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{Memory/Thysbae} A New Arrival

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 5:20 am
by Dreyfus

♅ 19th of Frost, Year 120, A.o.S ♅
Company: Whole family| Thoughts: We are taking someone in?| Mood: Intrigued


Dreyfus was sitting by the fireplace within one of the parlor rooms within Beomir Manor, a book on tactics against magic and mages firmly commanding his attention. Of course, the best technique was to use negation, but Dreyfus found that redirecting arcane attacks with Kinetics was far more effective than using Negation. But he had both runes of magic and knowing how to effectively protect against magic and aether was something he was always interested in given his condition.

But like anything he planned to do, nothing ever went as planned, as noise and commotion soon came from the halls of the estate. The mage went to investigate what could have been causing such a ruckus, thinking it was an attack. To his surprise, it was the complete opposite. The staff was moving, prepping a room and a bath, which lead Dreyfus to assume someone was coming. He didnt remember being told to be expecting guests so the sudden commotion was a surprise to him. Coming out of the parlor room, he saw his aunt, Francesca down the hall.

"Are we expecting company auntie?" he inquired, catching her smile as she turned to face him, stopping mid-stride. "We indeed have a special guest coming to live with us. A Lysanrin." she explained, a sly smile curling onto her lips, a gesture to follow her given to Dreyfus.

He had heard of the race, the ones far more corrupted than he was, magic eaters as they were referred to in some circles. The bigger question on his mind was why was one coming to live with them? As the two walked toward the front of the Manor, he could see the convoys in the distance. They were of the Order. Then this was official business, but he still couldn't wrap his head around why they were dealing with this.

Stepping outside, he was joined by the rest of the family and the score of servants as they awaited the hum of the vehicles to end. From the center vehicle, the door opened, and two reconciliators exited it, a figure soon coming to stand behind them as well.
"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"

Re: {Memory/Thysbae} A New Arrival

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 11:10 pm
by Thysbae
Bae had not been with the Order for very long. The half-blood wasn’t sure how long they had wanted to keep him in the small room he’d been given, but it was much of a surprise when they dropped a winter cloak into his arms and directed him to a carriage. A carriage. The last time he had ridden in one, it was to be taken in by the Order. Even as he sat in it with the officers overseeing his move, he didn’t know what was to be done. They wouldn’t answer his questions when he asked, so he’d thought better to remain quiet.

He stared down at the guard hairs on his legs. Frost had set in and his body remembered to care for itself in the cold. At least someone had cared. His fingers dug into the cushion of the seat beneath him as he knocked his hooves together. The noise drew the sharp gaze of one of the officers, grey eyes on him. The tiniest of squeaks left him, head ducking further down. Bae gnawed at his bottom lip, stopping only as the carriage did.

Wide eyes turned to the window, the tips of his horns scraping the roof of the carriage. He winced. An officer had once threatened to cut them off in the first hour of his being detained. He wondered if these officers would do the same. But the door swung open before he could get any sort of reaction to indicate that they would. Instead, he was pulled forward (horns dragging along the roof of the carriage as they did) and out.

His hooves clopped down on stone as his gaze widened further. The half-blood had never seen a place so big. An estate. But why had they brought him here? He was prodded forward, stumbling as he finally noticed the people lined up. Waiting?
One of the officers placed a hand on a shoulder, stopping him just before the line of people. He considered what he might be here for. Would these people be responsible for ridding the world of him as they had said to him before? His ears twitched at the thought and it was more than just the cold that made him shudder. He drew the cloak around himself tighter, practically drowning in it.

Thysbae couldn’t remember the last time he had seen his family, but he supposed they would be like this. The line of blonde heads that stared at him — at the officers — held the resemblance that only meant family. Eyes and ears and noses. His own ears twitched again, his hooves knocking together as he stumbled behind one of the officers.

“Lord Monteliyet.” A man with a short cut, scarred jaw and cold eyes narrowed on the row of family before him. “We’ve come to deliver you a…” The man trailed off, glanced to at the antlered half-blood. “Companion for your work with the Order.”

