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Eldritch Theory Ⅰ

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 4:46 am
by Siorey

₪ Searing 1st, Year 121, A.o.S ₪
Company: Dhasali| Thoughts: I must learn the way| Mood: Nervous

Siorey was eager, excited even as he waited for the lesson to begin. Ever since gaining the Summoning Rune from his parents, he had been apprehensive in exploring the way of the Summoner. His apprehensions were of course warranted at first, as given his family's "unconventional" practices, he wanted nothing to do with it. But even then, he aspired to be a powerful image, and It would be pointless to not use a rune of magic simply because he didn't like the way his family went about it.

Instead of his parents, however, Siorey's Summoning instructor was someone he trusted dearly, his protector Dhasali. The veteran warrior was well versed in Summoning theory and made for the perfect person for Siorey to learn from. He sat patiently, filling with his pants as he waited for the other to join him. His guardian soon appeared, sitting on the floor in front of his charge. The two exchange a smirk and begin.

"I don't think I should have to tell you about summoning, as it's something I'm sure you are well aware of. I take it you haven't used it since receiving the rune because of the memories of your family." he began, his piercing green eyes cutting deep within Siorey, causing the young prodigy to advert his gaze only for Dhasali to return it with a gesture of his hand. "Whatever the reason, be it apprehension....or fear, I will ensure you have all you need to become a great summoner, now let's go over the basics." Finding a stick nearby he took a moment to gather his words before looking to Siorey and smiled.

"It is believed that the origins of the Rune of Summoning can not be truly determined. For many, there are tales as old as time itself that recant those who were able to call on the aid of spirits from another realm to assist them. Many bright minds believe that because of this, the art of Summoning was gifted to the earliest form of civilization. Elves, however, have noted extraordinary souls who could summon spirits, dating back to the early days of the Boundless Empire in the ancient elven homeland of Sol’Valen.

It is said that those practitioners were so skilled in the art that they contracted with powerful entities to guard the Rift Gates. Before the end of the empire, and the subsequent destruction of the Rift Gates, the spirits that were forever bound to them were some of the most formidable and fearsome of summons one would face. Even to this day, some believe that they still linger where these gates once stood."
he began, etching something into the sand.

Siorey watched intently as Dhasali finished his drawings, and pointed to each one as he continued. "There are four realms a summoned spirit falls into, care to tell me what they are?". he said with a smirk as he finished his drawing, one that resembled four circles, each with a specific word in them.

"The four spheres, Celestial, Infernal, Wild, & Eldritch." the last word hanging a bit. "Good, now do you know of the sphere you call from?" he inquired looking to his charge with curious eyes. He could see the apprehension in Siorey, giving him a nudge of encouragement as he put his charge at ease with a smile. Siorey found he always did that when he knew Siorey was worried or nervous about something.

"Difficult to understand, the spirits of this sphere are an interesting realm to interact with. With unsure motives and moving with machinations of their own design, the spirits of this sphere can be cooperative or belligerent as they so choose. Summoners of this realm often find it hard to communicate and truly find an understanding with these spirits as they are not attuned to the common thought process of mortal races. As such those who tend to summon from the eldritch sphere tend to find themselves picking up the idiosyncrasy of the spirits they summon." he recited as if reading it from the notes he had taken when he first had a love for the art.

Dhasali gave him a round of applause, standing, then beginning to pace around him. "Now comes the fun part, practical application. You are going to learn two new techniques with Summoning." he said with quite an enthusiastic smile on his face. It was that smile that Siorey found he liked the most about Dhasali, it was warm and comforting. Comfort was something he seemed to be in need of as of late.

"The first of many techniques within a summoner's arsenal is that of its namesake, which is the technique of summoning itself. To do so, one must keep a clear mind and concentrate on traveling to a realm within the sphere you are summoning from." he instructed, watching Siorey intently as he did so. "I know this much at least" he mumbled, doing as Dhasali instructed, clearing his mind and allowing himself to be open to the aetherium.

