[Fauna] Mori no Kage (WIP)


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Title: The Iceborne
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=835
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20& ... 3686#p3686



Name: Mori no Kage {Forest Shadow}
Habitat: Mostly found in the dense forests the Earth Territory of the Second Deep of the Warrens
Rarity: Common
Threat: Low{When encountered alone}, Moderate{When encountering 2 or more}, High{If encountering a Hive}
  • They tend to be highly observant creatures, records recanting the ominous stare of several of these beings amidst the treeline or edge of a forest by farmers and travelers alike. While observant in nature the Mori no Kage show signs of violence to anything and anyone who crosses into their territory, flying into a rage akin to bees when their nest is disturbed. These monsters are albeit organized when hunting prey or defending their nests as they exhibit guerrilla tactics of a "blind & strangle" variety. Some would attribute them to having a "Unified Consciousness" showing a level of coordinated and complex behavior as if under mind control. Some scholars believe that this hints to there being a greater being involved with the Mori no Kage, but nothing is confirmed.

Biome Role:
  • It is not entirely clear what role these aloof and enigmatic creatures play in the biome of the Earth Territory.

  • They will turn anyone that ventures into the perimeter of their hives into nutrients. These creatures draw nutrients from digesting victims they strangle to death and drag into the acid pools on their back.

Aging & Reproduction:
  • There are no records of how the Mori no Kage came into this world, some speculating that these are vicious spirits from the plane of wood. However, from those fortunate enough to live through an encounter, it is determined that these creatures live up to 50 years if not slain beforehand. That being said the Mori no Kage are akin to trees as the only way to determine their age is by counting the rings of their corpse. These monsters exhibit a life cycle like trees do, as they are young and spry from the time they are spawned up till 20 or so years.

    Once at this point in their life around the 20 to 40-year mark, they'll be within their "prime" so to speak, making them dangerous opponents to face. Once they reach the final 10-year span, the Mori no Kage will begin to show signs of aging or in this case a form of tree rot. Once the tree rot has consumed them they expire. That being said many scholars speculate on how these creatures reproduce or if they reproduce at all. Some speculate that they, like the trees they impersonate, grow from otherworldly saplings within the Earth Territory. Many have tried to observe them during this process and its been noted by the very few survivors who venture too close to the hive that it is a process that is well guarded by the Forest Shadows

  • These tree men stand at the average height for a human male of 5" 8. Despite their size, they are very light, weighing around 120lbs

Abilities and Features:
  • Get Over Here!:
    - The first and most notable ability of these wooden demons is their capability to extend the wooden tendrils on their back to chase and constrict their prey. These tendrils vary in size and length but are capable of strangling large animals or bipedal creatures{humans} with ease dragging them into the pools of acid that sit upon their backs. These tendrils are relatively fast able to reach within a 40ft radius of the Mori in 30seconds. However, they are still made of wood, and can easily be severed or broken.
  • Blinding Lantern:
    - These lanterns are capable of emitting a bright light from within them, blinding most who look upon it. This light, when dealing with only one of them is similar in strength to abruptly look into a flashlight or lightbulb, becoming disoriented for a few moments. When dealing with more than one or a hive it as strong as being hit with a flashbang grenade, easily disorienting prey.
  • Firewood
    - The Forest Shadows have a high aversion to fire and ice and will go out of their way to avoid it at all cost, making it a considerable weakness to exploit.

Reasons to interact:
  • Beleive it or not, the digestive acid that sits on their backs is coveted by alchemist and poison crafters as a refined version has been known to have highly corrosive properties. The Hearts of the hives are also sought out, mostly for researcher purposes as many speculate them to be sentient.

Recommended Stats:
  • A single encounter warrants:
    - Apprentice or Higher weapon skills
    - Apprentice or Higher magical skills
    - Apprentice or Higher Tactical skills
  • A group encounter warrants:
    - Journeyman or Higher weapon skill
    - Journeyman or Higher magical skills
    - Apprentice or Higher Tactical skills
    - A skilled combatant as backup
  • A Hive encounter warrants:
    - Expert or Higher weapon skill
    - Expert or Higher magical skills
    - Journeyman or Higher Tactical skills
    - A team of skilled combatants

word count: 995
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Joined: Sat Jun 15, 2019 10:29 pm
Title: Chief Author of Ransera

Hi Hyoga!

Just some notes for your review. Please make requested edits at your earliest convenience.


Please remove the suggestive language. Statements made in this section can be written matter-of-factly. The information contained within this article is intended to be informational and referential so it’s okay to simply say “they do this” as opposed to saying “rumors state” type of language. Especially given this is supposed to be a Common creature.

Biome Role

If these are common creatures that roam the Earth Territory, then their impact on the biome would likely be known to the scholars of Kalzasi and other explorers. Recall that the Second Deep of the Warrens is one of the more commonly explored. That does not make it any less dangerous but it is one of the more accessible of the Five Deeps.


Lets give them a definitive diet. Are they carnivorous? Are they omnivorous? How does their diet impact their health and biology? Rarely, very rarely, do creatures in the wilds simply eat for pleasure and their diet has a direct effect on the evolution of their physiology for a specific reason. The acid pool should be mentioned in their description. Is it only a digestive function? How does the acid sit upon wood without dissolving it? I assume the creature has some sort of natural coating that protects it from its own digestive juices.

Aging and Reproduction

Remove the speculative language. It is okay to simply state what their life-cyle is like from start to finish.

Abilities and Features

-The wooden tendrils might be better suited to be vine-like appendages as opposed to wood.
-The lantern, where did it come from? How does it relate to the creature’s physiology? Do they collect them from the environment and incorporate their acidic juices to enhance something’s flammability? Please examine this and let me know if you need help tying things together! I’m happy to brainstorm with you!

Reasons to Interact

-What is the Heart of a Hive? You should make mention, in detail, what this is so that it can be easily referenced and understood by those seeking to interact with this creature. I assume this has something to do with the mind-control facet mentioned elsewhere.


This is a great start! This just needs some refinement is all. Be certain that you explain the topics in this article thoroughly. Avoid metaphorical language as these articles are intended to be reference material. Remember, when developing the abilities of a creature think about the creature’s biology and how it impacts their environment.

Please let me know how I can help!

Happy Writing,
word count: 447

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