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[Approved][NPCs] Wart Frog

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 7:19 pm
by Franky


Wart Frog is a traveling musical group, comprised solely of goblins, of a variety of the subtypes. It was formed in year 113 by the lead singer, Blondie. They originally started in small taverns within the Galerian Imperium, performing for tips. Eventually, their popularity grew among the Goblin diaspora, and they began to tour through entire Imperium, traveling from Goblin tribe to tribe, until they got accepted into bigger, more mainstream venues. Their popularity has continued to grow, and they now tour through many nations.

Their music is called Goblin Folk, known for its loud metallic sounds, vicious screeching, and high tempo. Wart Frog will use nearly every musical instrument known to mankind, and many things that don't seem like instruments to typical people, but one constant is always heavy use of drums and Blondie's powerful vocals.
The four founding members are Blondie, Jerky, Dedrick Ciggory, and Vernula. They will recruit temporary members from areas they travel to, so long as they are goblinoid and good enough to keep up.



Race: Goblin
Age: 26
Height: 5'0
Weight: 120lbs

Occupation: Lead Singer of Wart Frog
NPC Type: Local/World NPC
Influence: 2

Description: Blondie is a light green skinned Goblin with a huge mane of blonde hair. She is extremely curvaceous and quite proud of that fact. She often flaunts it by wearing as little clothing as local customs and laws will allow. Blondie has an immense vocal range, able to get as high pitched as a screeching Fey and as low as a lusting Mortallen.

Blondie is extremely sociable, loves to drink and party. She hasn't found any booze or dugs she didn't enjoy, and she is quite promiscuous, often chasing men and women of any race.


Singing: Master
Cosmetology: Apprentice
Dancing: Journeyman
Leadership: Journeyman
Seduction: Master



Race: Hobgoblin
Age: 34
Height: 6''3
Weight: 265lbs

Occupation: Drummer for Wart Frog
NPC Type: Local/World NPC
Influence: 2

Description: Jerky is a large, muscular Hobgoblin of grey skin. He keeps his head shaved smooth. He carries a stern look on his face at almost all times. He doesn't speak much. In addition to being the main drummer for the band, he also manages the money and books. When he goes out to party with his band mates, he sits alone, drinking heavily but never seeming to be drunk. He doesn't make friends and anytime someone tries to seduce him, one of his bandmates steps in, saying how he's married with 15 children back in the Imperium.


Business: Expert
Mathematics: Journeyman
Bodybuilding: Journeyman
Instrument (Drums): Master

Dedrick Ciggory


Race: Grackle
Age: 22
Height: 3'4
Weight: 65lbs

Occupation: Strings Player of Wart Frog
NPC Type: Local/World NPC
Influence: 2

Description: Dedrick Ciggory is extremely small and skinny, even for a fully grown Grackle, but he has the self proclaimed most skilled fingers in all of Ransera. He has sickly yellow skin and bright eyes, and always dresses finely, often in a tricorn hat with a feather in it. He takes great pride in his appearances, but his master of his skill, and the accompanying confidence with it, is his true centerpiece. Dedrick plays every known stringed instrument, and has even invented a few of his own. His pride also forces him to challenge any person he meets who has or claims to play a stringed instrument. To this day, he remains unbeaten. The skill of his fingers seems to be undiminished regardless of his intoxication with drugs and alcohol.


Singing: Journeyman
Instrument (Strings): Master
Dancing: Apprentice
Carpentry: Journeyman



Race: Goblin
Age: 29
Height: 5'2
Weight: 110lbs

Occupation: Winds Player of Wart Frog and Manager and Songwriter
NPC Type: Local/World NPC
Influence: 2

Description: Vermula is tall for a Goblin, skinny and lanky, with dark skin skin. Her eyes are bright lavender and she prefers to dress only in dark colors. She plays wind instruments, and while she's not as skilled as her bandmates, she plays an incredibly important role in the band. In addition to her music, she also writes all of the songs and organizes their events. She is constantly maintaining a constant stream of communications via letters to establishments around the world, working out the travel arrangements and everything.

She is quite sociable, though not in the same flirtatious manner as Blondie or as pompous as Dedrick. She is the polite one of the bunch, and spends the most time trying to get to know the people who wish to meet her and the band. She is extremely kind and soft spoken, and has a particular love for flowers, usually wearing several in her long black hair.


Singing: Journeyman
Instrument (Winds): Expert
Logistics: Master
Writing (Songs): Master

Re: [NPCs] Wart Frog

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 9:46 pm
by Paragon
Hi Franky,

These NPC's are approved. Looking forward to their Goblin Folk music!

All the best,