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A Mutual Exchange

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 4:26 pm
by Hikami

龍 4th of Searing, Year 121, A.o.S 龍
Company: Himself| Thoughts: I found them!| Mood: Resolute

龍 Sitting in front of the graves of his parents, the Hyo looked on with teary eyes as the sun began to set on the horizon. His thoughts were heavy, his cheeks wet from the tears he had been crying. It always hit him at random times, these repressed emotions of his. He never really had a way of dealing with them, so he was used to bottling things up.

He found that he couldnt even hide within the walls of the city, feeling more out of place than he already felt he was. He had to escape the confines of Kalzasi and its people, feeling suffocated within the city. Once outside the walls, he made his way to the one place he felt safe, back to the place he knew as home.

It was supposed to soothe him, but it didnt. With all the progress he had made he still felt empty on the inside, the void evident under the facade he wore each and every day. No matter how many masks he put on and shed he could never truly get rid of that void, or fill it for that matter. His hands fell into his lap as he fought back more tears, he was tired of crying. More so he was angry, angry at the fact he had found them but had no way of facing them. He wasnt strong enough yet, it always seemed to be this way for him.

He didn't want to see those he cared for being hurt again, he didnt want to feel that sting of letting others down, of dealing with knowing that he could slip up and lose the few friends he had. In all these thoughts he had one that seemed like his only choice. He looked to the sky eyes full of tears, determination, and resolve.

"If you can hear me, any of you. I don't care whether it's a spirit, a dragon god, or even mist lord, I beseech you. I have exhausted all options, and even with my skill, I fear it's not enough. I need help, and I'm willing to give you anything if it means exacting my revenge, allowing my family and friends who lost their lives here to finally rest." he cried out, hanging his head low as he wiped the tears from his face.

His eyes all misty from the crying drifted to the grave markers of his parents. 龍

"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"

Re: A Mutual Exchange

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2021 8:21 am
by Mirage

The problem with asking for help from the divine, the demonic and other powers, was that it rarely looked like what you expected, and and usually wasn't what you actually wanted. It's a hard lesson to learn, but everyone has to at some point.

"Dangerous thing to be doing." A male voice called. In a tree, not too far away from Hyoga, sat a man. His sandaled feet dangled over the branch while he sat back against the rough bark of the trunk. Wisps of greyish white hair struggled against the light breeze as the older man looked at Hyoga with a gapped tooth smile, "You never know who will answer such a call."

A pipe was produced from somewhere in the loose fitting and mismatched clothes, and with a snap and a puff a series of smoke rings began to rise into the air.

"Vengeance is nasty business. You really sure you want to keep repeating the cycle your father and his father before him started?"

Re: A Mutual Exchange

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 3:40 pm
by Hikami

龍 4th of Searing, Year 121, A.o.S 龍
Company: Unknown old man| Thoughts: How dare you| Mood: Suspicious, Angry

He wasnt expecting company, much more so company that chastised his actions. He heard the voice, his eyes following towards the source of the words as Aoi Ryu came to materialize in his hands as he pointed it in that direction. "You never know who will answer such a call," he said which made Hyoga chuckle a bit. "At this point I dont really care."

Taking a look at the man, he could see he was older, albeit elderly, but held a youthful calm about him. His grey hair wafted within the wind of a breeze that blew past, carrying the smoke of his pipe away as well. Hyo was sure how the man got the drop on him, but his guard was up, the kathar knowing no one in Kalzsi could be trusted as of right now.

When he spoke of revenge Hyo merely rolled his eyes, but it was the last part of that sentence that commanded his attention and spite. "And just who the fuck are you to tell me that? How would you know of my father and of his? My patience is all but nonexistent so I suggest you give me some!" he demanded, the wind whipping up around him, the ground beneath the tree trembling in resonance with his rising anger.

