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Come, Little Children [Dreyfus | Memory]

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2021 1:21 am
by Thysbae
00 FROST 120

Thysbae carded a hand through the light ring of fur around his neck. With the set of Frost in full effect, so too was his coat coming in in places where he resembled his mother’s kin. Thick tufts of hair that would keep him warm, even despite the presence of clothes that would keep him warm. He’d been able to groom himself more thoroughly for the first time when he’d arrived at the estate. The change had been nice, but the trip they were taking now was a reminder of why he’d been brought to the estate in the first place.

All of the nice new clothes in his wardrobe and the spacious room had only been a surface distraction from his purpose. He was meant to assist in Order business, tied to the reconciliator he’d been assigned to. Dreyfus Monteliyet, a man of repute to match the family he was borne from. Thysbae could not be sure if he was meant to do anything along the lines of magic, but he understood there was a weight to the work the other did.

Mages were frowned upon. That much, the half-breed had been aware of. Perhaps moreso than his kin, but that might have been a bit of stretch. And there were varying degrees to how much they were disliked by the populace. There were magicks that were acceptable, and then there were those that tread the line far too close for society’s liking. He’d read something along those lines in one of the records kept in the estate library. A great, big room filled with books that climbed up the walls. He blinked, dizzy with the memory of having looked around it for the first time.

But what they might be doing was different from reading it in a book. This was — it was an investigation. He’d gleaned a little bit of information about it from the other records. There were more than a few reconciliators among the Monteliyet family, as he’d learned on that first day. Sitting beside one now on the way to one such investigation.

The half-breed glanced over at Dreyfus, the little report file in his hands. There was some space between them on the seat, and that made reading the words in small print hard. Enough that he scooted closer, squinted down at the page. Slightly easier, but he didn’t quite understand the words being used. Abbreviations to make for an easier read, perhaps? Or words very specific to the case that he had no prior knowledge of. He continued to scoot closer, until, finally it came to the point that he didn’t much care for boundaries with the burning curiosity that furrowed his brows.

He was practically in the other’s lap when he looked up. “What does it say? Is this about what you’re going to investigate?”

Re: Hero's Soup [Dreyfus | Memory]

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2021 2:43 am
by Dreyfus
♅ 00 of Frost, Year 120, A.o.S ♅
Company: Thysbae & Natasha| Thoughts: How awful| Mood:Disgusted, Determined

The journey to the scene of the crime was an interesting one, especially since Dreyfus was not traveling alone. This was the first case was they were on together and Dreyfus was nervous. The nerves were more so because he wasn't sure how Thysbae was going to handle the case. He didn't need the man getting ahead of himself or anything of that foolish nature.

Reading over the case file he figured this would be an easy first case for sure. This was also a rather delicate case and time was of the essence. As it turned out it was a missing child, a young boy who vanished not too long ago from one of the orphanages. Though many had already ruled it an open and shut case figuring the boy simply ran from the place, Dreyfus couldn't quite settle on that.

He notices Thysbae trying to read the report, inching closer and closer to try and read the words. Dreyfus studied the Lysanrin as he struggled to make any sense of what was written on the paper, so much so the wolf found the fawn scooting into his lap. Natasha couldn't help her giggle as the antlered male looked at him with questions. With a nod, Dreyfus held the paper up in front and pointed to the important parts of the pages as he explained.

"You would be correct my little fawnling, but it's a case you and I will be investigating together, we are partners after all. Timothy Charleston, age 11, has been missing from the Veranthro Orphanage for two days now. Many of my colleagues believe he has simply run away from the orphanage, but I'm not so convinced." he explained, running a hand through his locks as the carriage began to slow and come to a stop.

Exiting the vehicle he was greeted by the woman who ran the orphanage, a Madame' Avaline Fairmore. Looking over her facial features, Dreyfus could tell she was worried but delighted to see the reconciliator and his entourage.
"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"

Re: Come, Little Children [Dreyfus | Memory]

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2021 12:13 am
by Thysbae
His gaze flickered to Natasha, unsure of what in his actions she had found funny. Bae turned his attention back to Dreyfus, however, as the man’s hand moved to his hair. It was not a hand meant to be raised against him, but he flinched all the same, as if to prepare himself for a smack. There had been no signs any sort of violence toward him, but he could never be sure. Not yet. Bae might have liked the other well enough, but he still hadn’t proven himself. Hadn’t made it clear that he was deserving of this chance, and until he did, he would have to try his best. Right?

It didn’t stop him from asking what may have been perceived as a stupid question. “Why would he run away?” He would be clothed, fed, with a shelter over his head. There were children his own age that he could be with, play with. Bae had not been so lucky. An orphanage, if his mother was to be believed (and she was; her word had been the only truth he’d known, after all), would have been too good for the halfbreed. That he was lucky enough to have anything in his stomach and a roof over his head, no matter how rickety. The child would have been more than lucky to have had somewhere to stay. So, logically, running away made no sense to Bae.

As they exited the vehicle, Bae considered where he ought to stand. His presence wouldn’t be all that assuring, he assumed. His mother had always said he was unsettling. A sad flop of his tail and he clopped out in last, behind Natasha. She would be a more welcome sight than he. A sort of triangular formation had formed between the trio, with Bae staggered behind and hidden somewhat from view by the taller pair. His antlers would be visible as he peered around Dreyfus to look at the woman they were meant to be interviewing for the investigation.

Re: Come, Little Children [Dreyfus | Memory]

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2021 12:56 am
by Dreyfus
Company: Thysbae, Natasha, Client| Thoughts: Lets get to the bottom of this| Mood: Curious


Immediately I could see her despair, the young woman fighting back the tears as we approached. With a slight bow, I introduced us. "Thank you for taking the time out to speak with us on the matter. I am Dreyfus of the Order, and these are my associates Natasha & Thysbae." he spoke, keeping his tone polite but authoritative. Ms. Fairmore curtseyed as she showed us inside.

"I appreciate you looking into this. Many just believe that little Timothy just ran away, but I know these kids well, I know that's not something he would do. The poor lad would be starving by now and whining that he was hungry. I fear the worst has happened." she urged, showing us to the drawing-room of the large home. Dreyfus found himself inspecting the home in its entirety, looking over portraits of the children.

The other workers corralled the playful children into the other room. "Care to explain the events leading up to his disappearance?" he inquired, still looking over the various things that adorned the building. "Everything seemed fine, nothing was out of the ordinary. He played and laughed just like all the other children, I can't really say much more than that. Nothing seemed wrong with him." she recanted, fighting back the tears.

Dreyfus seemed to finally come out of his inspection and turn his focus onto her. "Tell me anyone out of the ordinary come around, maybe faces that you didn't recognize?" he pondered, stepping over to where Natasha sat. "Take Thysbae and do a walkthrough of the home, ask the staff questions." he instructed coming to sit next to Ms. Fairmore.

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"

Re: Come, Little Children [Dreyfus | Memory]

Posted: Wed May 17, 2023 1:16 am
by Rune


Lore: 4

Points: 10, not for magic

Injuries/Ailments: None

Loot: None

Notes: Was looking forward to seeing where this went, sorry it ended prematurely.