The Shift (Rickter/Telion)

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85th of Frost, 120


It’s been a while since you last visited, I hope you are both doing well and the mists have not harmed you. I don’t know where they came from, but they haven’t calmed down in weeks and there seems to be no end in sight. The mists are strong. The small illumite I have is not strong enough to fend off the mists for my home and I fear they will overtake her again. Or me.

I need your help. As you know I have no talent for magic, and I’ve come across a wounded Rathari, but I can only do so much. I’m sure you’re wondering why I don’t just take her to the Tranquil Gardens- trust me, it’s impossible. I’ll tell you more upon your arrival, but something is off about her, and I think it best another Rathari help.

Telion, Rickter, if you could come to my home on the morning of the 85th, put up wards from the mists, and help me figure out this damn wolf, I would be most grateful.

Brianne Duras.'

It was morning, and Brianne was staring out the window of her bedroom on the top floor of her home as the sun rose. She’d sent her letter the day after Talon’s visit. It was rushed. Sloppy- she’d never been one for writing. But she could tell the Rathari child was getting no better and had become desperate. The wolf had begun to refuse food entirely, whether from stubbornness or sickness, nearly five rabbits and two elk legs had rotted in her home as the wolf turned her back on all meals. With a sigh, she turned to her bathroom to ready for the day.

Downstairs, Senara was asleep. While Brianne thought it confusing or simply from sickness, the wolf had a different idea of her death. If this huntress was planning to fatten her up just to take her pelt when it was once more glorious and shiny, then she’d not give her that satisfaction. After all, the room was covered in different trophies of her kills. It only made sense.

Senara had tried nearly every night since her capture to break the bars, grasping them between her teeth only to find them horribly unyielding. At night she’d even tried jumping over the fence but found herself both too weak and too short to make it over the nearly fifteen foot tall bars. But even if she could make it over, Brianne had blocked off the back door in the past two days as the mists had grown closer. Thoughts of simply killing the woman and rushing out the cage door entered her mind, until she realized the door was perfectly sized only for creatures vastly smaller than herself. It was horrifying. The realization that it was no honorable death she’d be granted but instead would need to waste away to nothing. But, at least the woman would get no honor from it either.

But now she slept. Her limbs twitched as she dreamt, thankfully less painfully now that the corruption and poison had been purified from her body by Talon. But her dreams were yet another nightmare to live through.

She sat in the middle of a forest. It was ash, though the air held no temperature nor scent. The twin moons were high above her, her radiant fur glowing as she became the third moon of the night and stalked forwards through a thicket. She didn’t know where she was going, only that with each step dread was setting in. Her pace quickened, but she could not feel her feet below as she pounded across the landscape and crunched leaves below her. Then she heard it.

“Get the beast!!” Men shouted. Arrows flew past her with a zing and stuck into the base of trees while she passed by on sprinting legs. But she wasn’t sprinting- try as she might her limbs moved as if stuck in muck. Slow, she could hear the crowd gaining on her as they brandished and smacked their weapons in warning. Her eyes widened and heart quickened.

’Go you stupid legs!!’

She skidded down a narrow pathway and nearly slipped on fallen leaves but caught herself, somehow, on the edge of a tree.


’I’m not an it- please stop- I’m not even a beast! Why are they trying to kill me?’ She wanted it to stop. To cry and sob and lay back in her bed and pretend she’d never done it. But she had.


The screams continued. Louder, as if they were right next to her ear. And then they were- as if she had been pulled back by her tail ugly faces of the terrified villagers pressed themselves closer to her. They stabbed their weapons through her skin, deep into her heart and she saw one of them pull the muscle straight from her chest. It dripped crimson to the ground but suddenly it was not beneath her and she fell- She couldn’t breathe-

“Murderer. Monster! BEAST! DEMON!”


A scream erupted from her throat as Senara woke up. Her flesh tore, her bones and muscles contorted and snapped as they rearranged themselves inside her flesh. Her wolven scream slowly morphed to one of a young woman as her muzzle shortened and the fur retracted into her like needles. It was like someone had sliced her skin open and wretched her bones one by one, sinking their fingers into her nerves, twisting them, and burning her alive. Three agonizing minutes that seemed more like hours passed before the screams were replaced by sobs of a pained, naked, woman laying on the floor of a cage fit for a beast nearly ten times the size of her. Dark brunette hair as long as her own body was sprawled across her matted in blood and sweat. Her shoulder, once bandaged and stitched, was now bleeding once more as the stitches had ripped from her very flesh and shot across the room leaving loose bandages curled around her body.

Senara looked around wildly. Her vision was different. Everything felt different, less- no, more- she looked down to her paws but saw only human hands and with a scream jolted up onto legs that buckled instantly. She fell- hard- right back onto her rear. Her skin felt raw. She could feel the hearth warmer. Feel the cold in her skin. The texture of the tiny hairs on her arms and legs- she hated it.

She could hear upstairs the sound of a bath running suddenly stop. A door creaking quickly, slamming open.

“Wolf?!” Brianne’s worried voice sounded from the top of the stairs and Senara’s heart beat wildly out of her chest. With wide eyes she scrambled in whatever horrible, mismatched way she could and bolted towards the door. But her body weight was half of what it had been before and with Brianne having bolted it locked, she crashed against it and fumbled back. Her head spun wildly as she struggled to maintain balance on two legs before she realized- the bars. No thoughts came to mind except one; get out, and she thrust herself through the now larger spacing in the bars of her cage towards the front door.

In seconds she was out. Both hands had grasped the knob and twisted in multiple directions until one of them worked, and the door opened. No thoughts in her mind as panic set into her bones that still vibrated with the ache of her shift. But the open door brought with it a rush of wind so cold she fell to the ground just feet from the door. Her toes and fingers splayed in the nearly frozen, late frost dirt beneath her as she struggled to push herself up onto two legs again. She needed to leave. To get out. Before that woman got to her again, before she was stuck for the rest of her days.
word count: 1409
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Across the centered table of his flat there were the essentials that were needed for this, having received a letter from a local huntress that Telion helped out; shortly after the Dread Mists broke out over the region. It must've been hard for the poor gal, having to deal with outside threats like that since she didn't live within city limits. Though such was the price she paid and therefore, accepted since there were ways of dealing with problems as they came. Mist storms were typically easier than the other things though, least when one was in possession of the Illumite dragonshards. Thankfully for Rickter had a pretty fair stockpile due to the Argent Hand trials, which was essentially the four lesser shards and the two minor shards he had. Telion had woven a couple leather strands around a pair of the other lesser he had, so that way they too would have their own protection when they ventured out into the mists.

