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Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 9:40 pm
by Paragon
55 Frost 120 Steel

It had been two days since the arrival of the Dread Mists. It had been two days since the explosive powers cascaded through the Warrens warping and twisting that which they came into contact with. It had been all the Sky Guard and the Circle of Spells could do to fend off the chaos. A perimeter had been established around the city proper and those immediate settlements just around it. Torches topped with illumite dragonshards formed a first line of defense against the corrosive nature of the mists. The people of the city and the surrounding settlements were issued warnings about traversing the roads or any of the wilderness for that matter. The worst of the mists had dissipated after the first day. It had not lasted terribly long and the authorities were still discovering exactly how much had been damaged. The Shokaze himself had been working alongside the Sky Guard and the Circle to ensure the safety of the people in his city.

But today was different.

Today, something stirred within the mists. The dragonshard torches had fizzled out in some areas, forcing the Circle of Spells and the Guard battlemages to reallocate resources to certain areas across the city. But none of that concerned the family of wagoneers that was well equipped to handle such things. A family that had made a quiet name for itself among the commoners of the Low-City as a people steeped in honor, who faced the dangers of roads with bravery and who had a bed to offer to those in need of it most. The Rayunia family had come to be respected among the common folk of Kalzasi. To those that knew them, they knew that they had friends willing to help them. To those that knew them, the Rayunia’s were people that could be trusted.

It was that trust that had led Falrisona to step into the wilderness in search of a young man. A boy, really, who had gone off into the wilderness in search of viable game that had not been tainted by the Dread Mists in order to feed his family. The broad shouldered Hytori knight walked calmly through the paths of the forest. He carried no obvious weaponry with him though he was armored in the vestments of a proud warrior and ranger who had traveled through the forests time and time again. He walked without fear of the Dread Mists. For what reason could he have to be afraid?

A warmth filled him. It had been over a century since he had felt this warmth but he could never forget it. The feeling had been with him as a boy and then as a man. It had been with every knight that had fought against the Cult of Mending in that war so long ago. Falrisona drew in a deep breath and felt invigorated in a way that he had not in such a long time. The Dawnmartyr Order had been scattered to the winds, hunted by the Gelerian Imperium for a secret that he was sworn to take with him to his grave. Before that, they had been forced to sacrifice so much in order to save the world from its own darkness. Following the final battle in the shadow of the Godspire, Falrisona had know the exact moment that He had fallen. It had been like a light had gone out in him. The warmth that had so invigorated his soul had been snatched away like a blanket caught in the winds of a bitter blizzard. But that warmth had returned. It had returned to him.

His grandson had shared with him that he had recognized the warrior. Falrisona was not going to lie, there had been several moments over the past few days that he had been tempted to seek this warrior out. Would he remember? Would he know? Falrisona could recall the day he had received his Emblem the first time. He had been filled with such hope. It had given him the strength to push through the dark days that lay ahead. He looked down at the mark upon his body. It meant so many things. As he stood there, thinking on what lay ahead he took in a deep breath, tugged his glove back on and returned to searching for the young man. He had taken no more than a few steps when something caught his ear. He heard it before he saw it. Having spent a lifetime as a knight and a warrior, Falrisona merely reacted. He summoned his blade and spun with a flourish that deflected the ball of fire that had been careening straight for him. In his other hand he summoned a shield of arcane power to protect his body.

He deflected another bolt of fire, sending it crashing into the foliage around him stirring the dread mists lingering in the area hissing into the air. The flames were wrapped into the fold of the mists, turning them a sickly eldritch green. Falrisona was on high alert then. He gripped his sword tightly, eyes scanning the area until they fell upon a shadow that moved within the flames. As the figure stepped past them and into the immediate field, the Hytori knight felt his blood go cold.

“You!” The figure came to a stop.

“It has been a long time, Falrisona. I was beginning to wonder if your line had finally been wiped out.” The knight narrowed his eyes.

“You are not welcome here.” He kept his senses alert as the shadows around them began to gather. “Leave this place, or I will be forced to bring you to Justice for your betrayal.”

The figure laughed.

“Oh, my dear Falrisona.” The green flames suddenly surged higher. Falrisona readied his stance. The eyes that stared out from beneath the shadowy hood burned with malice. “That is exactly why I am here.”

Falrisona did not hesitate. He moved. He would not let this one get to his family. He would not let this evil stand. He charged forth, summoning not just his own strength but the faith he had in the returned one. He silently prayed that this would be the only fight he had to call upon such strength. The figure laughed.

The fires rose higher.

58 Frost 120 Steel

The Rayunia family had called every member to the wagons. The call had been urgent. The message had been clear. The head count had been started as soon as each member of the family had arrived. Every elder, every able bodied adult and every child. The final count had confirmed what they had already suspected.

