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[Fauna] Korihane

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 1:57 pm
by Paragon

Name: Korihane
Nicknames: Icewing Eagle, Glacial Phoenix
Habitat: Astralar Mountains

Korihane prefer cold climates and mountain dwellings. It is common for them to find caves and to put themselves to work, digging and building large aviaries for themselves and the communities they build. Unfortunately, this can sometimes lead to their homes being unstable and collapsing. While not common, it is not unheard of for a young eagle to dig into a place in the side of a mountain and have it crumble around them, killing the bird. For this reason, it is common for the Synnekar Avialae to build new caves for Korihane whenever a new clutch is expected.

Threat: Very High to Legendary
0 yr. to 2 yr. | Hatchling
3 yr. to 5 yr. | Young
6 yr. to 100 yr. | Adult
101 yr. to 250 yr. | Elder
251 yr. + | Ancient

Population: Approximately 25,000
Notable Abilities

Arctic Winds- Icewing Eagles naturally possess the ability to conjure glacial winds. The older the eagle, the more powerful the winds they are able to conjure with the eldest of them capable of summoning winds reminiscent of a hurricane. The winds are noticeably cold. Those caught in them can be afflicted with serious cold injuries from frostbite to the freezing of tissues in the lungs as moisture crystallizes in the body.

Winter’s Breath- Every eagle possess the ability to breathe a gout of frost from their mouth. It is emitted in a cone shape in most instances. The potency of the breath is dependent upon the age of the eagle in question. The young are typically only able to emit a breath lasting a few seconds at most with a limited range of up to 15 ft. This form of the breath is strong enough to douse most natural flames, can freeze small bodies of water, and even freeze people in place by coating them in ice. The eldest of the birds are capable of breathing for up to several minutes, releasing a cone that can extend upwards of 60ft. Unless an individual possesses a natural immunity or carries something rendering them immune to cold magic, an elder bird’s breath is capable of freezing most everything in its path.

Javelin- Harnessing the icy power that flows through them, a Korihane is capable of extending its wings, coating some of its feathers in ice and expelling them forth as projectiles. These projectiles vary in lethality. For the very young birds, they are akin to small but sharp knives that can cut but will seldom kill unless a critical injury is inflicted. For the grandest of the birds, a single feather is akin to having a deadly spear launched in ones direction. Feathers lost in this manner will typically grow back within the span of a few days at most.

Blizzard- The most deadly and renowned ability of the birds is their ability to summon deadly blizzards in a given locale. Young birds are only capable of affecting their immediate area perhaps up to a radius of 60 ft. at most. The most ancient and grandest of these birds are capable of summoning blizzards of terrifying ferocity that can blanket an area for dozens of miles.


Korihane are recognized as avian animals that are large in size. Their plumage ranges from solid light blue, blue with frosted tips or white with blue tips. Icewing Eagles never truly stop growing and see an increase in size the older and more venerable they become. However, the typical adult korihane bird stands at approximately 12 ft. in height, with a wingspan of close to 30 ft. in most instances. Tail feathers are typically long, as korihane are built more for soaring than for swiftness. A healthy bird has a glacial sheen to their feathers. Every korihane has razor sharp talons on their feet that can tear through tough hide, and in many instances, most ordinary metal armor depending on the quality of the craftsmanship. Male eagles are usually larger than females with the general population being predominantly female. Only 1 in 8 eagles are male.

The birds are predominantly carnivores but enjoy more citrus fruits from time to time. They subsist on a diet of meat and typically prefer grazing animals such as deer, cows, or goats. Aside from dragons, the korihane are the dominant predators in the Astralar Mountains. In conjunction with their diet of meat, korihane are able to gain sustenance from the ambient aether in the environment. This is attributed to the fact that they are inherently magical creatures that draw in the aether to both sustain themselves as they age and grow as well as enhance their natural magical abilities.

Korihane are highly intelligent and extremely territorial. Oddly enough, this territorial behavior does not extend to other korihane. Handlers have long since come to understand that the birds view themselves as one large family unit. From the eldest and most reclusive to the youngest hatchling, the eagles only make territorial threat displays toward other animals or people but never against another korihane. There is a clear hierarchy among the birds that has to deal with age. Behaviorally, the birds function as a community with the raising of hatchlings being conducted in a communal fashion. Female korihane who are prepared to lay eggs usually do so together, forming a large nest. Males are expected to both hunt and defend the nest, which they do so viciously and without hesitation if something is viewed as a threat. Hatchlings are raised equally by both males and females with the birds remaining in the nest until three years of age. Clutches of eggs are typically only two to three per female with one male typically serving as father to several clutches.

