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Character Registry: Searing 121

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2021 8:54 pm
by Chronicle
Character Registry for Searing 121

Seasonal Event Calendar

Searing 1st-91st: The Council's Court
Weather: Warm with Mild Humidity. Scattered Rain throughout the season.

The Council of Kalzasi sends out the call to the Daizoku within the nobility, to discuss the circumstances of recent developments over the seasons. A Demi-god lives among the nobility, and now, Zaichaer is just as aware of it as most of Kalzasi. The nobility is prompted to intend, and throughout the season a series of sessions are held at court, with the Council addressing the matter of Talon Alexios Novalys. [Open Prompt]

Searing 13th: Lady of the Pale Grove
Weather: Recent rains have allowed for a cool day with sporadic cloud cover.

Celebrated for Naori for she is the epitome of freedom and expression. That even in structure, there is chaos whether seen or unseen. There is a parade to celebrate her and on a stage, people can watch women dressed up as Naori perform her dance, and tales are told by theater actors. [Holiday]

Searing 88th-90th: Daichin Togloom
Weather: As the season draws near the end, temperatures recede from near hot down to favorable cool levels. Skies remain clear with sparse clouds to season's end.

Originally celebrated for the days when the people of Orkhan took in the Synnekar and their union. Now it has become a day of games and festivities where many men and women come to test their merits in competition usually involving horse racing, archery, mounted archery, and martial competition with both weapons and unarmed. There are other athletic games around which change every year followed by music, food, and drinking. [Holiday]

The summer season draws to a close, ushering in autumn. Ash brings with it the potential for bountiful harvests and promises, though, tension may yet loom on the horizon.

Code: Select all

[b]Name:[/b] [url=Character Sheet Link]PC Name[/url]
[b]Race:[/b] Character's Race
[b]Likes and Dislikes:[/b] What do you like to write about? What do you not like?
[b]Reason for Visiting:[/b] What brought you to Kalzasi?
[b]Goal for the Season:[/b] What are you hoping to achieve this season?
[b]Duration of Stay:[/b] How long will you be with us?
[b]Commentary Feedback:[/b] What would you like to see more of in Kalzasi this season?

[size=115][b]Searing Events[/b][/size]
[spoil]This season we, the staff, are taking a bit of a different approach with the calendar. While we hope to see a full roster of events, we feel that our player base should have the opportunity to contribute to the Seasonal Calendar as well! Yes! That's right! An opportunity to make your own seasonal calendar? Sign me up! (Even though I just did mine ;) )

Anyways, this isn't a necessary part of the Registry, just an opportunity for PC's to tag in with their contributions! You only need to use the template layout below to fill out your own!

[float=left][img][/img][/float][b]Searing (Timestamp): Event[/b]
[b]Weather:[/b] ([url=]You can use these icons for references to your weather[/url])

Desribe what this event is and how it even ties into Kalzasi's culture.  [Tag: Is it a Holiday? Open Prompt or Event?][/spoil]
Glade 120 Events
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Ash 120 Events
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Frost 120 Events
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Glade 121 Events
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Re: Character Registry: Searing 121

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 1:38 pm
by Reviewer
Name: Areya
Race: Angry Elf
Likes and Dislikes:Does not like people who don't take the Warrens seriously. Likes nice people.
Reason for Visiting: Lived here whole life
Goal for the Season: Pushing the plot Mirage is running concerning the Warrens. Perhaps take oddjobs for people within the Warrens.
Duration of Stay: For the foreseeable future.
Commentary Feedback: More opportunities for lots of PCs to get together.

Searing Events
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Re: Character Registry: Searing 121

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 3:14 am
by Siorey
Name: Siorey V.
Race: Mixed Race {Human/Hytori}
Likes and Dislikes:
- Intrigue, magical study, semi/full combat situations, IC discovery of things/self
Reason for Visiting: Live here since his birth
Goal for the Season:
- Get this Stygian Eye plot rolling
- Gain more magics and advance the one's he has now
- Climb the ladder of the Black Robes
Duration of Stay: Till death do us part
Commentary Feedback: More opportunities for lots of PCs to get together.