Falrisona was missing, along with two sons of the family, and four children.

Fear was strong among some of the younger members of the family. Had they been discovered? Had they been hunted? Where were the missing ones? Had they been hurt by the Dread Mists? But most importantly, what were they going to do? It was Taselia Rayunia that brought the family to order as they discussed things.

“We must not panic. Fear is the enemy. Now then, when was the last anyone saw of them?” There were murmured answers. Reports of where those missing had been seen, what they had been doing and in what direction. Taselia took in this information both as the patriarch of his family and the most senior knight among them.

“We must--” He was cut off by the voice of Sarino, his wife.

“Wait. Where is Pahoran?” The gathered looked among them until one of them spotted the young Sky Guard.


The letter had been delivered to Pahoran. It had read simply.

“If the life of your family holds any worth to you, come to the chapel. Come alone.”

In it was included a map depicting the Wildking’s Forge, the great woodland of the Northlands of Karnor. Deep within the forest was the marked location.

That was what Pahoran had been given. That was what he carried with him as he arrived at the gathering of his family.

Re: birthright

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2021 3:15 pm
by Pahoran

58 Frost 120 Steel

The days falling the Dread Mist arrival and the chaos in the Warrens, were crazy hectic as the Sky Guard as a collected body was pulled on duty for the purpose of protecting the city and monitoring the Mist and the Warrens. The young knight had worked hard side by side with the others of the guard. While at the same time Pah received and sent messages from his family. At this point in his career he didn’t have many worries about sharing with his family, as not let squires know anything secret. He also trusted his family that they were discrete, far more so then many of his fellow soldiers. Lastly he was well aware part of the reasons they chose here to live was it was an honorable city that at least attempted to help its people, even if as with all cities it sometimes failed to do so.

So it was that he was vaguely aware that his grandfather Falrisona was heading into the woods to search for the lost boy. Pah didn’t really thing much more of both his grandfather were fairly skilled, with both the blade, magic and just general surviving. The note he had received was still in the pile of letters he had neatly shoved into his trunk as the days were long and the free time they had was consumed with sleep and eating. It was here that Pah was grateful for the life his family had lead. Longs days, and sleep full nights, stirred together with wholesome cooking. Pah awoke each day refreshed though not eager to face the trials of that day.

By the 58th though the long days while still there where not required of every guard member. Pah was eating his breakfast when the first note arrived. His ice blue eyes took in the piece of paper and he finished stuffing the rest of the toast into his mouth and then brushed the crumbs off his fingers as he picked up the note. He had received at least one note each day with an update so while he was curious, he didn’t feel anything critical about it. The contented expression on his face fell as his eyes swept across the note. It actually didn’t have all that much information.

“Missing Among the Cows.”

Pah’s hand shook just a bit as he folded the paper and stood up. With the movements of someone with a mission he made his way to his bunk where he finished getting dressed and armored up. While no one was looking the young popped the noted in his mouth and chewed it up. The young man was sure who or when, but he knew of the cations the family took, and even if it wasn’t to do with the Imperium he wasn’t going to leave something so obviously in code laying around.

It was while he was making sure he had everything out of his trunk that he picked up another letter, that he was positive hadn’t been their earlier and wasn’t from his family. He carefully opened the letter even as he was finishing chewing up his family’s message. The first page as a map and the second page was a very brief note.

“If the life of your family holds any worth to you, come to the Chapel. Come alone.”

Pah felt his eyes narrow and anger rising in his gut. He flared his nostrils as he worked to control his anger and folded the map and note back up. He slipped it into his pock and then looked down at his hand as he flexed envision the feel of his blade in his hand. He then closed his hand into a fist and walked out of the room.

It took a bit of convincing, but he soon was excused and found himself flying across the city just under the curtain of the touchers that kept what ever was left of the mist at bay. The white winged knight expression cold and his ice blue colored eyes were as frigid as their actual color. Pah specifically steered clear of any other Avialea’s who were in flight.

Due to the distance and some of the ropes he had to jump through he was the last person to arrive. He slipped in quietly and took his seat at the back row. By the time he had arrived they were already trying to figure out who when anyone had last seen his grandfather, and uncles and cousins. Pah waited quietly as the conversation continued. He had stuff to say and he would share the letter, but there was enough chaos that he would wait to add his.

As things settled down Pah heard his grandmother ask where Pah was. The young sky guard stood up from where he was in the back. He then took a deep breath and with a flap of his wings fly/jumped over those in front of him and landed by his grandfather. Taselia looked at his son with a question expression. He could see his grandson’s frigid expression, an while the boy’s ice blue Hytori eyes could give someone the impression that he was cold, anyone who knew him knew he was a warm person so to find him looking this way spoke of something stressing him.

