Bad Things, Verse II

The underbelly that lies beneath the city.

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When she was little she had a friend.

Not one in her head, a distorted memory of a lover long dead, but a flesh and blood friend who squealed and laughed with her. A friend with wild hair and crooked teeth. A friend who’d been cursed with the appearance of pimples early, but shot up like a tree in return. She’d cared for that friend dearly, and he for her. But the man the woman saw now was no friend. At least, not like how he had been before.

The cloth bags in his hands dipped as his grip on them slackened like his jaw. It had been a long time, after all. She would look nothing like the girl he had left in the Low City of Kalsazi. She would look nothing like how she was before at all. Dirty, and injured. Her eyelids fluttered, shut and open as her focus shifted. He’d gotten muscular. Somewhat. The greasy black locks she’d teased him for were pulled back from his face, bearing a cleared visage. The years had been kind to him.

She sucked in a breath, wheezy even in her ears. She wondered what it sounded like to him. Probably not any better. That was right; she’d always had better lungs than him. How the tables had turned. A laugh bubbled up in her throat. None of this could be real. The woman was sure she was still in the Warrens and the wraiths were merely leading her in circles.

Out. Out. OutOutOut—


“Out of where? Mo?”

The name felt wrong, even if it was in the right mouth. An affectionate shortening of a name that belonged to someone else. Someone not her. She could simply turn away from the man and let him wonder if he’d seen the ghost of a friend. But she couldn’t do that to Matthias. He’d always been so kind, so sweet. He had been her friend, once, when life was still blissfully simple because they were swimming in their own ignorance. But now that she knew, she felt different — she was different.

“Mo? Why don’t you. Why don’t you come with me?” Matthias held out his hand for her. A hand larger than her own. He’d grown, in more than one sense of the word. Their positions were usually reversed, with her lending him a hand. She sucked in another breath, considered the appendage a moment longer before taking it.

Part of her suspected that she would regret this.
word count: 468
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The smile on his face was nothing short of comforting. Too comforting, really. Lips pulled back to reveal a sliver of white teeth; still crooked. That had not changed. But it was an agreeable sort of crookedness that reminded her that the gods were fair, in some ways. That not everyone could have it all. A smile threatened to appear on her own face at the notion, but it was one without the warmth that Matthias’ own held. But he seemed oblivious to this. Of course, he would be; he was seeing a good friend for the first time in years.

Enough of her had changed that marked the passage of time, but he’d said he could tell it was her with just a glance. His chatter was easy to let fall to the wayside, a noise to fall in with the crowd. Instead, she took to examining the world around her. The Dead Legion did live in the Hahseu, but they felt removed from the general populace. And the woman was still a criminal, so why would they let her out knowing what she could do? Or assuming what she could do.

She blinked, a lance of pain going up her leg. It was interesting, the things one could forget when distracted. A gasp passed her lips and the chatter stopped. She looked up to see his brows spoon with worry. The fact that he could still express that here — of all places, the shithole of the city — spoke volumes to how he had changed. She wondered if things had not happened as they had, if she would have been the same and not a husk occupied by despair.

But what if he went through what we did?

She shook the voice from her head, and the thoughts the words brought with it. The claws of the wraiths raked through her, leaving her cold as they enacted their displeasure with her disagreeing. Yes, let him know despair.

“Is it your ankle?”

“I’m fine.” Her voice sounded lighter than it had been in ages. But if anything, she felt like the words weighed her down more.

Her situation was not something she could tell him of. If she had ever been his friend, she wouldn’t ruin the image of her he had like that. To him now, she must have simply fallen on hard times. Not that she had been accused of murder. Not that she had been forced into indentured servitude that was little more than a cover-up for a death sentence. Matthias would be too kind, as he always had been.

She’d rather he thought of her as she was before, rather than in the present.
So she silenced his worries with a smile. A shake of her head and words that felt like the blade of a knife pressing down on her tongue.
word count: 488
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On a level, she knew. It wasn’t hard to know. But he was happy. She played a small part in that happiness, and she saw why as they turned the corner. Hahseu had always been a name spit out like it’d been chewed for too long and left an odd taste behind. It was sometimes the setting of scary tales children told each other to frighten themselves. She could recall the days when they had done just that, she and Matthias. But those days had passed, and he found something in the terror that she couldn’t have.

A woman swept at the steps of a well-enough kept building. It was certainly nicer than the others around it, a testament to the care that must have gone into it. The woman’s brown hair was swept up into a bun, hidden partly by a handkerchief. Her sleeves were rolled up, revealing skin marred and pocked. But she did not seem to mind, nor did anyone passing by. They wouldn’t, she supposed. They’d probably seen worse.

A question she hadn’t asked was answered as the woman looked up. Dark eyes crinkled behind a smile so wide, she thought it might have hurt. But there was no pain in her expression as she laid her broom down and closed the distance between she and Matthias. The embrace was short, but with the lingering arms around his shoulders. The hands that slowed their pace to keep touching him for a moment longer. She turned her head, averted her gaze. She knew the action well enough; had done it enough times to recognize it for what it was. This was not a moment she should intrude on. Not with the weight she carried and the words she wouldn’t say.

Matthias turned to her after a moment, one hand gesturing to her. “ — is an old friend of mine.” She wanted to laugh. Her own name had sounded so foreign to her that she couldn’t understand it coming from her mouth. Or maybe she wanted to cry. “She’s here visiting.”

It dawned on her then, as the woman’s gaze finally landed on her, that she had not rid herself of the most damning evidence of her existence. The bracers remained around her wrists, bruising skin and bone with each movement of her arm. Her breath quickened as the woman’s eyes widened and turned to Matthais. It meant that he had known this whole time. That he had walked and talked with her knowing the truth and had accepted the lie she had let loose.

Perhaps they were still friends. Perhaps nothing between them had ever changed. It was too comforting a thought to let go, and yet — “But what of the woman?”

“Well.” A beat passed as she looked up at the woman, waited for the rest to come. Something steady had taken place of the shock of seeing her. Something stern, but practiced. Like the woman had seen Matthais bring home plenty of strays in her time. “You can call me Isabel.” While tight, a smile graced the woman’s face.

She broke down and cried for the first time in a long time.
word count: 547
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Title: Conscript of the Dead Legion
Location: Kalzasi
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Lores: (4 Requested, 6 Eligible)
Deception: Not telling the whole truth
Psychology: People change under circumstances
Psychology: Sometimes, people do still care
Survival: Following the easiest path

Loot: Temporary lodging
Injuries: Walking around while concussed and with a sprained ankle

Points: 5 Points (Not Magic)

Comments: Well... uh... Welcome home Euri. Fun to see the meeting of an old friend, and displaying both her obvious traumas through Mathias et al and the inner traumas within her head. Well done.

word count: 121
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