It would be just his luck that someone would intrude on his time with his parents at their resting place, and even more so speak so recklessly about his father. Though Hyo would be lying if he said he wasnt at all curious as to who this man was and what he knew of his father.
"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"

Re: A Mutual Exchange

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 3:54 pm
by Mirage

The man breathed out a long line of smoke, waiting patiently for the rumbling to subsist before answering.

"Seems to me patience is something you sorely lack." The smile never faltered, though he did sit a little straighter on the branch to peer down curiously at Hyoga, "As for who I am, just an old man passing through."

He took another draw on his pipe before waving the end toward the younger man, "Saw you here, moping about, and thought I would come by and thank you for what you did for me back in Frost. Though it looks like you're busy, so maybe I'll be on my way."

With that the man shimmied off the branch, hanging for a moment by one hand before dropping the few feet to the ground. Then with a wave, he turned, starting to make his way back toward the city.

Re: A Mutual Exchange

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 1:19 am
by Hikami

龍 4th of Searing, Year 121, A.o.S 龍
Company: Unknown old man| Thoughts: How dare you| Mood: Suspicious, Angry

He didnt realize it till the old man had mentioned it, but now that he had a better look at him he could see it was the old man from the Shokaze Festival. Hyoga felt bad about the way he reacted but didnt this old guy know it was impolite to eavesdrop on folks while they were grieving. With a heavy sigh, he dematerialized Aoi Ryu, before calling out to the old man.

"Wait, dont go." he called out, chasing after him. "My apologies, I'm just a little on edge as it is. The last time I came here to see them I was attacked by some noble twit who wanted to make a for himself. You'll have to forgive me if I'm a little suspicious. Not many people I can trust nowadays." he jested with a forced chuckle.

Another breeze came to roll past them both as Hyo turned to look at the grave markers, his wings folding and tucking behind him as he looked at the crude stone carvings. "You said something about repeating the cycle of vengeance that my father started, what did you mean by that exactly."

He wasnt entirely sure as to what the man was getting at. If his father had been killed because someone sought revenge on him was he right for exacting his own vengeance on the ones who carried it out? After all, they did invite him to come and try and kill them once he was strong enough. It would have been rude to ignore their kind invitation.
"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"

Re: A Mutual Exchange

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 2:46 pm
by Mirage
Ripples for Mirage

The old man turned back with a wide grin, his pipe between his teeth as he said, "There now, all is forgiven."

With two long strides the man came to meet Hyoga, glancing over the boy's shoulder toward the graves, "Loss is never an easy thing to bear, but in the wake of it we can become many things." He puffed out a breath before tapping out the pipe and stowing it away, "And trust once lost is hard to gain back. Yes, very hard in fact."

He nodded sagely before looking fully at Hyoga once more. His expression sobered slightly, but it was not long before it was back once more. A wrinkled hand thrust out ready to grasp Hyoga's, "You can call me Thelius. You are Hyoga I know. Overheard you talking with wing guards that time." Thelius winked and nodded toward the graves, "Tell me, do you not know yer own family history?"

Though his voice was calm, the old man's eyes were curious, and a bit disbelieving, "To say your blood is known in these parts is an understatement."

Re: A Mutual Exchange

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 8:20 pm
by Hikami

龍 4th of Searing, Year 121, A.o.S 龍
Company: Unknown old man| Thoughts: How dare you| Mood: Suspicious, Angry

He was glad that the old man didnt take his rashness to offense, and gave a half-hearted smile towards him. Hyo follows his eyes over to the gravemarkers behind him and listening to the old man introduced himself. Hyo shot his eyes back to him as he grabbed his hand and a curious look painted his face as he looked to the grinning Thelius.

Hyo couldnt help but smile back at him, as oddly enough he felt at ease around him, more so he wasnt sure what an old man could do to him that anyone else hadn't already. He decided he would allow himself the man's company. His inquiry caused Hyo's brow to raise before a hand went to palm the back of his head as he was ashamed of the answer he was about to give.