Pah couldn’t really speak so just pulled out his note and handed it to his grandfather, his jaw flexing as he fought to control his frustration. The older Avialea took the letter as a silence settled upon the family. It didn’t take long for him to read both sheets before handing them back to his grandson. He turned to the family at large.

“We have some answers now, but as is often the case we now have more questions.” As Taselia spoke Pah handed the letter so both of his grandmothers could see the note, and then his parents, but Taselia looked at Pah. “What are you going to do.”

“I will do what the letter says.” Pah said in responses. “If I can help the family, and bring them back, or at least bring back answers will be worth it.”

“Son.” His mother said. “You are talented but there are other who have more skills then you.” Her expression was concerned.

“Your right mother, but you, father and the other elders, now that we know there is someone out there, need to protect the family.” Pah said looking around the silent crowd. “My brothers and sisters have spouses and children to help protect. Anyone else would stand less of chance then me. I don’t know why I received this letter, maybe because I am in the guard, but it came to me specifically, and I stand in the best position to help protect the family in this position.”

There weren’t any happy faces but he could see the nods of agreement as he presented his case. The highest ranking members of the knights/family gathered together and spoke in quiet voices. After a whispered conversation they turned and looked at Pah. The look they gave him wasn’t the look for loving relatives but dedicated knights. He saw the face of the Dawnmatryrs. “We are in agreement with your analysis of the situation and will support you in this. Though we do suggest that you take your cousin, Knight Ikena with you to the edge of the Forest.” They looked to a dark haired young man who stood by the entrance. He stood at attention as those expression faced him. Pah turned and nodded his head in agreement. The fellow youth was one of the grandchildren of Taselia twin brother who had been recruited when the family returned to the city. “I want you to keep an eye out for Pah’s return, but also keep yourself safe.”

The two knights nodded as the family began to prepare for there departer. A bag of food and supplies was prepared for each of them as well as basic medical supplies. It was soon that they were ready and the two took to the air.

Normally the two cousins would be chatting, but not this day. Instead the two actually flew separately. His cousin had taken off first and headed into a different direction and then would turn later in his flight to head in the same direction. So it was that when Pah launched into the air he appeared alone. Higher up into the air he went until he could catch a wind currently that would help carry him across the distance between the city and the great Wildking Forge Forest.

Pah wanted to just rush there, but he had no clue what was waiting for him at his destination. So he took a calming breath and maintained a steady pace. There were currents higher up that could carry him faster, but he also knew that they were much wilder and what ever speed benefit he could gain could easily be exchanged for exhaustion as he fought to keep control. As it was he was riding much higher then he normally did since around the city it wasn’t as necessary to go so high especially since the city created its own air currents.

Path kept things about the various events that had happened over the past few days, and took a deep breath. The young man wasn’t sure, but he believed that something was awakening in the world, and forces were beginning to move. There patron was back, the Dread Mist had arrived, and now parts of there family were missing.

Soon Pah saw his cousin off in the distance but a ways behind him. Pah glanced back ahead and continued his flight towards the forest plan in hand.


Back in camp Calistra Valisinia, wife to Falrisona, proud mother and grandmother stepped into her wagon, and turned to look as her Aidolon who materialized in front of her. After all of the time together the two had come to almost reflect each other in appearance, and her husband would swear that his wife had changed just as much as the spirit.

“How can I help?” It asked.

“I fear the biggest danger lies in that forest.” Calistra said.

“Do you want me to stop it.” The sprit Artsilac whispered back.

“No.” the grandmother said. “I am not sure you can. Besides it is time for Pah to prove himself.”

“Do you want me to keep an eye on him?” Artsilac asked.

“Keep an eye on both of them, but keep yourself safe, and don’t endanger the rest by showing up.” Calistra said. “We have enemies older and more dangerous then the Imperium, and I don’t want this to turn into a slaughter because of our curiosity.”

The two hugged in there unique way and then the spirit depareted. The Hytori Knight mage felt the tears trickling down her face as set about to keep herself busy.

Re: birthright

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 6:46 pm
by Paragon

Silence reigned over the woodlands that was the Wildking’s Forge. The great forest had stood the test of time across the ages, with not a single nation on all of Ransera having ever been able to conquer its vast mysteries. The closest to come to such a feat were the Dratori of Dalquia that chose not to conquer the forest but to live within it. Their lands however, were further to the south but it was not uncommon to see families of them living elsewhere in the woods. But all seemed to have been consumed by an expectant hush, as though the forest itself were waiting for something. Through the branches over the towering trees, the prismatic sheen of Dread Mists could be seen drifting over the ground. It seemed that not even the deep places of the woodlands had been spared the appearance of the tide of chaos. The destination was a full day’s travel away from the city of Kalzasi, deep within the woodlands. With haste, Pahoran and his cousin would be able to be there by nightfall. But there was no telling what awaited them in the dark of the night.

