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Written in the Glyphs

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 5:58 am
by Siorey

₪ 13th of Searing, Year 121, A.o.S ₪
Company: Dhasali| Thoughts: How curious| Mood: Confident

Siorey wasn't too familiar with Pictography or the mechanics of Scrivening at that. He wanted to learn the world magic but since he couldn't just go up to lady Sahfri and ask her to teach him, he had to go another route. His fingers danced over the paper of the journal he had taken from Yarnell's place last season, the feel of the grain of paper running under his touch.

The former owner had symbols written in the book that resembled that of the ones used in Scrivening so he figured learning more about the form or world magic would help him in the long run. He had heard of a sorceress who was particularly skilled in Scrivening, a master if one would say. She had done work for the Circle so her work was known throughout the order. Another plus was that she held no ties to the Circle of spells which meant trusting her wouldn't be so hard.

He knew that something like what he was embarking on with the Stygian Eye was too great of a find to allow anyone else within the order to know about just yet as one of his fellow black robes would try and steal it from him the moment he stole it from the treasure hunters. Upon finding her shop he stopped and looked up at the name of it. "Ale'Ephirum" he spoke in Mythrasi, a tongue he was comfortable with despite hating his Hytori father.

The owner must have been Hytori, or at least someone with an appreciation for Hytori words. That could be a good and a bad thing as far as Siorey was concerned. Was this woman connected to his father, could he truly trust her? He could feel his heart begin to pick up the pace in its beating, his breaths becoming shallow with a heavy feeling sinking into the pit of his stomach. He wanted to run, but he couldn't he was frozen.

When he finally found the strength to move, he turned only to collide with the muscular frame of Dhasali. Siorey couldn't help but clench onto the man's body as he tried to bury himself into Dhasali's chest, which made the guardian chuckle a bit. "Come now young lord, you can't just hide away from your anxieties. You must be brave enough to face them, just like you were brave enough to flee from your family and be on your own." the larger human comforted.

With a nod of his head, Siorey gathered himself and opened the door to the shop. He was fine now, his eyes settling on a woman who greeted both men with a smile. "I hear that the owner of this place has quite the talent for Scrivening. I am wondering if they are available to see me as I have something that requires the eye of a master scrivener." he proposed taking out Yarnell's journal and turning to the page where the cipher begins, making sure to hold it just out of arms reach of the woman.
"Common Speech"
"Mythrasi Speech"
"Dhasali Speech"
"Inner Thoughts"

Re: Written in the Glyphs

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2021 12:44 pm
by Lyra

Emma looked up and smiled at the two customers as they walked in. She sat at the desk before the door, a stack of papers on one side steadily growing larger with each passing minute as she poured over ledgers from the last 3 seasons.

"Welcome to Ale'Epherium." She said as she stood, clasping her hands at her waist before bowing slightly, "Unfortunately, the owner of the shop is indisposed at the moment. I can schedule an appointment if you would like?"

"There is no need." A tired voice spoke from down the hallway. The door to the workshop closed with a soft click accompanied by a series of glowing scripts that traced the edges of the door. Lyra rested her hand on the wooden frame and eyed one pictograph critically before looking toward Emma, "We need more aether treated parchment. Rean has gone through the stock to fill the latest order."

Emma looked down at one of the many lists on the desk, "The 3x5, or the 12x12?"

"Both." Lyra said with a half-smile. This made the other woman frown, but she said nothing and simply made a note on the side of the ledger. Lyra turned her eyes on Siorey then, pausing on the ring on his finger before fixing her attention on the man beside him. Their symphonies rang in something of harmony, though that could signify many things. She then looked down at the journal and raised an eyebrow, "What is it you seek from me?"

From the collar of the gold-trimmed robes, a small serpent head peaked out, flicking its tongue in the general direction of the two potential customers.

Re: Written in the Glyphs

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2021 4:30 am
by Siorey

₪ 13th of Searing, Year 121, A.o.S ₪
Company: Dhasali| Thoughts: How curious| Mood: Confident

His face frowned at the mention that the owner was not available. With a sigh of utter frustration, he was contemplating his next move, as this was looking to be a waste of time. He would have rathered deal with the owner directly rather than wait and come back but if it couldn't be helped then he didn't have any choice.

As fate would have it, he wouldn't have to wait or come back, as the owner emerged from somewhere within the building, ascending the stairs as coming to stand before him. He watched as the woman spoke to the clerk, telling her to add more stock as they were out of a special parchment.

Siorey eyes appraised the woman, her figure and the way she carried herself reminded him of Mariette and women of high elven society circles. She was poised, calm, and collected, an aura of dignity that belied a fierce and vicious hunger. In all instances, he saw her as a dangerous predator, but one he felt he could form an alliance with someone as powerful with a skillset like hers.

A curious brow rose as he saw a serpent slither from her robes. With a curious brow, he gave her a polite bow. "I am Siorey Val'maranthy, it is a pleasure to meet you." he greeted her in mythrasi, raising his head and taking a step forward, and showing her Yarnell's notes.

"I came across this journal and it has scrivening in it. Symbols I have never seen before, given my little expertise in the art, but I recognize some of the symbols present." he explained, speaking in a clear and even tone. He was hesitant at first, not wanting to hand the journal over to her. But he was certain that she was his only hope in deciphering these notes.

"Be that as it may, I feel that only a master in Scrivening can decipher them." for a moment he allowed for her to take the journal. As much as he wanted to resist he allowed the book to slip out of his hands and into hers. Though he was apprehensive he continued onward as there was another reason he was here.

