Take Me To Your Tavern [Open]

The capital of the Kingdom of Lorien, and seat of House Revenlow.

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12th of Frost, 119
Since exiting his family’s life, Canna-Mhyreage’s luck has yet to run out. He was fortunate enough to meet a woman on the road ideally doing the same thing as himself. She had packed a majority of her valuables but the woman had no clue what to do with her home. The conversation with her seemed convenient enough, she took a liking to him after hearing his story and decided he would do her a great favor by buying her home. And he did not mind buying it either with what he had left; buying the house actually provided him a destination. Because up until then, the elfling had no clue where he was going next.

He had been traveling with his parents for such a long time that he’s never actually had to think of what’s ahead. The next city always seemed to come to him, offering his next adventure and ideas. He was not fixated on where to go next after running away since it wasn’t usually him that planned their trip. Besides, he just knew that he didn’t want to go to Auris and face the embarrassment of being born outside of the glorious city. It had nothing to do with the city itself, he bet it’s just as beautiful as his mother described it. However, the backlash from his own haunted him and sometimes crept into his dreams. They were always laughing at him, whispering about how his real mother did not love him and therefore, cast him out of society. The elfling woke up shaking almost every night.

The Kingdom of Lorien was not planned but a great new start. He’s sure he has never been there before and Canna-Mhyreage knew his parents would not come there looking for him. The Kul’Sylmeras were proud warriors in their youth, centuries ago they might’ve enjoyed staining their hands with blood and the antics of war above all. In the present, not so much. So he was sure neither would be present in a kingdom apart of a civil war.

Legs pressed against his chest, Canna-Mhyreage sat on the back of a horse-drawn wagon. Nivenhain was absolutely freezing, something he wasn’t expecting. The half-breed knew it would be cold, but not to this extent. He tried to keep his mind off of it by counting his breath, which seemed to work at first however breathing in the cold air was starting to hurt and he began focusing on that. After trying to distract himself with several different activities, the wagon had finally come to a halt causing him to peer over the side of it. The wagon stopped at what appeared to be a border--well, not exactly a border but a part of the city that grew dark and almost scary. In spite of the pathway of this particular side of the city being large enough for the wagon to go through, it almost reminded him of a wet and cold alley with trash accompanied by street rats. He did not like the looks of it and he was hoping the wagon would not drop him off there.

But that’s where his luck ran out.

The driver didn’t say much. He just whistled loud enough for him to hear and make eye contact. Canna immediately regretted it. As soon as he did, the driver lifted his chin toward the part of the city he disliked most to signal him on where to go next. Canna’s eyes grew wide before he grabbed his satchel and jumped out the wagon. He tried to give the driver one more pleading glance before he left but when he tried, the driver just pulled off in the opposite direction he was supposed to head into. In an upheaval, Canna-Mhyreage walked off muttering to himself. “I don’t even know where I’m going.” He muttered.
word count: 687
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Location: Lyonesse, Daravin
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=77
Plot Notes: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=78&t=346

♅ Take Me To Your Tavern ♅

♅ Constantine had been out on one of the odd jobs he normally did, which wasn't too strenuous, if not cumbersome. Acting as an armed escort for a caravan owner to the capital from one of the other cities. He had enough repor with the woman, being that she was one of the customers that would come see him at the bordello.

She was a nice woman, a bashful woman in her mid-30s, but as vivacious and frisky behind closed doors as any girl half her age. Constantine enjoyed her company better in between the sheets rather than out of them, as she was so shy it was almost annoying. It wouldn't have been awkward if she would just stop avoiding her gaze every time he went to speak, or even comfort her when she was stressed.

It was dealing with two different women, but it was a job and he needed the money. As they approached the gates of the capital he felt the tug on his arm, as she spotted someone up ahead. Looking he noticed a slim figure in the distance in front of them. "He looks lost, do you think he needs help?" she inquired, but then retracted and hid behind Constantine's frame.

"What if he is a bandit, and attacks us?!" she said with a squeak in her voice. Constantine chuckled and rested his hand on her head, which only caused her to retreat from his touch. "From the looks of him, I doubt is a danger to anyone. He seems more concerned with not freezing than robbing someone." he reassured her, but even he knew that harsh climates tend to make people desperate.

Breaking away from the group, he made his way up to the young man and approached from a non threatning angle, despite the hammer strapped to his back.

"You look as if you arent going to make it friend. Are you lost?"

♅ Date: 12th of Frost, 119
♅ Comapany: Caravan owner and Pretty boy
♅ Current Thought: If I must
♅ Current Theme:
♅ Aether Reserves:▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐ {100%}
♅ Health: 100%
"Common Speech"
"Silvain Speech"
word count: 391
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Title: Chief Author of Ransera


XP: 2
Magic? No.

None requested.


XP: 2
Magic? No.

None requested.

Notes: Only 2 XP is awarded due to only a single post being completed by each character respectively and not much transpiring beyond that. Please reach out to me if you have questions or concerns.
word count: 67

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