Time passed and the forest stretched onward, a never ending ocean of trees until...the silence was broken.

A young man’s scream echoed. Followed by a roar.

Through the threes, a young man could be seen. He wore the clothes of a commoner. On his back was a quiver but keen eyes could see that his bow had fallen to the ground. He was nursing a wounded leg as in front of him, two monstrous looking bears were pacing toward him. Their fur was matted and mangled. They looked to be creatures tainted and poisoned by the chaotic mists that had spread across the forests and that still lingered. The young man was holding up a shortsword as he slid over the ground trying to back away from the advancing bears.

Pahoran had a choice to make. Unaided, the young man would surely die, devoured by the two mangled bears that were advancing on him. But was this stranger’s life worth delaying saving his family? His grandfather, his cousins, the two uncles that were missing? What state were they in? They had been taken and there was no telling by who or what. A delay in saving them could mean that any one of them might be lost forever. For saving this stranger’s life would certainly mean that Pahoran’s arrival to the chapel would be delayed. And what then? What would they do with an injured person?

The young man cried out as one of the bears tried to bite at his boot. He kicked it and scrambled away, still holding his shortsword in an unsteady grip. That was when another threat presented itself. The sleek form of a black furred wildcat prowled through the shadows, visible only in spurts. It slowly began to makes its way toward the young man from the rear, completely out of sight. From Pahoran’s vantage point, it was plain to see that to intervene would be a fierce battle.

Pahoran could intervene. But at what cost? The clock was ticking and who knew how much time was left.

Re: birthright

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2021 6:43 pm
by Pahoran

58 Frost 120 Steel

Pah had flown over the fields and farms of his adult home. It was one of the benefits of flight over using his feet. He could make a straight line towards the forest instead of having to follow the ground and cede to its demands. Instead of going around hills and estates, he could just fly over the homes, and hills. Pah generally followed the road heading to the forest, but again he could just make a straight line instead of the weaves of the road.

The young man when flying would have enjoyed weaving in and out, following his gaze to see what was over there or around that hill, but these hours were spent focused on the forest ahead of him, but also keeping an eye out on those who watched as he passed. You new knew if they really planned for this to occur at the cathedral or if there was plan to attack or confront him sooner.

Eventually though he and his cousin made it to the edge of the forest. They both stopped and decided to settle on a hill outside of the forest and have a meal. It wasn’t much but perfect for what he needed for the coming event. They both chewed on jerky, as well as bread that had been packed by their family. The two men were quiet, any other time they would have talked more but both knew this was just not the time.

“Okay. I am heading forward.” Pah said taking his cousin’s hands and squeezed.

“I will be here.” He said squeezing back. “Fly carefully, remember the bats.” Was his advice. Then he said. “Remember to send me up a flair if you need something.” Pah took flight again. He glanced back to see his cousin had also taken flight and was settling into one of the trees to keep a better view on him as he flew farther and farther over the forest.

It was a while later that he was confronted with the screams of the young man. Pah looked down and took in the scene of everything occurring under him. He was aware of the risk he faced, but he also knew what his grandfather would say. He felt concern for family, but they were knights and they had made oaths. Pah also felt some responsibility as mist influenced bears were most likely a result of the events that had happened earlier that week with the return of the Orders patron. It was possible something could happen to his family, but he knew something was happening here.

Pah quickly dived for the bear with the most least cover from the canopy. He aimed to land on the bear's back, pulling his wings in so that the as much weight as was possible would slam into the bear. As he dropped down he summoned his blade and positioned in so that not only would his weight slam into the bear, but the blade would have the power to penetrate the bears spine. Once he came in contact with the creature he would pull the blade back out and stab at another spot on the spine. Then he would launch himself back into the air and leap back trying to draw the other bear’s attention.

“If you want to live get your bow and kill the cat sneaking up on us, or flank this creature and stab it. Unless you want to die in which case I have other things to do.” Pah said as he worked to dodge, and thrust with the other bear. Pah made use of his greater mobility, and his bulk and height. While he was out weighed by the bear, his height and own muscle mass made this more of a fair competition as did his ability to rise above the battle field. It would still be a fight.

Re: birthright

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2021 10:45 pm
by Paragon
The snap of bones breaking beneath brute force could be heard as Pahoran came down from the skies. His blade cut through the bear’s spine with the full weight of his body behind it. The young man on the ground looked dumbstruck for a moment as his eyes widened not in fear, but surprise. He did his best to scramble to his feet.

