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Exsanguination (Rickter)

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2021 8:35 pm
by Aurelio
12 Ash, Year 121, A.O.S
Company:Senara, Rickter, Farmers | Theme: Monster Hunting | Thoughts: The new pup is late, Strike one for her | Mood: Annoyed

۞ Three days ago, an order was issued to the Slayer’s Keep, regarding an ongoing problem which had become worse. Reports of missing livestock had always been a common occurrence within the lands. Nowadays, predators will be predators, parasites will be parasites. However, there is one problem, when a parasite or predator becomes a huge problem within the area. Aurelio arrived at the scene, where a distraught woman had been crying over a dead body of a young man.

“No! Terrance… What happened…”

Slowly, Aurelio approaches with caution and sympathy for the man “I’m sorry for your loss, I’m Aurelio. I was sent here on behalf of Slayer’s Keep” He said with a sigh, wondering where the female Rathari went. “I have another colleague arriving soon, but she’s late.” He said as he looked around as the woman in front of me sobbed uncontrollably “Whatever killed Terrance, get it off my farm!” She sniffled “That was my only son…”

Letting out a sigh, Aurelio kneeled down at the body, looking at the injuries that the human victim had sustained. Strange teeth marks litter the neck as if they were deep claw marks, usually to hold onto the skin. The carotid artery appeared to be ruptured entirely, like there was no blood within the decomposing mass in front of him.

“Interesting, perhaps my Rathari friend can sniff out even further clues, that's if she gets here…” He sighed, looking around curiously for the wolf “She’ll be here in a moment, but in the meantime, try and stay indoors and don’t go outside.” He instructed the female as he looked around, hoping he could find further clues of what creature could have been attacking livestock and humans. Farmers getting injured by creatures was a common cause, but deaths were particularly rare. This case appeared to be the one which stood out most for Aurelio. The strange teeth marks, blood being completely exsanguinated, driving a person into hypovolemia before death.

There are far more gruesome details to the death aswell as Aurelio inspected the body further. Red and irritant urticarical rashes were visible on the skin, a needle-like puncture hole, like the creature had a stinger. This was clearly not a creature that Aurelio was familiar with. It wasn’t a shambler or any sort of gravebound from the Warrens. It was something much more sinister, much more voracious. As he waited for his friend, he continued to scout the area around the farm in search for further clues. ۞

Re: Exsanguination (Rickter)

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2021 11:56 pm
by Rickter
He wasn't sure if he really ought to come out here, given that he would literally be brushing with the Slayer's Keep when he did. If anyone knew anything about history and its complications, then one could attest that Rickter's was fraught with them. But a word in from a few friends and even a nudge from Tarshenna, and that was all it took for the wolf to prepare for the trip to the place in question. Having donned his Skyforge Raiment the tail of his black coat flapped along the breeze that brushed against him, his blue eyes set on the farm ahead as he could hear the wails of pain within the mile. Why did he come here exactly?

"Something foul roams the outskirts of Kalzasi," or so the first half of it went, and of course Rickter reluctantly bought into the rest on his own. He knew his role in all this of course, he wasn't here on some mission from the great noble house itself. Yet he carried himself stoutly if not with a sense of pride now, when one considered his allegiances toward the late prince of Novalys. As his eyes rested on the destination ahead he walked closer toward the farm, his lips pressed into a glum press of sympathy as he listened in on the conversations. The farmer's wife was clearly distraught by their loss, and the father as well undoubtedly pissed at the creature that did this.

The wolf could feel their anger resonate with his own, since he could only imagine how outraged he'd be over his own pups. Before too long his figure drew closer to the proximity of Avialae that responded, his bright wings a warm array of a creamy gold as the tall figure mentioned another that was meant to join. Strange. He hadn't heard of the other who was meant to join, unless she was somebody within the Slayer's Keep as well. From the way the Synnekar mercenary spoke of her, the wolf could've guessed her to be a possible Rathari as well. He lightly chuffed, knowing that his nose would be just as useful in this particular situation.

