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Crimes of Venetia Childs

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2021 5:48 pm
by Dreyfus
♅ 7th of Ash, Year 121, A.o.S ♅
Company: Natasha| Thoughts: I must learn more| Mood: Determined

There was a thirst that was etched into his bones when he read the letter, still not wanting to believe the words written on them. If what the words wrote were true, his mother saw the Imperium as a danger, the birthplace of his family and hers, at least that's what he presumed. It also revealed that Venetia, or Veronica as his mother addressed her as attending the Imperial Academy. It was a start, and he pulled out the note to read it over again.

My dearest Veronica,

The winters are somehow colder without your smile. How I wish our last conversation had not ended that way. I wish that things were different between us. I remember when we would sneak to the loft in the old watchtower and stare out at the stars while whispering wishes to them. Can we not have that closeness again? Have things become so distant between us? There was a time when I thought that if there were no more certainties in life, there was you, my sister.

Ever since you trained at the Imperial Academy, you have been different. Magic is dangerous, my sister. I fear that perhaps in straying too close to the fanatics of the Imperium that you have lost sight of that. The Inquisition’s ways are not the ways of Zaichaer, my sister. There is something sinister about those men and women from the Imperium and the Kathar that follow them. There is no compassion in their eyes, it is as though they see us as little more than tools. How I wish that the Grand Marshal would banish them. They will bring no good thing to our fair city.

I wish you the best of health, my dear sister. You are missed. Oh, and I have exciting news.

You will soon be welcoming a nephew into the world. I know that he will grow to love you as much as I do.

Come home soon.


Standing there in the Archives of Reconciliators, within the Hall of Enlightenment, Dreyfus was lost in the shelves of the archives looking for a specific subject. He was here along with Natasha, following a lead on Venetia Childs. Dreyfus was calm as he spoke with the clerk in charge of past academy records after having time to think about certain things, things he didnt understand, things he did. But most of all he had time to settle on one thing in particular, and for that, he needed to take this step forward.

Picking up a book from one of the shelves he began to scan over the contents of the pages, looking for anything related to his query. He could feel the fires of that obsession of his burning even brighter now that he found this letter.

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"

Re: Crimes of Venetia Childs Ⅰ

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2021 11:18 am
by Paragon
It was late into the day. The sun was setting and darkness would soon descend upon the streets of Zaichaer. Quiet had followed Dreyfus in his perusal of the archives. There was not much to be found on the character of Venetia Childs within the Halls of Enlightenment. The Reconciliators had few documents in the way of observations made about her. What little there was, was focused almost entirely on the events leading up to her incarceration and the failed attempt to execute her.

“Prisoner 117-VC-EX.
Name: Childs, Venetia
Place of Birth: Unknown.
Family Relations: Unknown.
Coven Relations: Suspected ties to the Grymalka.

Witch responsible for the defacement and intrusion into the inner sanctums of the Arcaeneum. Subject responsible for the death of six Reconciliators, three soldiers, and at least three civilian power plant workers. Shows no remorse for actions and has been deemed a threat to national security and an obstacle to the Ideals of the Order. Judgement for execution to be carried out by burning.

Subject displays remarkable resilience to mental intrusion. Mesmeric influence has proved ineffective. Interrogation has yielded little information beyond the primary objective of retrieving a suitable power source for an unknown project. The Provost-Marshal suspects that it is in relation to a coordinated effort to undermine Order efficacy in order to enhance Coven influence.

Subject displays Elementalism and Traversion powers. She is not registered. Inspection revealed two Rune markings of unknown nature and origin.

Authorization for period of study denied. Subject ordered for execution.”

Continued perusal of the archives revealed only a single later entry into the records speaking on the day of her scheduled execution.

“Execution failed. Protective measures undermined. Suspicion of the involvement of compromised Order members referred to the High Sentinel and Provost-Marshal for review.”

And that was it. No records of observation. No records of conversations that may have been had with her. Whatever Dreyfus might have been looking for, was not to be found. The search for more records revealed nothing more and requests for access to more classified information would have had to be passed to higher ranking members of the Order. An act that could draw serious scrutiny.

So, as the long hours of the day drew to a close, Dreyfus inevitable departure and trip toward his home at the Monteliyet Manor was one that proved to have yielded little fruit. It was as he was taking a turn onto the street of his family home, that he would feel an arm wrapping itself around one of his lightly. A hand resting on his forearm gently as the form of a woman stepped out of the darkness to fall into step beside him.