He was stopped short as the sleek form of the shadowy feline suddenly leapt forward. Its jaws opened wide, its claws were extended as with a growl of predatory ferocity it jumped onto the bear that was rising up to swipe at Pahoran. The cat looked almost like a tiger but its fur was a deep midnight black. The stripes along its body were a deep cerulean. The jaws of the tiger clamped down on the bear’s neck, eliciting a howl of pain and anger from the diseased animal. It shook itself, claws swiping at the tiger, sending the great cat flying across the open space.

The ravenous bear charged Pahoran, howling loudly as it bounded across the ground to tackle him. The bear reared back, going up on its hind legs only for an arrow to find its way to the animal’s throat. It let out a groan before another arrow flew through the air. The bear stumbled, as brackish blood oozed from the wounds. It growled but pressed forward, half-stumbling and heaving as it finished its charge toward the white winged Avialae. It took a swipe at the young warrior but the movement was easily something dodged. With each swing its movements became more sluggish, leaving it perfectly open to be finished off by the proud warrior. When finally the bear would fall, that left only the shadowy tiger that growled threateningly as it prowled toward the bow wielding young man. Before Pahoran could strike at it however, the young man threw himself between the young knight and the large cat. He wrapped one arm around it and held the other up to ward the warrior’s advance off.

“Don’t kill her! Please!” The tiger remained staring at Pahoran but it seemed to have calmed down somewhat. It peered at the young knight with intelligent eyes. After eyeing Pahoran warily for a moment, the tiger turned its head to gently bunt the young man’s face. He hugged the great cat tightly for a moment as he wobbled to his feet.

“She is a yarobai. A guardian.” The young man smiled. “They are drawn to the brave and pure of heart.”

The young man tried to take a step forward. His legs wobbled and he fell to the ground with a hiss in pain. The dark furred cat seated herself, tail swishing lightly over the ground as it stared at Pahoran expectantly. The young man groaned before managing to sit himself up. He let out a pained breath.

“Apologies, warrior. I...I do not know if I can walk properly right now. Those bears chased me for quite a bit.” He gave a pained chuckle. One hand came to cover the wound in his leg. He winced. After a moment he looked up to the Avialae.

“Kilian.” He extended a hand to Pahoran. Kilian wore the vestments of a woodland traveler. The heavy leather boots on his feet had seen many roads. He wore padded leather armor over his torso. His belt had several pouches on it. The hilt of a dagger stuck out of one boot. A quiver was primed and ready to be used with his bow which was nearby.

Re: birthright

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2021 3:13 pm
by Pahoran

58 Frost 120 Steel

Pah spent little time worrying about the dead bear except as a new obstacle to avoid as he battle danced across the ground when fighting the next bear. Pah noticed the cat approaching as he disentangle himself from the now dead bear and prepared to engage the other sick bear. It was a pleased surprise when stalking cat decided to go for the bear instead of the easier target.

The young knight would have liked pay a bit more attention to the cat and its behavior but the fight skills were working. He assured the threat and acted. The cat at this moment wasn’t attacking either of the humanoids. So the focus was on the bear but Pah didn’t ever let himself loss track of the cat. This bears behavior was certainly a side effect of the trice cursed mist. Pah’s blade was ready as the cat clamped onto the creatures neck.

The cat was eventually tossed aside and the battle between blade, arrow and claw. The warrior was appreciative as two arrows found their way into the mad bear’s neck. The other man had paid attention to the his call. The bear was taller as it reared then Pah but that didn’t worry him so much as the sheer mass of the creature.

Pah began the dodging dance. Some of the show off swordsman would have been appalled at how he dodged with the occasional stamp. The creature was weakening and getting slower.

Pah saw the moment and flailed his wings as he jumped so that he was just slightly higher then the bear and tamed his blade through the creatures eye and straight into the diseased brain. Pulling his wings in he held onto the blade and as he group back to the ground yanked the blade back out.

The bear roared even as Pah leaped out of the way his wings tightly against his body to keep them out of the way as the creature collapses. Pah watched only a moment as blood spread from the creatures wounds and the now brain dead body twitched.

The warrior turned to the cat. His weapon was ready for action but wasn’t raised as a threat. The creature had been helpful and Pah would rather not kill such a creature. His ice blue eyes watched the interaction and while his presences was threatening as the young man dived in the way and called for him to stop, the creature wasn’t in any immediate danger.

Pah watched the two but held his weapon still in cause on any other dangers. He could see the friendship between the man and his cat. It was now that the young man got the chance to really look at the creature. He didn’t know much about the great cats of the world but it looked impressive with its dark coloring and vibrant strips.

