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[Location] Greater Institute of Zaichaer

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2021 9:16 pm
by Paragon

Greater Institute of Zaichaer

In the aftermath of the Sundering, much knowledge was lost to the world. The Northlands of Karnor, however, were never reliant upon the cultural centers located further to the south in the Clockwork Empire. As the earthquakes and storm shook the southern kingdoms to their bedrock, many of the cities of the North managed to shelter in place. It was the wilderness that became a no-man’s land of desolation and suffering. Though Zaichaer as a culture managed to weather the trials of the Sundering, it was not without losses. Many structures in the city were decimated and just as many lives were lost to the chaos. As the denizens of the area began to gather, they brought with them their problems, their burdens but also their knowledge.

For the first century or so following the Sundering, the Institute did not exist. However, there quickly arose a group of people who were committed to restoring, preserving and expanding upon knowledge in the community. The dangers brought about by the new era following the collapse of the Clockwork Empire and the destruction of the Old World required a unique approach. It was quickly identified by the leaders of Zaichaer at the time that in order to face the New World, knowledge would be needed. It is this decision relatively early in the post-Sundering era by Zaichaer that would later enable it to face some of the challenges that other areas were ill-equipped to handle.

It is because of this early investment in protecting and preserving knowledge in the community that Zaichaer was able to tackle problems of infrastructure. It is one of the first cities in the Northlands that was able to overhaul its infrastructure in order to accommodate the use of steam and dragonshard power lines. They implemented water purification systems that enabled them to tackle some of the issues of sanitation and irrigation to enable crop sustainment. Because of these fundamental necessities, Zaichaer was set on a path to steady recovery in the aftermath of such terrible devastation. As the community of scholars grew and adopted more inventive and creative ways to approach the hazards of the New World, the Greater Institute of Zaichaer was established in the 178th Year of the Age of Sundering. It has remained a powerhouse of knowledge and innovation ever since, earning the respect of even foreign scholarly circles for its tenacity in the face of adversity.

Attending the Institute

Classes occur three days out of a seven day cycle for an eight hour period on each day of class.

Courses that require practical application of skills and not purely academic theory are provided a lab space within which these skills can be performed. Students should coordinate their schedules to attend their lab coursework in fields that require such activities. Some coursework cannot be conducted in a lab or designated workspace and must be performed in a field setting (i.e. archaeology). Academics will be hosted on-campus in lecture halls or smaller classrooms where applicable.

Full-Time attendance at the Institute of Zaichaer constitutes taking (2) courses for which the player must write at least (1) thread per season. Undergraduate courses are considered anything taught between the skill levels of Novice to Apprentice. Post-graduate is from Journeyman to Expert.

Part-Time attendance at the Institute of Zaichaer constitutes taking (1) course for which the player must write at least (1) thread per season. Undergraduate courses are considered anything taught between the skill levels of Novice to Apprentice. Post-graduate is from Journeyman to Expert.

Students must be of adult age for their respect race in order to gain entry into the Institute.

From an in-character perspective there is no “pass” or “fail”. Classes are assumed to be performed and instructed at the level of the character’s understanding. A complete beginner will be taught under the assumption they are a novice and so forth.

If a particular course has a prerequisite, it means that the player must already be in possession of the required skill in order to be eligible for the class.

The Greater Institute of Zaichaer does NOT teach magic in any way, at any time, for any reason. That is the sole purview of the Convocation of Minds in the Order of Reconciliation. The Institute does not provide lab or workspace for magical practice in its halls.

Attendees of the Institute are expected to adhere to Zaichaeri laws while in attendance. Violations of the law whether on or off campus can result in expulsion. Students who are expelled due to disciplinary or legal action are not entitled for a refund of tuition cost.

Students of the Institute who make no in-character posts wherein the resources or opportunities provided by the Institute are utilized for whatever reason, can petition for a refund of expenses or have their tuition costs rolled over to the next season.

Re: [Location] Greater Institute of Zaichaer

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2021 9:38 pm
by Paragon


Eastpoint Academy of Military Strategy

Entry: Aspirants to the Eastpoint Academy are interviewed by the Commanding Officer of the Academy, the Executive Officer of the Academy and the Master-at-Arms of the Academy. They will be examined for their intellectual capacity, patriotism, loyalty to the State of Zaichaer, and ability to lead others.

Tuition: Students accepted to the Eastpoint Academy do not incur a tuition cost each season. However, in exchange, they are required to serve in the Zaichaeri military upon graduation. Failure to successfully graduate from the Academy will result in all expenses being owed to the State of Zaichaer.

Housing: Academy students are given Good level housing and accommodations in the Academy Dormitory. As such, Academy students do not incur Living Expense costs for the duration of their attendance.

The Eastpoint Academy is the division of the Institute devoted solely to the education of military officers in training. These are men and women, typically from the more privileged families of Zaichaer, who are indoctrinated into the military, martial and leadership traditions of Zaichaer’s armed services. They are taught etiquette, martial prowess, logistics, the art of war, strategy and all aspects of how to conduct themselves in accordance to Zaichaeri customs. Only prospective officers of Zaichaer’s military attend the Academy. Regular soldiers receive their training at Fort Cathevelle. It is rare for members of the military who have not attended the Academy to be promoted to high ranking positions.

Note: Players are free to write within their character backstories that they graduated from the Eastpoint Academy. However, they must work to complete the required material listed below for their respective Officer Corps through Memory threads. Please coordinate with the Zaichaer Author Team.

Defense Corps

All courses taught to the Apprentice Level. Successful completion of all courses through the Academy will award the individual a commission in the Defense Corps at the rank of Lieutenant.