Re: Character Registry: Searing 121

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 1:37 pm
by Arvælyn
Name: Arvalyn Val'Cithaeron
Race: Mixed Blood (Hytori/Human, but ostensibly full Hytori)
Likes and Dislikes: I like plot heavy or character driven scenes. Adventure, politics, romance, fantastical and practical are all ace for me.
Reason for Visiting: Moved here several years ago to turn over a new leaf with a new identity.
Goal for the Season: Arvalyn retires from the intimate end of his entertainment work and embarks upon a new business venture with Aurin. He will continue honing his talents through rehearsal and instruction.
Duration of Stay: Indefinite
Commentary Feedback: High stakes drama with epic implications!

Re: Character Registry: Searing 121

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 1:43 pm
by Destyn
Name: Destyn
Race: Fae'ethalan (Summer Court)
Likes and Dislikes: Destyn is understandably resentful of humans after the recent trauma of his clan's slaughter. He feels more comfortable around elves and is grateful to the Avialae and Talon in particular for rescuing him from certain death.
Reason for Visiting: His clan was massacred outside of Zaichaer, and he escaped onto a Kalzasi-bound airship. Lacking any support system, he's being lodged and fed by an Avialae house whilst figuring out what to do with his shattered life.
Goal for the Season: Destyn will begin to learn about Kalzasi and try to figure out whether to make a life in the city or venture elsewhere. Currently, he is at a complete loss.
Duration of Stay: Indefinite
Commentary Feedback: Hedgehogs

Re: Character Registry: Searing 121

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2021 1:11 am
by Torin Kilvin
Name: Torin Kilvin
Race: Human
Likes and Dislikes:
Likes: Aurin Kavafis, Runesmithing
Dislikes: Child Abuse, People Assuming Big = Stupid
Reason for Visiting: To finish his Runesmithing apprenticeship
Goal for the Season: Finishing his official education and setting himself up with a shop/home of his own
Duration of Stay: Kazasi is his home
Commentary Feedback: Not sure yet, watching the PCs mesh is interesting.

Re: Character Registry: Searing 121

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2021 10:16 pm
by Talon
Name: Talon
Race: Synnekar Avialae
Likes and Dislikes: Nothing to speak of.
Reason for Visiting: He lives here!
Goal for the Season: To catch up and resolve outstanding plots.
Duration of Stay: Indefinite. Talon travels but Kalzasi is his home.
Commentary Feedback: I think everyone is doing swell!

Re: Character Registry: Searing 121

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2021 7:48 pm
by Korvaelis
Name: Korvaelis Dahshida
Race: Half-Druskai
Likes and Dislikes: DRAMA, I love all the drama. Give it to me. Anything with drama, I want it. Dislikes? Not many I guess.
Reason for Visiting: He's a Dahshida
Goal for the Season: My goal is to work on my business this season.
Duration of Stay: A while
Commentary Feedback: Me ;)

Re: Character Registry: Searing 121

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2021 10:17 pm
by Aria Greystone
Name: Aria Greystone
Race: Human
Likes and Dislikes: I can write about pretty much anything. Still sorting out this new system so be patient!
Reason for Visiting: What brought you to Kalzasi? Aria travels and this was her next stop. Kalzasi was one of the cities where she lived as a child.
Goal for the Season: What are you hoping to achieve this season? Simply getting acclimated and make a few friends along the way.
Duration of Stay: How long will you be with us? Hopefully for awhile!
Commentary Feedback: What would you like to see more of in Kalzasi this season? I'll let you know after I see what there is to see!

Re: Character Registry: Searing 121

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 12:48 pm
by Senara
Name: Senara
Race: Rathari, wolf
Likes and Dislikes: Emotional shenanigans, Getting senara into trouble
Reason for Visiting: Brianne
Goal for the Season: Get Senara into Slayers Keep
Duration of Stay: Unknown, likely *forever*
Commentary Feedback: N/A, y'all are doing great!