Pah kept a wary eye out for other hungry or even mad visitors to this spot. He looked back as the young man explained about his cat companion. His ice blue gaze grew respectful that the man had earned such a companion. He hadn’t really ever heard of such a creature so was a bit weary about both actually. The young man looked friendly enough and looked dressed for travel.

Pah moved forward and switch his blade to his other hand shook the young man’s hand. “Pahoran.” He said in responses. He looked down at the injury and gave an internal sigh. He allowed his blade to return and paused for a moment as the pain hit him. His eyes flashed for a moment and he fought to contain the hiss of air that escaped his through his clenched teeth.

Pah then fighting through the lingering pain knelt down an began to pull bandages out of his pack. Pah wasn’t a medic but if one was in the wilds knowing how to bandage a wound was fairly basic. He looked the young man in the eyes as he went through his pack. “I am very glade that I could help and it is very nice to meet you and your Yarobai.” He nodded at the guardian “We do need to address some logistics.” He paused and said. “I need that leg out of that pant leg to get it patched up.” He looked into the bag to give him some privacy, unless the man indicated he needed help removing the leg from the pant.

“Did you have a specific destination?” He looked asked once everything was easy for to treat the injury. “I actually do have a destination and it is fairly critical that I get there.” He smiled at the young man, “though I am glade I can help you.” He pulled out a bottle of alcohol. “This will hurt” he said as he poured the powerful medicine over the wound with one hand while holding the leg in place with the other. Once that was done he let it work for a moment and continued to speak. “So we have a choice at this point.” He said glancing between his patient’s leg and his face. The friendliness had return to his face but there was still resolve in his eyes. “If you feel up to it you and your guardian can make your way out of the forest.”

The young man pulled out the clean bandages and slipped them under the young man’s leg. “If you like you can even head towards where my cousin is waiting.” He then be patted the area dry making sure that there wasn’t anything like rocks or such in the wound. “Or we can build a fire. Normally I would say that would keep the animals at bay but with the mist I am no sure if they will still behave that way.” He then began to wrap the bandage. He had been taught how to do this by father who wasn’t gentle but was effective. “You then can either stay by the fire and wait for me to come back or we can get you up a tree, carefully light a torch and signal my cousin and he can come to you.” Now the bandage was tightened and tied off. “Your last option is to come with me. I have no clue what waits at my destination, but we would have to be quick. “Pah said all of this very causally and also with a deal of comradeship. They had just fought together. The young knight’s expression was honest and Ernest as he looked between his two new companions.

Re: birthright

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2021 5:10 pm
by Paragon
“Well met, Pahoran.” Kilian shook the warrior’s hand in as firm a grip as he could muster. At the mention of the yarobai, he reached up to gently run a hand over the great cat’s fur. The beast leaned into Kilian’s touch, nudging the young man with a low whine. “I will be okay.”

The yarobai peered at Pahoran curiously, intelligence clear in its eyes. She stood to her feet, padding forward to sniff at the white winged Avialae curiously. As her nose was tickled by the feathers of his wings, she chuffed and snorted, shaking her head. Seemingly content to leave her companion to being tended to by the big warrior, the large cat began prowling the perimeter of their immediate surroundings. When Pahoran gave Kilian a few directions, he sat himself up straighter. Tugging off his boot he hissed as he carefully tugged off the pant leg in order to expose the wound. It was a deep gash, down to the muscle. The bleeding was slow and fortunately was not pulsing meaning no arteries had been severed.

“I am looking for my brother.” He turned his head in the direction of the forest. His jaw flexed as Pahoran poured the alcohol onto his wound. The muscles in his body tensed but he did not call out. When the sting passed, he let out a low breath.

“The last I heard about him, he was in this forest headed to a sacred place.” He gave Pahoran a sad smile. “I know of only a few places that fit the description. Sadly, one of them I am far from prepared to face. So I am searching for the other.”

After his leg was bandaged, Kilian gingerly put his leg back into his pants. He tugged on his boot and carefully pulled himself to his feet. It was then that the yarobai came to stand beside him, using her body weight to offer support. He let out a breath, blinking up at Pahoran as the difference in their height and size became apparent. Kilian was not a short man and he was possessed of the build of a strong man accustomed to labor and activity, but the white winged warrior had roughly a foot over him.

“That depends on what your destination is, friend. I must find my brother or at least find out what has happened to him. I will not abandon my search.” He looked over the warrior. “You look as though you are prepared for a great battle. If I can get my belongings, I may have a few things to help us along the way. I do not know what awaits us either. But I hope...”

A surge of emotion passed over the young man's face as he looked toward the north. His jaw flexed before falling silent. He shook his head. Kilian pointed toward a forest trail. The path wound deeper into the forest.