Re: {Memory/Thysbae} A New Arrival

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2021 4:18 am
by Dreyfus

Company: Whole Family & Lysanrin boy| Thoughts: My Partner?| Mood: Caught off Guard

Silence swept through the air as they looked at the figure behind the two reconciliators. For a moment no one moved, each one of the Monteliyets seizing the nonhuman up with curious eyes of hunger in them. It wasn't until Francesca began to descend the stairs that anyone moved from where they stood. As if descending on a wounded fawn, the pack of wolves got close enough to see the creature in full.

"Honestly darling you must be clear in who you are speaking to. More than one of these men answer to that, as well as the fact that they all do work for the Order of Reconciliation. So who exactly are you trying to talk to?" The brunette corrected with a tone of that like a mother chastising her child for misbehavior or their own stupidity. "Care to try again?" she added, bending her knees a bit to get a better look at him. Dreyfus was right behind her, his eyes pouring over the man that stood behind his fellow reconciliators.

He was an interesting thing to he wasn't a thing but a person. Dreyfus had to remember that even though he wasn't human he was still a living being and deserved some inkling of respect. At first glance, one would consider him human, though it was the antlers that betrayed his otherwise human appearance. As he looked down his brow quirked up a bit as he noticed the boy had deer-like legs. A trait like that was often seen in Fae, which meant that he was a mix between the two.

"How curious." Dreyfus mumbled to himself, squatting down to look at them. He had never seen it before but knew Fae often held animal or whimsical traits on their body. It was odd seeing this kind of mix, both Lysanrin, and Fae? On top of that Dreyfus could tell the mixed blood was fearful, perhaps thinking that he would meet his end at their hands.

As they waited to see who among the Monteliyet men were being spoken to, Dreyfus stood up straight, and flashed a smile to him, hoping would help ease his tension, though the young wolf doubted that was possible.
"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"

Re: {Memory/Thysbae} A New Arrival

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2021 2:19 pm
by Thysbae
Tall. They were all tall. Or maybe it was just that Thysbae was so small. One of the women from the line of family came forward, talking to the Reconcilliator. But looking at him. He stepped closer to the Reconcilliator, eyes wide as he hid behind them. Attempted to, at least. The man jerked away from him, pulling the fabric that had almost been in his grasp. A small sort of comfort he was robbed of.

His brows furrowed as the man sighed and another approached. Long blonde hair that did nothing to hide what must have been disgust. Distaste? He was so used to both that they melted into each other and there was no point in distinguishing one from the other. But maybe that wasn’t what was on any of their faces. Excluding the Reconcilliators. The man who’d spoken before cleared his throat.

“Yes, my mistake.” Another half-cough covered by a gloved fist. “I had assumed that word had been sent ahead to Lord Dreyfus of our visit.” Narrowed eyes shifted to the half-blood. “This Lysanrin has been under watch by the Order, but has...agreed to use his abilities.”

The other Reconcilliator spoke. “But he requires supervision and must be in the field with someone capable of protecting themselves from his...disposition.”

He didn’t know what those words meant, not the way they wanted it to be meant. Thysbae blinked up in time for him to see the blonde man smile. A quick flash that sent a shudder through him. Fear? His hands reached for the Reconcilliator before he remembered the space between them. He stumbled back, hands digging into the cloak they’d given him.

“Introduce yourself.”

His ears perked up, gaze lifting from the ground once more. “T-this One is Thysbae Ashtlin.” He drew the cloak around him tighter. “This One promises to n-not make trouble.”

“You’ll be working him from here on out.”

Re: {Memory/Thysbae} A New Arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 12:31 am
by Dreyfus
Company: Helena, Francesca, & Thybae| Thoughts: How interesting| Mood: Curious

Eyes of shock widened when Dreyfus heard he was the one they were speaking to, unsure as to why he of all people was chosen. The horned male introduced himself as Thysbae, referring to himself in the second person. It was an odd thing to hear, but the boy was odd so it made sense. Stepping forward he knelt down low enough to meet the Lysanrin eye to eye. "Its a pleasure to meet you Thysbae."

