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Begginnings to ends [solo] [completed]

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 9:38 am
by Myles Arnnett

Searing 6th

Morning comes early for the dutiful. Before the first rays of light and birdsong filled the sky Myles opened his eyes and lay still. The soldier organized his bleary thoughts in the pre-dawn darkness that filled his room. He was still absorbing the fact that he'd been promoted, it still felt like he had only been released from the care of the Military's doctors and he was immediately being thrown back into the chaos he'd barely survived.

Pushing back his nerves Myle's blinked away images of haunting mage fires and sat up on his bed. This was his first official day as an officer of the Zaichaeri Defense corps, What had once felt like a goal had become an inevitability that he no longer chased so fervently. Before he could do anything the army needed of him however he still had to dress his nearly healed burn wounds from... what had it been... nine seasons since three fourths of his company had been reduced to char and ashes. Wincing Myles applies the cool ointment to the marred flesh of his stomach and thighs, without it his skin still cracks and bleeds with movement. Standing and dressing in the dark the soldier winces as he adorns his breeches and curses silently to the darkness. The chain mail he wore as an infantry man hung over the chair at his desk, still tarnished with soot and ignored. A padded gambeson would suffice until he saw combat again. Lacing his boots was the hardest bit of the morning, having to bend his tender midsection and legs to reach the laces and cinch them.

His first task as officer would be to pick subordinates that he would lead from now on. He'd been told to find five soldiers he thought he could work with to form a border patrol squadron. He'd been on many a patrol but this would be his first time leading one. It was frustrating to think he'd finally gotten what he'd wanted, rank and authority, but the circumstances allowed him to take no joy from it.

Standing the soldier again tried to choke the life from the negativity attempting to consume him. He was a soldier. Soldiers died, it was a fact of the job, something they all knew going in but he still couldn't accept it. The idea of now being directly responsible for five lives threatened to overwhelm him. Clenching a fist he spoke again to the darkness telling it he would deny it more of his comrades so long as he had the strength to do so.

During his ruminations the dim glow of morning gave way to dawn and Myles could wait no longer. Striding from his room the soldier entered the barracks that housed a great deal of the military's might. With the grim countenance he'd worn in the morning now crushed to a tight ball in his gut Myles straightened his back plastered a thin smirk on his face and waded toward the breakfast hall. No matter how bad he felt, no matter much his burns chaffed and itched Myles would show no weakness to anyone.

One of the few benefits of rank he could now enjoy was the officers line in the meal hall, shorter with slightly better slop sometimes. As he took his food he was congratulated by a few of the cooks that recognized him on his promotion. Smiling he took the accolades nodding. “It was only a matter of time” He said masking his apathy with bravado. Taking a seat he ate the mornings breakfast of porridge and ham, appreciating the filling meal. It wasn't tell the man who'd sat down beside him said his name for the fifth or sixth time did he become aware of his presence.

Myles nearly gasped at what he saw, it was one of the greenest members of his precious detachment, the one that'd been ambushed. Most that had survived where veterans in some regard. “I.. it's good to see you Jonah..” The young man nodded to him “same to you Myles” They ate in silence after that. Finishing first Myles watched the younger soldier. His eyes were darker what little baby fat he'd had left was gone. Myles shuddered to think about seeing so much death within the first month of his deployment and shuddered. He wanted to ask how he'd survived but couldn't bring himself to discuss what both of them where thinking about.

“Jonah” … “yes Myles?” … “I've been promoted to officer and am being placed in charge of a border patrol team, would you like to be one of my soldiers?” …..

What followed was another five minutes of silence. Myles couldn't blame him, the fact that he'd survived was surprising enough, the fact that he was still in the military and hadn't fled or transferred to something safer was telling of some inner resolve or metal he thought. Jonah for his part seemed to be chewing a lot of different heavy thoughts and his eyes bored holes into the wood of the table before him. If being a soldier had taught him anything it was patience, and he could wait out the young mans thoughts while stewing on his own.

Jonah wasn't necessarily a wise investment, he was young and inexperienced and his recent traumas would likely hinder his career as a soldier. Myles knew all this but wanted to take him on anyway, if he could help it, neither of them would caught unprepared by mages again. He also hoped that Jonah had gained the burning contempt for mages he know bore in his soul. Though he wouldn't admit it, the idea of being able to share the horrors he'd experienced with someone who'd been there was appealing to him. Jonah broke the deafening silence with a start. Looking Myles dead in the eyes with a perplexing emotion contorting his face he nodded.