"She may not be coming. Which probably why I was sent." There was an echo of disappointment in his gruff tone, his eyes upon the winged man with fiery hair. "...I take it you're the one from Slayer's Keep." Aurelio was appraised by the wolf with a sense of familiarity in his eyes, as if faint recognition loomed within them before he questioned it. "I'm Rickter. I'll be your tracker for this hunt." He wondered if that's how groups within the guild worked at least since he had never actually joined one throughout his mercenary career. The wolf stood tall with his arms crossed toward the Synnekar, with a curious gaze carefully fixed with an indirect stare.

"Mind sharing with me the details of our mission in private? We ought to give the farmers their moment of peace." He reflected back onto the couple as the wife still mourned, her husband at her shoulders as he still held back the fury. Even now the wolf could feel it, and somehow, that silent prayer he made felt powered through the emblem on his arm. Justice. Now Rickter understood his role here, he was nothing more than a judge against the wicked here. The executor even if he need be. But that depended on what they'd find at the end of this investigation.

Thus he waited to hear what Aurelio had to say.

"Common" "Synskrit"

Re: Exsanguination (Rickter)

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2021 12:37 pm
by Aurelio
12 Ash, Year 121, A.O.S
Company:Rickter andFarmers | Theme: Monster Hunting | Thoughts: Do I know you? | Mood: Intrigued

۞ Aurelio turned around for a moment and saw another Rathari, not fitting the description of what he had with him. He was male, much more larger and bulkier. It appeared he was more experienced too, as well as attuned to magic. He nodded to him. There was a sense of familiarity about the other wolf, like he had never seen before as he crossed his arms "Ahh, you arrive just on time, Aurelio... Pleasure." He paused for a moment as he stepped further, gazing amongst the valley with narrow eyes "Although, we have a job to do, complaints from farmers popped in about missing lifestock, said they were being slaughtered and left in a decimated state, as if the blood had been sucked clean out of them..." He reported to the other man as he sighed, before pointing to the corpse "However, it appears that it may have taken a chunk out of human life" He added

One more he surveyed the body as he pointed at the teeth marks showing the origin of carotid artery. The exact point on where he had been bitten and feasted upon "He had the blood sucked out of him, like dry out of him. I don't think we're dealing with a creature of natural origin; if we were it'd be a piece of cake tracking it." He sounded irritated for a moment, as if he placed on a demeanor of strength as he took a moment, before walking back to the corpse and knelting down "Hmm... Lets see here, there has to be more to this" He stared curiously for a moment as he tilts his head towards the direction of the farmhouse "Perhaps you can come over and sniff out any clues, put your senses to use." He added.

He was nervous, perhaps he was out of his league by the other male as he appeared to be more experienced than him upon this case. However, he was willing to learn from the man and take necessary feedback when needed. This appeared to be a common theme amongst most slayers who are assigned on the job. They are assigned, but they do not know if they are dealing with an experienced or seasoned hunter of monsters.

It is clear only time would tell between the two, weither they would become good friends, or weither they would feel like throwing each other off a cliff.


The air of familiarity.


It seemed like he had met the other man before, when he was much younger and less experienced. However, he did not quite know where from. He pondered on the thought as he took on the investigation further. ۞

Re: Exsanguination (Rickter)

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 1:02 pm
by Rickter
As Rickter stood there he pulled a cigarette from the front left pouch of his belt, and generated a tiny flame from the press of his index finger and thumb to light it. Probably about the best control he would ever have with the fire element to be honest, but that wasn't relevant to the current situation that he had came to investigate. The Justicar puffed a long hard drag off the joint initially, the smoke filling his lungs soon released through his nostrils as he listened to what the Slayer had to share. Aurelio was the name of this one? For someone who smelt even a little familiar, the name didn't quite stick as hard as it should've within his brain.