He smiled again, watching as his aunts came to look over the Lysanrin male, seeing the mistreatment of the boy and frowning, well more like scowling. "Just what the hell did they do to you?" Helena growled, looking at the one Reconciliator who had been doing all of the speaking, Francesca turning to face them with a vicious look in her eyes.

"I understand he is Lysanrin, and as much as we would rather see him off to some other family, the condition you have delivered him in is beyond unacceptable. We will be speaking to your superiors about how to treat and transfer assets." she reprimanded, following behind Helena as they took him inside. "Come Thysbae, let's get you cleaned up and into some new clothes, are you hungry? It doesn't look as if you have had any filling meals." Helena coddled.

With the woman taking the Lysanrin up the stairs and into the home, servants moving with urgency to prepare what was needed, the men of the Monteliyets remained outside. Dreyfus was handed Thybae's official documents and notes that had been taken during his detainment. Dreyfus noticed his father & uncles speaking to the reconciliator in charge, and whatever his father was whispering into the man's ear made the color flush from his face.

Not wanting any part of it Dreyfus turned to join the woman inside and to get a feel for his new partner. It wasnt hard to find them within the home, as they were taking him to the guest wing, and in one of the larger rooms, he found both Francesca & Helena preparing Thybae for a bath. For the moment he would allow them to do what it was they were doing, having aid from the servant staff as he stood in the doorway looking over the paperwork given to him.

"You are safe here Thysbae. You dont need to fear us." Francesca reassured, setting out some fresh clothes for him, and clapping her hands as servants came to stand at her side. "Come now darling, let's get you out of these awful rags." Helena accompanied.
"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"

Re: {Memory/Thysbae} A New Arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 1:25 am
by Thysbae
A positive reception was not what he had expected. Perhaps this was a dream. One that he had thought himself previously trapped in and was finally getting to the part that made it seem unreal. Thysbae blinked as Dreyfus spoke. Lord Dreyfus, the man he’d be made to work with. With the two eye to eye, the other man didn’t seem so frightening. Maybe not in the moment, but he could change at any point. At any second. It would be a matter of how Thysbae behaved.

“I-it’s This One’s pleasure to meet you!”

No one had ever said that to him before. At least not since he could remember, but he doubted it was a phrase used on him at all in his earlier years. A feeling not dissimilar to floating hit him, a giddiness that clouded his thoughts as his cheeks dusted pink with more than the cold. But it was short-lived. It was not her words, but the tone that frightened Thysbae from his haze. The growl of contempt that he knew well enough. Even not directed at him, the potency of it forced his gaze down.

He’d made someone upset. Something he had done had been wrong. ‘As much as we would like to see him offer to some other family.’ Maybe it had not been a pleasure to meet him after all. Widening eyes slid from Dreyfus to the darker-haired woman reprimanding his superior. Would she send him away if he didn’t leave a favorable impression?

Hands steered him in the direction of the house and words were said to him, but he didn’t know what he should say. Could say. If he objected, they might well send him back in the hands of the people who’d brought him here in the first place. And would their dissatisfaction lead to his punishment? No; he must be good. He must make them want him.

Bae smiled as wide as he could, eyes half-mooning with the force of it. It wasn’t hard to maintain as he took in the estate around him. The grand halls they passed through and the servants that flitted around. This was where he would live — provided he remained wanted. Make them spoil him, that’s what he should do. They seemed to think he was much younger than he actually was, and until it came to the point of needing to correct them, he’d let them think that way.

Which came much too soon.

The room they lead him into was big. Bigger than any he’d ever been in. Was it meant to be his? How could one person sleep in a room like this by themselves? Thysbae was sure the hovel he’d been taken from could have been taken apart and laid out here, and still not fill up the space. He swallowed as his fingers ran over the fabric of the spread on the bed before his attention was taken to who must have been the lady of the house. He’d do well to learn who each person was soon.

