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Evana's Happenstance Request

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2021 1:08 pm
by Evana

Fall 97 AS
The Sewers of Zaichaer

The sound of heavy boots slamming on stone nearly drowned out everything in Evana's world. The coven had not expected, or rather, had not been prepared for when the raid happened. The brick walls of the underground safe haven had not stood a chance against the mechanical battering rams, but what was more alarming was how they had managed to find the entrace. It should have been impossible, but even Eva knew what that meant. They had been sold out.

Adult's screaming shouted orders, the smell of burnt flesh overwhelmed the stench of human waste and mildew which permitted everything in the sewers. Eva huddled in a small ball, tucked deep into a hidden compartment in a fake wall inside the safehouse. Through the cracks in the bricks she saw shadows moving, grunts as something heavy was thrown on the floor before barely legible words reached her ears, making her jump.

"Seems you are in a bit of trouble."

Eva snapped her head around so fast the small room spun in her vision. When the moment passed and she was able to focus she saw a man, crammed into the tight space with his knees smashed into his chest, bent over nearly in half. He was dressed oddly, in clothing too loose and baggie and with a number of glittering rings and bracelets. When he caught her eye he smiled and waved before raising a finger to his lips.

"Quiet now, we don't want to let them know we are here."

"How..." she began, but the word quickly died in Evana's throat as another loud thud suddenly blocked the light from entering the space. She huddled into a tighter ball, squeezing her eyes shut as she did so.

"It looks like they are leaving." The man said, and Eva could hear the sound of him shuffling in the darkness. Then there was a grunt, and suddenly light filtered into space once more. When she opened her eyes Eva saw that the door to the hidden room was now open, and the man was standing in the open, stretching his arms and rolling his neck with the sound of audible cracks. "Never liked small spaces. I think I'm a bit claustrophobic."

Turning to look back at the girl the man smiled and waved a hand for her to join him, which she did slowly and reluctantly. The floor was red and sticky. Eva could feel the warmth between her toes, but she refused to look down. Everyone was gone. There were a few lumps here and there, but nothing moved. There was no sign of the soldiers, but she could hear their footsteps growing fainter in the distance.

"What's your name?" Eva started, and blinked up at the man. When she didn't answer he crouched, snapping his fingers before her eyes and making her wince, "Your name girl, what do they call you?"

"E-evana..." she managed to stutter out, pulling back slightly from the man's closeness.

"Evana..." He said the name as if he were tasting it, "I once knew a girl by that name. Gave me this scar before she kicked me out of her bed and into the streets in the dead of winter." He pulled up his sleeve, revealing a long cut that had long since scarred over. When Eva did not answer once again he sighed and stood scratching his head, "Your probably too young to understand the injustice of it."

Turning in a slow circle the man seemed to take in everything in the room all at once, "The Reconcilliators got you did they? Not a surprise really. Matthis was getting too full of himself, so it was bound to happen eventually." He glanced down at Evana, "They will come back you know. They can't leave rogue mage corpses laying about, and they will undoubtedly check for hidden caches and rooms. What will you do?"

Evana felt as if her head was spinning. At last, she looked down at the blood that was pooling between her toes, and she felt faint. The air felt thinner, and darkness began to creep at the edges of her vision. Just as she was about to topple to the side, however, the man caught her arm and forced her head up to look at him.

"I know." he said with a mischievous grin, "Lets make a bet."

"A... bet?" Evana whispered, her breaths coming in shallow gasps. She tried to look down once more but the man held her chin firmly in her hand, so she could only lookup.

"Yes, a bet. A game really." Releasing her chin he spun her around to face the open entrance of the safehouse, "You know the Reconcilliators are still here and are actively searching for survivors. Let's make a bet to see if you can survive until dawn tomorrow. The rules are simple. Do not get caught until the first light of the new day. If you win I will give you a prize, and I promise you will be safe for 7 days afterward. If you lose, well..." he drew a finger along her throat, and his touch made her shiver, "I think you know what happens if you lose."

"W-w-wait," Eva gasped as she was shoved toward the door, she spun, "What do you get if I lose?"