"That brings me to my next point, well more so a request. I wish for you to teach me. I know you are probably thinking Why don't you gain tutelage from someone within the circle? Simply put, I don't trust any of them, afterall I am the Circle's prodigy and many are out to take me down. At least someone on the outside is easier to trust."

He took a moment to assess her then finished with something he figured would tickle her. "Besides I think my chances are better working with a lone tiger than a tower full of snakes."
"Common Speech"
"Mythrasi Speech"
"Dhasali Speech"
"Inner Thoughts"

Re: Written in the Glyphs

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2021 3:07 pm
by Lyra

Lyra raised an eyebrow as she was greeted in an odd dialect of the old tongue. She found she could recognize the general intent, but several of the words and phrasing were... odd. She inclined her head politely in response and accepted the book when it was offered. A hand passed over its cover, feeling the raised ridges in the leather and the divets that formed a series of glyphs and markings that spiraled inward and entwined in complicated, and seemingly endless patterns that grew smaller and smaller.

"You flatter me child," Lyra said as she opened the cover, flipping to the first page and scanning its contents, "But I fear you overestimate my abilities."

The paper was rough to the touch, and like the cover was covered by a series of symbols which made spiraling patterns leading inward from the edges of the page. She traced a line with a finger, humming softly to herself as she examined the next page, and then the next. As she studied she only half-listened to what Siorey said. There was something unusual about the book, something obvious that she could not place, but as she continued to examine the journal her eyes widened in realization.

"This is parchment." Lyra said aloud, a frown turning her lips downward as she turned the next page and gently scraped at the ink. She raised the finger to her eyes, rubbing the pieces of black between her finger and thumb. Mixing with the oils of her skin the flakes became smudges that had a slight reddish tint. Her expression didn't change, but she regarded Siorey for a long moment before saying, "I haven't the time to teach, but if you wish to hire such services my own apprentice will be enough. You may speak with her when we have concluded her business."

The journal was closed with a snap, and she handed it back to Siorey, "I recognize some of the intent, but whoever wrote this was skilled in their craft. It requires a key, a means to decrypt the meaning beyond what can be read from the scripts alone." There was another pause as she glanced to Emma, who seemed to be ignoring their conversation.

"That book," she pointed to the journal with narrowed eyes, "Is made of flesh; ink, binding and all, and the parchment does not appear to be sheepskin."

Lyra let the sentence trail off into silence, once more watching Siorey as she listened to his melodies as she waited for a response.

Re: Written in the Glyphs

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2021 5:14 am
by Siorey

₪ 13th of Searing, Year 121, A.o.S ₪
Company: Dhasali| Thoughts: How curious| Mood: Confident

His eyes sparked with a hint of interest when she mentioned that the paper used within the journal was parchment which would imply that the book was old, older than he first guessed it to be. he wondered just who made this journal in the first place, as he initially believed it to be that mad researcher from before. As he pondered this he watched as she inspected the journal, her fingers running over the book and pages with the same curiosity.

Her next set of words saw the spark in his eyes fade as he was disappointed in her refusal to teach him. He couldnt hide the fact that she wasnt willing to accept him as a student. He didnt like that at all and wasnt sure how to get her to change her mind. "I can assure you I am far from a waste of your time Lady Lyra." he noted as he watched her finish her inspection of the book.

As she handed it back the revelation that it needed a key to be understood, caused a brow to rise on Siorey. So there was a way to decipher these pages, and that realization sent hope through him. However, it was overwhelmed by a sickening feeling as she revealed the materials used to make the journal. he almost dropped it when she told him. Human flesh. he couldnt believe his ears, but she seemed to have a more discerning eye than he did.

He couldn't help but fidget a bit, bitting on the tip of his thumb as he pondered his next move. He couldn't allow her to simply dismiss him without more consideration. He didn't have much to offer her, but he figured it meant learning more about it he wouldn't be ashamed to share it. "I'll be frank Lady Lyra..." he began his eyes looking at the clerk at the desk and then looking back to the owner.

Switching the dialect he continued, though his eyes never returned to Lyra, drilling into the floor as he spoke. "My family is a part of some cult, a wicked cult that has been sacrificing people. I wish to learn scrivening to find a way to bind their souls." he remained silent for a moment, his mind flashing back to that moment he watched those innocent people die before his very eyes.

"I know that with scrivening I can save them, if not their souls. No one should have to be sacrificed to whatever horror it is they worship. Even as a black robe, even that is far too much for me to bare. So you see I can not simply accept your refusal to teach me. The very souls of innocent people are hanging in the balance and it's my duty as the only sane Val'Maranthy to save them." he explained, hoping it would appeal to some level of sensibility in the woman.
"Common Speech"
"Mythrasi Speech"
"Dhasali Speech"
"Inner Thoughts"

Re: Written in the Glyphs

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2022 12:43 am
by Anton


Etiquette: Introductions are key
Etiquette: Complimenting to try and garner favor
Negotiation: Asking for an apprenticeship
Negotiation: Offering yourself in exchange for their knowledge
Persuasion: Trying to convince someone to teach you magic
Persuasion: Asking someone for their expertise
+2 more Lores

Points: 10, may not be used for magic

Injuries/Ailments: None
Loot: Potential new mentor


Lore: 8

Points: 10, may not be used for magic

Injuries/Ailments: None
Loot: Potential new dro- I mean apprentice

Notes: If I had a nickel for every aspiring apprentice Scrivener who came to Lyra for help in order to unravel a secret left to them by their families, I would have two nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice