An Eldritch State of Mind

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Title: The Boy with the Eldritch Tattoo
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
Character Sheet:
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₪ 1st of Ash, Year 121, A.o.S ₪
Company: Dhasali & Nil Thur| Thoughts: My Aidolon| Mood: Fascinated

Siorey sighed as he eased into the warm stone of the Circle of Wandering, closing his eyes and trying to allow himself to shed the endeavor that laid ahead of him. Soon he found himself asleep. As he slept he tossed and turned, and in those few hours, it felt more like an eternity. Siorey wasn't dreaming but having a more drastic event.

Like out of some childhood book, he found himself in a forest, or at least that was the general idea from what he could see, as there was a thick fog around him. As he trekked the forest, he could see silhouettes of figures moving around and about him. Within those figures, he can see someone, as they were far clearer in definition than the wisping and shadowy effigies of the bodies moving.

Slowly he found himself approaching the figure, and to his surprise, it was himself, a far younger visage of himself. The only difference being that the younger Siorey's eyes were that of the colors of his rune, but burning with a fiery intensity. Astonished he stepped back, only to see the younger doppelganger run from him. Hesitant at first he soon gave chase, winding around trees as shadowy silhouettes flashed by him.

He soon got turned around, the younger him vanishing in the fog. Confused and lost he looked around him, trying to get his bearings, and as his eyes scanned he could see the boy once more, but this time he wasn't alone. Approaching the boy he held his hand out to him, and his eyes moved from the younger version of himself to the figure with him.

His eyes widened in shock and horror as the figure standing behind his younger self was that of an eldritch form, tentacles writhing and branching out. Its form began to grow and Siorey could feel himself screaming, calling out but no sound ever escaping his lips. The eldritch figure soon loomed over him, its tentacles reaching down and wrapping around his younger doppelganger.

He continued to scream, to yell even though his voice was gone. He could feel himself calling out to someone, a name and then the looming figure spoke, a tone thunderous and loud, deafening with a vibration that shook Siorey to the core. It spoke once more, the words a little clearer this time around, though muffled. The eldritch figure continued to expand in size, his doppelganger consumed by its shadowy tentacles.

"AWAKEN!" it roared, the scenery quaking in the shadow of its words. By this point, the effigy had consumed the sky towering over the dreary forests as it spoke once more. "AWAKEN, NOW!" it demanded. its hand reached up before coming down on him. Siorey could see the hand of his younger self reaching out to him.

He tried to reach the hand, but found himself crushed by the giant eldritch hand, and then nothing.

Covered in sweat Siorey began to come to, gasping for air, and gripping at his chest. He couldnt place it but he knew that there was more to that nightmare than he knew. Eyes finally focusing he could see Dhasali standing off to the side with a look of concern on his own face. "I'm glad to see you are awake young lord. I came to check on you when I heard you yelling in your sleep and came as quick as I could, however....." he stated, though he pointed at Siorey.

"It would seem the spirit you summoned is refusing to allow me to get any closer to you. Do you mind calling it off?" Confused, Siorey looked over his shoulder to see the spirit in question. It was a gangly thing, appearing as an emaciated, humanoid-bodied entity. It stood roughly 4.5ft tall. Sporting two skeletal jaws, its head was that of a deep-sea eel, a translucent body with spindly clawed limbs. Protruding from its body was a variable number of twitching tentacles extending from its upper back and a long spindly tail.

His eyes blinked as the spirit seemed to be hovering over Siorey, protective in its stance. He could hear it as it hissed at Dhasali, but to him, the hisses carried words with them. He's mine! Stay away! Stay away! He's mine!!! it hissed, snarling at Dhasali. Siorey couldn't help but smile, as he felt this spirit was different from the others he had come to summon.

"Its ok, Dhasali is no threat to me, he is a friend." he soothed, petting the spirit as he rose to his feet. For a moment he simply stared at the creature, and then he spoke its name. "Nil Thur." he whispered as the spirit purred and nuzzled against his hand. "It would appear this is your Aidolon young lord." placing a hand on Siorey's shoulder he knelt down and got a closer look, Nil growling a bit as it looked him over. "An aidolon?" the black robe inquired, eyes of intrigue and interest probing over the entity before him.

"Yes, they are a personalized spirit, one born from a bond between it's own core self and your soul. It is also an indication that you have grown in power, thus it's time to learn something new." he said patting Siorey on the shoulder. He sat on the floor as he revealed his own rune of summoning. "It's a one-time thing, but it's a technique called Spherebind. Depending on a summoner's specialized field they can lock themselves into that specific spirit realm. By allowing the spirit of that sphere to impart a piece of the essence of their sphere into your rune, it locks you into that sphere. Once done there is no going back."

Siorey nodded as Dhasali explained, extending a hand out to Nil Thur. "Care to help me?" he inquired, removing his shirt, and turning so that his rune faced the spirit. "In order to do this effectively you must call on a spirit of the eldritch and declare your intent, and as you do this, the spirit will impart eldritch essence upon your rune and it will be done." he informed, getting a nod of acknowledgment from Siorey.

"Nil Thur." he whispered, his aidolon coming to stand behind him, the clamminess of its clawed hand touching his skin. "I, Siorey Zyel Val'Maranthy, declare that I will summon those of the eldritch sphere. To be a voice, a focal point for the spirits of the Eldritch to enter our world as a proxy. In exchange for your power to help me in my ambitions, I agree to fulfill whatever machinations you desire."

As those words left his lips the Nil Thur began to pour its eldritch essence into the rune, the feel of it seeping into his rune. It was a strange feeling, otherworldly but familiar, and after a few moments, it was done. You are one with us now! it whispered, a teasing tone in its words. Satisfied, looked to Dhasali who was giving him a look of approval. Taking Siorey's face into his hand, he inspected the mage which was making him a little nervous.

"What is it Dhasali, is there something on my face?" he asked, worry starting to creep up on him to which the older man just laughed. "In a way yes, it seems to be that your eyes have changed, a sign marking that you are advancing in proficiency in Summoning." he explained, smiling as he let the younger male go and standing to embrace the sun of the day.

Siorey stood as well, feeling Nil Thur climb upon his back, began to follow Dhasali as he descended the Circle of Wandering. They began to discuss what was to come, and the plan for the raid on the treasure hunters this season. It was going to be the first step to realizing his dreams. Overall this day was a good one and a great start to the season.

Off into the distance, however, a figure looked on as they had been followed, before disappearing as a patrol of the sky guard had come by. At that moment Siorey felt the chill run up and down his spine, his head whipping behind him in shock. "Something the matter my lord?" Dhasali asked his hand going to the hilt of his sword, and his eyes looking in the direction Siorey was looking.

Shaking his head he continued on as they returned to the comfort of the city and the Tower of Lore.

"Common Speech"
"Mythrasi Speech"
"Inner Thoughts"
"Dhasali Speech"
Nil Thur tounge
word count: 1595
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Title: Conscript of the Dead Legion
Location: Kalzasi
Character Sheet:
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Lores: (6 Eligible, 4 Requested)
Summoning: Aidolon are more personal than other spirits
Summoning: Technique - Spherebind
Summoning: Declaring intent to the Eldritch
Psychology: Nightmares that feel real

Loot: An Aidolon yay!
Injuries: N/A

Points: 5, 5 May be used for Summoning (Summoning [Apprentice])

Comments: Oooo pledging to the Eldritch, what a mighty task and responsibility. I look forward to seeing him keep to that.

word count: 107
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