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A Chance Meeting{Aurelio}

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2021 2:55 am
by Siorey
₪ Ash 9th, Year 121, A.o.S ₪
Company: Bandits & Spirits| Thoughts: Revenge huh?| Mood: Unsettled

Having his sword broken last season, Siorey was back to square one. He needed to get familiar with this axe he pilfered from that damned bandit. Holding it in his hand he noticed it felt just as heavy as his sword. He was by himself this time, telling Dhasali not to worry about him as he wasn't going too far from the city.

He had been within a clearing, practicing his skill with this war axe as a form of demonstration for some of the animals there. With his raid on the treasure hunters not too far away, he had nothing better to do than to hone his skill with it. He didn't want to lose any of the strength I had gained from his prior training with a sword.

The sounds of a warrior hard at work echoed in the open air of the clearing, as Siorey believed there was no place better than an open field. Standing out in the open air, Siorey could remember the first time he started using a weapon, training with Dhasali.

The echoing of steel clashing against each other, the way the blades sang through the air. In that time of his life, he admired his guardian and the way he fought, wanting to be like him, fierce and graceful, known for his valor and feared for his talent in combat. It was one of the sweetest memories he had of his youth oddly enough.

He knew the best way to be comfortable with this weapon was to use it till exhaustion, learning what he could and couldn't do with it in terms of skill, something he learned from Dhasali. It was one of the many lessons he took to heart. Calming his breathing, he went to work.

First came some easy moves, first swinging the war axe from right to left, which would allow him to be able to hit enemies from behind him and to the left of himself, a move he practiced back and forth several times till he felt familiar enough with it.

He was starting to fancy this weapon over the sword he had, granted the latter was a gift given to him by Dhasali, but somehow the war axe felt right to him like it was meant to be in his hands. Wiping some sweat he focused and got back to business with his weapon training.

Next came a one-handed move, light and quick swings which he could follow with a hacking attack if he wanted to chain a combo. He was beginning to find his own unique rhythm, practicing different techniques from the left and right attacks to stronger more reaching attacks. He played around with jumping and rolling techniques as well.

"I see why that bandit liked this kind of weapon, this thing is amazing." he admitted with a panted smile, sitting on a nearby boulder to catch his breath. The war axe was no were near light in its weight, and it was tiring after an hour of constant training. Now that he had some basic moves down, he could focus on getting a style for it.

Exhausted he plopped across the cool surface of the boulder looking out into the landscape. This training, especially him trying to crank it all out at once was pushing his body to its peak. He knew he was tired, but he didnt want to stop now, no he had to continue on.

As he laid there he allowed the heat of his body to cool against the refreshing crisp of the breeze that blew through the forest clearing. Closing his eyes he melted into his surroundings, allowing his body to truly calm and relax, as it was so unnatural for it to move the way it was. He was working muscles and body parts that even he had no idea existed.

However, his rest was abruptly ended when the voice of Nil Thur came into his ear. Danger! it hissed, making its appearance from behind the boulder, climbing onto Siorey's back as he dropped off the large rock. From the treeline, many figures began to fill the clearing.

Some of them looked worse for wear, but one he recognized, his heart dropping a bit at the sight. It was the bear rathari he killed that night, the night his sword broke. But the longer he looked at him, the more he saw different things that stuck out about the rathari.

"You the mage that chopped my brother up. I've come to return the favor." he bellowed a look of hatred on his face. Siorey was starting to regret not having Dhasali here, but he knew very well he couldn't run now. Looking out at the many armed warriors, he only said a few words. "Taberu, Kimyona Kiba, Ja'akuna Me"

From inky black portals, accompanied by the sounds of crashing water, all three spirits appeared beside Siorey. Pointing the axe at the bear rathari, Siorey let out a sigh and fixed his eyes on the animal. "If you want my life, you will have to work for it." he declared, Nil Thur hissing at the group of bandits.

"Common Speech"
"Mythrasi Speech"
"Inner Thoughts"
Nil Thur tounge

Re: A Chance Meeting{Aurelio}

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2021 4:33 am
by Aurelio
Ash 9th, Year 121, A.O.S
Company:Siorey, Bandits and Spirits | Theme: | Thoughts:Deeply Relaxed | Mood:Chill, but weary

۞ It appeared that Aurelio was in deep tranquillity and peace as he spent his night at the hot springs within the Astralar Mountains. He bathed there for moments as a well deserved reward for capturing a creature for a local alchemist. Although, it was hard to say most people keep their pets leashed or trained in some form, instead of running lose like a pack of hyenas. However, as much as Aurelio enjoyed the hot springs, it was time for him to get back to his apartment and rest. It was clear that he had a huge annoyance on his case. His handler, Trisha had been giving him a hard time recently, not to mention the condescending ways she speaks to him almost questions if she is a competent handler in slayer affairs.

