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Hunting Fire With Fire {Myles}

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2021 7:51 pm
by Dreyfus
♅ 50th of Searing, Year 121, A.o.S ♅
Company: N/A| Thoughts: Im curious| Mood: Calm

The report in his hand was a rather curious one, about three-fourths of a defense force detachment reduced to ashes by an ambush of cultists and mages. Dreyfus couldn't help but think about Venetia, and his obsession with catching her consumed his mind believing this cult and her to be related. He would have to question this Myles Arnnett to get some more answers on the group responsible.

The Arnnetts were a family he had heard of....vaguely at best, but enough that he could recognize them if he saw them. He knew that Myles was the youngest of them and had a rather turbulent upbringing, before being put under the care of the head of his father's guard. He seemed like the average soldier and the aftermath of the ambush pushed him into the limelight.

One could say that Myles wouldn't be expecting to be under the discerning gaze of the Montelityets. Walking into the barracks Dreyfus looked around, trying to find the young soldier as he truly was curious, more so intrigued if not worried about the repercussions of the cult's actions. The faster this cult was dealt with easier he could sleep at night knowing innocent mages wouldn't be caught in the witch hunts that would surely ensue.

Walking up to a soldier, a strapping young man, he tapped the man on the shoulder. "I'm looking for a Myles Arnnett, would you be so kind as to go and fetch him for me. Tell him that the Monteliyets wish to have a word with him. It's rather urgent." he spoke in a cool even tone, eyes unshifting but ones that would convey that the young soldier shouldn't waste time in fetching the man in question.

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"

Re: Hunting Fire With Fire {Myles}

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2021 12:41 am
by Myles Arnnett

Re: Hunting Fire With Fire {Myles}

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2022 5:46 pm
by Rune


Lore: 2

Points: 4

Injuries/Ailments: None

Loot: None

Notes: Sorry to see this abandoned, hopefully these two can try again later!