“I encountered the bears further ahead while on my way to my camp. Hopefully my belongings are still there. If we can grab them, I may have something to better help with this leg. I may not be able to fly, but I promise I can hold my own.”

Re: birthright

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 5:58 pm
by Pahoran

58 Frost 120 Steel

Pah was impressed with the young man. The wound was nasty, and Pah was more then aware oh how pure alcohol felt on a wound. He did feel that his bandage would actually help a lot. While it would hurt and if not stitched up soon would leave a splendid scare, the lack of flowing blood was an excellent sign. Despite it all he also gave a firm handshake.

The blue eyed man calmly watched as the cat approached and sniffed at his wings. His lips turned up in amusement as creature sneezed. He nodded at the cat with respect and acknowledging it. He felt that this creature might be a good sign. So while Kilian worked to pull on his pants Pah answered the young man’s questions. His expression was thoughtful. Internally while he was impressed with the young man he also hesitated completely trusting him.

He nodded his head as the man explained he was searching for his brother. He also noticed that Killian was looking for his brother at a sacred site in the forest. Pah weighted his options and final spoke up saying. “I am looking for a couple of my family members who apparently are at a old chapel here in the forest.” Pah stood up and opened a water bottle and began to carefully wash any spot she found with blood. He wasn’t particular concerned about the blood being there, but he was trying to decrease the sent that was on him. “If we are heading in the same direction then I don’t mind having two fellow warriors with me.” He said looking at the cat as well as he spoke. Internally he also though that it would be better then having someone a possible enemy behind his back. Pah was fine with allowing the young man to prove himself and he did want to help him find his brother as well.

He did look at the young man as he explained about his camp. Pah tilted his head. “Lets find you camp quickly then.” Pah looked very seriously. “I would like to hear more about why your brother wandering in the woods, but lets hurry to the camp and get your some supplies.” Pah stepped up an put a hand on Killian’s shoulders. “We will find answers to our questions. Okay I will fly above you and you companion,” Pahoran paused and looked at the cat with a raised eyebrow. “I am sorry I missed the name.” He paused and waited for an answer. “I will see what I can ahead and then drop back down and join you.” Pah waited for any comments before he took to the air. He allowed himself to glide preferable at a distance that would work well for him to see what was going on below, and keep an eye on his companions. He also kept an eye out for the tree’s as crashing into a tree would just be bad.

After seeing if he saw any threats he decided to return to the ground once there he reported what he saw and then moved with them through the forest. The beginning of an idea was forming in his head for helping them move quicker but they needed to get to the camp and get supplies first. He though that if he could secure the young man to his chest he could launch in the air and then he could allow the winds above trees to carry them as they glided with the wind. Eventually he would come down but the amount of distance the could cover on the glide down could make it worth it. The cat he wouldn’t be able to carry but the cat could most certainly keep up with his gliding here on the ground.

Pah continued to think about this as the moved through the forest. Pah keeping as quick a pace as they could. They both, if Killian was being truthful, had a deadline.

Re: birthright

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2021 9:55 pm
by Paragon
“An old chapel? Do you know where it is?” Kilian perked up, his eyes going wide, almost beseeching Pahoran for the information. He shook his head after a moment. “No, it can wait. If that is where you are headed, then the chances are that we may be headed to the same place. I will help you find your family just as you help me find mine.”

When Pahoran turned his head to regard the great cat, she peered back at him curiously. There was something in her gaze that said she was assessing the young man. The vibrant sheen to the stripes along her dark fur hinted at a touch of the otherworldly. Kilian gently threaded his fingers through the fur atop her head earning a low rumble from the animal’s chest that resembled a purr.

“She has never given me a name nor have I asked it of her. Yarobai share their names in time. She started following me when I first entered the forest a few days ago. Scared me half to death.” He chuckled and shifted. At Pahoran’s question about his brother, the young man’s face fell slightly. The look was quickly gone and Pah’s question was met with a nod.

“No sense in wasting time. Let’s go.” Kilian limped over to pick up his short sword. He sheathed the blade and began making his way in the direction he pointed to. He moved as quickly as he was able in his injured state. The cat did not stray far from his side but bounded off just far ahead enough to keep an eye out on the road ahead. When Pahoran joined him back on the ground, Kilian watched him make his landing.

“When I was a boy, I was told stories of the winged warriors of the Gelerian Imperium. The tireless soldiers that flew through the skies, heralding the armies of the empire wherever they went. It was not until I was older that I learned there was a difference between Kathar and Synnekar.” Kilian ducked to avoid walking into a low hanging branch. At some point along the way he had picked up a larger stick and was using it to help him walk.