“I'd be honored”


With that Myles stood and left the table. Jonah his first subordinate took the hint and fell in behind him. There would be much time for talking later but this was not the time nor place for it. From what he'd seen of Jonah in the past he knew him to be a spear man. He'd also been known for being quite the monkey much to the chagrin of his previous superiors. What he lacked in strength he made up for in being quick and eager to please, traits Myles felt he could work with.

Exciting the food hall he led his cohort to the training ground. Growing accustomed to the reassuring sound of Jonahs boots falling in step behind his. The dusty grounds where already filled with the grunts and shouts of warriors honing their arts as Myles entered, this would be his first time training since his injury, it would be a good chance to test his atrophy and Jonah's skills. Tossing Jonah a blunted spear he picked up a training sword and shield himself. “Alright Jonah, Lets see what you've got”

Taking his place apart from the other man the two squared off, Jonah wielding a long spear and Myles wielding a sword and shield. In war the spears reach was incredibly dangerous to the swordsman's inferior range. A good spearman knew how to maintain that advantage and distance, against several it was nearly impossible for a lone sword to get inside their range. In a one on one battle the odds were somewhat more even. At a nod from Myles, Jonah began the match with a surprisingly quick jab to his sternum fully extending himself and the spear to the limit of its reach. Whipping his shield arm up Myles barely deflected the blow in time. Jonah for his part wasted no time in whipping the spear in a quick swipe forcing Myles to step back as Jonah pulled the spear back for another jab. As combat began thoughts faded and reflexes took over. Sidestepping Jonahs next thrust he leaped towards him swiping with his sword forcing Jonah to jump back this time. However Jonah held his hands up after that signaling a break far to early into their bout.

Arching an eyebrow at his sparring partner Myles grinned. “Had enough already Jonah?” … “No ser.. your legs, they're bleeding...”

Looking down his eyes did indeed notice red splotches beginning do darken his breeches. “curse it all, Meet me tomorrow at the meal hall and we will discuss your transfer. I'm heading to the medics”

With that Myles trudged to the medic ignoring the dull throb in his legs and cursing his wounds. Several firm scoldings later from the barracks doctor Myles left, banned from the training grounds for another two weeks. Sighing he accepted that the reprieve would give him time to adjust to his new position and the minor bureaucracy and paperwork now required within. With one of his subordinates selected at least he wouldn't return to his superiors with nothing, a resolution he could live with for his first day as an officer.

Re: Begginnings to ends [solo] [completed]

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2021 3:15 am
by Finn
In the great tradition of Paris Is Burning, the library is about to be open. Because reading is what? Fundamental!

Having read and written many training threads, I know it can be a slog for both the author and the audience, but I was pleasantly surprised how much depth this post had, while still earning you those necessary XP to get your character sheet to where it will properly reflect your character. And Myles' tragedy is all too familiar, but his resilience is inspiring—clearly, as Jonah wants to follow him from now on.

I appreciate how you embrace consequences with your character, and temporary weaknesses. A wounded warrior trying to find himself again is much more interesting to me than an invincible hero.

Because I'm empowered to add rewards if I think they're earned, you have more lores than you requested.

Myles is in it for the long haul and now so am I!

Experience: 5 XP, none magical.

One-Handed: Blades: Getting inside a spear's range
One-Handed: Shields: Block spears to the side
Leadership: Don't show your subordinates your weaknesses
Leadership: Train with your men
Medicine: Keep healing burns moist
Medicine: Don't train while healing
Deception: Stiff upper lip
Deception: Fake it 'til you make it

Injuries: Burns and PTSD. As this is a flashback thread, it's entirely up to you how recovered he is in contemporary play, though with trauma that severe, I would imagine there will be significant scarring inside and out.

+ All things befitting an officer (PM a moderator if you want anything in particular on your sheet that you think he would be given by the Defense Corps)
+ A military decoration for valor while wounded in the line of duty (PM a moderator if you haven't already to hash out the details)

Note: I would also suggest while you're PMing a moderator that you ask for an official rank designation. With more players making military PCs, someone higher up is going to have to organize all these details. (Probably Paragon, bless.)

Also, I changed your combat lores to match the style in the Skill Guide, but as it's a matter of style, feel free to revert them back to how you submitted them if you prefer.

The library is now closed. Officially.