Franky's Plotnotes

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Flashbacks skills

1. Longsword
2. Kiteshield
3. Dagger
4. Longbow
5. Brawling

1. Bodybuilding
2. Climbing
3. Resistance
4. Riding
5. Running
6. Swimming
7. Acrobatics
8. Stealth
9. Detection

1. Survival
2. Logistics
3. Tactics
4. Torture
5. Intimidation
6. Navigation
7. Interrogation
8. Leadership

1. Gambling
2. Storytelling
3. Dancing
4. Singing
5. Vinting
6. Mixology
7. Butchering
8. Cooking
9. Brewing
10. Baking
Last edited by Franky on Tue Aug 17, 2021 2:36 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 72
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Franky's Military Background


Glade 12, 94 - Franky turned 18 and joined the military.

Skills to develop evenly:

One-Handed (Longsword)
One-Handed (Kiteshield)
Ranged (Longbow)

One-Handed (Kukri)
Unarmed Combat (Brawling)

Chapter 1 Questions and Notes

(These answers were provided by Paragon and/or Mirage.)

1. What is the process of entering the military? I was told by Mirage it is probably a mandatory service.
P - Non-humans born in the Imperium would be born as 2nd Class Citizens. Even foreign humans immediately have more rights and better treatment upon immigrating to the Imperium. However, non-humans can obtain equal standing under the law if they go through the equivalent of a naturalization process. Non-humans live with the following as lesser citizens:

-Can operate a business but cannot join locals guilds and thus do not benefit from legal protections and rights afforded to associated members. Additionally, this would mean they have to pay higher taxes.
-Cannot own land.
-Can be enslaved.

One way to gain equal standing is to complete a successful tour of military service and receive the recommendation for full citizenship from your chain of command.

1a. What are the stipulations of this mandatory service? (entry age, time requirements, etc)

P - If I go with the idea that service is mandatory it will be a conscription based model. Eligible people both humans and non-humans will likely serve for a minimum of 4 to 5 years and then go about their lives. For non-humans, distinguished service will grant them full rights and status if they receive the recommendation from their chain of command upon discharge.

2. Is there a bootcamp or initial training? If so, how is it conducted?

P - Yes. The Imperial military is extremely well organized. New recruits go through 3 months of basic training. They are taught the basics of military drill, exercise, customs and courtesies. They are taught how to fight, serve, and indoctrinated to remain loyal to the Imperium. Following this 3 months, they then go to their specialty school. If you do not know how to read or write, you will be taught the basics. The Imperial military has no use for people who cannot properly receive, understand and execute orders written or verbal.

Like the real world U.S. Military, it has different jobs within the organization. The military needs skilled labor in order to function. The easiest way to get that skill and have it available worldwide is to train members of the organization to perform those roles. Engineers, craftsmen, scientists, medical staff, etc. Not everyone in the military is a grunt fighter but everyone is expected to be able to maintain a certain level of physical fitness and warfighting capability. The length of time an individual spends in their specialty school depends on the specialty.

Physicians take years to train and educate whereas a clerk can be taught in a matter of weeks and so forth. To give you reference, I spent 8 weeks in bootcamp. Then spent 4 months learning how to be a basic medic. I received an additional 7 months learning how to be a surgical technologist (accelerated program that is 2 years in the civilian world). I spent an additional 8 weeks on top of that learning how to be a trauma specialist. Total training time for my basic military education was 15 months. I was obligated to initially serve 5 years in the military as payback for that training and education.

2a. Is it one large training area or is it multiple areas spread out throughout the Imperium?

P - Basic training would all be at one of four central locations. Each one for a major geographical region of the Imperium (North, South, East, West). Specialty training likely takes place at a facility or location that caters to such an area.

For example, U.S. Navy recruit training all takes place at Naval Station Great Lakes, Illinois. To become a medic, you’re then sent to the Joint Forces training school in San Antonio, Texas.

2b. What are the expected requirements for leaving basic training (Skill levels/time in training?)

P - At least Apprentice level functionality. You’re not expected to be a master or journeyman of anything. You just need to be able to function with some level of competence and ability. Mastery of a given field comes with time, experience, and on-the-job training to ingratiate you further into the mindset and culture of your chosen military specialty.

3. What is the ranking system in the military?

P - Standard Army rankings.

3a. What is the process of moving up the ranks, IC (and OOC if applicable)?

P - To be determined.

4. In year 94, are there any active conflicts going on, beyond the occasional border skirmish? I'm hoping that there's a proper war going on for the sake of this plot, not particular as toward who.

P - The Imperium was actively conquering smaller nations in its immediate vicinity.