Aurelio got up from the seat of the springs, dried himself off and dressed in his leather armor once again. It appeared to be the only armor he wore, but it was functional and allowed him to move in a more nimble and acrobatic way. He saw another Avialae take his spot as it appeared to be the warmest part of the springs. He ogled at his body for a moment, taking one last glance as he admired the musculature of the other man before taking flight off into the distant skies.

The cold wind hit him, but it didn't take him long before he was gliding over the fields of the Northern Wilds. It was full of fascinating creatures as well as Fae'ethalan tribes, Rathari communities and other things. It brought Aurelio joy that he was blessed to see the aerial views of places, having been gifted the luxury of wings. He had always expressed his freedom with the seventeen foot long plumage he had. Beautiful, golden and yet one of Aurelio's point of anxiety as he would never let anyone touch them. They were the primary reason on why he became defensive in certain situations, sometimes aggressive and hostile.

Eventually, someone caught his eye in a clearing as he stopped for a moment, before sitting on top of a tree. It appeared to be a young male with a pecan butter complexion. He continued to watch him and his footwork, as well as the way he calmed his breathing whilst in combat. Aurelio could already see some flaws in his methods. Perhaps it was the weapon he was not use to or maybe he had other means of engaging in combat. Either way he did find it rather endearing that he would practice, after coming from a large relaxing bath.

"Cute" He mumbled.

However, Aurelio saw bandits from the higher ground approaching the other male. His eyes narrowed as he watched the scene unfold between the bandits and the training warrior below him. It was clear the bandits had a grievance against the other male. He wasn't going to let them get away that easily though as he saw that they had readied their weapons, he too pulled out his halberd that was harnessed upon his back and immediately dropped to the ground, in front of the axe-wielding male.

Eventually, he buffeted his wings at them, using the force to blow and knock the bandits down as he cracks his neck showing he is ready for action "I'm afraid, if your gonna kill him, you whelps would have to go through me first" He said with a deep, yet assertive confidence to his voice. He swings his halberd with great dexterity, swivelling and pirouetting it against the palms of his hands as he asserted his dominance over the bandit troupe. He kept calm as he mentally prepared for combat. His glare pierced the bandits with fear as eye contact was met with deadeye precision. ۞

Re: A Chance Meeting{Aurelio}

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2021 4:27 am
by Siorey
₪ Ash 9th, Year 121, A.o.S ₪
Company: Bandits & Spirits| Thoughts: Revenge huh?| Mood: Unsettled

He was eyeing the group of bandits as He held his axe tightly, remembering what Dhasali had taught him. He figured that the war axe functioned just as well like a sword would and he got into the usual stance he did when using on one. What he wasn't expecting was the surprise that came falling out of the sky.

He wasn't expecting an avialae to be having around, but he was more than happy to see this stranger. For now, he would accept any aid he could get, knowing full well that between him and his summons he wouldn't have lasted long. "I don't know who you are, but I appreciate your assist, I don't think I would have lasted long against them on my own." he admitted.

Kneeling he placed a hand on Taberu, bringing the eldritch jellyfish in close enough to hear his whispered words. "Find Dhasali." he ordered, placing his forehead against the spirit, allowing it to see a mental image of the man in question. With a glow of green, the jellyfish raced off to find the better skilled warrior.

With the remaining summoned spirits, Siorey made a defensive formation, Nil Thur riding on his back, a ball of eldritch energy forming in its hand before being launched into the group of armed men. The resulting explosion was more than enough of a call to action as those not caught in the detonation came running towards Siorey and his winged ally.

"Well I did want some practical training with this weapon." he mumbled watching as Jaakuna Me shocked a bandit coming at him, stunning the man which allowed the black robe mage to embed the axe head into his skull. Kicking the body away he pulled the weapon free, swinging it back as another was caught by the weapon.

The axe head slid right into the man's neck, Siorey grimacing as he felt it when it hit the spinal cord.