"I think this is everything," Telion thought aloud as she curled a finger beneath her chin, the wolf himself stepping out from his room with a coat over his long sleeve shirt. The bard herself had opted to wear her white tunic with the teal cloak over it, the scarf that Rickter had bought her a while back loosely hanging around her neck. "You got everything?" She checked with Rickter as he looked at the rest of the materials, they being parchments and inks that were bought from Lyra a while back. Lowering the leather backpack hanging on his left forearm onto the table, the wolf nodded to her with a soft smile as they both started to pack everything in together. When they were finished Telion's hands lingered close to Rickter's, her eyes then shot up to his as he looked to her warmly as he usually would. The shared glances led the bard to smile wider, moving aside to let Rickter close the flap as she went into the other room for a moment.

The wolf watched her until she'd wasn't visible anymore, gradually returning his gaze to the pack in front of him, while he thought more about their exchange to himself. Ever since his final trial, things had been even more complicated for him, yet there was nothing complicated about how he felt after everything. For Talon and Aoren. For Telion. In fact, it was because he cared so much about them, that he often grew confused as to how he could harbor such affections. For one individual that was already a surprise, but never in his wildest dreams did he plan to l... well, to cherish those few in his lifetime. "There we go." Telion remarked as she walked back into the room, catching Rickter right on time as he turned to face her once more. The blonde threw the scarf she'd bought for him over his head, wrapping it somewhat around his shoulders, as the act of endearment broadened the light smile on his lips even more. "It's still cold out after all, even if we're protected by these!"

The bard flashed the two tied lesser shards at him then, Rickter giving a brief chuckle when he reached for one, taking Telion's hand into his as he eased her closer. She looked up to him, her eyes a mix of wonder and delight when he leaned down closer to her. "Thank you." He spoke softly to her when he did, the appreciation inducing a hint of confusion in her eyes. Still, after giving her a gentle kiss on the lips he pulled back, releasing her hand so that she could coil the leather strand around his wrist.

"You remember what to do?" She checked with him with a pleased grin, a brief bite to of her lower lip done when Rickter started to do the same with her wrist.

"You bet." He assured her softly with his own gentle smile, another period of staring shared between them before she giggled.

"Good, then let's go! I want to make sure that Rathari she mentioned will be alright." At her command the wolf chuffed lightly, sliding the bag onto one of his shoulders as Telion grabbed the key, and took the lead toward the door with Rickter following behind her.

Once they hit the outskirts of the city they were met with the wall of mist, the milky white clouds often altering through sherbert shades due to the sunlight. It was when they stood at this very wall that the pair looked to one another, Rickter and Telion both raising their left arms up to present the lesser shards hanging from their wrists. With just a simple thought he channeled his aether, powering the shard so that it emitted a small but bright light from it's core. Telion's did the same, the both of them fixing their scarfs so that their mouths and noses were covered. Rickter urged Telion to cover with her hood as well, so the bard would have a bit more cover from the storms than he did. It would be alright though, so long as he didn't come into contact with it any... he shouldn't experience any side effects.

He certainly didn't want his hair color to change or fall out for that matter, as a category one Dread Mist was well known to make minor alterations such as this. With the shards charged and emitting their power, the pair strode forward as the mist wall before them began to fold, parting away from them as they walked onward in a small dome of clear air. "She lives somewhere along here correct?" Telion checked as she had never been to this cabin of Brianne's. Rickter himself had only been there once or twice perhaps? Usually, she was in Kalzasi when they would meet since she supplied him with his meats often.

"Aye, it's just a little way up the road here." He responded calmly as he listened and sniffed the air, a little on edge now that they were still technically within the wilderness. Telion smiled up at him once more as they strolled, walking closer to Rickter as she brought a hand up into his. When her fingers interlocked with his the wolf's gaze swept from the other direction, around toward where their hands were as he raised an eyebrow to the bard. Although he did so with another gentle smile on his lips.

"What?" The blonde declared as though she were somewhat interrogative, leading him to shrug with another look down to her, before his gaze shifted on the cabin that was almost engulfed by the mists.

"Damn..." From the looks of it her wards were indeed in need of recharging, if the mists had crept that close to her cottage by now. Luckily there were wards set in place, as that meant whoever Brianne hired before them had done most of the work already. Still, even then it helped to bring supplies, especially since Telion liked to make sure the foundation of the previous work remained solid. Yet as they drew closer to the front entrance, the door went flying open as a very naked woman came barreling out, only to fall onto her knees in the snow before them when the pair saw her. "Who the fuck?" THe wolf's eyes narrowed with a heavy furrow of his brow, as he quickly realized that it wasn't Brianne who'd come waltzing out in desperation. Just some a woman with long tangled brunette hair, with wild auburn eyes, and paling skin prevalent in her complexion as the two arrived.

"The Rathari!?" Telion reasoned quickly as she let go of Rickter's hand, approaching so that she could quickly kneel down before the woman. "You're bleeding!" Immediately the bard reached up for her cloak, determined to unclasp it so that she could wrap it around the fallen woman, Rickter looked up from the two at the doorway where Brianne arrived to find them moments after.
"Every side attacks you, when you don't take sides."
word count: 1440
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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enara coughed violently as tiny specks of the mist made their way into her lungs. It was just a few, a few that had slipped past the barriers and threatened to leak even more with the waning of wards. But it hurt. Her tongue could not taste the difference in the air as it had before. Her nose was not nearly as strong as it had been either, and in place of her long snout with sharp teeth was now what felt like a stunted muzzle. The girl gasped as she heard the loud footsteps following after, chasing, like a tornado or a hurricane you can't outrun.

"Wolf! Stop!" Brianne shouted after her, racing down the steps. Her voice was a mix of frustration and worry, like a mother chasing after a child about to run into the middle of the road.

But all Senara heard and felt was desperation. And desperation meant danger, especially when it was directed at her. Her limbs trembled as she willed them to move, screaming inwardly to take her into the forest, back home, back to her cave where everything was safe and known. But they wouldn't. Instead one of her elbows gave out and she sunk lower onto the frost covered ground that was speckled with the last remnants of snow. She yelped in pain. Every inch of her skin burning from the bite of the cold air with no fur to protect her. But as the shock of her new body thrummed throughout her, she heard a new voice. Then another. Somehow both familiar and yet foreign.

Senara's head shot up as her eyes flashed with a primal fear as she let out a guttural scream and without thinking her arm came up to rake her claws across her attackers face. But instead of a massive wolf paw it was a hand, with short, jagged nails that narrowly missed the blonde woman's face as she attempted to unclasp her cloak. The girl fell forward with the momentum of her now top heavy body, landing on her shoulder at the feet of the familiar blonde woman with a pained gasp. She lashed out as much as she could with her neck to instinctively bite at the ankles of the woman, but found no help from her now much shorter face and lack of snout.

In that moment Brianne emerged, holding a short blunderbuss and pointing it directly at the naked woman lying on the ground outside her home. She breathed heavily, steadying her aim.

