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Seeking Closure {Part1}

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2021 5:49 am
by Hikami
☵ 10th of Glade, Year 121, A.o.S ☵
Company: ???| Thoughts: Why did I come back?!| Mood: Sad
☵ Hyoga was normally a man who was always in good spirits, jovial with a flamboyant flare, but upbeat nonetheless. Though there was one day, in particular, his demeanor soured becoming black in nature, and the true demon he was starting to become surfaced. It was always the anniversary of his father's birthday that put him in poor spirits. Hyoga had gotten ready for the trip out for visiting his parent's grave, which sat atop a hill overlooking the ruins of the village he knew as home.

The journey to the old village was a slow one, Hyo's nerves getting the better of the Kathar at times. He really didn't want to go back to see that place again, to visit the final resting place of his father, his mother, he would accept it. It took him a full hour given his slow strides through the clouds, but he finally made it home, only to marvel at what was left of the village.

As he approached the overwhelming nostalgia devoured him entirely, causing flashbacks to play in his mind. He stopped for a moment to get himself together before passing the threshold of the forsaken place. He ran his finger across the cold stone and old wood that was used to build the homes, only remembering the stains of blood that have long since dried forming a new coat of paint.

The smell of burning flesh echoed into Hyoga's nostrils as he walked the ruined streets of his village, remembering hearing their screams as the village burned. Never even noticing, Hyoga was in tears as he walked towards the hill where his parents rested. He could see it in the distance, but there was a spot he wanted to visit first, the home he grew up in.

Hyo walked the decrepit halls, eyes closing every now and again, breathing in the stagnant air. He was using his other senses to draw a better picture of the old home, trying his best to remember the good times he had here. This place was so quiet, yet to a former resident like him, it was loud and ever booming with memories of the old days.

He didn't have to be able to see the echoes of days past in order to know a great and horrific battle had turned this place into the skeleton of what it was formerly. He had lived within the confines of this place long enough to remember the home in its prime, only to see it now in the current state it was in, withering and fading ever so slowly into obscurity. As he strolled, he could remember how vibrant the halls used to be, the sounds of clashing steel, and his father's stern words during training.

He was saddened to see this place the way it was, not because he felt remorse for the destruction of the place, but more so cause he was not here to witness for himself, to record it with his eyes into his core. It was truly something that he wished he didn't have to deal with, but it was going to be an annual thing for him, and with time, he would come to be alright with walking the halls of this place again. It was more so coming to terms than being ok within his reality.

He could hear the echoes of laughter that filled the halls, the smell of his mother's perfume, the way her hair swayed in the breeze. The sound of his father training the village warriors in the morning outside his window. So many good memories filled his mind, along with the bad. He could remember the times his father wouldn't even look in his direction, the brutal instruction of his training. But the memories weren't all bad.

Stepping out into the backyard he saw the crude grave markers he made for his parents, the mounds of dirt where their remains laid greeting him. The wind began blowing, giving him a cool kiss as he approached the mound, hands trembling a little, his breath becoming shallow and more of a pant. He didn't want to be here, he didn't want to remember everything that absorbed into the very ground of this place.

Finally, after losing the internal battle to stay or go, he sat down in front of the mound, an awkward smirk on his face."Hey mom and dad, it's been a while. I came to give you an update on how I'm living, like usual." He said clearing his throat as he went to talk again. "So I've made my way to the city, I found Auntie Yumeko. I've also met the Prince of the city too and helped the people as much as I could. I'm sure you both would be proud of the things I've done and accomplished."

Tears began to fall from his face, as this was always hard for the kathar. Despite all emotions he had been dealing with, this was the only time, the only day, Hyoga was vulnerable. He wiped his tears, not wanting to look weak in front of his parent's grave. "So I figured this may be the last time I come to see you two" he said, tears rebelling against his desire not to cry anymore, now running down his face.

"I promise I will kill them, I will kill the ones responsible for what they did to you, for what they did to me..................leaving me alone in this world. I'll make sure they suffer till their last breath." he said trying to wipe the waterfall his eyes created. "I failed to protect you. I tried to become the perfect warrior mage you wished for me to be, but I had no choice but to run away from them. In the end, I still wasnt strong enough to live up to what you wanted."

He sobbed, punching the ground, looking up into the sky with a tear-filled glare. "I thought this was going to help, but all I feel is this pain and hurt. Why did I let myself come back to this place, for what!?" he accused himself. It was hard enough trying to forget this god-forsaken patch of land and now he was back and it pissed him off to no end to be here.

Falling into a sobbing mess, the ground softening beneath him to help comfort him, the wind as well wrapping him up in an embracing breeze. For the time being, he simply sat there, crying into the soft ground beneath him. He never truly had the time to grieve the loss of those close to him. He had to up and leave after the slaughter. All of the emotions, the anger, the fear, the regret, finally broke through the floodgates.

He was truly inconsolable as he wailed out at the graves, like a child missing their parents, which Hyo was. He missed them, missed them dearly. he missed being hugged in his mother's arms, the warmth of her hugs. The thrill of training and hunting bounties with father. causing mischief with the other kids of the village. He lost so many friends that day. He had no idea if any had survived or not, and part of him hoped that some had.

These emotions welling up and pouring out of him was something Hyo had never been properly taught how to manage. His magic seemed to flare in response to this, wind beginning to gust and whip around him in force. The ground began to tremble beneath him, causing the neglected buildings nearby to rattle and creak. This carried on for several moments, that was till Hyo finally calmed himself.

With a deep huff of breath, he got to his feet, fixing the gravemarkers that he unintentionally messed up with his display. It was at this time the wind came whispering into his ear. "Someone approaches, be careful." its warning caused the Karthar's wings to expand, his head turning towards the village entrance. "I wasn't expecting company." he said, his tone filled with annoyance.

The wind was right, however, as he could see a lone figure descending from the sky, leading him to believe the person to be an avialae. Part of him was thinking, with some semblance of hope, that maybe it was a survivor from the village. ☵

"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"

Re: Seeking Closure {Part1}

Posted: Thu May 27, 2021 11:47 am
by Mirage


Psychology: Having time to grieve
Psychology: Deeling with your regrets
Psychology: Allowing your emotions to be felt
Psychology: Self doubt

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points 5