"Common Speech"
"Mythrasi Speech"
"Inner Thoughts"
Nil Thur tounge

Re: A Chance Meeting{Aurelio}

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2021 9:11 am
by Aurelio
Ash 9th, Year 121, AoS.
Company: Siorey, Bandits and Spirits | Thoughts:These bandit fuckers! | Mood:On Edge

۞ The avialae watched his surroundings, taking glances at each angle the bandits were coming. He evaded a hook strike of a bandit's punching dagger as he tripped him over. Crash. Aurelio dealt an executioner's blow to the face, smashing the skull as he swung behind him as pirouettes on the heel of his foot, bending down to deliver a crippling blow to the bandit's calves as he threw one of the bandits towards Ja'akuna Me, hoping the summon would finish it off.

"It'll be best if we celebrate after we're not in deep shit."

Aurelio saw the ball of eldritch energy coming from Siorey's aidolon and immediately rolled out of the way, incase he was within it's radius. He watched it explode as he took a moment to reconvene with Siorey "What exactly did you do to get into this mess?" He asked as immediately he casted an anchor amongst a small perimeter of where they stood. Eventually, Aurelio conjured up a small barrier around them both, hoping it would protect them for a short time "It sounds like you've really pissed these off." He said with desperation in his voice as the bandits broke through the barrier, destroying the anchor entirely.

"We're fucked!"

His eyes flicked over to the bear rathari as more bandits rushed in. Aurelio struggled with the amount of pressure the bandits were dealing. As Aurelio pointed his halberd to a charging bandit, watching him gasp in pain as he dropped his weapon. Eventually, Aurelio flung the body at the bear rathari to slow him down as he grabbed Siorey "Come on!" He commanded as he tried to escape, but it appeared more of them were closing in on Siorey and Aurelio "Well, this is awkward." He said as one of the bandits laughed and taunted.

"Looks like your sitting ducks!"

Aurelio watched vigilantly, as the bandits got closer and closer, like poachers trying to catch loose animals. He looked over to Siorey as he shook his head "Really, well... Sorry Princess, but..." He said with intent and danger in his tone as he grabbed Siorey, from underneath his armpits and flew upwards as he hastily flew away, buffeting his wings to further slow down the bandits. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna drop you" He said, holding him as tight as he could.

"Nnnghh." Aurelio stared from behind, realising he had been hit with an arrow.

Still, he kept flying as fast as possible, away from the bandits. It was clear he needed to get Siorey to safety. A priority. It was not everyday that he'd deal with bandits, but when people did, it wasn't for a very good reason. Grudges and vengeance. Those were the motives of bandits nowadays. Aurelio didn't know what the other male did, nor did he care. However, he hated seeing people being hurt. The situation would have been a lot worse if Aurelio didn't intervene back then. Still, there were pressing matters to be concerned about.

The pain.

The pain caused him to lose concentration in flying as he swerved and swivelled past trees.

The sense of lethargy could be felt as he appeared to be drifting off "I can't fly further..." He cocooned his wings around Siorey as Aurelio rolled and took the impact of the ground. His body slid, leaving a large dirt trail as he had Siorey in his embrace. He coughed as he moved his wings slightly to check if there were any broken appendages. He felt no pain, but yet it was obvious that Aurelio was still in a lethargic state as he pulls out the arrow and inspects it "Damn those, fuckers" He cursed out.

He looked down and saw Siorey within the other man's embrace for a moment as he sighed with relief before he moved. He yelped at the pain in his back. His muscles ached from the intensity of combat, followed by the vigorous wing movements to keep him flying faster "I think they'll come for us, lets get you back to Kalza-" He trailed off as he hissed in pain as he pulled out the arrow within his leg and immediately growled, taking a moment to unleash a glob of spit on the floor "Fuckers" He said with such a venomous tone to his voice as he spat on the floor one more time. ۞

Re: A Chance Meeting{Aurelio}

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2022 12:27 am
by Anton

Summoning: Calling upon multiple summons at once
Summoning: Fighting alongside your Aidolon
Summoning: Recurring spirits you call upon
Leadership: Ordering your summons to find someone
Axe{War Axe}: Light & quick swings
Axe{War Axe}: Handling it like its a sword
Bodybuilding: Practicing with a weapon till exhaustion
Tactics: Fight with another warrior

Points: 10, may be used for Summoning

Injuries/Ailments: None, any would have long since healed
Loot: None, sadly Aurelio flew you away before you could loot

Notes: Unfortunate that this one petered out before it went any further, but at least it was a decent ending spot.