"You will get up, and you will come inside. Or I kill you where you lay now." It might have been harsh, but it was the only was she knew how to control beasts and as far as she was concerned, humans could still fit the bill.

Senara turned her head towards the woman, eyeing her with an angry, frustrated, panicked expression that swam in her eyes like the depths of oblivion. Her own breathing was labored, made trembling by the pain that shot through her system with each swivel of her body that tore open flesh further open.
"Move. Now." Brianne repeated, cocking the gun.

"Rickter, Telion. Don't help her. I don't want her hurting you." Senara' eyes darted between Telion, Rickter, and Brianne. She couldn't even shift if she knew how, the time it would take would give the woman just enough space to shoot her straight in the head. And if she ran, she'd be good as dead on the ground, too. The only option for survival was to give in. A horrible, poisonous option that left her with a hard brow and a sour stomach.

Panting, Senara glared at Telion and shook any hold she had of her off. She shot the same glare to Rickter. Had they planned it? Had they been the ones to tell this woman where to find her in the mountains? Why? What did they get from it? From her? A million thoughts and questions swirled in her mind as she began the pained process of climbing to her feet. But it was harder now than it had been before. The adrenaline had not worn off but the rush had, and in it's place was the dread of defeat. Again.

She chuffed as she rose up on shaky legs, falling over twice before finally limping her way back inside. Each step was awkward at best. Her feet went down toe to heel, unlike a normal humans but much like she was used to in her wolven form. The entire time Brianne held the gun pointed directly at Senara until the girl finally came to a collapsing slump beside the dining table. She was still panting when Brianne sighed and let Rickter and Telion inside. Wide eyed, Senara quickly scampered under the table. Her hair caught on the leg of a chair and dragged behind her, nearly as long as her own body it was like a cape on its own. Or it would be if not matted with blood and sweat. She stared out at the scene in front of her. The blonde, the strange man.. so that was them.

While Senara's sense of smell had certainly deteriorated in the past few minutes after her shift, she could still recognize them. She had previously thought them at least noble enough to keep their word, to heal her and move on. But no, apparently they had some other devious plan. Why should she have thought anything different? They were fucking city rats. No different than any other.

As everyone finally stepped in, Senara watched as Brianne closed and locked the door. And with it, every hope of escaping.

"So... I suppose this is a good a meeting as any. Now you know what you're in for, Rickter. Still up for it?" She chuckled darkly, as if both amused by the prospect and expectant of a denial. From under the table Senara chuffed.

'Up for it? Up for what? I'll not be part of some gross game. I am the fucking mountain you old crow.'

word count: 1050
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elion found herself abruptly stopped by the feral look of an animal unhinged, pulling away as pointed fingers clawed at her with prominent nails. The bard fell back onto her elbows quickly, crawling back through the snow away from the frantic, wild woman. Rickter quickly stooped low to lower himself in between the two, his eyes aglow as the hairs on his body became prominently refined; a brief growl fiercely emitted from his lips as his canines were more elongated than before. Just as his arm reached out to grasp the air before him, the sound of Brianne cut off his thought, before he could carry through with the intent.

The woman held a fucking blunderbuss down at the girl, leading Rickter himself to back off as all his sudden developments reverted. With not even a thought spared for the wildling, he turned his back on her sternly still with a low growl in his lungs. Telion looked frightened but only for a moment, her gloved hands brought up to brush her hair past her ears. "I'm alright!" She quickly assured him as he drew closer to her, his expression firmly grim as he brought a forearm around her waist. In one gentle nudge, he helped her onto her feet, the bard lightly chuckling as she accepted the embrace. "Thank you." He nodded to her with his face less firm, though still rather stoic when he looked over to Brianne.

The woman threatened the wild thing on the ground, intimidating her to return inside where she belonged... although Rickter would've guessed otherwise. For a thing like that to have attacked Telion... He nearly would've unleashed his fury on the poor Rathari. Clearly, there was a root cause to how feral she seemed, and while the wolf would've rather left it alone, he knew very well that the woman beside him would not. "Poor thing..." The bard quietly remarked with a faint frown, her eyes studiously upon the Rathari as she grudgingly went inside. Rickter looked down to her almost impressed, if not with fondness, as he admired her capacity to sympathize even for someone like that. The bard paused when she heard Brianne order not to help, the wolf quickly tugging at the end of her sleeve to keep her closer to him. "She's clearly wild..." She noted to herself quietly as the wolf lingered over her, his gaze shifting to the doorway as Brianne came to invite them in.

"So... I suppose this is a good a meeting as any. Now you know what you're in for, Rickter. Still up for it?" The older woman had a moment to chuckle in asking him that, leading the wolf to sternly stare at her as though he didn't have the patience. Then again why would he? A wild ass Rathari threatened his damn woman, and he was supposed to teach it how to socialize? He nearly had a better solution moments ago, or so he thought, but now he felt that Telion were fixated on resolving the problem herself.

"Sorry, Brianne, he's just still being protective right now." Telion then weighed in as she walked between them, her eyes briefly flicked over to the naked woman beneath the table. "We're here to help but..." She looked away with a hint of puzzlement in her eyes. "I'm not sure where to start."

"I do." The wolf remarked with a hand clutched open, an anchor formed within his palm as he moved toward the table. Brianne's hand lashed out to latch around his other wrist, Telion quickly gasping as the wolf glared down at the very spot she'd grabbed. "Relax." He growled to her with a slight yank of his arm, approaching the table just to stand a foot away. With a slam of the anchor down on the surface of the table, Rickter released the aether stored within, the magic weaving out across the table like spilt water beneath his hand. From every corner of the table, the aether drizzled down, generating a flat-surfaced shield that would seal the Rathari beneath the table; caging her within as he lifted his hand up from the anchor rested on the table. "Now I'm ready." He retorted as he dropped the shoulder his back was on, slipping it down his arm so that he could place it onto the table nonchalantly.

"Telion I leave this part up to you, whichever you wanna do. But do not cross that barrier." His voice went heavier when he emphasized on the latter instruction, the bard raising her eyebrows to him as he started to unpack the things they'd brought. "Wards? Or the bitch below?"

Telion crossed her arms at him then, clearly not approving of his tone when he called the Rathari that. "I'll take the bitch." She casually retorted to him with a raised eyebrow, the wolf shrugging as he picked up the Illumite shards; looking to Brianne as he fondled them in his hand.

"Show me your wards."
word count: 856
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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enara growled low in her throat, or tried to but found the pitch that met her ears a frighteningly high. It startled her, causing her to falter and fall back on her rear with a yelp. Once more the sound was higher pitched. When she'd first shifted, the panic had clouded her sense of sound, every one she made muffled by a ringing in her ears and the sound of her own heart beating. But now she heard everything. The girlish, pup like squeaks and even higher pitched breathing. It didn't sound like her at all, not like anything she'd heard from herself her entire life.

