Mountainside Healings (location)


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Joined: Sun Mar 14, 2021 11:54 pm
Title: Koiteki
Location: Dahshida
Character Sheet:
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Located just a few miles away from Yorunorei, the Mountain Healings doubles as a home and an animal sanctuary. At first, this humble business was built as a starting home for Akiba Dahshida, son of the current Daizoku. Akiba Dahshida was once tasked with overseeing a small group of farming settlements just outside the district and so to make sure he wasn't troubled with traveling, Haruhiro Dahshida built a loving home on a private side of mount Synnar with access to a private road that would allow him to leave and enter as he pleases. But as the years went on and the settlements became well off, Akiba Dahshida began doing a job he so desired; the caretaking and wellbeing of animals, especially the Icewing Eagles. Akiba began collecting hunting cats and dogs into kennels, breeding and selling them as he so pleased to citizens and those specifically working under his house. Many changes had been made to his home during the time he was alive, turning what used to be a noble estate into an approachable business. Akiba sacrificed much of his large estate for kennels, storage and other places that is now dedicated to the animals he either already owned or takes in to his humble establishment. Akiba has passed away, so his business is currently being ran by his widowed husband with the help of his son from time to time.


When looking for the estate it is somewhat hard to find at first sighting. There are no signs or anything pointing to it either, so directions from a friend is often how people find it, but if you are confident in your own sense of direction there is an uncharted road that looks as if it's a death trap as it appears to lead right off the mountainside. But if your vision is good enough, you can see a lovely home hanging off the side of mount Synnar the more you head up the road. It's a lovely looking home with thin lavender colored trees around it and a beautiful view of everything around it--including the rest of the city. Sometimes, there will even be dogs walking about this road, sizing you up; they can sense danger too.

There is a porch that wraps around the entire house of dark wood colored material, some of it extending far off the mountain as a sort of landing pad for any Avialae soaring through the air. The house itself is beautiful, sliding doors on either side of the house with a beautiful small stream underneath of it that ends in a waterfall as it falls off mount Synnar. This house doesn't exactly have many windows since Akiba Dahshida valued privacy, so you'll find very little windows on each side of the house--maybe one on each side if it's possible. Nonetheless, there are sliding doors just about every side you can find a wall of some sort anyway. These doors are often open since the dowager of the house values the daytime and sunlight. It maybe be very confusing to tell which door to enter if you want to approach the home properly, but the side facing the rocky road is the usual front door entrance. It's the only side with stairs leading to the porch. When entering the home, you will find the entrance almost empty with opening on either side. One leading to a lovely living room with dark, black wooden floors, a fireplace and lovely antique furniture of yellows and burnt orange colors. The other, the right side, leadings to a kitchen with basic appliances (there's nothing too special about it except the antique table and chairs).

Once you walked past those rooms and straight ahead, you will not enter another room, but find yourself outside once again in a lovely courtyard with a clear view of the rest of the house's set up. The courtyard is absolutely breathtaking as it keeps beautiful and rare plants and flowers. Some which are often used for medicine and healing for animals. Not to mention, there are lovely as well as beautiful trees too that tower over the house in the courtyard as well. All trees, flowers and plants compliment the dark colors of the house. The halls are bare and you can see that the right side, where the kitchen is located, leads to what appears to be an empty room. While the left side, the common area, leads to several other rooms and appears to be two floors rather than one. There are entrances from the courtyard to these different places too, which includes an elaborate staircase that leads to the other rooms hidden away from the courtyard. Those rooms include the dowager and son of Akiba as well as a spare room located on the second floor and a luxurious bath that mimics a hot springs on the first not too far off from the common area.

What people find most intriguing, however, isn't all these different rooms. But, the gate which separates the courtyard as well as the yard from the actual business itself. Walking through this large gate is like stumbling across an entirely whole new world.

After crossing through it, you will find a pathway made of stones leading to two different structures, a barn and stables, as well as a path that leads you off the property and into a protected forest belonging to the Dahshida family. The barn is located on the left side and houses the business' cats and dogs for breedings. This barn is simply painted blood red with large doors that will soon reveal several cages as well as a whelping area for new pups or cubs born. As for the stables, elaborate and beautifully built with marble material, this will often house new or injured icewing eagles. There is most likely enough stalls to host at least twenty of the kingdom's eagles depending on the situation. The stables doubles as an infirmary which sits right about it.



Name: Korvaelis Dahshida
Age: 21
DoB: 25th of Frost, 99
Race: Half-Druskai
Title: Dowager Koiteki

Details: Korvaelis hails from Zaichaer, however, the culture and likes of that city hardly show in the way he behaves and carries himself. A young man of Druskai descent, he has fully emerged himself in Kalzasi and Avialae culture to properly join the Dahshida family. Despite being apart of this family through his marriage to Akiba Dahshida, Korvaelis has never truly felt he belonged, but often tries through pleasing his in-laws and raising the young Koiteki of the estate. Korvaelis is new to running a business and being large and in charge of anything other than himself.


  • Hunting Cat(young and trained)- 200gp
  • Hunting Cat (older and trained)- 150gp
  • Hunting Dog (trained)- 15gp
  • Guard Dog-25gp
  • Puppies- 15gp
  • Miscellaneous animals- Varies

    • Training (dog)- 25gp
    • Training (hunting cat)- 100gp
    • Breeding (Stud fee)- Varies
    • Whelping assistance- 50gp
    • Cat & Dog boarding- 5gp a day
    • Horse Boarding- 7gp a day
    • IceWing Eagle Rehabilitation- Free

Hunting Cats



Female prospectsLitters (Include Date)
List of Sires:
  • Alpha


Hunting Dog Prospects:
Female prospectsLitters (Include Date)
List of Sires:
  • Meek
  • Victor
Guard Dog Prospects:
Female prospectsLitters (Include Date)
List of Sires:
  • Stone
word count: 1238

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