He sat there entering a meditative state as he attuned his aether and mind to find a way into that space, a place somewhere in the Aetherium where Eldritch spirits dwelled. As time seemed to pass it didnt seem as if it was working, he didnt feel like he had moved or shifted from where he was. The silence was killing him, only to be broken by the faint sounds of the rustling trees and wildlife that watched from the safety of their distance.

Dhasali held his tongue as he watched, wonder just how long it would take him to enter that place, and before long he could feel it, the passing through the veil as it were. "Tell me, my lord, what do you see, what is it you feel?" he inquired, coming to stand within arm's length of Siorey as he examined the young prodigy with discerning eyes.

"Nothing really has changed, I don't fe.........." his eyes suddenly shot open, glossed over which caused a great amount of alarm in Dhasali as he took Siorey's face within his hands. "My Lord!? My Lord!? Are you alright!? Answer me my lord!?" he demanded with a look of confusion and concern fixated itself upon his face as the look on Siorey's was not one he was expecting.

He was smiling, eyes shifting in shades of amethyst, gold, & black the same as his rune of summoning, his head moving about as if he was looking around himself. "What do you see around you, what does the place you are in look like?" he asked with a hint of concern, yet curiosity in his voice. Silence fell over Siorey for a moment, and it only made his bodyguard worry more. With a nudge, he pressed the question once again. "My lord I need you to tell me what the scenery around you looks like." he urged. Siorey shook his head, then blinked, and an awe-struck smile filled his facial expression.

At that moment Siorey could no longer truly hear Dhasali, his words coming through as muffled mumbling at best. His last inquiry however did reach Siorey's ears before becoming distorted. "It's beautiful, I'm standing on an endless expanse of water as far as the eye can see. Amorphous waves rolling and crashing for miles, and in the center of it all is a moon, glowing brilliantly with unparalleled light like that of a dragonshard of ultimate quality."

Taking Siorey's hands, Dhasali sat across from him, matching the aether output of his charge in order for his words to reach him in that space. "That's good, this is the place in which you will come to call and contract your spirits. Think of it as an inner sanctum within the sphere if you will. But know you are on their playing field and must be careful in which spirits you call. Now let's start off small, and summon a minor spirit." he instructed, Siorey feeling out into the Aetheric space for something, anything to answer.

His thoughts were filled with many things that he felt would attract a minor spirit, setting it around him and into his aether like bait, and soon something seemed to tug on him, his head dart in the direction he felt it coming from. Dhasali could feel that tug ever so slightly and continued to guide Siorey along. "Now in order to manifest the spirit into our world in order to commune with it you must call its name." he instructed.

Siorey felt through the aether to whatever it was that had latched onto his bait and soon whispered out a word. "Taberu" when that name come from his lips, his hand was extended filled with aether as he exited that beautiful space, when his eyes returned to normal he found that there was a creature floating over it.

Dhasali was pleased, evident by his smile stretching across his lips. "Good now comes the next part, the binding of the spirit, known as a Concordant. This technique forms a proverbial bridge between you and this Taberu. With this, it will form the agreement by which it will serve under you. It is done by conjuring your aether and within it embedding your orders and restrictions by which the spirit is to be held to. Now form a concordant with your Spirit."

With those instructions, Siorey spoke his orders into the pool of aether. "Heed my every call, never desert me, and act as my eyes and ears." he spoke, looking to the eldritch-looking jellyfish. For a moment it just stared at him, the skull within the center of its form peering into Siorey's soul. Then he heard it, a plain and stoic voice entering his mind with a single word. "Yes" The eyes of the skull glowed green and the Taberu floated over the aetheric offering before devouring it.

Moments later it was gone.
"Common Speech"
"Mythrasi Speech"
"Dhasali Speech"
"Inner Thoughts"

Re: Eldritch Theory Ⅰ

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2021 6:51 pm
by Mirage


Summoning: Minor spirits don't need much aether to be contracted
Summoning: Using aether & intentions as a lure
Summoning: Technique - Summoning
Summoning: Entering the Summoning Place
Summoning: Technique - Concordant
Meditation: Clearing your mind
Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points 5, can be used for summoning