By the time she realized what Rickter had done the new cage had already been created. The aether spilled down on all sides of her like a wall of rain. If she wasn't terrified, she might have thought it was beautiful.

Brianne sighed after the scene had unfolded. In a way, it was like watching two wolves actually face off. The first showing fear, albeit with violence, but fear nonetheless. And the alpha, at least in her eyes, protecting a member of it's pack. She briefly wondered if it had been the smartest decision to bring the two predators into her home, but quickly dismissed the thought. Not like that would change anything now.

"Come, I'll take you outside." She said simply, turning to walk her way out of the small cottage. She stopped briefly before the door though, turning back to Telion. "Seriously, don't cross that. She'd been doped up on sedatives for the past week but I've run out, so I've got no idea what she's truly capable of. And if she shifts, you run up my stairs. She's too big as a wolf to get through the door." It was really more for Rickter that she said it, though she did wonder if the woman wasn't too soft hearted to know when to run.

But it wasn't her job to save her now that she'd been given her options. With a stern brow she lead Rickter from the cottage, closing the door behind them and bringing the illumite shard on her wrist up to the sky. A brief moment of channeling later, and it's aura glowed a faint light. The last whispers of it's strength waning.

"I found her months ago, ya know. She was regal then, proud, at first I even thought her any other dire wolf." Brianne said, trudging through the last remnants of snow towards a small concrete block about fifty feet out from her home. "But the more I watched her, studied her in hopes of capturing her for her pelt, the more I realized she wasn't." Her leg limped a bit from it's past injury, though she barely noticed anymore as they came upon the block. It was a solid two feet tall and wide, a perfect cube inscribed on every side with pictographs to ward off the mists. But the aether had faded to a barely noticeable glow, and the mists around them pulsed as if knowing their time to penetrate was soon.

"I traveled every week to her mountains to see what she was doing, how often she'd visit. But soon found out she fuckin' lived up there. Can you believe it? And clearly with no pack." She knelt to the base of the stone and ran her fingers across it's surface, frowning. "No wolf, and certainly no rathari, should be without a pack." Anger burned in her eyes, flashing only briefly at the memory of her own childhood, before standing again and leaning against a small tree that shaded them from the rising sun.

"So when I saw the mists come in and realized what that could mean for her, I decided to take her. It took me a few days but I set up traps and eventually caught her, mere seconds before she was killed by some mist-corrupted mountain lion. And now she's here." The woman paused, taking in Rickter's reaction. She wanted him understanding, not just feeling. Rathari were powerful creatures, especially wolven kind of that she knew well, but they were often so into their own instincts they forgot the human side, too. But Rickter was smart. If she couldn't make him like the girl, she could at least get him to sympathize. "I fully plan to rehabilitate her, make her well. But I hope that by the time she's strong enough to leave that she chooses not to. Because she will find no pack in those mountains. Nor in the city if she remains as feral as she is now. That is no way to live, and Telion knows that too. That's probably why she cursed at ya, and rightly so. She probably sees a bit of you in that kid, Rickter." Sure, a low blow and maybe a stretch. But Brianne was never one to mince words, and after that quarrel in her living room had no questions as to their relationship.

"So, you think you can juice 'er up for me? There's two more in a triangle formation around my house." She asked, changing the subject entirely. She'd let the weight of her words sink in to him. He'd never been one to talk much, and though she had practically given an entire speech, neither was she.

Back inside the house, Senara had waited until Rickter and the black haired bitch had left the house. Staring, glaring, absolutely burning with a corrosive mix of anger and fear that poisoned her bloodshot eyes. She wanted to run, to break herself from the new cage that bound her, but the damn thing was the same as his shield had been. Magic. Fucking magic. She could smell the aether that bound itself around the table, its clean crisp scent like the ocean nearly taunting her in it's purity. She growled, then flicked her attention to the blonde woman in front of her.

She would have dared the woman to come closer if they'd been in the mountains. But she wasn't. And she wouldn't. With a chuff she backed up against the furthest most wall of the aether-cage and continued her defensive squat, shoulders low, head ducked, legs tensed and ready to pounce if the aether faded. But in that position her hair shifted. Nearly as long as her own body, it brushed down her back and over her shoulders to reveal the long scar on the side of her back leg and thigh. The scarred skin glistened in the room lit both by the glow of the sun coming in the window and the lit sconces on the walls. Countless other scars matched that same shine, showing off a bloodied, painful history of bites and scratches made by other predators. But there were others, straight like a knife or a whip had been sliced upon her skin that littered her back. Barely a single inch of the girl was left without a mark, though the worst of it now was the oozing, bleeding bite shaped wound on her left shoulder blade. Clearly done by a predator intent at taking her muscle off with the first layers of skin, her recent shift had pulled the stitches from their places and left the once healing wound now re-opened. She was panting. Her blood smeared arm trembled as pain shot down through to her fingers and up her neck, tears threatening to spill from her eyes, but she didn't take her gaze from Telion.

The liar. The woman who'd healed her only to show up once again and do what? Claim her? Kill her? Whatever it was she wanted no part of it. And if it was one thing she'd learned over her years alive it was that people meant pain.

word count: 1362
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Title: Dabu
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As the one wild Rathari was caged by the the other civilized one, Rickter's reactions to the squeaks and growls she made were only that of an aggravated groan. After he prompted Brianne to show him where the wards were, he closed his hand around the dragonshards to hold them securely. On his way out though he did pay Telion another glance, the agitation in his eyes softening as he realized her stern gaze wasn't letting up. So... he'd actually angered her for once. Now that was a first for him, and yet, immediately after he realized it he felt a budding pang of regret in his heart. Protecting Telion was all he intended to do here, but at the same time, his emotions did bleed into his words earlier. He could tell she didn't approve of his attitude with the Rathari, and thus he looked away from her as well half defeated in turn.

He wouldn't waste time. As soon as the wards were recharged he'd come back to help, if Telion still needed it that is, in whatever way he could to make up for the actions earlier. Admittedly the wolf wasn't too keen about interacting with another Rathari still, but somehow that feeling paled in comparison to the light remorse he felt over Telion. In walking out he remained quiet the entire time, letting Brianne lead him away from the cottage front as he lingered for a moment, remembering to keep the anchor he'd made powered as he resumed the walk toward the first stop they were supposed to make. Though it wasn't far he still worried about the distance, unsure if he'd maintain the shield's power from where they were headed. As far as he could tell though it remained in place, so it was only over the matter of time he really needed to worry.

Rickter realized though while they walked and Brianne talked that Talon and Aoren had reached out to him, detecting his innate anger and protective instincts earlier, both curious as to whether he was doing okay or not as a result. "I'm fine." He clarified mentally as he imparted somewhat a sense of calmness now, albeit his heart still felt disquiet over what had taken place earlier. They offered him support of course in the form of warm, spiritual embraces that brought some ease to his rigidness. He did still have a task to focus on, however, and he was determined to wrap it up quickly if possible. He didn't like the idea of Telion being left alone in that cabin, not when that Rathari could easily turn back into whatever form she was before. Rickter recalled Brianne mentioning the word "wolf" earlier when she called after the beast, and in doing so he realized just how different they really weren't.