Korihane are not tamed and only a fool would attempt to subdue one. They can, however, be befriended. In such instances, the birds will only entertain being ridden by the individual whom they have befriended and no others. Approaching an Icewing Eagle must be done in a respectful and non-threatening manner. The birds are intelligent and are capable of understanding Synskrit and Kathalan. There is an undeniable link to the birds and Avialae, with the winged people having a high penchant for forming friendships with them. When an Icewing Eagle befriends an individual, they will actively attempt to introduce said person to their community. This must be done very carefully as the eagle will usually nudge the individual toward the eldest male and eldest female in the community. Acceptance by either means acceptance by the other and thus the community at large. Be warned however, even friends of the community are rarely allowed to approach hatchlings. Many a presumptuous individual has been maimed or even killed by misconstruing this acknowledgement as freedom to engage with the birds however they wish.

Earning the respect of an Icewing Eagle does not guarantee that respect will be cemented for life. It is important to discern the personality and habits of each eagle that one interacts with in order to earn and keep their friendship. While being accepted by the elders means one will not be attacked, it does not translate to always being welcomed.

Growth and Development

Icewing Eagles are deeply tender and affectionate toward their young. Korihane are typically born in communal settings. Females who are preparing to lay eggs usually come together to build a large nest, usually big enough to house a clutch of up to 10 eggs at a time. After the eggs are laid, females rotate turns keeping them warm and tending to them. Once they hatch, they are typically blind and have grey colored feathers that are light and fluffy. They are tended to by their mothers who most commonly see to grooming, keeping the chicks warm, and protecting them from predators. Once the chicks hatch, it is exceedingly rare for females to leave the immediate vicinity of the nest until the babies are old enough to waddle around on their own. Males usually hunt and provide food, defending the nest at large whenever they are present and not hunting. Whenever at the nest, it is common for the male or males to form a perimeter around the females and hatchlings. When a chick reaches one month of age is typically when they become more active and lively, exploring and playing with each other in groups. By six months of age, the chicks are capable of manifesting minor cold and frost abilities and their plumage has begun to take on the colors iconic for the birds. By one year of age, the hatchling is capable of short-distance gliding.

It is at this stage when the chicks begin spending more time being groomed and tended to by the males, who begin showing them how to use their natural abilities and to fly. Females begin taking on more hunting roles with some of them leaving the immediate vicinity of the nest for the first time in over a year. By two years of age, the hatchling is capable of sustained flight over short distances and usually has begun to be taught how to hunt small prey. By five years of age, the bird is fairly independent and has grown to a decent enough size as to be able to fend for itself. It is at this point that most korihane venture off to find a mountain dwelling of their own. Usually it is not far from the home of their originating community. It is common for the young Icewings to receive visits from their originating nest to assist in establishing themselves.

Korihane do not reach sexual maturity until 10 years of age. Most Icewing Eagles do not seek a mate until reaching 20 years of age. Only 1 in 8 korihane are male. Due to this large disparity, a single male typically serves as mate and protector to several females. Competition between the males to earn the attention of females is fierce but seldom deadly. Females will decide whom to mate with and while they will usually mate for life, they will leave a community in search of a more compatible male if they feel neglected or if the male is not adequately protecting and providing for the community.


Korihane, the Icewing Eagles, are considered sacred to the Synnekar Avialae of Kalzasi. They are recognized as the national bird of the City-State and thus harming one while in Kalzasern territory is considered a serious offense.

Greater House Dahshida maintains a community of the birds that regularly engages with the Skyriders of the Sky Guard. It is primarily from this community that the Icewing Eagle riders are derived. Members of the Sky Guard interested in becoming eagle riders must receive permission from the Kalzasi moderation staff. It is expected that they possess the following skills at a minimum to qualify:

Flying (Flying Mount)- 50 XP | Journeyman
Animal Handling- 50 XP | Journeyman

-Lores from both of these areas should have knowledge of the Icewing Eagle habits, dietary needs, handling etc.
-A relationship with a Korihane is something that must be maintained. The birds do not tolerate indignity and mistreatment.
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