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Kilvin's Forge

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2021 5:10 am
by Torin Kilvin


Name of Business: Kilvin's Forge
Business Type: Runeforge and Blacksmithy
Items Sold: Runeforged items mainly but Torin will take on Blacksmithing jobs too
Services Provide: Custom Magical Item Creation, Torin specializes in creating new things or adjusting the schematics for already existing schemas.

Base Income: Runesmith — 15 gp/day
Skill Bonus: Runeforging, Apprentice x 1.5, Journeyman x 2
Total Income: 45 gp/day

Sales Bonus: 20%
Ingenuity/Creativity Bonus: 5%
Hired PCs Bonus: None
Hired NPCs Bonus: Timon: Novice Clerk

Hired PCs Wages: None
Hired NPCs Wages: Timon - 3 gp/day

A duel forge, with house and shop attached. The shop is very small, a single room sales floor with a counter and a tiny storage area behind it for storing finished products that aren't wanted on the sales floor. The house is large (three bedrooms, kitchen, and common area) but very dilapidated with only one bedroom, and the kitchen in livable condition at the time of occupancy (and that only due to Torin working on them). The runeforge and blacksmith forges are behind the shop, which is attached to the house. The whole setup is surrounded by a yard big enough to have horses in (for shoeing, etc), which is in turn surrounded by a tall fence.

Torin has taken on a binding contract to provide his working hours mainly to house Luekos for the first two years after he opens the business, with the option to renew if both parties agree.

None at the moment, Torin saved every penny during his 14-year apprenticeship to set himself up with a shop and house along with the equipment he needs, some of which he either made or helped make.

Seasonal Interest Rate: Currently not applicable.

Description of Business:

The shop front is small but inviting with a large window of displayed items next to its wide door. A wooden sign with the business name and logo swings above the door. Inside the shop, there are display cases, the window case, and stands for displaying weapons or larger tools. The items in the shop are all for sale but are meant more as example pieces of the work offered since the runesmith prefers to work for clients who need specialty work or new things invented. The shop is manned by an eager young boy, who can explain the items in the shop or fetch 'Master Kilvin' if the customer wants to discuss having something made. Torin Kilvin himself spends most of his time in either his runeforge or the attached blacksmithy out behind the shop where the work of his hammer can be heard ringing most days. It is obvious to anyone used to shopping for runeforged material that the owner is just starting out with none of the grand decor or ostentation that is seen in runeforges that have been around for any real length of time. Though young, the smith is a serious and intentional man who knows his craft and loves it. His feelings for the work can be seen in the carefulness and detail of even the simplest of tools that come out of his forges.

The business was started with all his own investment money, in fact, it was nearly every penny he had managed to save, so he eats and lives by what he can now make in the business. There is no room for failure, lest he find himself with no home and no means to provide for himself, so he is doubly motivated to work hard and succeed.

Re: Kilvin's Forge

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 10:47 pm
by Torin Kilvin

Full Shop From the Front:


Shopfront with the large door, gate to the side, house, and forges behind the fence in the yard.

Back/Side View:


Door to the back of the shop and door to the house with little foot paths worn between them and the forging area. The little vegetable garden below the kitchen window can be seen.

Inside Downstairs:


Inside of the little shop with the back/storage room behind, inside the house is a little stairway area with a bedroom, then a dining room/living room and a kitchen with a hearth. Outback are the runeforge and blacksmithy.

Inside Upstairs:

Up the stairs is a hallway with doors leading to the four rooms, two larger ones and two smaller, can be used as bedrooms or storage, the 'master' bedroom has its own hearth.

Note: There is a privy out back behind the house but I didn't put it in the pictures.

Re: Kilvin's Forge

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2021 2:25 am
by Torin Kilvin
Price Breakdown

Building Costs:

The buildings are being purchased in a dilapidated state, anything left that way is half price per my conversation with Paragon. As Torin rebuilds the rooms/pays to have them rebuilt he will pay the second half of the cost and they will then be considered usable.

The buildings/tools and the breakdown of their costs:

Shop, simple: 600gp (In good condition/Full price)

Blacksmith's Forge, simple: 700gp (In good condition/Full price)

Blacksmithing Tool Kit: 1,500gp - 10gp for the leathers Torin purchased at character creation = 1,490gp

BS Total w/Shop: 2,790gp

Runeforge, simple (magical laboratory): 1,500gp (In good condition/Full price)

Runeforger's Tool Kit: (Paragon said to double the price of the lab) 1,500gp
I would like to request a reduction of this price by 25% due to Torin making all the tools he is able to himself (and paying the metal/stone costs) and Kala Luekos applying the Scrivening to them
(Tools of the Trade). The aether forge and several other tools are either beyond their skills or not made via Scrivening so they would all be full price. If granted the reduced price would be: 1,125gp

RF Total: 2,625gp (based on cost reduction approval)

Privy, simple: 100gp (In good condition/Full price)

Kitchen, simple: 800gp (In good condition/Full price)

Bedrooms, 4 simple: 350 gp each (Three upstairs, All dilapidated, one beside the stairs downstairs which is for Timon to sleep in and will be in good condition. Torin will sleep in front of the kitchen hearth until he fixes the rooms)
Half price total (3): 525
Full price total (1): 350

Common Area, simple: 250gp (Dilapidated) Half price: 125gp

Closet/Tiny Storage area: 100gp (Dilapidated) Half price: 50gp

House Total: 1,950gp

Total Cost: 7,365gp

Other Things:

1. There is no price listed for a basement, which I would like to purchase in dilapidated condition (I have plans for threads of Torin exploring it).

2. Paragon said the land was not part of the cost but would be included in the taxes/cost of doing business.

Torin's current savings is 8,256gp, which covers the costs of starting his business/buying his broken-down home. Adding costs for possible basement, or adding the full cost of the runesmithing equipment if the discount is not approved shouldn't take him over this amount, if it does I can fiddle with the house, make it smaller, or have less of it fixed to start with.

All rooms have now been paid in full, so the house and property is now in good repair all throughout.

Re: Kilvin's Forge

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2021 8:28 pm
by Paragon
Hi Torin!

The basement area can simply be a simple room addition. It depends on what function you want to give the room. How you format it based on your schematics is up to you.

The pricing looks about right for the condition that you're purchasing this stuff in. Enjoy your business and good luck!


Re: Kilvin's Forge

Posted: Fri May 03, 2024 7:39 pm
by Torin Kilvin

Alchemical Laboratory & Artificing Workshop:
A second floor was added to the forge/runeforge area which contains an alchemical laboratory and an artificing workshop in Frost 122.

Costs: 5100g

Second Forge & Foundry:

After Torin became the lord of his own small valley he built a second, much larger and more elaborate forge/runeforge with a foundry, on his land in Frost 123. This included an additional artificing workshop, and a glassblowing workshop.

Cost: The costs for these were bundled into the costs of the other buildings and improvements on the raw land he was granted. Total cost: 53,644g

Re: Kilvin's Forge

Posted: Fri May 03, 2024 7:56 pm
by Torin Kilvin

Sivan Sunrunner
Relevant Skills: Except World Mage
Wages: 5sp/Day

Aurin Kavafis
Relevant Skills: Master Rune Mage
Wages: 12sp/Day

Relevant Skills: Journeyman Business, Journeyman Finance
Wages: 75cp/day

Relevant Skills: Journeyman Rune Mage
Wages: 1.5sp/day

Relevant Skills: Apprentice Runesmith, Apprentice Rune Mage
Wages: 75cp/day