What's more the huntress resorted to sharing the story about that wolf, something that Rickter didn't wholly display a lot of emotion to when they walked. When they reached the block that bore the pictographs and scriptures for her ward, the wolf stood a foot near it to loom over it with his blue eyes fixated on the design. He really drew the bigger straw here didn't he? Even if he didn't comprehend the layout and structure of the Scrivening pictographs used, Rickter felt the design was somewhat a familiar structure, given what little he'd learned under Lyra's practice as of last season. Still, though all he needed to do was recharge the wards themselves, which meant the only thing required of him was just a bit of aether channeling. Nothing that he couldn't handle. During his observations he did a couple soft groans, receptively showing attention to Brianne's story without looking her way at all.

"Awful lotta fucking mountain lions down from the mountains." He noted in regard to the first half of the story, only pausing for a moment before he looked down into his hand. From the look of it each surface of the stone cube, the craftsmanship of it interesting to Rickter as well, were interconnected so the object itself served as the anchor. And from a closer observation, he could tell it was Spellwright's Ink that had been used, even the faint residual traces of aether beheld the imprinted scent of the magical ink from where he stood. "Sounds like suicide to me." He regarded lowly as he reflected on what he heard, over the bit where the wolf remained alone the entire time. A Rathari who'd decided to live out in the wild was something of an enigma to him for sure, as he couldn't imagine just surviving day to day out there alone. Granted he'd done lived through a similar situation in Kalzasi, that isolation had been something he'd brought upon himself.

So why didn't the b... The girl find a pack to live with if that were the case? He'd heard stories of other dire wolves, real dire wolves, living out within the mountains as they'd even come down to hunt. He thought himself lucky when there was no such pack lingering near camp that night. "Hold the fuck on..." Finally his eyes narrowed a bit as he thought more about it. The dire wolf that night... It didn't leave like it should've when Telion treated and fed it. Could that be the same wolf as this Rathari creature? Already he clenched a jaw, remembering the moment she'd pissed on the campfire to mark what was her's. No wonder why he could barely stand her... Brianne carried on with her intentions for the wolf, leading him to glance up to her as he knelt down close to the stone cube.

She then carried on with her point by elaborating on the reason as to why Telion reacted that way, causing the firm expression he wore to crack into a deeper frown in turn. Fuck if she wasn't right though, and deep down Rickter himself loathed that. Telion could see that the Rathari needed more than just a hand, she practically needed the whole damn training just to be civilized. Something he wasn't sure he felt entirely ready to commit to, until he looked down at the mark of Eminence that resided on his left forearm. "You want me to preserve justice... but what exactly is that in this situation? Hm?" He wondered with his thoughts reflected back on Arcas specifically, the wolf closing his eyes softly as he exhaled a somber sigh in turn. When he looked back down at the cube he placed one of the lesser Illumite shards atop the central figure, directly in the middle of the drawn circle where lines branched out to different shapes and scrawls. Whoever made this ward before him had to be a fucking expert at this shit, because the design was so damn elaborate he was willing to bet Telion wouldn't be able to figure it out.

That said though he knew what he needed to do, and the moment after she inquired whether he can juice it up or not, he held his left palm over the shard to channel his aether through it. Weaving the elemental properties within the shard into his aether, he then focused on merging his aether with what ambient aether remained within the ward. It was a slow and steady process, and in a way, he felt odd as though he were tampering with another Negator's construct, but given the intent was purely innocent he ignored that thought entirely. But as his aether merged with the aether of the ward, the lines on the cube began to glow a brighter yellow, the light within the Illumite shard doing the same before it started to gradually fade to a small light within. The wolf stopped channeling his energy then, his eyes opened on the shard itself as he lowered his hand down to grab it, pocketing it into his coat for later since it would have to be recharged as well.

The wards on the cube glimmered but hardly did anymore than that, leading the wolf to groan quietly as he placed the other lesser Illumite shard down. "Halfway done I guess..." He murmured to himself more than he did Brianne, his eyes briefly flicked her way though never settling on her when he started again. This time though when his hand hovered over the shard, he breathed out another sharp exhale through his nose, reluctant to admit what he was about to as he started channeling. "Truthfully... I don't know how to help her." He let that sink in for a moment as he watched the cube, the pictographs growing incrementally brighter as he did. "I wasn't raised Rathari, was even shocked when I discovered I was. So this is a bit out of my league..." The lesser shard started to dim as the first, signaling him to refrain from channeling more aether through it as the magical properties within were absorbed.

The pictographs glowed a brighter yellow once again, the wards on it activating as the Dread Mist around them started to recede away. "That said, I know Telion's right." Of course he knew. It was one of the reasons why he favored her so much, because no matter the situation she always knew what the right choice was. Somehow she could just follow her heart through any dilemma, while he did his best to follow her very example as a result. Often times he might've struggled, but it was when he pulled through it, that he learned to believe not in himself but in her. In the bond they shared, and the bond between him and the other two. It what got him through the Argent Hand trials, and what also led him to become the knight he was meant to be.

Meanwhile the bard herself had taken to approach the table, her expression somewhat glum as she looked to the Rathari beneath it. Despite what she might've done within her cage, the bard's only credible change was the look of sympathy in her eyes. "You poor thing..." She murmured as she observed the woman withdraw, shielding herself within her own limbs as she chuffed lightly to the bard. Seeing all the scars that marred her, however, the bard herself looked to be defeated in someway. "I'm sorry for this. Rickter is just..." Protective? She understood his intentions well, but she still didn't like his attitude earlier. Then again he too was a wolf after all, and she knew well that many of his emotions were driven by that nature of him. "I'll just... Here." Pausing she noted the burn mark on her leg, the scar tissue there glistening beneath the sweat on her thigh.

Moving around within the cabin she searched about, picking up a woolen blanket from one of Brianne's chairs, before bringing it back to the table with her. Lowering herself down to sit on her knees, the blonde looked to the Rathari once more with a smile both soft and forced. "You're probably freezing as you are. Cover yourself up with this." At the suggestion she slid the blanket across the floor, her hand passing through the barrier to leave it within its confines, leaving the blanket inside it as she pulled her hand back out and rested it in her lap. "Looks like you're still bleeding too. Hm." Yet she was told not to go within the barrier, and she didn't have any sort of magic to help her. Once more she felt defeated, puzzled by the obstacles set before her, yet driven to help out the Rathari in the best way she could.