"To be honest it wasnt really a subject that was brought up much between my parents. My father kept things from his past just the past. It didnt take a genius to see it was a subject he would rather avoid talking about, guessing because he didnt want to relive the memories of those times before he fled the Imperium. My mother was no better but she was nice about it.

Instead of indulging me, she easily changed the subject to that of magical practice or new techniques to use in battle. After a while, I stopped asking and never thought of the subject again. I can't say I blame them really, I could see the look on their faces whenever I use to ask, the pain, the discomfort, so for their sakes I let the subject go and focused on becoming a strong warrior like my father, and an exceptional mage like my mother."

He fought back a few tears but swore he wouldn't cry again, or ever if he could help it. It was what Thelius said next that piqued Hyoga's curiosity and a tiny bit of his frustration. "And just what do you mean by that?" he posed with eyes burning with a hunger to know what this old man knew of his blood.
"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"

Re: A Mutual Exchange

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2021 5:14 pm
by Mirage

Thelius scratched at his scraggly beard. His eyes, a startling blue, searched Hyoga's face, his shoulders, and lingered for an extended time on the boy's feet before speaking.

"You really don't know?" Disbelief colored the man's voice, "Didn't you think it odd? You are a Kathar yes, but most Kathar live normal lives in Kalzasi. It's not because of what you are, it's WHO you are that ruffles feathers."

Thelius paused to search for recognition, but when it didn't come he nodded toward the graves, "You're family, your father and his father before him, were both Inquisitors of the Imperium. They were mired in so much blood it is a wonder your wings aren't red to match." Looking back toward where the village once stood the old man sobered slightly as he rubbed the top of his mostly bald head, "From what I heard your grandfather was exceptional at his duties, and your father took after him in many regards. I don't know much, but those stories make me wonder why he chose to settle in this village of all places."

Re: A Mutual Exchange

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2021 1:47 am
by Hikami

龍 4th of Searing, Year 121, A.o.S 龍
Company: Unknown old man| Thoughts: How dare you| Mood: Suspicious, Angry

Wide eyes fixated on Hyo's face he heard the words come from the old man's lips. He couldnt fathom it at first, the pure shock rattling him to the very core of his being. He stood there for what felt like an eternity allowing the revelation to truly sink in.

It made sense the moment he began to think about it, the way the citizens reacted to him. It was clear now why the people held such content in their eyes toward him. He came from a bloodline soaked with the blood of his fellow avialae, a heritage of hunters, of inquisitors. He couldnt believe what he was hearing, and part of him didnt want to, but this realization was filling in so many pieces of the puzzle he was missing.

"I don't know much, but those stories make me wonder why he chose to settle in this village of all places." Those words brought Hyo back, causing him to regain himself. "My mother always said we settled here because it was a place to make a fresh start. I never knew what she meant by that but now the dots are starting to connect. I can't believe this entire time I was living in a lie. I can't beleive they would keep such information from me."

He clenched his fist angry more so at himself for not knowing, but even more that his parents hid such an important thing from him. Looking at Thelius his eyes narrowed slightly as he took a step forward toward the old man. "Is that why my home was wiped out, why those murderers let me live and provoked me to get stronger so I could seek my revenge? What arent you telling my old man?"

His eyes searched through the old man's face for any sign of deception, he didnt want to believe any of this no matter how convincing it was.
"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"

Re: A Mutual Exchange

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2021 9:36 pm
by Mirage

Taking a step back Thelius raised his hands and shrugged, "That's all I know." Looking over his shoulder at the ruined village the old man sighed and shook his head, "I don't know why it happened, or the reasons for it all."

The old man fell silent for a moment, simply staring over the hillside before looking back to the graves, "There's nothing wrong with looking for a fresh start, but if you ask me the story doesn't sound quite right."

A smile returned to Thelius' lips, "Everyone does things for a reason though, wise or foolish as those reasons may be." He looked at Hyoga, "What will you do now?"