5. Are officer positions earned in the field, or are there officer academies, or both?

6. While in the military, what benefits are there? I assume a wage, most expenses taken care of, training in stuff, path to citizenship, etc

6b. So I suppose I'm also asking, what benefits beyond just "loyalty to the state" are in place to get people to go beyond their typical 4-5 year tour?

Last edited by Franky on Sat Jun 12, 2021 1:36 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 915
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Zaichaer Harvest Fest - Buntifas

Cinderfall 7, Ash 7 - Drowned Onions - Sponsors of this event put an open container of water outside of their home or business. They drop in a bunch of onions with the onions' tunics removed. One of these onions should have its scallion intact and tied around a prize. Participants must bob for an onion using only their mouths, one attempt per sponsor. If you fail to get the prize, you must eat your onion whole, on the spot. If you find the prize, the sponsor eats the onion. Many people have been doing this for years, and the prizes have become a sort of collectable set.

Cinderfall 13, Ash 13 - The Cider Dance - Cider producers tend to host this event in large, open areas around Zaichaer. They set up wide barrels filled with mushy, cider apples. Dancing partners are invited to roll up their pant legs and hike up their skirts and dance barefoot in the mush, together, as a performance for onlookers. If a dancing pair is able to fully crush the cider apples to the satisfaction of the cider maker, then typically that batch is named after them, or they are allowed to name it.

Cinderfall 24, Ash 24 - Chili Fest - Each neighborhood in Zaichaer holds their own Chili Fest, with chili cook offs, tastings, barbecues, and the like, largely centered around the recently harvested beans and beef. Massive potlucks are extremely common as well.

Earth's Rest 6, Ash 38 - The Flying Pumpkins - Within the Knob, people purchase a pumpkin from one of the many vendors, and attempt to throw it the furthest off the cliffs of the Copper Cut. The Mortallen of the Old Mines have become the unofficial distance checkers of this event and take it very seriously. It is believed this is because they choose not to participate and are satisfied with the smugness knowing their kind would always win. Pigs are often brought into the neighborhood to eat the remains, but they must often compete with the Grackles.

Earth's Rest 13, Ash 45 - A Lover's Turnip - On this day, it is considered good luck for someone with romantic inclinations to carve a turnip in the likeness of the person they are attracted to (or are currently in a relationship with) and hide it in a place that only the person will find it. If they find it, it means they are more likely to end with the person who carved it. If anyone else finds it first, then it means they should not come together for this year.

Earth's Rest 25, Ash 57 - Don't Hide the Carrot - On this day, Zaichaeri are expected to work a carrot into their public attire somehow. Some do so without taste for fashion sense, but many try to do so in artistic and praiseworthy ways. Those who fail to wear a carrot are supposed to be called out and if proven true, then pinched.

Wither 5, Ash 69 - Kraut Fest - On this day, Zaichaeri are expected to host open meals with neighbors, or block parties, in which many varieties of sauerkraut, boiled cabbage, potatoes, and sausages are made available. Wealthy families may sponsor an event on their own, but often groups of middle class or lower class families will host them. Many of these individual events compete to make the largest pot of warm sauerkraut, spreading the smell for miles.

Wither 18, Ash 82 - Final Slaughter - On this day, many of the Zaichaeri livestock farmers harvest the final, readied animals of their herds before preparing for winter. Typically these beasts are auctioned off at higher prices than normal, as a way to help support local farmers and get them through the winter days.

Wither 31, Ash 95 - The Swap - On this day, huge market-esque stalls pop up all around Zaichaer, typically in the middle to lower class areas. But these stalls sell no goods, but rather offer an exchange. They have collections of jarred produce from the entire year, ranging from pickled vegetables, jams and marmalades and preserves, sauces, etc. It is societally agreed upon that these must've been produced within the year. People swap these goods from their collections, so as to have a more diverse stock of food for winter available to them.

Galerian Oktoberfest

Cinderfall 10 - The Keg - This is the kick off event of the ____. A large barrel.
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Searing, 121, 91 Days
PC Name: Franky
Character Secrets Link: Link
Profession(s): Tavern Keeper
GP Per Day: 8GP (Base) x 1.5 (Apprentice) x 2 (Journeyman) x 2.5 (Expert) x 3 (Master) = 180GP/Day
Business Link: Link
Job Thread Link(s): First Day of Summer & Where's Edgart? & The Dragon King's Cup

