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[Memory] Brothers of a Feather (closed)

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2019 7:51 pm
by Rien Novalys

63rd of Searing, 112

Clattering foot falls echoed through the halls of the palace. Wings spread out as he darted down the halls. Giggling madly as he stepped in front of the door to his brothers chamber. Fist clambering against the door hoping his brother was on the other side. "Oh dearest brother of mine! Open the door! Lets go on an adventure!" He called out. Hoping that he wasn't calling to an empty chamber. Plans were being formed in the young boy head. Only recently old enough to control his body enough to fly. He wanted to go explore the mountains! Or run through the city. Anything to spend time with his brother before the older child descended into the depths of the Warren Marches.

Pushing with all his might against the frame. "Taaaalon! Come on. I don't care where we go. I don't care what we do. Just open the door!" He called again. Refusing to give up on his quest to pull him away from his training and duties. Besides one day of fun couldn't hurt right. Sliding down the door. Flapping his wings so they would knock against the door. Before slumping over in dramatic fashion.

Releasing a loud sigh as he rolled over onto his back and stared at the ceiling. Glancing at the servants and other who passed by. Throwing them a goofy grin as he laid there. Laying there for a few moments before rolling over and pushing himself back up to his feet. "Come on. We don't have all day! We can spar or people watch. Whatever works! Sister dearest said that you did not have anything to do today. So I figured that we could do something before you went on your march. If you don't want to. The least you could do is say so!" Fist meeting the wooden door again. Loud thumps echoing through the halls.

Re: [Memory] Brothers of a Feather (closed)

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2019 9:41 pm
by Talon

Talon sat quietly in meditation. His legs were folded beneath him. The only movements were the rise and fall of his chest along with the occasional shifting of his wings behind him. Talon was nervous. He was anxious. He was filled with so many swirling questions it felt like he couldn’t breathe sometimes. He had turned eighteen. It was the year of his Warren March. Just thinking about it made his stomach tie itself into knots. The fingers of his hands curled over his knees as he did everything in his power to keep the anxiety from overwhelming him. Talon took in a deep breath.

How many stories were told about the Warrens? The Sky Guard spoke about it with such regularity that it was hard to believe that any of it was real, in a sense. The Warrens had always seemed like an untouchable place, where brave soldiers and heroes pitted themselves against creatures of the endless deeps that threatened their way of life. It was a source of great wealth for the city but it was also a source of great trouble. This, Talon knew. Such had been explained to him at great length during his lessons. There was a balance to be maintained for life in Kalzasi. It was why every Avialae trained and trained and trained until they were ready to journey into the dark pits to prove themselves a capable protector of their people. It was a harrowing journey, one that took its toll. Not all survived. Those that did were changed by what they saw and experienced.

Talon was in the middle of doing another cycle of breathing exercises in order to calm his mind when there was banging at his chamber doors. As soon as he heard Rien’s voice, a smile crept its way onto Talon’s lips. His younger brother was excitedly banging on the door, begging to spend time with him. He felt a pang of guilt. The upcoming Warren March had seen Talon be thrust into one training session and lesson after the other. It had left him very little time to spend time with his brothers and sisters. With a sigh he rose to his feet and stretched his wings so that he was nice and limber. Turning on his heel he chuckled, calling out.

“Alright Rien! I hear you, calm down!” Talon laughed as he opened the door to see the excitable boy. His smiled at his little brother. He stared at the young Avialae, all limbs and fluffed wings, bursting with energy. In a swift motion, Talon scooped up his little brother, mussing the boy’s hair before hugging him tightly. Talon loved his siblings. They were all unique and brought such life to a House that had suffered much in recent generations. He set Rien down.

“You want an adventure, eh? What’s say we go out exploring into the wilds for a little bit, eh? Just you and me? How does that sound?” Something in his heart clenched. Talon realized, perhaps for the first time, that when he embarked upon his Warren March there was a chance he would not come back to see his brother Rien or the rest of his family. He bit down on his tongue to keep his composure in front of his little brother. He didn’t want Rien to see that he was afraid. For the moment, he would spend time with his brother, doing whatever the boy wished for in truth...they might not get another chance.

Re: [Memory] Brothers of a Feather (closed)

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2020 8:53 pm
by Rien Novalys

63rd of Searing, 112

"If you heard me the first time then why didn't you answer! I've been knocking forever!" He whined as his brother opened the door before immediately jumping up into a fit of frenzy again. Squirming as his brother scooped him and messed up his hair. ”Noo, release me!” He roared, slipping from his brothers grasp.

Running in circles around his brother. "Yes! Adventure! We can go climb the mountains and trees! We can find some stuff and bring it back! OH maybe we can find some rocks and get the smith to chip them into knives! Wouldn't that be cool! Then you can take one with you!" Chattering away as he continued to circle his brother.

Stopping dead in his tracks as some of the servants footsteps down the hall. Looking down before turning back to his brother. "Should we tell father?" He asked. Having gotten in trouble for running out into the wilderness before and not wanting to receive his father's displeasure. Nor wanting to get his brother into trouble before his march. He looked between his brother and then down the hall. Twiddling his thumbs in a fit of nervousness before they started walking again.

Oblivious to his brothers turmoil as they moved. The younger brother just focused on the adventure that was forming before them. ”Do you think we’ll find any monsters? Oh, what if we find a wolf pup without parents?! We can bring him back and raise him! That’ll be cool! Then dad will be impressed! We can name him… RAZOR! Or uh.” he mumbled as they moved. ”What do you think? What should we call him?” His mind racing with all of the potential chaos and adventures that a wolf could bring and the arguments that would potentially come up from their father.

The thoughts of running through the halls with an oversized hound close by. Dodging the servants that would stop him on his grand venture through the house and onto the streets below. He would be the talk of the town! Even if the talk wasn’t all that great. Turning to look at his brother again. ”Oh! Maybe we will find a shard! Wouldn’t that be cool.. Wait do they even grow anywhere other than the Warrens…. Wait do they even grow?! Brother how do dragonshards happen? Teacher says that the shards are super powerful! They can do all kinds of stuff like magic! Do you think I’ll be able to cast magic some day!?” Rambling on as they went. The young ball of energy not even paying attention to those who passed by them. ”If I can cast magic I want to help people! I will use it to be a good guy. I promise!”

Re: [Memory] Brothers of a Feather (closed)

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 9:00 pm
by Paragon
Thread Type: Collaboration

XP: 8. Cannot be used for magic.
Lore: None requested.

XP: 8. Cannot be used for magic.
Lore: None requested.