With a clap of her hand, she had called forth servants. And then a bath was mentioned. Thysbae had no qualms with a bath — even before the Reconciliators had taken him, he could simply not afford the luxury of one too often — but the problem wasn’t the bath himself. It was him. And the apparent audience he would have if they had their way. Cheeks as red as the inside of a rose, he shook his head fervently.

“This One can bathe himself!” It was no more than a yelp as he dodged the hands of servants and drew the cloak around himself tighter. He was no longer cold, and it was warm, so warm in here, but he could not be lulled by that. His mother had always told him he was a disgrace to be hidden away, to keep himself out of the view of others. He supposed that in this moment, this might have been what she meant. “This One has known how since he was three.” Something about that was somehow more embarrassing than the idea of having someone bathe him — see him — now when he was fully in his twenties.

Re: {Memory/Thysbae} A New Arrival

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2021 1:11 am
by Dreyfus
Company: Thybae| Thoughts: How interesting| Mood: Curious

He could only chuckle at the poor boy, watching at his profuse refusal of his aunts help with his bath. It was rare to see him laugh, but it was moments like these that would warrant them. He didnt think this shy and meek disposition of Thybae's was an act, though he could understand the idea of not pissing off the people who held your life in their hands.

Even if it was all an act, Dreyfus couldnt help but sense some authenticity to it. "He's not an invalid or cripple, I do believe he can handle it." he teased, causing both women to giggle. "Very well, we will leave him to you then Drey darling." Helena decided, both women leaving the two of them in the room alone.

The show curtesy to the new guest within his home Dreyfus turned away while Thysbae undressed if he so desired to enter the bath. While he did that Dreyfus had finished reading over the Lysanrin's dossier and had some questions to ask. "So tell me, why were you captured and being held by the order?" he began to question, waiting to hear the sound of water splashing before he would look Thysbae in his eyes.

"The Order believes that your abilities can be useful to the state, what all are you capable of? Is there a cool down time for them or can you use them on a whim like a switch?" He didnt mean to overwhelm the man with his inquiry but these were some of the burning questions he was forming the more he looked over the file about the Lysan-Fae mix.
"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"

Re: {Memory/Thysbae} A New Arrival

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2021 11:31 pm
by Thysbae
Thysbae exhaled shakily as the women acquiesced and left him to undress himself. He took a moment to consider the tub; large and filled with warm water. He hadn’t been afforded this sort of luxury before, and to be honest — he was a little unsure of what to do. But he came to the conclusion that he ought to at least get in. He unwrapped the cloak from around himself, undid the flimsy closure of his tunic and pulled the ill-fitting pants the Order had given him. The half-breed glanced up at Dreyfus, checking to be sure that he wasn’t peeking. The water sloshed as he slipped in.

The remaining tension in his limbs loosened as he sank into the water. Bae was not used to baths so warm. He usually had to rush, using cold water to save time. Because there would always be an errand he needed to run for his mother. And with the Order, it was a matter of neglect no different from the woman that had raised him. He sniffed, looked up as Dreyfus spoke.

Why was he captured? Bae wasn’t bright enough to think that it might not have been something so simple as good fortune. A turn of the tide. That was Thys, his thinking. He stared down into the water. “This One was merely lucky.” He shrugged, the water rippling around the movement. “He isn’t sure how they knew he used his abilities, but they did and they gave him a choice.” Not really a choice. It was hissed in his ears, and after the silence of his own thoughts for so long, he was surprised to hear the other’s voice. The other him. He squinted.

“This One doesn’t know all the words people use for it. He didn’t have a teacher, but.” His brows furrowed as he tried to think of how to word it. “Aether? It makes This One feel full. And when he’s full he can’t eat anymore. But if he feels full for too long, he starts to feel sick and he has to release it.” The words were delivered tentatively, like a child trying to explain a concept too big for them. “And when This One empties himself, he can eat the aether again. He’s never dealt with a…’cool down’? What does that mean?”

The half-breed moved to the edge of the tub, wet fingers curling around the lip of it as he stared up at Dreyfus. “Why were you paired with This One? Are we...similar?”