No matter... Rickter would just remember it this time instead, his blue eyes interchanging from the Synnekar to the corpse that they left alone for the time being. Creatures within he wilds came in all shapes and sizes, the fact that one could prey on livestock until they were completely drained though... That unnerved him greatly, and right away, he could feel the cry for justice from the parents that mourned their lost child. Was this what Talon had to go through? The fact he had to listen to prayers from the many on a daily basis, Rickter couldn't help but imagine how daunting that had to be to live with all the time. Here he was, just one simple Justicar, and the very emblem on his left forearm tingled to carry out their cry.

"Hm..." The wolf responded indiscriminately as the couple finally left to mourn in their own time, the body left for the two warriors present to investigate as Aurelio showed the teeth marks. They were thinner than an animals pronounced set and certainly not as pronounced either, which garnered a narrowed look of curiosity under his furrowed brow. Another drag from the cigarette and he could only exhale the smoke through a sigh, his blue eyes wandering from the bite marks over the rest of the body and scene. If he'd been slaughtered here, right here, then that meant there had to be residual traces of this predator. The wolf pulled the cigarette from his lips then, finding that no real tracks had been left within the immediate vicinity of the boy.


Aurelio mentioned the barn and suggested he sniff something out, the wolf calmly meeting the Slayer's gaze as he merely chuffed in response. Under normal circumstances, he'd easily tell the other person to kindly fuck off, mostly because he never liked the idea of turning Beast or Lycan just for their services. This was a different situation of course, one where time was of the essence if they wanted to find this mysterious predator lingering near the farmland. House Senue would certainly owe a small favor for this one down the road, of that Rickter would make sure of if he could ever find a reason to. "Alright." He finally agreed with a shrug of his shoulders impassively, hardly curious as to why Aurelio seemed intent on posturing himself at the moment.

Perhaps it had something to do with more Slayer politics or something, either way, the wolf flicked the ash off his cigarette to kill it before he started for the barn door. Placing what he hadn't burned through back into his pouch, the wolf's march was slow as he eyed the weathered structure curiously. It had seen many seasons of hard weather it would seem but still remained a strong shelter for the animals penned within. As he walked closer the contours of his frame gave off a few twitches, before his shoulders started to bulk up and his torso filled out more. He gave off a few soft indiscriminate growls as the hair across his body started to grow rapidly, covering the rest of his face as well as the visible skin on his body. The Skyforged Raiment was a blessing from his beloved in this regard, as Rickter felt the fabrics and armor adjust to the changes his form went through.

As sharply pointed ears perked forward and his muzzle jutted before his eyes, Rickter finished the transformation into his Lycan form just as he reached the doorway of the barn. From within he could smell an array of scents that were both normal and gross, from the wet and muddied pigs resting in their hay to the leather saddles hung at the horse pens. He was looking for a particular scent likely masked by all these others, knowing that the one, in particular, should stand out if he paid closer attention.The animals within sensed his presence and a few of the horses whinnied softly, their nervous energy enough to deter him from entering as he looked back toward the Slayer. "Keep the horses calm, would you?" He inquired in a deeper and gruff voice, standing an entire foot taller than the Synnekar when he looked back within the barn's confines. "If there's anything to be found in here, I'll need their cooperation to locate it."

His blue eyes moved further up toward what could classify as the ceiling, even though this barn was rather large enough to possess a second floor as well. He was willing to bet that if anything, he'd find a clue or two further within.

"Common" "Synskrit"

Re: Exsanguination (Rickter)

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2022 11:27 pm
by Chronicle
Name: Rickter

8 Lore

Points: 10
Magic: These points cannot be used for magic.

Injuries: Nothing to report!
Loot: Nothing lost, nothing gained!

Comment: Sad this had to cut short, it was getting interesting. Aurelio should you return, pm me and I'll add your share of the review into the post.

Welp, that's everything I'm sure! If you have any questions, or feel that something actually was missed; please do pm me so we can talk!