Character Registry: Ash 121

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Title: Forge your Legend

Character Registry for Ash 121

Seasonal Event Calendar
Previous Calendars...

Ash 2nd: Disturbances Throughout the Promenade
Weather: Slightly warm temperatures, northern winds gradually blow humidity from the south back away.

The Skyguard is on high alert late into the night hours after an alleged burglary of a Hatakomon house, investigators begin sweeping for suspects and collecting witness intel based on the perpetrators involved. [Closed]

Ash 10th: The Skyguard Rally
Weather: Fairly cool temperatures, with few clouds hanging over the mountain range.

The Skyguard is going out their way to look for potential recruits to join their ranks, interested candidates are encouraged to visit the Mistveil Keep, where an open house is held for participants willing to join. A feast is thrown later for the recruits inducted into the ranks! [Open Prompt]

15th to the 17th of Ash: Spirit Calling
Weather: Cloud cover increases over the next few days
It is brought to the attention of the city that summoned spirits have been showing up within the warrens without a summoner present. The Circle of Spells moves to investigate and contain the situation. It draws the attention of many mages and magical scholars alike to figure out what has brought this about.

Ash 24th: Brigands On The Road
Weather: A front from the north brings cooler temperatures, bringing chilly nights to the season from here on.

More bandit activity is reported throughout the Northlands, some of them more organized and problematic than before. Due to tensions between Kalzasi and Zaichaer, the trade routes have become fewer, causing higher activity than usual throughout the Northlands. [Open Prompt]

Night of Ash 29: Aristocats
Weather: The cool air of the day lingers on into the night, while clouds obscure the moon for some time, but are otherwise drifting sparingly.

House Lekivian hosts a ball in celebration of the current eldest son's 25th birthday. This ball is open to all of noble blood, and any upstarting merchants that have enough money to pay someone to bring them along. It is upscale, but not to the same extent as the first night of the Glade Cotillion. [Event]

Night of Ash 35th: Temple of Madness
Weather: The air is crisp and clear tonight, as temperatures border between warm and cool. There is a fog that has rolled in throughout the city as it has rained earlier in the day.

The days prior to the 35th a raiding party puts out a call for any able body adventurers to aid them in acquiring a relic thought to be lost to time itself within the warrens. They ask that those who answer the call keep the details of the summons as discrete as possible. Compensation will be awarded upon successful retrieval of the relic from within the 2nd deep of the warrens [Open Prompt]

Night of Ash 31: A Cat Walks Into A Bar
Weather: The day is persistently cloudy with the threat of a storm that never comes even as the night draws in. It's cooler, but slightly muggy.

Following the celebration of Mino's birthday, a more open celebration in the form of buying out a bar for the evening (with some haggling and convincing) in which all patrons are treated for the night. Any and all are welcome. Those too rowdy will be removed. Or not. [Open Prompt]

Ash 52-78: Spider's Boon
Weather: Weather is cool; typically sunny with a slight breeze.

During this time, Kalsazi begins to see the increased presence of various spider species. Namely, wolf spiders and brown recluses. Citizens are advised to be careful, but avoid agitating the creatures before they disperse. On the plus side, the rodent population sees a sharp decline during the period.

The increase in spiders in part due to the visitation of several Fae with spider attributes coming into the city proper. [Open Prompt]

Ash 72nd: The Wraithplague
Weather: Dread Mists flow into Kalzasi, making the weather unpredictable for the duration of the event.

A horde of Wraiths are unleashed within the Midden's very own Hahseu, and the Low City of Kalzasi as well, terrorizing civilians within the surrounding neighborhoods. As the Wraiths inflict the citizens with their aspects of terror, a dark storm brews above Kalzasi, with Dread Mists swirling above the city of Kalzasi. The Dawnstone Defense system manages to keep much of the storm at bay, however, the Skyguard, Slayer's Keep, and even soldiers of the Dead Legion are called in for aid. Citizens are encouraged to purchase and carry an Illumite dragonshard for protection, and any extra help in purging the Wraiths will be rewarded. [Event]

Ash 72nd: The Obelisk Tolls
On the 72nd of Ash, alongside the appearance of the Wraithplague, a loud ringing bell was heard across the entirety of Karnor, equally loud regardless of where the listener might be located. On the 73rd of Ash, reports from Zeraphesh came into Kalzasi that the Obelisk that had long been inert now appeared to be Pitch Black in color. [Quest, Contact Aegis]

Code: Select all

[b]Name:[/b] [url=Character Sheet Link]PC Name[/url]
[b]Race:[/b] Character's Race
[b]Likes and Dislikes:[/b] What do you like to write about? What do you not like?
[b]Reason for Visiting:[/b] What brought you to Kalzasi?
[b]Goal for the Season:[/b] What are you hoping to achieve this season?
[b]Duration of Stay:[/b] How long will you be with us?
[b]Commentary Feedback:[/b] What would you like to see more of in Kalzasi this season?

[size=115][b]Ash Events[/b][/size]
[spoil]Because summer got hectic near the end and difficult to keep track of, so we're gonna give this a second opportunity for the season of Ash.

