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Portions for Foxes

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2021 8:05 pm
by Aurin
Portions for Foxes

Name of Business: Portions for Foxes
Business Type: Holding company, keiretsu
Items Sold: n/a
Services Provide: Financial services, information trafficking

Base Income: Information broker — 8 gp/day
Skill Bonus: Investigation skill apprentice x 1.5, journeyman x 2
Total Income: 24 gp/day

Sales Bonus: 20%
Ingenuity/Creativity Bonus: 5%
Hired PCs Bonus: Arvalyn Val'Cithaeron — Investigator: Acting + Torin Kilvin — Investigator: Perception
Hired NPCs Bonus: Ashoka Lomri — Finance Master x TBD + Elwes Anizhe — Assassination Master x TBD

Hired PCs Wages: Arvalyn Val'Cithaeron — 9 gp/day + Torin Kilvin — 9 gp/day
Hired NPCs Wages: Ashoka Lomri — TBD gp + Elwes Anizhe — TBD gp

Currently not applicable, although the company's holdings and the keiretsu ought to expand.

Currently not applicable, although the company will likely incur debts when preparing for growth spurts and investments.
Seasonal Interest Rate: Currently not applicable.

Description of Business: When Aurin Kavafis first arrived in Kalzasi, he had little to his name but his wits. He began to work at the Velvet Cabaret doing everything from security to bartending to bookkeeping. As he earned Madame Lunaria’s trust, he moved up in the schema of leadership. Quickly, he developed a long game. When Lunaria needed a bit of quick capital to make some needed changes, he bought an ill-used outbuilding and made it his home. At his first windfall of capital after that, he bought shares of various businesses open to such investments and incorporated these investments as Kavafis Holdings, Ltd.

And he began to listen. In past lives, he had been a thief and an assassin. Now, Lunaria paid him to keep people happily spending money in her establishment, and to protect her investments in people and the place itself. Charm worked more efficiently than violence, and so while he kept his old skills up, he became everyone’s best friend. Drunk patrons poured out their hearts. Courtesans shared gossip.

Listening became a habit and since he was less intoxicated than most, he was able to make connections. Sometimes he was able to make connections that turned a profit. A word here. A glance there. A gift from a grateful regular. Information could be valuable if one knew how to ply it.

Over the years, he lived frugally, but put what money he saved into his holding company. Over the years, he did people favors, made friends and connections. One the bastard son of a nobleman, another a shadowy figure who, for whatever reason, grew to trust him. He helped a street kid in Antiris escape his life and start over in Kalzasi. He took an apprentice runeforger from the country under his wing.

People who listened. People who trusted him. People who followed his lead. It wasn’t until late Glade 121 that the big opportunity came. He pulled the disparate threads together, changed Kavafis Holdings, Ltd. into Portions for Foxes, a nascent financial keiretsu, while he chased a lead for a stake in the Golden Peacock Theater. He became a legitimate businessman, but only time would tell whether it was a house of cards or he would become a real person of means in the city.

Business PCs:
Phædryn Sol'Zalkyriax Arvælyn
Torin Kilvin

Business NPCs: [Contractors until Aurin reaches Expert in Investigation.]
Ashoka Lomri — The bastard child of the head of a failing house, this fox Rathari knows how to move in the upper echelons of society. It was quite the scandal at the time, but their father avoided more by not turning his paramour and bastard out on the street. Ashoka brings financial acumen and connections to the business, pleased to exist in higher society, filter information to Aurin, and let the man make the big decisions, just advising on financial matters. He sank his modest share of a crumbling zaibatsu into Aurin’s venture.
— Skill: Finance — Master

Elwes Anizhe — A mysterious figure in the Low-City, this serpent Rathari was one of the first people Aurin met in Kalzasi. Who saved who first is a matter of debate, but the two of them helped each other out over and over again until they had formed a sort of virtuous circle among those without much in the way of virtue. He moved up in the world in ways she was not comfortable to follow, but they continue to help each other. When someone has their eyes on the fox, they don’t see the serpent poised to strike.
— Skill: Assassination — Master

Re: Portions for Foxes

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2021 2:57 pm
by Mirage
This business is approved!