NPC Employee Bonus Links N/A
PC Employee Bonus Links Jane

Step 1: GP Per Day x Number of Days in Season = 180 x 91 = 16,380gp
Step 2: Y x (Sales Bonus Multiplier) = 16,380 x 20% = 3,276
Step 3: Y x (Ingenuity Bonus Multiplier) = 16,380 x 5% = 819
Step 4: Y x (Loyalty Bonus Multiplier) = 16,380 x 1% (2nd Season) = 163.8
Step 5: (Y x PC Employee 1 Multiplier) + (Y x PC Employee 2 Multiplier) + ...= 16,380 x 15% (Jane, Novice) = 2,457
Step 6: (Y x NPC Employee 1 Multiplier) + (Y x NPC Employee 2 Multiplier) + ...= 0
Step 7: Y + S + I + L + PC + NPC = 16,380 + 3,276 + 819 + 163.8 + 2,457 + 0 = 23,914.8
Step 9: Y x 0.01 = 163.8
Step 8: Gross - (PC Employees Total Wages) - (NPC Employees Total Wages) - Seasonal Expenses = 23,095.8 - 312 - 0 - 163.8 = 22,620

Total Adjusted Income: +22,620 GP
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Ash, 121, 91 Days
PC Name: Franky
Character Secrets Link: Link
Profession(s): Tavern Keeper
GP Per Day: 8GP (Base) x 1.5 (Apprentice) x 2 (Journeyman) x 2.5 (Expert) x 3 (Master) = 180GP/Day
Business Link: Link
Job Thread Link(s): The First Business Meeting of the Hobbled Gobbler & Helping Others to Help Yourself & At the Farm

NPC Employee Bonus Links
Weston: 1 & 2 & 3
Evzark: 1 & 2
Glasha: 1 & 2 & 3 & 4
Meriel: 1 & 2 & 3 & 4
Zeerd: 1 & 2 & 3
Haroth: 1 & 2 & 3
Gug: 1 & 2 & 3
Dirdy: 1 & 2 & 3
Chestnut: 1 & 2
Birx: 1 & 2
Shel: 1
Bob: 1
Oaky: 1 & 2

PC Employee Bonus Links
Jane: 1 & 2

Step 1: GP Per Day x Number of Days in Season = 180 x 91 = 16,380gp
Step 2: Y x (Sales Bonus Multiplier) = 16,380 x 20% = 3,276
Step 3: Y x (Ingenuity Bonus Multiplier) = 16,380 x 5% = 819
Step 4: Y x (Loyalty Bonus Multiplier) = 16,380 x 2% (3rd Season) = 327.6
Step 5: (Y x PC Employee 1 Multiplier) + (Y x PC Employee 2 Multiplier) + ...= (Jane, Competent) 16,380 x 30% = 4,914
Step 6: (Y x NPC Employee 1 Multiplier) + (Y x NPC Employee 2 Multiplier) + ...= [(Weston, Master) 16,380 x 75% = 12,285] + [(Evzark, Expert) 16,380 x 55% = 9,009] + [(Glasha, Expert) 16,380 x 55% = 9,009] + [(Meriel, Expert) 16,380 x 55% = 9,009] + [(Zeerd, Journeyman) 16,380 x 45% = 7,371] + [(Haroth, Journeyman) 16,380 x 45% = 7,371] + [(Gug, Journeyman) 16,380 x 45% = 7,371] + [(Dirdy, Apprentice) 16,380 x 25% = 4,095] + [(Chestnut, Apprentice) 16,380 x 25% = 4,095] + [(Birx, Apprentice) 16,380 x 25% = 4,095] + [(Shel, Apprentice) 16,380 x 25% = 4,095] + [(Bob, Apprentice) 16,380 x 25% = 4,095] + [(Oaky, Novice) 16,380 x 10% = 1,638] = 12,285 + (9,009 x 3 = 27,027) + (7,371 x 3 = 22,113) + (4,095 x 6 = 24,570) + 1,638 = 87,633
Step 7: Y + S + I + L + PC + NPC = 16,380 + 3,276 + 819 + 327.6 + 4,914 + 87,633 = 113,349.6gp
Step 9: Y x 0.01 = 163.8
Step 8: Gross - (PC Employees Total Wages) - (NPC Employees Total Wages) - Seasonal Expenses = 113,349.6 - (Jane 637) - (Weston 12,285) - (Evzark 2,730) - (Glasha 3,412.5) - (Meriel 2,730) - (Zeerd 819) - (Haroth 1092) - (Gug 819) - (Dirdy 273) - (Chestnut 273) - (Birx 409.5) - (Shel 409.5) - (Bob 273) - (Oaky 91) - 163.8 = 86,932.3gp

Total Adjusted Income: +86,932.3gp
Last edited by Franky on Sat Oct 09, 2021 1:01 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 429
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1. - Thrufti - Bodybuilding
2. Climbing
3. Running
4. Swimming
5. Survival
6. Resistance
7. Detection
8. Unarmed
9. One-handed Longsword
10. Shield
11. Knives
12. Longbow
13. Mom teaches Tactics and Leadership as he enters the military.
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Phase 1


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