This season we, the staff, are taking a bit of a different approach with the calendar. While we hope to see a full roster of events, we feel that our player base should have the opportunity to contribute to the Seasonal Calendar as well! This isn't a necessary part of the Registry, just an opportunity for PC's to tag in with their contributions! You only need to use the template layout below to fill out your own!

[float=left][img][/img][/float][b]Searing (Timestamp): Event[/b]
[b]Weather:[/b] ([url=]You can use these icons for references to your weather[/url])

Desribe what this event is and how it even ties into Kalzasi's culture.  [Tag: Is it a Holiday? Open Prompt or Event?][/spoil]
word count: 1318
Templates, Workshop
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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Title: double bubble disco queen
Location: kalzasi
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Name: Nnerka Vesti
Race: Fae'ethlan
Likes and Dislikes: Enjoy writing about anything with hunting and general spookiness. Socials would be nice to spread the Good Word of the fall of civilization.
Reason for Visiting: What brought you to Kalzasi?
Goal for the Season: Progression in hunting, some notoriety. Maybe the toppling of city for the return of nature to power.
Duration of Stay: She lives here.
Commentary Feedback: :]

Ash Events
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Title: bastard cat boy
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Name: Mino Lekivian
Race: Hytori/Rathari (Caracal)
Likes and Dislikes: Thievery, social threads, general mischief are appreciated. Just don't expect him not to try to swindle and/or flirt with you.
Reason for Visiting: Lives here
Goal for the Season: This season is kinda light work on goals, but I am looking to put him out into the public some more.
Duration of Stay: He hasn't had a reason to leave so, for the entirety of the season.
Commentary Feedback: :]

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Name: Euripides
Race: Human/Siltori
Likes and Dislikes: Tragedy, loss of love. I do love exploring religion more with her, and the connection of her suffering to her faith. She's surprisingly pious. Combat threads are not optimal since she's uh. Skin and bones.
Reason for Visiting: Escaped the Dead Legion
Goal for the Season: The start of her journey as a necromancer and maybe clearing her name? who knows
Duration of Stay: Mmm depends on some stuff
Commentary Feedback: :]
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Title: The Boy with the Eldritch Tattoo
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
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₪ Ash 121 Registry ₪
Name: Siorey V.
Race: Hytori
Likes & Dislikes: Anything magic related, research, or exploration of the mysteries of the world.
Reason for Visiting: Lives here
Goal for the Season: Make a name for himself among his fellow circle mages, build his skills, Fight his cultish family
Duration of Stay: Till there is a need to move
Commentary & Feedback: More calendar events and otherworldly interactions. New places that players will want to go. You beans are doing an amazing job

Ash Events
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Name: Charlie
Race: Human
Likes and Dislikes: I love writing about most everything. Charlie's certainly a hopeless romantic, though.
Reason for Visiting: Lives here
Goal for the Season: Train Mesmer to a respectable level and also get involved with local events.
Duration of Stay: Indefinite
Commentary Feedback: I'd really like to get a sense of the culture and politics. This is a city that seems rife for political maneuvering even for a small-fry like Charlie.
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Name: Yshvold
Race: Lysanrin (Ashborn)
Likes and Dislikes: Exploring the chemistry between my character and the world around him. Do not know yet, but i'll let you know if it comes up.
Reason for Visiting: Literally crawled up from a sewer, only place to go back to is sewer.
Goal for the Season: Character goals would be to find a place he belongs and also really stretch my combat writing muscles.
Duration of Stay: shrug, lets see what happens
Commentary Feedback: Perhaps some obstacle against my character in a social sense, maybe some guard has been keeping an eye on him or something. would like to explore how the world reacts to him.
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Title: Dabu
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Name: Rickter
Race: Human/Rathari
Likes and Dislikes: I'd like to reconnect Rickter with people in Kalzasi, PC's especially, so he can help advance other's plots this season!
Reason for Visiting: Born and raised here.
Goal for the Season: Help other PC's reach their goals for the season, possibly even delve into the family dynamic for Rickter as well.
Duration of Stay: Indefinitely until Fate determines otherwise
Commentary Feedback: I'm slowly getting reacquainted with everyone's plots, after a hectic move, so bear with me as he integrates into plots. ^.^'

word count: 109
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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Name: Caz'aria
Race: Rathari
Likes and Dislikes: I like anything, dislike nothing.
Reason for Visiting: Came with Nnerka and Yshvold
Goal for the Season: Find things to do.
Duration of Stay: Til the winds shift.
Commentary Feedback: Conflict.
word count: 39
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Name: Fawn
Race: Human (presumably... *eyes paragon*)
Likes and Dislikes: Likes: Ice cream, cuddling. Dislikes: dead parents. wompwomp
Reason for Visiting: Live here
Goal for the Season: Find Fawns parents killer, hopefully find the trail leading to her birth parents
Duration of Stay: However long I need to be here~
Commentary Feedback: N/A Yall are great
word count: 57

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