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Darius Alderset

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2019 1:15 pm
by Darius Alderset

D A R I U S - M A X A M I L I A N - A L D E R S E T

Full Name: Darius Maxamilian Alderset
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Age: 25
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 180lbs

Birthdate: 47th of Frost, Year 94 of the Sixth Age
Birthplace: City of Drakenraid, Duchy of West End, Kingdom of Lorien

Profession: Noble Lord
Housing: 1 Suite of rooms around 400 sq. ft. in his family’s estate.
Partners: None

Titles: Lord
Factions: None

Fluencies: Common and Siltori
Conversationals: None
Ineptitudes: None


Tall, dark and handsome would be the way a romanticist might describe Darius but if you were to look at him from a more grouded and realistic view you might see a young man who works hard to remain healthy, a necessity born from the constant threat of outright war and risk of death at the hands of an assassin. Darius certainly dresses well, his clothes of high quality even if not the most extravagent paling in comparison to some of the clothing worn by the men and women of court seeking to further their standings. With the name of Alderset, Darius does not feel the need to force the signs of wealth down the throats of them around him, instead he would rather wear clothes that are comfy and practical while still remaining in style at court.

Standing at 6'1" the Lord is fairly tall as well as being well built with a layer of toned muscle and that together puts the nobleman around 180lbs. With dark grey eyes and brown hair Darius looks quite different from his cousin and Duke Matthias. This difference is mostly due to Darius' mother, a woman with hair as black as the night the result of which gave Darius his own dark brown hair.

Face Claim: David Berry

Like many of the Alderset noblemen Darius has not been uneffected by the fued raging between House Alderset and Ravenlow. He has seen family members die and seen the sneaking ambition of his own people grow and simmer. Once or twice he is sure he himself has heard the whispers that have been said to plague his family. Whispers suggesting horrendous crimes and offering the path to greatness in return. However, these were rare and so uncommon thar Darius is sure they are only his imagination. Afterall, Darius is a grounded and logical man for all the magical things in the world the rumours and tales of the whispers still seem far fetched to him, they seemed like more of an escuse for people to act immoral.

Darius is intelligent and strongwilled, he is not an overly ambitious man and is content with his lot in life as the heir to his father but he is also not blind. He sees his evermore reclusive cousins lack of an heir and knows that should it remain that way his father and then him would be set to inherit the Dukedom. Currently he has no desire to force the outcome, instead he remains loyal to his cousin and his strong will and intelligence are keeping him from taking a foolish path. Alas even for his strong will there is a space for suggestion, with enough persistence his will could be broken and his mind turned.

Ontop of this Darius is not an emotional man, he makes decisions based on knowledge, ethics and logic even when it comes to love Darius is planning to choose his love. He is not a believer in "The One" and instead is sure that you can choose who you love. Alongside this is a wish to grow and learn, while he may not be overly ambitious part of him does seek to understand the dark shadows that have corrupted the land of Lorien. Many have forgotten about the once great Kingdom under a long dead and gone house but deep down and hidden away Darius remembers that the Kingdom was not always such a dark place and occassionally longs for the power and stability to be restored to Lorien.

Darius was born to a pair of loving parents, a mother who could not care more for him than she did and a father, who while often busy, spared as much time to see his son as he could. This loving family unit helped to give Darius an even greater start in life than he already hand with his social standing. Being born into an inexplicably rich family that were part of the social elite meant that Darius wanted for nothing, not to say that he was spoilt as his parents would rarely give him things without reason. Darius was also no stranger to punishment in his childhood, his parents worked hard to try and teach him right from wrong and for the most part it worked. The boy quickly learned what was right, what was wrong and what he could get away with in the middle ground. In some ways as a child he discovered the malleability of that middle grey area, finding which boundaries were harder than others and where his actions could and could not be justified.

