[Location] The Good Ship Marianne

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Location: The Good Ship Marianne
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=1947
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1959

The Good Ship Marianne


Link to your Business Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=70&t=1948
Description of your Business Location: The Marianne is a fishing schooner crewed by the twenty of the finest sailors this side of one particular fishing vessel. She’s forty-three meters long, eight meters wide, and her masts raise thirty-eight meters into the air. Her sails and hull are designed for speed; and under the command of an accomplished Wind Caller such as Walters, there’s not a ship that can outrun her. Aboard her deck are eight dories, small row boats for the crew to spread out while she’s anchored or sail behind on line to catch fish.

Her sails are stark white and her body painted a matte black, so she’ll stand out in the waves day or night. Attached to her bowsprit rests no figure, as the custom is for many ships in the harbor of Kalzasi. The last captain of the ship, Old Craveus, wanted the area clear so he could be closer to the waves. Since his passing, Captain Walters has kept the spot clear as well; though he does not hold the same Arche Element of Water that Craveus did.

Goods/Services Provided: Fish and Cargo Transport
Last edited by Walters on Wed Aug 25, 2021 9:39 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 214
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Location: The Good Ship Marianne
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=1947
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1959

NPC Name: Elizabeth
Profession: First Mate
Base Wage: 4x1.5x2=12
NPC Skill Level: Journeyman
Skill Breakout: Seafaring

Description: Elizabeth joined the Marianne at the same time as Walters, learning and rising through the ranks just the same as him. Unfortunately for her, Craveus admitted she had no aptitude for Elementalism. She earned the rank of Second Mate all the same through her competency and confidence. Though she claims to hold no bitter attitude towards Walters, the sour look on her face when she sees him performing his magic betrays her true feelings on the matter. She’s the younger sister of Meriel (by a day), but is by far the most ambitious of the two.

NPC Name: Illatrin
Profession: Second Mate
Base Wage: 1x1.5=1.5
NPC Skill Level: Apprentice
Skill Breakout: Seafaring

Description: Before joining the Marianne, Illatrin was a simple fish monger. You wouldn’t be able to tell from a glance, though. He holds himself with a quiet dignity and the way he commands the fishing dories out to sea would have you believe he’s been working aboard the Marianne for far longer than he actually has. He’s banned from playing darts in the taverns of Kalrazi, though the reasons for this are up for debate.

NPC Name: Khatar
Profession: Third Mate
Base Wage: 1x1.5=1.5
NPC Skill Level: Apprentice
Skill Breakout: Seafaring

Description: Khatar spent his time before joining the Marianne racing sailboats. After the witnessing the Marianne’s speed first hand under the old captain Craveus, he knew he had to join. So far, he’s not impressed by what Walters has to offer. It’ll be hard to live up to the ghost of the old man. He prefers hard cider to liquor, an oddity amongst sailors.

NPC Name: Mazoga
Location Link: Location Name
Profession: Boatswain (Bosun)
Base Wage: 5x1.5=7.5
NPC Skill Level: Apprentice
Skill Breakout: Seafaring

Description: The woman in charge of the repairs keeping the Marianne afloat, Mazoga is a rather relaxed figure with an eye for detail. She’s known for running her hands along the inside of the ship as she goes and can spot a weakness in the hull a week before it becomes an issue. She can, and has, drank every crewmember on the Marianne under the table; including Walters.

NPC Name: Shalia
Profession: Master at Arms
Base Wage: 1x1.5=1.5
NPC Skill Level: Apprentice
Skill Breakout: Seafaring

Description: The last woman on the ship you want to cross, Shalia is in charge of keeping the ship disciplined. She never needs to raise her voice; when she speaks, the crew listens. Her go to strategy to get the crew of the Marianne in line is the invade their personal space and confront them directly. When that isn’t effective, of course, she isn’t afraid to break out the cat o’ nine tails. When she isn’t enacting the Captain’s will, she’s actually rather pleasant to be around.

NPC Name: Mechail
Profession: Quartermaster (Navigator)
Base Wage: 6x1.5=9
NPC Skill Level: Apprentice
Skill Breakout: Seafaring

Description: Mechail’s skills lie in reading the night sky and determining the Marianne’s location by thin strips of land on the horizon, but his true passion is artistry. Most of the ship’s collection of maps come directly from Mechail’s hand; impressive for a man who does most of his drawing on a table that shifts with the waves. He believes deeply in portents and sees omens in every cloud, wave, and sea bird.

NPC Name: Duncan
Profession: Helmsman
Base Wage: 1x1=1
NPC Skill Level: Novice
Skill Breakout: Seafaring

Description: In a world constantly in motion, Duncan is static as a mountain. When the world crashes around him and waves threaten to pull the ship under, it’s him that stands at the wheel and ensures the Marianne takes the roiling waves dead on. Humble and quiet, he knows his place in this world; at the helm of the Marianne. When the rest of the crew needs someone to confide in, they go first to Duncan.

NPC Name: Veronna
Profession: Cook
Base Wage: 2x1.5=3
NPC Skill Level: Apprentice
Skill Breakout: Seafaring

Description: Veronna can gut a fish just as well as she can gut a man, if you can take her word for it. If there’s even half the truth in that statement most sailors do well to steer the hell away, and fisherman of the Marianne aren’t stupid enough to test their luck. A firecracker with a filthy mouth, Veronna has a tendency to end most of the fights the crew gets into on-shore. Violently.