“Truly, I must commend you for your efforts. You are, if nothing else, persistent.” The voice that spoke was soft and the scarlet eyes that stared up at Dreyfus from beneath her hood were unmistakable.

“Don’t make a scene, nephew. I would prefer you alive for at least a little while longer.” She smiled at him.

She glanced at his bodyguard. Venetia flicked the wrist of her hand toward Natasha. The woman stumbled before her body went rigid. Natasha’s eyes widened for a moment befor glazing over. She turned and continued her walk toward Monteliyet Manor.

“Don’t fret, nephew. She will be fine.” Venetia turned them away from the manor and toward another street so they could continue elsewhere. “Come. Walk with me.”

Re: Crimes of Venetia Childs Ⅰ

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2021 2:26 am
by Dreyfus
Company: Venetia| Thoughts: Well shit!| Mood: Anxious, Nervous


He was almost upset that he let his guard fall so low, the fact that whoever this was had gotten the drop on him. Hearing Natasha as she fell caused his head to turn quickly to her, the words of the woman who now locked her arm with his assuring him that she would be fine. She instructed him not to cause a scene, which caused him to smirk and chuckle. "The fact you have delayed me has caused more than enough of a scene. My father will be out looking for me within the hour." he noted, finally turning to see the one who was taking him down a different path.

It was her, it was Venetia Childs, the woman who had revealed herself to be his aunt upon their first meeting, the one who haunted the deepest reaches of his subconscious and the source of his obsession with capturing her. For the time they walked, he remained silent, the path taking them away from the dwindling sounds of the residential area and towards the forests that lined the outer West End. Finally, after having his fill of the silence, he spoke. "Have you come to me on business, or is this a social call......Veronica?" he inquired, his eyes glancing down at her for a moment.

"I don't know what it is you want me for, but I won't be of any use to you. I'm a mage for the state, and it's my duty to bring you in, you are aware of this correct?" he added. He knew that facing her now would spell his death, so he would take this opportunity to learn what he could about her, but first, he wanted to know something. "The officer you took the day of your execution, is he alive?"

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"

Re: Crimes of Venetia Childs Ⅰ

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2021 8:59 pm
by Paragon
She chuckled softly and patted Dreyfus arm with a soft hum of amusement. The scarlet of her eyes glanced in Dreyfus direction before she turned them down a street to continue their leisurely stroll.

“Then he will be just in time.” For what? She did not say. There was silence between the two of them as they just walked. Her expression was wistful. All around them, people were milling about their evening business. Barely a glance was cast in their direction. Eventually they came to a small cart. It had various goodies and what appeared to be steaming cider available for purchase. Venetia brought them to the cart.

“Two ciders. Two meat buns, please.” The merchant looked up at Venetia and gave her a bright smile. Venetia smiled back and paid for the requested items. Once the goods were passed, she gave a cider and a bun to Dreyfus then ushered him along the street to continue their stroll. She guided them toward a wooded park, the trees were turning the color of autumn. Lamps illuminated the various walkways through the park. When Dreyfus posed his question regarding her arrival, she peered at him over the rim of her cup. Savoring the warm cider as it went down her throat, she swallowed then answered.

“An aunt can’t enjoy the company of her only nephew?” Venetia unwrapped her meat bun and took a bite into it. She smiled at Dreyfus as she chewed. When he made his statement regarding his profession and duty, she scoffed before laughing softly.

“Dreyfus, one day you will wake up from this silly little dream of fitting in with these…” She looked around at some of the people meandering about the park they were headed to. Her face scrunched in a moue of disgust. “...insects. You were not born to be beholden to such petty fools.”

She regarded him for a moment as she took another sip of her cider.

“He is. Him and his partner. Happier now than perhaps they have ever been.” She smiled and nodded to a couple walking down the path. When the people had passed, she asked as she watched the people pass by. “Why do you care?”

Re: Crimes of Venetia Childs Ⅰ

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2021 3:22 am
by Dreyfus
Company: Venetia| Thoughts: Well shit!| Mood: Anxious, Nervous


It was in the way she spoke that there was a clear form of disdaining her words. He watched her intently as he knew that any move he could make against her would be his last. That and there were still too many innocent lives around, no matter how much he wished to act. He stared into the cider as she spoke, comparing the citizens to mere insects as they walked. He found it curious, as he felt some similar, in some way.