"At least you managed to live, I had hoped you would." She admitted quietly with the gentle smile more genuine now, her hopeful eyes on the Rathari woman as she leaned closer to the barrier. "I can try to fix that for you," Telion used her own body to point at the spot in question, remarking on the wound that bled from the trapped girl, "If we don't patch that up in some way then it could get infected... Or you could pass out from losing too much blood."

She looked a little uncertain with herself then, but with determination in her eyes, Telion brought a hand up to the barrier Rickter made, her thoughts spent on sharing her aether with it in turn. If she had a way of mending wounds to a close, then she only needed to use that as a property to her own anchor. Only problem was she didn't, and that is what truly stumped her. "Will you..." She hesitated as the question was shared with a thought, or rather a prayer that was spared not just to Senara but somebody else. "Will you let me help you? Please?" She waited to see if there were any response, whether it came out of the wolf in front of her, or from something else that might've heard her plight.
word count: 2263
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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rianne was silent for most of the time after her story. That was all that was needed after all, and she preferred quiet to the chatter of casual conversation. But it still made her wonder; if Rickter was unwilling or perhaps unable to help the girl, who else would be able to? And more than that, who else would be willing. She furrowed her brow as the wolf worked, but cast her glances to the house that caged the other. No noise, which was probably a good thing, but that could change at any moment.

"I'm not asking you to know what you're doing." She said, moving to stand closer to Rickter. The woman brought her hand up to activate her own illumite yet again, and together walked with him towards the next block. "But besides the fact that you're the only other rathari I know, you're also food driven. And I have plenty of meat to throw your way in exchange." She smirked a bit, shoving hands in her pockets as they approached the next block behind her home. It looked just the same as the last, nearly an exact replica save for the position in the earth.

Brianne watched as he worked the second block, occasionally glancing to the house as he did. The rest of the task was completed without much word from the woman. The third block had been located at the front of the house and mirroring the first block. As the final thread of Rickter's aether filtered into the block the air blasted back, sending a light shockwave of energy outward and pushing the mists nearly a quarter mile out from the small cottage. Brianne sighed in relief as she watched the cloud of mists roll back.

"Ya did good. Let's get you some food and rejoin the girls." She said, waiting for Rickter before heading back towards her home.

Inside, Senara stared at the blonde woman in front of her with the hatred of a cornered animal. After all, she was one. Her intestines churned and flipped inside her as the adrenaline began to wane, but by sheer survival instincts alone she shook the feeling from her and welcomed the panic back into her muscles. It only served to heighten that feeling when the woman slid a blanket through the barrier. Freezing? She blinked. Looking down at her skin on her legs and arms she noticed it. Yes.. that must be the feeling she had. The chill on her skin that kept goosebumps raised up and her body trembling like a fearful rabbit. But why did she care?

With a chuff, Senara reached her arm out and with palm against the fabric, dragged the it back towards her aggressively. She bent down then, sniffing it for a moment before curling her fingers around it and starting to wrap it around her form. It was a strange movement. One one remembered from her childhood where she'd laid in bed and pull the blankets over her head. To hide, to keep the warmth in while her father had turned off the heat in her room to save money. It was the same.

Except it wasn't. This woman had nothing to gain from giving her a blanket, so why? Her expression briefly flickered with confusion, perhaps even an unknown spec of hope as she adjusted the blanket on her shoulders and ignored the woman's words. But perhaps like karma, the fabric rubbed against her wound and she hissed before shooting the woman a harsh glare through the barrier. But that very glare quickly change, her brows pushed upwards and trembed between confusion, resistance, and surprise.

She.. what?


A memory- similar words, that same kind tone. The same kind eyes.

'I won't hurt you, I promise.'

Senara shook it quickly from her mind.

No. Lies. Here she was cowering beneath a square of defaced wood while magic yet again caged her. Nothing about the situation could be trusted, and this foolish woman's 'hope' must be a trick.

But she kept speaking. Kept nearly begging, the smell of flowers and fucking sunshine filling her nose as her voice filled her ears. She couldn't stand it. 'Just shut up already!' She didn't care, she'd rot for all she cared if it meant keeping that woman from collecting whatever prize it is she wanted.

"Will you let me help you? Please?"

'I won't hurt you, I promise.'

Senara stared, hard. Her eyes shifting and dilating and weeping as she begged with her body to listen and simply stay put. But every word out of that damn womans mouth was like a sirens song to her injuries, and to her heart.
Before she knew it her body had moved on it's own, shifting on her feet and palms to shift her form to the edge of the barrier where Telion had positioned herself. Her heart would nearly explode out of her chest if not for her ribs holding it back. With each movement of her feet her eyes stayed locked with Telion, but the anger had begun to fade. And as she finally settled on the edge of the barrier with her wound turned towards the woman, her eyes held only fear of betrayal, and the little girl that once begged for kindness in the world resurfaced as she left her fate willingly in the hands of a stranger.
word count: 940
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Title: Dabu
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Seeing her huff sharply before reaching out to grasp for the blanket, Telion's lips gradually gave way to a faint smile with the patient expression she maintained. She understood that this woman before her had been living alone in the wilds, for years perhaps, and yet she found promise in the way she acted towards the bard. Telion's confidence with her also led to an interesting turn, for the Rathari didn't look at her so sharply as she did before, rather confused by the honesty of the bard as she tried to connect with her. There was also surprise at the fact Telion wanted to help her, an ode to the possibility that she had literally nobody to watch out for her; maybe even worse given how edgy she seemed around people in general. But when Teli saw her beginning to approach her, crawling closer and closer until the Rathari had reached the portion of the shield the bard sat at, the blonde couldn't help but gaze upon her fondly the closer she drew.

"Thank you!" She enthused in a near whispered tone, not wanting to discourage the woman with her voice now that she was close enough. Her eyes still beheld a sense of sympathy for the Rathari, though now with the wound there for her to observe more closely, she inspected it with a hint of curiosity that made her lips slightly pucker a bit. All those stitches had not only torn apart but torn some of the skin as well, likely from the shift that took place before the pair had arrived, for the bleeding hadn't quite ceased even where the Rathari sat. "Oh, dear..." She sighed at the work that would have to be done, admittedly a little in over her head in regards to the treatment process. Not that she wasn't ill practiced with a needle, but sewing flesh back together wasn't something Telion hadn't done. Ever.

Not that she wasn't determine to try and learn, the blonde easing back from the shield to glance around, her eyes curiously trying to locate essential tools that would help the cause. Brianne had to have done the stitches the first time had she not? That meant there had to be a kit somewhere around Telion could borrow, though the bard hadn't the slightest idea where to begin looking. "It's nothing serious but it's definitely bad, gonna take a bit of patchwork." She then told the Rathari softly with another lean to the side, using her hand as a prop to ease off her knees and stand on her feet. "I'm gonna look around and see if..." Her words were cut off by the warmth of a glow, a breeze wafting through the room as Telion could see shadows generated by light before her. When she turned to see what had happened, there stood someone who she had not expect to meet.