Re: {Memory/Thysbae} A New Arrival

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2021 5:43 am
by Dreyfus
Company: Thysbae| Thoughts: How interesting| Mood: Curious

Dreyfus chuckled at the mention of being lucky. "That isn't luck, more like misfortune, especially given how they treated you." he corrected, moving to come to sit next to the tub, pulling the chair from the beautifully crafted desk in the room. "Do not mistake our kindness for acceptance, we merely know its better to treat those who work under us with some form of dignity."

He could hear the inherent racism in his words and tone, and simply listened as Thysbae explained his circumstance. It was a childlike explanation, but the way he carried himself, Dreyfus believed his mind was indeed that of a child's, even though he was well into his 20s as the file said. It was odd listening to the way he spoke, but Dreyfus knew after having several conversations with the man, he would become use to it.

"So you consume aether but can't hold it for too long or else it makes you sick? If you have to expel it, how do you go about doing it? more importantly, how do you even consume it?" His ability seemed to be a give and take, as he wasn't able to contain whatever aether he ate for prolonged periods. He was starting to see why he was paired with him. Dreyfus could detect magic, and this one could eat it.

When asked why he was paired with Thysbae, Dreyfus chuckled, looking to the man as he hung on the edge of the tub. Undoing his shirt, Dreyfus revealed the scar on his chest, dormant with a dull red hue to it, tapping it with his finger. "Whenever I'm around aether, this scar glows a spooky red, and blood pours from my eyes like tears." he whispered, taping Thysbae on the side of his eye with a smile.

He leaned back into the chair and looked over the file once more. Then looking to Thysbae he held a concern in his eyes. "I also assume they paired us together as a means of throwing me a disadvantage, unfortunately for them it wont work as the Monteliyets are too smart for that. If we are to be working together you will have to strengthen your aether eating ability. I believe a private tutor is also in your future as well, can't have an imbecile as a partner, or running around the house, it will only annoy my family and the staff, understood?"

Feeling as though he was laying too much on the poor mix breed in their first initial meeting he would allow Thysbae to get some of his own answers. "Is there anything you wish to know about us, about me? I'll do my best to answer your inquiries."
"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"

Re: {Memory/Thysbae} A New Arrival

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2021 2:11 pm
by Thysbae
The Order hadn’t treated him any differently than his mother had. That much, he was sure of. But he didn’t want to dwell on either experiences, or relay them any further to this man. The mage made it clear in the next breath that they didn’t accept him. A realization that made his shoulders droop. It would be a lot harder to please them if there wasn’t even acceptance. But he could work with tolerance; he’d done it before.

“Yes, This One gets very sick. Everything feels too warm.” He sank deeper into the water. The experience hadn’t been pleasant. He wouldn’t wish it on anyone. But now they were moving into territory that he wasn’t sure how to explain. The words came slower, or more accurately, not at all.The half-breed reached out over the water, hand hovering just over the surface. Then, quickly: he slapped his hand down over the water. It splashed back up, to which he turned his face, nose scrunching up and eyes closing. “Like that. It just — goes.” He shrugged, not sure how else he could have explained it. “This One has to touch the source of the aether to consume it.”

As Dreyfus drew closer, Thysbae shrank into the water. There was nothing predatory to his gaze, but old habits died hard. The flinch that followed the seemingly friendly gesture was much the same. But — “Blood?” That sounded horrible. But fascinating in its own right.

“This One won’t be a disadvantage to you.” He rose with the force of his own assertion before he could stop himself, resting his weight on the lip of the tub. Bae soon realized the error in the movement. Slipping back into the tub with reddening cheeks — not just the embarrassment of the moment, but the assertion that he was an imbecile. He knew of the word; his mother had used it on him before. But it had never been a good word. Neither would he be an annoyance. People often tried to separate themselves from annoyances quickly, and if that meant they would discard of him he would simply need to work to avoid that outcome.

He did have questions. Plenty, but he was still cautious with the weight of the words used to describe him. “How does...This One get you to accept him?”