He was gone. Eva looked around her, spinning on her heel, but she could see no trace of the man. As she looked back toward the door however his voice drifted to her ear, barely over a whisper.

"If you loose, I get to see how the dominos will fall."


Shouting, the sound of metal on stone as heavy footfalls followed Evana as she ran splashing through the sewers. Her breathing came in labored gasps, her eyes wide and tail twitching with nerves as she slid around another corner and dived into a small pipe just big enough for her to scramble into. Curling as small as possible Eva clasped her hands over her mouth, struggling to control her breathing as the heavy steps came closer, and then passed her hiding place. She didn't know how many hours had passed, or had it only been minutes? The Sewers were always dark, and even with her eyes adjusted to the light, she struggled to tell directions when everything around her looked the same.

Eva waited for an unknowable amount of time before she slowly stuck her head out, checking in all directions before climbing from her hiding space. Wrapping her arms around herself she shivered with cold, feeling filth beneath her fingers as she took slow steps so as not to make the weather splash and give away her location. Her nose twitched as she caught the scent of fresh air, and with a sudden sense of urgency, Eva quickly made her way in that direction. The smell brought her to a high wall, at the top of which a soft glow from the outside could be seen. With claws extended Eva made a steady, arduous climb to the top and just barely managed to squeeze out of the small drainage opening, stepping out onto a small barren hill that ended in a sudden cliff that dropped to a valley of rocks far below.

For some time she simply stood there, breathing steadying breaths and enjoying being free of the stench of the sewers. She could see a faint orange glow beginning to peak out through the steaming chimneys in the distance, and birds beginning their daily songs to announce the coming of a new day.

The sound of clapping made her spin, which made her suddenly dizzy, and she fell with a thump on her butt. Clutching her head in her clawed hands Eva squinted up at the familiar shape of a man who was sitting on a rock just above the drainage tube.

"You made it! I figured you might, but you know what they say. Always take the long bet, and steal back your losses later."

Eva's mouth opened slightly but snapped it closed with a shake of her head. A headache was beginning to form behind her left eye, and she wasn't sure if it was because of the events of the last day, or from this person before her. When she didn't respond the man sighed dramatically and waved a dismissive hand.

"You wouldn't get it anyway."

With a humph, he jumped off his sitting spot and walked close to crouch before Evana. He patted her shoulder and smiled what was probably a winning smile to someone not covered in feces, "As promised, you will be safe from the Reconciliation for the next 7 days. Do what you want from here Evana. I'm sure you will cause quite a stir in the next few years."

He stood and turned as if to leave, but Eva caught his hand, causing the man to pause and look down in surprise.

"There were others," Evana breathed, her eyes desperate, "Other kids who ran. Will they be safe too?"

After a significant pause, the man slowly shook his head, pulling his hand from the girl's as he backed away a few steps, "Our bet was just between the two of us. Unfortunately, there's nothing I can do for them."

Evana's shoulders slumped slightly, her posture one of defeat as she ran cold, wet fingers through her hair.

"But..." Eva looked up, her eyes locking on the man who looked contemplative, "I suppose... If they were with you, then they would be safe, wouldn't they? After all, if your safety is assured, then I would think those around you would be safe as well right?"

Looking at Eva the man winked before turning away, "But as I said, what you do from here is up to you. Remember, the protection lasts until dawn on the 7th day. Consider that a promise from Vhexur himself."


Vhexur stumbled slightly, but caught himself and glared over his shoulder at Evana, "Vhexur? Demigod of Trickery and Gambling? The man who brought an end to the trade war? The revolutionary?" When Eva's only reply was a blank stare he threw his hands in the air, "Kids these days! They don't even know their basic history. I swear when I get my hands on that green bastard I'm gonna..."

His grumbling words added as the supposed demigod stalked off in the direction of Zaichaer. Evana stared after him, thoroughly confused as she scratched absently at a spot on her shoulder where faintly glowing tattoo like knotted cords was beginning to form.

Re: Evana's Happenstance Request

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 7:00 pm
by Paragon
Superbly written. Well done. You are approved to begin play with the mark of Happenstance.