“Have you met them? Your brethren to the south? I met an Imperial Kathar once. It was the toughest fight of my life. I thought he was going to kill me. In the end, he became a friend. I helped him escape to Ecith, him and his family. I never heard from him again but I hope he found the freedom he wanted.” As they walked, a rocky cliff became visible. Kilian pointed toward it.

“There! It looks like nothing was disturbed. Come, this won’t take long.” Kilian picked up his pace. The yarobai cat bounded forward, jumping up to perch on a nearby rock. The mouth of a cave presented itself as Kilian pulled back camouflage cover. He motioned for Pahoran to follow him inside. Upon stepping inside, the roof of the cave was not tall enough for a man of Pahoran’s size but it was spacious enough to where he could spread his wings if he needed to. A small campsite had been set up within the cave. It was just deep enough to where a small fire would not shed too much light beyond the mouth of the cave and to where the camouflage covering would conceal it. A tarp had been set up and a bedroll rest beneath it. Kilian was fishing inside a travel pack. He withdrew a small crystal. He touched it, furrowing his brow for a moment until a light bright enough to gently illuminate the cave shone from it. It glowed with the warmth of a torch. He fished in the pack for a moment longer then exclaimed in triumph.

“Ah-ha!” Taking out a small tin, Kilian held it up. He sat himself down, kicked off his boot and tugged down his pant leg to reveal the bandage. He stretched out his leg as he unwound the bandage to reveal the gash. With a hiss, he pulled away the bandage, some blood having seeped into it already.

“This should only take a few minutes. Apologies. I am sorry to keep you from your family.” Unscrewing the lid of the tin, it revealed a lemon yellow ointment. He dipped a pinky finger into the ointment and began rubbing it onto the wound. “Mendicant ointment, blessed by an acolyte of Ioniri. I never leave home without it. Expensive but worth the price.”

The ointment illuminated softly, sparks of golden dust coming to life around the young man’s wound. A bit more of a healthy color returned to him as the open wound slowly began to knit itself back together. Screwing the lid back onto the tin, Kilian placed it back into his pack. The yarobai cat entered the cave, coming to sit next to Kilian.

“This is a deeper wound. It is going to take a few minutes to mend properly. Afterwards though, I should be right as rain.” He gave Pahoran a smile. “I believe you had some questions for me.”

Re: birthright

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2021 8:46 pm
by Pahoran

58 Frost 120 Steel

Pahoran listened as Killan explained that the cat hadn’t shared its name, at least not yet. The young man respected the creature though he thought that was exactly like a cat. Regardless of the size all cats enjoyed a certain amount of mystical allure. He nodded his head in understanding and continued with the preparations to find this camp.

There was much to do and their would be time for conversation at the camp since Pah was sure it would take sometime for them get everything ready once there. His thoughts though were interrupted by Killian’s question about his cousins Avialae. His ice blue eyes plundered the other man for a moment. “I have seen them but not for a while. I was taught that it was always best to avoid the Imperium since they view Avialae as slaves. From what I have heard from other sources and the little I have seen seems to agree with that. So I haven’t felt any driving urgeHe looked at him. “I am glade to hear that you helped one of my southern cousins and his family escape. Hopefully they all found freedom. When this is over I would love to hear more.”

Pah was very pleased when they came upon the cavern/campsite and even more pleased when he heard that it was not disturbed. Pah hand to crouch as he came into the cave so just for everyone’s comfort he found a spot and sat down with his wings folded around him. He watched and listened as the man effectively hobbled around the room greeting what he needed.

While he worked Pah pulled out the map he had received and lairs it out on the ground since he saw no logical reasons to keep Killian in the dark. If he was part of the abductors he most likely knew how to get their anyway but if he was really looking for his brother then knowing how to find it would make it easier on both of them. Oh course there were other dangers as well.

Pah also paid attention and thought the man was very prepared for the wilderness travel. Which made Pah question how he got into that situation he had just been rescued from. It was possible Killian had underestimated the affects of the mists maybe not even know. About there presences.

Pah is as quiet for a moment before speaking. “I am going to the church to rescue some family members from I don’t know who or what. I was told to come a lone.” He said honestly and directly. “Beyond that I don’t why this is being done” Which was true he didn’t know why and he wasn’t going to waist time speculating even though a few theories came to mind. It was bad tactics to try and make this kind of call with what little information he had. He needed to keep all his cards on the table.

“Why would your brother be looking for a sacred site inside the forest?” Pah asked feeling he had explained his reasons as best he could. “Also how long has he been lost?” There would be other questions depending on how Killian answered. Such questions as where he had been. Pah would be open about his own employment as a guard which is part of why he was out of the loop.

Once the questions had been answered Pah said. “Okay let’s figure out where we are on this map and where we still need to go.” He said.