leather Armor (SP) 6. Stefan's Individual Flight Apparatise (aka dragonshard jetpack) 7.
Brenner's primary residence is a spartan suite of rooms at his father's estate of Dornkirk Manor, though he spends a significant amount of time on the Airship Searing Victory in the modest accommodations of an officer's cabin.