Logistics: Military Strategy- Ground Combat Focus
Leadership: Military Drill Focus
Leadership: Military Command and Hierarchy Focus
Etiquette: Military Movements and Mannerisms
Survival: Must be able to competently survive in at least 2 different biomes.
Law: Zaichaeri Basic Law. Display critical thinking.
Politics: Be able to competently navigate social situations, potentially with foreigners.
Unarmed Combat
Martial Weapon (Choice)
Gunslinging: Be proficient in at least a pistol.
Mounted Combat
Navigation: Be able to navigate in both daylight and nighttime settings.

Riverland Corps

All courses are taught to the Apprentice Level. Successful completion of all courses through the Academy will award the individual a commission in the Riverland Corps at the rank of 2nd Lieutenant.

Logistics: City Management Focus
Logistics: Supply Chain Focus
Logistics: Military Strategy- Supply and Sustainment Focus
Leadership: Military Drill Focus
Leadership: Personnel Management-Human Resource Focus
Leadership: Military Command and Hierarchy Focus
Etiquette: Military Movements and Mannerisms
Business: Small Business Management Focus
Business: Banking Management Focus
Negotiation: Focus on transactional persuasion.
Diplomacy: Focus on foreign trade relations.

Engineering Corps

All courses are taught to the Apprentice Level. Successful completion of all courses through the Academy will award the individual a commission in the Engineering Corps at the rank of 2nd Lieutenant.

Logistics: City Management Infrastructure Focus
Logistics: Military Strategy- Supply and Sustainment Focus
Leadership: Military Drill Focus
Leadership: Military Command and Hierarchy Focus
Etiquette: Military Movement and Mannerisms
Engineering: Choose a field of engineering.
Architecture: Be able to direct and oversee architectural operations.

Air Defense Corps

All courses are taught to the Apprentice Level. Successful completion of all courses through the Academy will award the individual a commission in the Air Defense Corps at the rank of Lieutenant.

Logistics: Military Strategy- Aerial Combat Focus
Leadership: Military Drill Focus
Leadership: Military Command and Hierarchy Focus
Etiquette: Military Movements and Mannerisms
Survival: Must be able to competently survive in at least 2 different biomes.
Law: Zaichaeri Basic Law. Display critical thinking.
Politics: Be able to competently navigate social situations, potentially with foreigners.
Unarmed Combat
Martial Weapon (Choice)
Ranged Weapon (Choice)
Canonneering: Aerial Bombardment and Artillery
Gunslinging: Be proficient in at least a pistol.
Mounted Combat
Flight: Be able to pilot basic aircraft.
Navigation: Be able to navigate in both daylight and nighttime settings.

General Heinrich


General Archibald Heinrich
Title: Eastpoint Academy Commanding Officer
Age: 58
Race: Human

Archibald Heinrich hails from a long line of prestigious military service. He is a man of strict military principles who has served in the Zaichaeri military for the past 30 years. His most notable distinction was acting in defense of the current Grand Marshal during an attempted coup and assassination. The attempt failed, with the culprits being brought to justice. His heroism earned him the appointment to Commanding Officer of the Eastpoint Academy and promotion to the rank of General. As leader of the premier military institution in the Northlands, he runs a tight ship and has zero tolerance for deviation from tradition. He is an avid supporter of the ways of New Atheism, holding open contempt for anything resembling divine or magical in nature. While he understand the necessity of some presence of the otherworldly and arcane in their lives, it is due to the efforts of General Heinrich that the Eastpoint Academy has seen a boom in initiative and capability in recent years. The officers graduating from the Academy under his watchful eye have proven to be some of the most zealous and rigidly trained that Zaichaer has seen in decades.

College of the Arts

Entry: Open Enrollment. All applicants are accepted.
Tuition: Attendees of the College of the Arts must pay 25 gp/season per course enrolled beginning at Novice. Price increases by 25 gp for every tier above Novice.
Housing: For an extra 100 gp/season, the Institute will provide Common level accommodations to students of this College. While in rooming in Institute accommodations, students do not incur a Living Expense for the duration of their stay.

Courses Offered


College of General Studies

Entry: Open Enrollment. All applicants are accepted.

Tuition: Attendees of the College of General Studies must pay 25 gp/season per course enrolled beginning at Novice. Price increases by 25 gp for every tier above Novice.

Housing: For an extra 100 gp/season, the Institute will provide Common level accommodations to students of this College. While in rooming in Institute accommodations, students do not incur a Living Expense for the duration of their stay.

Courses Offered

Animal Husbandry

College of the Sciences

Entry: Applicants to the College of the Sciences of the Greater Institute of Zaichaer must display exceptional ability in their chosen fields of study. An examination of at least an Apprentice Level project must be presented before the Dean of the College, the Senior Professor of their field and an Associate Professor. If the review board finds their presentation acceptable and up to the high standards of the Institute, entry will be allowed.

Tuition: Attendees of the College of the Sciences do not incur tuition expenses. However, successful graduation requires service performed with the Hall of Inventors under the purview of Zaichaer’s Chief Science Officer for a minimum of four seasons.

Housing: Students of the College of the Sciences will be provided Common level accommodations. While rooming at the Institute, students of this College do not incur a Living Expense for the duration of their stay. Failure to successfully graduate from the Institute will result in owed expenses being billed to the individual.

Courses Offered

All courses require that the applicant already possess Apprentice Level competency before enrollment.

Medicine: Diagnosis, Disease Prevention, Medical Treatment, Bedside Care
Medicine: Surgery Residency
Herbalism: Apothecary Skills
Engineering: Choose field of engineering.
Gadgeteering: Gunsmithing, Mechanical Steam-driven automata
Shipbuilding: Aeronautical Ships