
A set of steps near the desk leads up to the living courters where Lyra has made her home, while a door on the back left wall of the hallway of scrolls leads to the back workshop. A large worktable rests and shelves cover nearly every inch of wall space. Here is a wider collection of parchment and ink types, and this is where Lyra keeps most of her stored supplies for Scrivening. Near the back wall of this workshop is a plain wooden door that opens to a set of finely polished stairs that lead down to Lyra's Personal Lab. This door is protected by a powerful glyph of Lyra's creation, infused with a Mesmer spell (LV3 Mesmer) that makes it difficult to focus on, and quickly forget as soon as you look away. The door is kept locked, and can only be opened with a key which Lyra keeps on her at all times.

Products and Services
When the shop first opened in Ash of 120 AS, Lyra only offered the typical magic wands, scrolls, and inks. She has since expanded her offerings to include not just Grimore as well as certain necromancy reagents, including ichor, basic necromancy tools, and custom works of necromancy. In addition to working as the shop keeper of Ale'Epherium Lyra also provides consulting services to the Circle of Spells, and creates Wands, Staves, and Grimore for their graduating students. Her consulting services also extend to other magical labs, where Lyra will provide her expertise to update the Schema's inside of personal labs, and incorporate certain facets of Artificing to automate simple processes such as lights, heating and other things.
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