A woman dressed and veiled in white stood within the cabin, butterflies fluttered around her figure as she glowed softly with benevolence. Locks of auburn dangled over her shoulders, with a golden circlet worn atop her head beneath the veil. Telion's eyes widened at the sight of her as blue eyes fell upon the bard, the arrival of the lady met with Telion immediately bowing to her upon sight. "Stand dear child," Ioniri told her as the bard looked upon her confused yet humbled, "I came to see, and seen I have." The Draegir remarked with her gaze still on Telion, her blues eyes looking through her as though she stared at Senara as well. "You poor thing." Ioniri clutched a hand over her heart next as she approached Telion, a hand brought up to her cheek as she looked into her eyes. "You want to save this one, yes?"

The bard eagerly nodded.

"Just like you want to save others?" Another eager nod. Ioniri smiled then as she shifted to gaze past Telion this time, Senara been given a deeply pained look by the Draegir in turn. "The wounds on this one are deep child, you'll require more than my magic to heal them. But I believe you can, and you will with my help." Telion's eyes widened once again at the levity of her words, the tone of Ioniri almost motherly but with a sense of grace and wisdom. When she extended her hand out to Telion she held it up with an open palm, allowing the bard to take it as she hesitantly reached her left hand out. Ioniri placed her other hand above Telion's then, a knowing smile imparted to the bard as a gentle light glowed between her palms. When it settled more lights began to weave out from Telion's wrist, weaving their way up along her arm as they began to branch out. Shortly afterward though they faded, Telion's hand being freed moments after, as the bard looked upon her arm in awe at the gift that had been bestowed to her.

"It is imperative you grow strong in your own time child," Ioniri remarked with her fingers folded together as she hung her hands low before her, "the odds you face in the coming days are stacked." It was then Ioniri's eyebrows rose as though she noticed something, a slight turn to peer past her shoulder led one to wonder. "And that one will need you in the days to come." Her gaze seemed to follow the subject of her focus, almost as though she were watching someone beyond the walls of the cabin. Telion's glanced in the same direction as she wondered if the Demigoddess meant Rickter, in which she curiously looked back to the smiling woman as the butterflies rested on atop her head and shoulders. "We'll meet again, someday, Telion." It felt as though Ioniri had made a silent promise, the bard herself smiling wholeheartedly with a humbled bow made toward the Draegir.

At his own frustrations with the situation, Brianne's statement led him to furrow his eyebrows somewhat. How on Ransera was he supposed to help, when he hadn't the slightest idea with what to do? That was the crux of the issue here, although, in hindsight, her point was that it ultimately shouldn't matter. Because at the end of the day that Rathari, whether she chose it or not, was still in essence part human just like he was. This led to him chuffing a bit with an averted look away, his eyebrows raising once more when he looked to her at the mention of food. "Really woman?" He gave her a look before sighing afterward, with a bite of his lower lip done at the thought of all that meat. She really had him figured out then huh? He shouldn't have been surprised, granted food was one of the few things he never turned down. "I just love food is all, it has nothing to do with being Rathari." He declared with a pointed finger, determined to denounce any inclinations to think so, in case there were any instigated there to begin with.

The wolf walked with her to arrive at the second warded stone, taking two of the four minor Illumite shards and placing them down. He pretty much repeated the same process as he did before, only knowing that the minor shards held less aetheric charge than lesser, he continued to channel aether in through them until their glow finally withered. Upon losing their light the crystals cracked and dissolved into dust, the wolf still charging the ward with his own aether as the lines started to glow brightly like the first. Come the final block when they moved toward that one, it was exactly the same routine as the one he'd just finished, the third ward restored as the stone block seemed to gently hum before him. When the Dread Mist finally started to part back and give a wider radius to the cabin, the wolf looked up to watch the shifting fog pull apart to reveal the sky again. Above something was circle overhead, the mighty beat of wings sending spurts of wind down across the snow-covered ground.

It was a golden dragon. Still flying around in a circle it looked to be hovering above the cabin, leading Rickter to shift more defensively when he noticed it. Moments after they'd caught sight of it though, the great beast let out a roar into the mountain range overhead, before flying beyond the wall of mist that clouded their view. The wolf's eyes were wide with a sense of wonder, and yet horror as well, as his gaze faltered from the heavens back toward the cottage. Was that a sign? Seeing dragons was a rare thing for the wolf, the only one he'd technically seen being the one in the glimpses of Arcas' past. Glancing back to Brianne for only a moment he moved, eager to head back inside as he felt his aether starting to wane, meaning the shield wouldn't last much longer... and Telion would be in danger again.

Though when he reached the door and entered quick as can be, he didn't find Telion on the verge of being mauled as he feared. No instead a light faded out from before the bard, Telion herself looking from the spot where the Draegir had left to the wolf in turn. "Ricky!" The wolf's eyes widened but the relief quickly settled in them, his footsteps heavy as he tapped the snow off his boots before entering further.

"Telion the barrier." Right on queue the shield he'd generated no longer held a charge, the last of his aether spent after replenishing that last ward. Yet as the shield waned to release the Rathari, Telion turned around to gaze down at the woman that no longer remained caged. The wolf froze in place when he saw the bard kneel back down, a hand extended out to the other wolf as she gently smiled to her in turn.

"It's okay!" She said aloud in a soft, lilted tone for her and Rickter both to hear, the man himself holding his breath as he narrowed his eyes on the other Rathari. "I can help you now," Telion promised the Rathari as she waited, her expression endearing as she beckoned for Senara to come closer.
word count: 1777
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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atching Telion over her shoulder felt like betrayal. Betrayal of her own instincts, of the vows she made to herself when she was small and promised never to turn her back on danger. Never to be vulnerable lest it kill her. But the tiniest light through the darkness of the walls she had built for herself was shining through. Barely visible through the miasma, but flickering as it begged for one last chance.

'People mean pain.' She told herself.

'But what if they didn't? Maybe this one is different. Let me out, please-' The tiny, young voice sobbed through the storm of her survival inside. Through every minute of proof she had built for herself that said they were not to be trusted, the child inside her had clung to a single shred of proof that maybe they could be; Telion. The blonde woman who smelled like sunshine and hope.

Senara breathed heavy as Telion moved closer and flinched, the tremble in her muscles continuing as she struggled against her thoughts that told her to fight back and bite. It was the first time she felt herself fighting her instincts, and it showed upon her face. That was the thing about being human- in her wolf form her emotions wouldn't be known, her brows and her lips would not tense. But now they did, showing every flash of confusion, worry, distrust and hope that all fought to win her over.