NPC Name: Lorna
Profession: Doctor
Base Wage: 7x1.5=10.5
NPC Skill Level: Apprentice
Skill Breakout: Seafaring

Description: In a world where only the hardy survive, it is good to have someone on the ship one can admit weakness to. Lorna seems to have an aura about her that allows even the most stoic of the crew relax and tell her what’s wrong. Her soothing words and bitter tea can calm even the more ornery of crewmates, and it is through her efforts that most fights on the Marianne are settled peacefully.

NPC Name: Connal
Profession: Sailor
Base Wage: 1x1=1
NPC Skill Level: Novice
Skill Breakout: Seafaring

Description: An ex-con taking to the seas mostly to escape vengeful lovers back on shore, Connal is banned from every brothel and tavern in Kalrazi. He can often be found up in the rigging as a topman and is known for being able to untangle any knot in less than a minute. He is the leading staring contest champion on the Marianne, though there have been many accusations of foul play.

NPC Name: Morgen
Profession: Sailor
Base Wage: 1x1=1
NPC Skill Level: Novice
Skill Breakout: Seafaring

Description: The daughter of a successful merchant, Morgen escaped to the sea to escape her betrothal. She’s quick to brag about a larger than average catch, but is known for going into a pouting fit when she loses. She has a habit of haggling with the merchants who meet the ship as the Marianne comes in, though it’s more because she finds it entertaining than to actually make more money.

NPC Name: Zeinab
Profession: Sailor
Base Wage: 1x1=1
NPC Skill Level: Novice
Skill Breakout: Seafaring

Description: Zeinab carries herself with the confidence usually exclusive to the richest merchants in Kalzasi, despite being a simple fisherwomen like the rest of the crew. As quick with verbal barbs as she is with her harpoon, she has been known to push jokes a bit too far. Though she never says it out loud, the offended crewmates will usually find themselves with simple gifts as an apology when the Marianne docks.

NPC Name: Navarre
Profession: Sailor
Base Wage: 1x1=1
NPC Skill Level: Novice
Skill Breakout: Seafaring

Description: Navarre has the astounding ability to look completely lost no matter how competent he is in the task at hand. Every time the dories are paddled back to the Marianne with fresh load of fish, his boat is always the last to arrive. Remarkably, despite his speed of movement, his haul is never the smallest of the bunch. He also plays a mean game of cards.

NPC Name: Sabrienne
Profession: Sailor
Base Wage: 1x1=1
NPC Skill Level: Novice
Skill Breakout: Seafaring

Description: Sabrienne is terse, quiet woman who doesn’t raise her voice to any provocation. She doesn’t, however, take a joke very well and has the meanest stink eye on the Marianne. Despite her handicap, Sabrienne is the best lookout currently working on the Marianne. She has nearly gotten into fistfights with Connal over his attempts to win staring contests disingenuously.

NPC Name: Akir
Profession: Sailor
Base Wage: 1x1=1
NPC Skill Level: Novice
Skill Breakout: Seafaring

Description: Akir holds the current record for both the most amount of fights lost while on shore leave, as well as the most amount of dories capsized by large sea creatures. He isn’t one to turn down a challenge, but he’s also not particularly well known for winning them either. Got most of his scars when a bundle of unsecured harpoons landed on top of him in a particularly bad storm.

NPC Name: Saphielle
Profession: Sailor
Base Wage: 1x1=1
NPC Skill Level: Novice
Skill Breakout: Seafaring

Description: Saphielle has the almost supernatural ability to stay calm in almost any situation. From back-alley brawls to the wildest of storms, she won’t flinch in the face of danger. No one really knows whether this is bravery, stupidity, or a history of drug use. Most of the Marianne’s crew seems to think it’s the latter, including herself.

NPC Name: Imre
Profession: Sailor
Base Wage: 1x1=1
NPC Skill Level: Novice
Skill Breakout: Seafaring

Description: Imre is a man a very few words. He is a solemn, dour-faced sailor who accomplishes his tasks with quiet dignity. When ashore, he can most often be found making certain all of the crew of the Marianne safe and with as little property damaged accrued as possible. He is responsible for taking care of the ship’s three cats.

NPC Name: Vulred
Profession: Sailor
Base Wage: 1x1=1
NPC Skill Level: Novice
Skill Breakout: Seafaring

Description: Vuldred is an arrogant, sharp tongued man with enough grace to rival a three-legged rottweiler. When not out working the fishing dories, Vulred enjoys climbing the rigging and working as a topman. He insists that he has the best pair of eyes in the Northern Ocean. In truth, he doesn’t even have the best eyes on the Marianne.

NPC Name: Meriel
Profession: Sailor
Base Wage: 1x1=1
NPC Skill Level: Novice
Skill Breakout: Seafaring

Description: Elizibeth’s much less ambitious older sister (by a day). Almost too relaxed, oftentimes she has to be kicked awake when out fishing in the dories. Meriel is absolutely garbage at dice, and often has to be stopped before she gambles away her whole paycheck while on shore leave. Nevertheless, her sister is glad to have her along.
Last edited by Walters on Wed Aug 25, 2021 7:51 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 1731
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Location: The Good Ship Marianne
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=1947
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1959

NPC Names: Flotsam, Phosphorus, and Ben
Professions: Granters of Luck and Slayers of Vermin
NPC Skill Levels Master
Description: The most important crewmates on the Marianne. Woe be to anyone who would bring harm to them.
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Title: Forge your Legend


Yes, this looks well thought out and the business for it has been approved, therefore this is now a location based within the Low City of Kalzasi. ;) Have fun with your plots buddy!
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"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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This has been Approved and can be located in the Kalzasi Codex
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