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Calendar of Events for Ash 121

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 8:39 pm
by Franky

Special Events will have Open Threads released in the order they appear chronologically.

Typical Events can be used by any and all.

Description of Typical Events
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Special Events

Cinderfall 10, Ash 10 - The Keg - Overlooking the cliffs, Franky kicks off the Galerian tradition of Vintusvarm, beginning the same way it always does. Franky has purchased an oversize keg of Imperial Brown Ale, and had it delivered into a clearing overlooking the Cliffs in the Knob. It is believed that if the keg isn't completely drunk before nightfall, then those who looked upon it would find bad luck coming their way. Franky has a table of cheap wooden mugs for sale, 1 silver each, to partake in the event. Open Thread

Cinderfall 18, Ash 18 - Cider Rolls - Franky has purchased many crates of ciders from nearly every local producer in Zaichaer. The fireplaces of the Hobbled Gobbler have been converted into games. Ten Wooden Figures, carved to look like historical goblins from Galerian History are set up in the empty hearths in a triangle. One must purchase a bottle of cider (1-10gp depending on type), and must finish it by drinking (these drinks can be shared as desired). Once finished, the bottle holder must stand across from the fireplace, with one heel touch the wall. They must roll the bottle toward the wooden statues. If they knock down all ten in one go, they get another bottle of cider for free. Open Thread

Cinderfall 28, Ash 28 - The Cart - Franky has rented a large cart with hay bales for sitting upon. The cart is loaded with a barrel of an Imperial beer. It costs 1 gold to get on the cart. From there, you get unlimited access to booze while remaining on the cart. The cart will do laps down the Copper Cut, up the Coalway, around the Bulge. If the barrel of booze isn't empty upon returning to the Hobbled Gobbler, the entire cart is kicked off. If it is finished, a new, fresh barrel is brought out. This continues all day until sunset. Open Thread

Typical Events

Earth's Rest

Special Events

Earth's Rest 3, Ash 31 - Melons and Gourds - Franky hosts a drinks special that is traditional during the harvest season in the Imperium. Melons have been drilled into and filled with liquor, while gourds and pumpkins have been turned into squash based wines (by local vintners) to be drunk straight from the fruit. These are in limited supply, but are often used to share with friends. Straws made from river reeds are provided. Open Thread

Earth's Rest 14, Ash 42 - The Sounding Hall - From sundown til sunup, The Hobbled Gobbler will be in full song. The Galerian Tradition is one of community and generosity. Imperial Pilsner is free and free flowing. During this night, there must be no stopping of singing, for it is songs that drive the demons away. It was believe that one this middle night of Ash that demons would come, fleeing the harshness of winter, hiding in alcohol to possess people, making them drunk crazy during the winter. Open Thread

Earth's Rest 28, Ash 56 - Tales and Ales - This is a somber Imperial tradition. There is to be no rowdiness in the Hobbled Gobbler this night. The fire places will be lit, and people will be asked to take turns in front of a fire, telling a story of their own choosing. These can be real or fictional, funny or sad. At the end of the story, all who listened are expected to share a drink with the storyteller. Open Thread

Typical Events



Special Events
Wither 3, Ash 63 - The Throne- This is an endurance challenge from the Imperium pubs. It starts promptly at sunset, and none may join in after. All participants must purchase and drink at least 2 drinks of their choice per hour. Failure to do so results in the loss of the challenge. Standing up or otherwise leaving your chair/bench also results in a loss of the challenge. Soiling oneself in a manner that dirties the chairs or floor results in a fine and possibly being tossed into the street. Whoever can stay seated the longest while maintaining the drinking gets crowned the champion and receives a "throne". This throne is a chair that Franky will have made for them by a local carpenter, with their name engraved into it. This chair becomes their reserved seat for the next year until the next Sit In. They get to keep the chair after the year, regardless of if they keep their title. The Throne

Wither 14, Ash 74 - The Sauna - A tradition from some of the hot springs villages, the bar is turned into an impromptu sauna with all of the hearths going with water to steam up the space. Drinks, including water, are served cold, and clothing is optional and not recommended. Open Thread

Wither 31, Ash 91 - The Crawl - Participants in The Crawl must provide their own wooden flagon with the current year on it.. They must go around to every pub and bar within the Knob, and ask for the Specialty Drink from the bartender. Once the drink is provided, the participant must drink it fully, without wasting a drop. If they succeed, the bartender (or someone else at the establishment) will etch the name of the business into the flagon, and send the participant on their way to the next part. It is often considered a point of pride to get all of the establishments, each year. Open Thread

Typical Events