The woman's voice was somehow soothing. The same as it had been that night on the mountains, soft, like the fluff of a rabbits fur, it was both innocent and honest. Senara chuffed at her, but in doing so brought forth a cough that shook her body and tensed her muscles with each wrech forward. As she stilled, her back to the woman, she noticed a bright light cascading across the floor. With a curious eye she followed it and turned herself to see a woman who glowed like the sun. The sudden appearance frightened Senara as something inside her screamed. Like the shadows within her soul were screaming at the blindingly radiant light she scittered back to the opposite side of the barrier with her chest heaving.

Her skin was on fire, her feet kept tangling in the mess of matted hair as she moved causing her to nearly trip over herself as the tendrils only further tangled. The blanket fell from her body as she settled in the back of the makeshift cage. From her position now she could see the lower half of each woman, and she listened as she stilled her heart with both hands firmly planted on the ground for stability. She couldn't see their faces, but like the butterflies that fluttered around the woman Senara's chest stirred. She felt eyes upon her, as if the draegir was looking through the table and directly at her. The very feeling sent chills through the rest of her body. But within moments the woman had vanished, though a part of her scent remained. Only this time, it was on Telion.

Suddenly Rickter crashed through the door, nearly ripping it off it's hinges causing Senara to flinch and growl.

"Hey be careful with that-" Brianne chastised, though her eyes widened as she beheld the sight before her. The light of the draegir was slowly fading from Telion as the woman looked onwards. She'd never seen anything like it before, but tales of such blessings such as this had been told throughout the skyguard in her years. But that didn't mean she wasn't worried, and looked to the table to see the barrier was just about to fade away. "Shit-" She exclaimed, seeing Ricky lean forward as if to intervene. But she quickly shot an arm out in front of him.

"No- let her do this." She said sternly, calming her own nerves as she looked ahead. "Do not interfere with a fate chosen by Draegir."

Senara was frozen, doubt and sweat coating her brow as she watched Telion gesture her hand out. The girl stared at her at first, hair caught in every crack and cranny in the floorboards and wrapped around chair legs as well as her own. Then her leg moved. Away from the blanket crumpled on the floor beneath her. The room was silent as she reached one foot, one hand, after another and crawled her way slowly towards her, each movement nearly retracted as she fought between fleeing and fighting. Her eyes shot from Telion and the other two across the room wildly as she did. When she finally got to the edge of the table close to the woman who smelled of sunshine she hesitated.

'I won't hurt you, I promise.'

With her breath held Senara looked at the hand in front of her and lowered herself to it. With curious sniffs, head flinching back with every movement the woman took, she studied her. Her hands smelled different. Warmer. The scent of the woman who'd just been there did not linger on Telion's skin but instead smelled like a part of her. Confusion wrinkled into her brow as she flicked her eyes up. With awkward movements she carefully shifted on her limbs, hair twisting around her body, to turn her entire back to Telion. This time, more of her back was visible. The large wound on her shoulder wept blood across her back and trickled over countless old whip scars like water traveling over pebbles in a stream as her flesh trembled from adrenaline and pain.

Memories of their time on the mountain flashed through her mind- the pain of searing flesh, the grasping of the woman's arms around her neck as if she'd intended to strangle her- Senara flinched from the memories as she looked over her shoulder at the woman with a clenched jaw, trembling in the cold of the room as she wondered...

Is this... safe?

word count: 1025
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The wolf heard the woman beneath the table growl his way, a for a moment he felt inclined to return the message, except he knew that wouldn't help the cause at all. Not when Telion was the one in the middle of two predators, both ready to project their own sense of dominance over what they wanted. No. He didn't need to think like that, she was a Rathari not an animal. He went to move closer but Brianne gripped his arm, the wolf quick to glare at her before she pointed it out. Fate.

Telion had been met by one of the Draegir, just as she and Rickter met Galetira, and the wolf encountered Arcas himself at the end of it all. Indeed the bard had met with one of the divines, having been given a new purpose with the power bestowed to her. The bard looked to him then, nodding in turn to the suggestion, which led the wolf to clench his jaw with a firm nod. He hated this. He hated her putting herself in harm's way, risking herself just for the sake of another's wellbeing. Yet he knew who Telion was as well, and he knew she never had the heart to abandon another. While he would've rather reinforced her personal safety, he grudgingly allowed her to carry on with her intent as before.

After all, the Rathari was wild but not unhinged, and from the looks of it she started to move, her eyes flicking around between Telion had the other two who watched. Rickter's gaze was firm and unyielding, a sense of protection now adjoined with the look of nearly pleading eyes. Telion had knelt back down to allow the woman to crawl back to her, letting her hand be sniffed as though it were a social norm for the girl. Then again it made sense in hindsight, seeing as how canines relied on scent for social curiosity. Hell Rickter wasn't ignorant to the fact he relied on it often, it did have its perks when it came to tracking a subject in particular. Scent tracking aside he started to see the angle that Telion was going with, letting the Rathari cross her own boundaries to find a sense of comfort. And of course, it worked because the stray drew closer to Telion, her own expression wracked with hopeful, yet terrified, curiosity in regards to what she had allowed herself to do.

Shortly after drawing close and sniffing the Rathari turned to sit in a position once more, this time baring to them all the amount of scars that wracked her body. Now he could see it... The wild that stemmed from her wasn't of pure natural chaos, she was genuinely conditioned into a state of survival over her years. Rickter couldn't see it but Telion was about ready to tear up at the sight of her, her hands shaking as she saw just how deep her wounds and her suffering had been. "Oh, wow..." She gently gasped before clearing her throat, her hands brought close for a moment as she just basked in the moment. The poor girl before had endured so much, been through so much alone, that it was no wonder she held no regard for people. Nobody had granted her the kindness she needed, until today, when the bard adjusted to rest higher on her knees, her hands brought up slowly over the bleeding shoulder.

"You've been hurting for so long..." Telion almost sounded like she ached in observing this, as aetheric lines traced from her forehead down along her temples and cheeks, the markings weaving their branches down her neck and body, as they spanned onward towards the very hands that hovered above the wolf's wound. "But now you won't." The quake in her tone lessened as her hands emitted a soft blue glow, the light weaving its rays down into her wound as a numbing warmth began to soothe her pain. "You don't have to anymore, because you're among friends now." Her focus didn't wane as Telion fixed her attention on the wound more, understanding that she didn't need to necessarily stitch anything anymore. All she needed was to believe, believe and understand what it was she healed. Thus the glowing wound began to mend to a close gradually, the torn fragments of her skin stitching itself back together, as the healing power Telion used restored her wound completely.

As the last of the light faded from her palms all her markings receded, the bard releasing her held breath as a sigh after the completion of her work. After allowing Senara the chance to see that the wound had been healed, Telion gave her a soft and hopeful grin with her arms held out in an open gesture. "Hug?" She sheepishly suggested as she waited to see if the Rathari would understand, let alone proceed to go through with such a gesture.

"Every side attacks you, when you don't take sides."
word count: 915
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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