Discovering this grey area of moralitiy is something that has and will serve Darius well, being able to walk that thin line between "good" and "evil" is a valuable skill. As a nobleman it enables him to treat those whom he must in ways that are not always fair but are still not unjust enough to cause issue. Though Darius would rather treat everyone well he knows that the world is not that simple, there are classes and structures for a reason and without them the entire system of Lorien society which the Kingdom survives on would collapse. Still the young Lord knows that the time may well come when the nobility collapses or is toppled by those below them and he would rather not be seen as one of the most evil of his class. Thus he walks the line and offers kindness where he can and the situation allows.

During his teenage years Darius was educated well in history, politics, etiquette and combat. Spending long days with his tutors to discover the history of West End and his House as well as Lorien as a whole. He was taught how to behave and how to speak, writing speeches and even policy proposals. His education was intense and varied covering everything that may one day face him in his life as a Lorien Nobleman. When it came to his combat classes Darius lended himself well to the sabre, the quick agile weapon with a ferocious bite capable of severing limbs when used effectively. The young nobleman found that such a weapon was well suited for every situation whether on foot, ship or mount not to mention it was easy to carry at ones side. Of course the teenager never experienced any true combat to test this but his practise was often and intense his skill growing quickly as he comitted to his lessons almost as much as he did his academia.

As Darius grew and came and passed into the adult world of the Courts of West End his tutoring became less frequent as he gained more responsibilities as the heir to his fathers lands. As such he began to learn through doing, carrying out his fathers requests and running errands and going on diplomatic missions to other parts of Lorien and even lands outside of the Kingdom although that was a rare occurence for the young man. Still once again his political skills grew as he saw the workings of the courts around the Kingdom and so grew his strengths at walking that thin line he had discovered in his youth. Searching for deals that would benefit his house and home as best as he could and with as much freedom as his father allowed.

Now Darius is grown and more and more responsibilities continue to be given to him, with the instability of the Kingdom growing it becomes more and more vital that he be prepared for anything and that he be able to grow his own relationships and form connections between the West End and the other friendly Duchies around the Kingdom. With the family fued and ever more violent altercations between Alderset and Ravenlow growing it is only a matter of time until things break down beyond repair and reconsiliation.

Re: Darius Alderset

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2019 10:07 am
by Darius Alderset
[indent=10]Skill[indent=130]Skill Level[indent=120]Proficiency[indent=30]
Blades (Sabre) 20/100 Novice
Politics 25/100 Novice
Etiquette 20/100 Novice
Law 20/100 Novice
Negotiation 20/100 Novice
Leadership 20/100 Novice
[indent=10]Thread[indent=130]Points Awarded[indent=120]Points Spent[indent=120]Running Total[indent=30]
None yet+00 0
None yet+00 0
[indent=10]Character Creation[indent=130]Points Awarded[indent=120]Points Spent[indent=120]Running Total[indent=30]
Starting XP+100-0 100
Blades (Sabre)+0-20 80
Politics+0-20 60
Etiquette+0-20 40
Law+0-20 20
Negotiation+0-20 0
Racial Bonus XP (Human)+10-0 10
Leadership+0-10 0
Approval+15-0 15
Politics+0-5 10
Leadership+0-10 0

Re: Darius Alderset

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2019 10:26 am
by Darius Alderset
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Re: Darius Alderset

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2019 10:37 am
by Darius Alderset

1. Nobility Starting Package (Combatant)
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
1 Set of Toiletries
10 days of rations
1 Set of Eating Utensils (i.e. tin plate, cup, fork, spoon, knife)
Flint & Steel
1 Set of leather armour
1 Sabre
1 Set of fine clothing
1 Alderset Signet Ring


Darius lives in a collection of two rooms in the west wing of his family home in the City of Drakenraid. The rooms total an area of 400 square feet with a large bedroom and small adjoined study.

1. Starting Gold, +600 df. 600 Total.
2. Play Test Grant, +45,500 df df. 46,100 Total.