"insects they may be, it is still my duty to protect them." he paused for a moment, then taking a sip of the cider he continued. "Until they prove otherwise unworthy in my eyes. Sadly I'm not strong enough to pursue my own ambitions.......yet." he allowed that to set in as she moved on to his next inquiry, confirming that the soldier snatched on that fated day was alive and well.

It allowed him a sigh of relief as that was something that haunted his dreams and nightmares. "I simply ask as I wished to have rescued him that day. I'll trust your words in that he is indeed happy." with that he continued to be led by his infamous aunt. The silence between them was both palpable and somewhat comforting to him.

Seeing this as the perfect opportunity, he reached into the breast pocket of his trench coat and pulled out the letter his mother had written. "Care to explain to me what my mother meant when she feared the Imperium was corrupting you? She feared that there was something wicked within the ways of the Inquisitors. She feared you were involved with fanatics, would explain your grandiose display at your execution."

Part of him was curious to see how she would respond to such a thing. But more importantly, it meant the woman that had been causing Zaichaer so much grief was someone the city-state should be gravely worried about. He also began to wonder how he played into her plans, as she was obviously had something in mind for him.

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"

Re: Crimes of Venetia Childs Ⅰ

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2021 10:19 pm
by Paragon
“Duty can be a heavy thing, nephew.” Venetia’s words were not spoke in mockery. There was a forlorn note to her words. She stared into her cider as though lost in her thoughts before returning to the conversation.

“The strongest tool at your disposal is that meat rattling around between your ears.” She reached up and tapped his skull. “Use it. That is your pride. That is your power. That is your strength.”

They continued forward at a leisurely pace. The woman seemed in no rush to reach any particular destination. The chill of the encroaching season and the upcoming Frost was beginning to nip at the skin. It would be a cold, cold winter this year. She cast Dreyfus another glance as he brought up his desire to rescue the man she had taken back with her.

“If you must know, he is in Kalzasi now. He and his partner.” She tipped her cider, drinking it before speaking further. “I am a monster, Dreyfus. Make no mistake about that. I will just as easily reduce to ash every person in this pitiful little park and feel no remorse.”

Another hint of disdain and near revulsion curled her lips before the expression cleared and her face was calm again.

“But sometimes…” Her eyes drifted to the cider in her hands. “...sometimes death is the least useful of options.”

Her eyes followed a pair of people strolling. At the mention of what Dreyfus mother had written, she paused.

“That sounds like her.” A heavy sigh followed by a shake of her head.”Look around you Dreyfus. Is this really the life that you want? Living with an axe always hovering over your neck? Persecution simply for the love of being able to perform wonders that these pathetic mongrels cannot appreciate? These idiots say that magic is weakness. They are fools living in a world where magic is woven into the very fiber of our beings. Weakness is the one who does not see that power and take hold of it, mold it, bend it to your will. How else do you think this city’s greatest rival in the Northlands now has a god championing its people?”

Venetia eyed Dreyfus from head to toe. A critical assessment in her stare.

“Ask yourself this, what do you want, Dreyfus? You want your mother’s killers brought to justice?” She scoffed. “You need look no further than the keepers of your proverbial collar.”

Re: Crimes of Venetia Childs Ⅰ

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2021 2:47 am
by Dreyfus
Company: Venetia| Thoughts: Well shit!| Mood: Anxious, Nervous


He found himself considering her words carefully, siping his cider as they walked. It was clear that she truly had no heart for the people, and Dreyfus, as much as he didn't want to admit it didn't either. She was right that they fostered the wrong view of magic in his eyes. Their fear of it was a crutch that was crippling them, and if things progressed as they did between Kalzasi, it could prove detrimental to the city.

She was right in the fact that this was not what he intended for his life, it was not what he expected of it. He was trying to live up to the memory of his late mother and her work as a reconciliatior, but he didn't realize it came at such a cost. The constant threat that today would be the day he would be put onto the pyre to burn simply for being a mage. To add to that thought, now she was implying that the order had something to do with his mother's death.

His eyes narrowed at her as he stopped, a look that held much confusion and anger within it. "Do not play with me. My mother was tortured and killed by mages, of the five responsible only two remain alive and at large, especially the one responsible for my own curse. Now you say that the Order is behind this?" his fit clenched tightly as he spoke, so much so that he broke the skin of his palm. He couldn't believe what she was implying, he couldn't her words.

"That begs to question if my father is aware of this." he whispered in elven.

