Eldritch Theory Ⅱ

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Title: The Boy with the Eldritch Tattoo
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=1219
Plot Notes: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=78&t=1226
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1290

₪ 2nd of Searing, Year 121, A.o.S ₪
Company: ???| Thoughts: ???| Mood: ???

This day the nerves were not as bad as on the 1st. Today he was a little more comfortable delving more into Summoning, especially if Dhasali was the one teaching and guiding him. He also knew that within the Circle of Wandering his aether and magic would be amplified.

He needed to gain a few more contracts with eldritch spirits, so he was anxious to see what spirits would come to his call. "Are you ready young Kozoku?" the guardian male asked, coming to sit across from his charge. With a nod, Siorey began. Clearing his mind he began to meditate, opening his soul to Aetherium and allowing himself to enter the "Otherplace".

"There are five types of spirit a Summoner is capable of contracting. Minor, Lesser, Moderate, Higher, Greater. The spirit you contracted yesterday, was a minor spirit. What do you know of Minor Spirits?" he inquired, watching Siorey intently.

"There not much too minor spirits, as they are minuscule in the role they play or the aether they cost. Their abilities are small compared to those of higher tier, having only singular powers that are best used when the time calls for it." he recited, finally entering the special world he came across when he contracted Taberu.

"I see someone has been studying. Well, today you are going to contract a lesser spirit. They tend to be somewhat stronger than your run of the mill Minor spirit, but only by a little." his guardian instructed, his voice sounding as if being submerged in water. It was becoming familiar to him now, hearing the way other voices sounded while he was within the Aetherium.

Siorey's eyes peered into the endless sky, finding himself staring at that pale and brilliant moon hanging perfectly within the realm. With a deep breath, he began to pour his aether out around himself, aether channeling in his hands as he was sending out his intent to speak with a spirit of the lesser tier. He would have to be careful in the way he went about it, as eldritch spirits were unpredictable, and just because one said they appeared to be lesser in the spiritual tier, they could be something far stronger in power.

It didn't take long for the waves to stir, the district sound of growling rumbling beneath the ink like water. He could sense the movement of the fauna of the otherworld moving about. They weren't swarming him, but he knew they were aware of his call, the question being who would answer. Once enough concentration was built, he found himself face to face with a pack of them.

The space surrounding him became heavy, thick with aggression and malice. Siorey was doing all he could to remain calm on the outside, but Inward, he was panicking just a little. He wasn't sure what was coming, but he knew it was near, he could hear the faint sounds of movement within the water as if it was coming from all around himself, surrounding him. Cautiously he looked around to see if he could spot them, but every time It seemed as if he just missed it.

Then the source of the growing snarls rose up with a rise in the waves, a pack of what Siorey could attribute to being hounds with tentacles writhing from their heads. They began to circle him, the mass of them, the air around Siorey feeling thick, the animosity in the air suffocating him. He made sure not to make any sudden movements, but he couldn't be sure what would set them off.

Turning his head he found one to be within kissing distance from in front of him, allowing him the opportunity to count the many teeth it had if the prodigy so chose. It was a terrifying thing, a manifestation of overwhelming rage and hate. Though his heart was sent racing from the creature being face to face with him, he kept his calm, putting on a dominant air.

"If you join me, serve me, I will afford you the opportunities to unleash your rage till your soul's content." he proposed, only to receive a thunderous "DIE!!!" into his mind from the horde of spirits in the form of loud growling that reminded Siorey of thunder. The one that was staring him in the face looked to the others, their snarls and growls still ringing in his ear, and then turned to face the summoner.

It began making its own low grows, coming to sniff Siorey a bit, then extending a tentacle from its head relaying a message. "You live, but if you have misled us, the next time you call on us we will make you our first victim." With a nod Siorey agreed, extending his aether-drenched hands to the beast. In a split second, the circle mage found the mouth of the creature devouring his hands, and at that moment, he heard it loud and clear.

Opening his eyes in a gasp for air, he spoke only one word. "Kimyona Kiba!" There sitting like an obedient hound before its master was the Kimyona Kiba, an eager look to kill only Sio could recognize. Astonished by contracting the new spirit, Siorey lifted his shirt to wipe the sweat that had seemed to form on his forehead, despite being so high up within the Circle of Wandering.

Dhasali looked at him impressed, the spirit looking at him with vicious eyes, which made the man smile. Eldritch spirits were truly fascinating and odd all at the same time. "Now you know what to do next." he added, watching as Siorey took a breath and placed a hand on the Kimyona's forehead. "Follow my orders, and remain by my side, and I will grant you a playground to paint the world with your rage."

His hand tinged with aetheric mist, and both Siorey and the Kimyona's eyes glowed aetherically in the hues of amethyst, gold, & black. With a growl, the spirit faded. Siorey fell onto his back taking his breaths at a measured pace. He had a smile fixated on his lips, grinning ear to ear as looked up into the Searing sky. The sun beaming down on him as sweat beaded on his frame.

Dhasali came to extend a helping hand, and taking it Siorey was brought to stand on his feet. "Come, I think that will do for today. Tomorrow we will add one more spirit to your arsenal." Siorey could only groan at the thought, but he knew Dhasali was doing what was best for him, he trusted the man with his life, for most of his life.

If Siorey was truly being honest with himself, he becoming found of the magic, of the spirits. After hearing the stories his father used to tell of them, at least before the crazy, that they were magnificent beings, entities of divine majesty whose machinations were all but their own. He tried to take a step but he found himself falling to his knees, the fatigue finally settling in.

Dhasali caught him letting out a chuckle as he hoisted Siorey over his shoulder. "I should be used to this by now. I guess I'm not the prodigy everyone thinks me to be" he whispered, the sound of weariness in his voice, Dhasali chuckling a bit. "It's the price one pays for being an effective summoner, you will come to get used to the drain on your aether, it will make you stronger trust me." he said as the two began to make the way down from atop the aether enriched location.

It was really a good day for him, gaining a new spirit to his arsenal of summons, and one that would act as his offensive contracted spirit. "Thank you for today." Siorey's words were just loud enough for the warrior to hear, which put a smile on his face. Siorey tapped his chest as they ventured back to civilization.

"Dont worry, I will make sure tomorrow goes smoothly for you, so rest up my lord, you'll need your strength for your final contract." he soothed, patting the young noble on the head.
"Common Speech"
"Mythrasi Speech"
"Inner Thoughts"
"Dhasali Speech"
word count: 1524
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Posts: 988
Joined: Tue Oct 20, 2020 4:20 pm
Location: Kalzasi
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=916
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=925

Oh, snap! The library is open and you're about to get read!

Your take on entering the Aetherium to do business was cool. Maybe he and Sivan can compare notes on creepy things.

Experience: +5 xp, and available for Summoning.

Summoning: Making verbal contracts with spirits
Summoning: Contracting a lesser spirit
Summoning: The Kimyona Kiba
Summoning: Hearing the language of Eldritch spirits
Summoning: Becomes easier to enter the summoning place
Leadership: Issuing commands to your summons

Injuries: n/a

Loot: Kimyona Kiba contract!

Note: The library is now closed.
word count: 105
we keep on churning and the lights inside the house turn on
and in our native language, we are chanting ancient songs
and when we quiet down, the house chants on without us
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