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"

Re: Crimes of Venetia Childs Ⅰ

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2021 9:58 am
by Paragon
"Is that what they told you?" She looked amused as she stared at Dreyfus over the rim of her cup. More than that she did not say. Venetia downed the rest of her cider sighing heavily as she did. She looked over at one of the buildings not far away.

"It would seem our time together is at an end, nephew." No sooner had she finished her sentence than a group of soldiers was rushing around the corner headed in their direction. Venetia flicked her wrist, a stream of aether leaving her hand. As soon as it touched the ground, a shimmering wall of power erected itself, separating the two of them from the squadron closing in on them. It spread like fire, forming a circle around Venetia and Dreyfus.

"Relax. I won't kill them today." She let the remnants of her meat bun drop to the ground. Turning slightly she smiled at Dreyfus.

"Time for your first lesson, Dreyfus." Venetia strode forward, extending a hand. A ball of flame ignited in her grasp as she twirled almost elegantly to face the young Reconciliator.

"Is this the finest that the Order has? How pitiful." She narrowed her eyes at the man across from her. "The Fire is lit. The Way is open. Show me you know the True Path and perhaps…perhaps I will suffer you to live a while longer."

The witch raised a hand, the orb of fire highlighting the scarlet of her eyes. She tossed the fireball at Dreyfus.


Re: Crimes of Venetia Childs Ⅰ

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2021 10:58 am
by Dreyfus
Company: Venetia| Thoughts: Well shit!| Mood: Anxious, Nervous


Her amusement at his shock and confusion only seemed to add fuel to the fire that was his building anger. They seemed to have reached the end of their stroll, and with the sound of the boots of soldiers coming around the bend, Dreyfus saw his chance. It seemed she knew their time was up, as she flicked her wrist and aether left her fingers. Pulling out Mage Piercer, he aimed it at her.

At that close of range, he knew he wouldn't miss, given the fact his eyes were pouring profusely from the Venetia's aether, the flames that encircled adding to his pain. Her assurance that the soldiers would live didn't do much for him, but what she did next surprised him. Dreyfus couldn't explain why he did it, but he reached out as she tossed a ball of flame at him. Seeing it come at him, he sent it back with kinetic push.

Despite what he may have thought, he wasn't about to die like this. He would defy her up till he knew the truth. She was dangerous, and he would take any chance he could to would her. Using the fireball as a cover, he let off a shot from the hand cannon hoping it would wound her so she would be hit by her own flame. If his plan worked, he would be able to subdue her in the hope to bring her in. He couldn't allow this chance to slip by him.

"I wont let you escape this time Venetia!" he growled, firing two more shots emptying the chamber. He remembered watching her arm reform after taking a shot, but at this range, he was aiming at her head and doubted she would recover from that.

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"

Re: Crimes of Venetia Childs Ⅰ

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2021 11:30 am
by Paragon
Venetia took the first round to the chest but rather than explode in a shower of gore, her body seemed to simply absorb the impact of the caster shell. When Dreyfus caught her bolt of fire she smiled, a pleased look crossing her features for a moment before she spun out of the way. The fireball smashed against the barrier she had created, the aether dissipating as it was absorbed into the weave of the shield. When the last two rounds were fired from Dreyfus gun, they smashed against a shimmering crimson barrier that sprung up in front of her. She chuckled.

“Is that the best that you can do?” Venetia softly tutted. “How do you expect to protect these weak, feeble insects if you cannot even wound me?”

Outside the barrier that Venetia had created, there were at least twelve soldiers and three other Reconciliators. The mage were coming together, muttering under their breath as they concentrated on the barrier in front of them. It was clear that they were channeling their aether in an attempt to both break it and contain her. Venetia swept her hand. The soldiers all spasmed before collapsing to the ground. The three mages all raised their hands, summoning a barrier that was struck with a mighty albeit unseen force. The two mages in the back were brought to their knees but the one in the front remained standing though visibly strained against the force pressing against their barrier. She lowered her hand and the mages sagged as the force pressing against their shield dissipated. Immediately they began working on trying to penetrate her barrier once more.

“There is power in you. You cannot hope to defeat me if you continue to fear it, if you do not tap into it.” Venetia wove her hands in a circular pattern. Fire burst to life in her grasp.

“The Fire is lit, Dreyfus. The Way is open. Follow it or be consumed by it.” She leaned forward thrusting her hands toward Dreyfus and in doing so released a tongue of fire that was ready to strike him in the chest.