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The Luck of the Draw (Tobias, Open)

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2021 6:15 pm
by Franky

Ash 15, 121

Another poker night at the Gobbler. The only difference between this one and the previous was that Franky had a full staff now. And it made all the difference in the world. It was a more peaceful night, and his staff were working hard and efficiently. Franky himself was sitting at a table in the center of the bar, playing Sangen Hold 'em, a type of poker he'd picked up from his time down in the swamplands south of the Imperium.

Franky didn't bother to peek at the two cards laying face down beneath him, he knew what he had, and he was paying attention to everyone else. He was lounging, lackadaisical, as the first round of betting took place before the flop was revealed. Franky saw that the bet was two silvers, and he called on it, matching it. And the bet continued around the eight person game.

Glasha appeared at his shoulder, setting down a fresh glass of bourbon, this particular one chilled. "Keep it up like that, and you'll end up with the crown." Franky snorted at her jest about the Goblin King. "Don't you put that curse on me Glasha." The older goblin woman cackled, heading back to the bar. As the final pre-flop bets were placed, Weston turned the flop. Franky twitched his mouth into just the slightest hint of a grin, as the next round of betting began, and half the table was folding.

Franky picked up his bourbon and took a sip of the chilled, smoky nectar, just the slightest tang of salt. Zythurian sea barrel bourbon. Glasha always knew what he wanted. Franky pulled out his smoke box, plucking a hand rolled cigarette out, lighting it with a match as the betting came back around his way. He tossed forth his coins, raising it by one, sending it around once more. Franky continued to watch people, leaning back, relaxed. He saw the servers rushing around, sweet talking the customers as they delivered drinks. He saw Gug watching menacingly, making sure everything was running smoothly. And he saw plenty of faces around the bar that were happy and relaxed.

This was how things were supposed to be.

Re: The Luck of the Draw (Tobias, Open)

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2021 6:08 am
by Tobias
♅ 15th Ash, Year 121, A.O.S ♅
Company: Richard, Franky and Bar Patrons| Thoughts: He's Investigating again without me.| Mood: Vigilant

Tobias had a bad day at work and needed some time to unwind. His father was suppose to meet him at the Gobbler; an inn owned by the friendly neighbourhood goblin, Saladin talked about. As his father saw him he waved to him in the corner "Aye, bit late but, y'know its poker night" Tobias tilted his head as he noticed the way he looked around inquisitively, taking in his surroundings. As Tobias took a seat he inspected him, narrowing his eyes with such scepticism as his eyes glew a radiant pink for a moment; it was so sudden that you'd miss it in a blink of an eye "I know that look when I see it, you can't fool me..." He said as he sighed.

"You're here on an investigation arent you? Well... I want in on it, I'm not staying in that crappy position for the rest of my life..." Richard snorted as he shook his head "Since when have you learnt to read people like a book?" He asked. Tobias looked up as he pretended to act innocent, although he had used his magic ability to analyse his symphony. Richard tilted his head as a red glow from his eyes was inhibited in a split second "I can play that game too y'know, but I'd be careful. Not everyone will let you get off lightly for something like that." He winked.

Tobias laughed as he forgot, his father was also gifted in Mesmer, but he was more adept at it, using it to find information from people's emotions "I suppose it takes one to know one, although...". He eyes the guy in the corner who appears to look suspicious. He was wearing a hood indoors. He side-eyed him for a moment, before looking back at Richard as he nodded, pretending as if he was making a draw with his cards. The exchanges and the constantly signalling, the two mesmers communicated with each other through their raw emotions; they were uneased by the hooded man in the corner as he watches another patron decide to join him.


"Tobias Speech"
"Richard Speech"

Re: The Luck of the Draw (Tobias, Open)

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2021 11:59 am
by Franky

Franky felt a heavy hand on his shoulder, and he looked up to see Gug there with a concerned look on his face. He knew he would need to deal with this, so he looked over to the dealer, "Just deal me out." The dealer nodded. This meant that while Franky was gone, every hand he missed, he'd have to pay the buy-in and then get folded out. It was a low cost but was meant to discourage people from holding up the game. Franky stood up, stepping away from the table a bit with his head server. "What's wrong Gug?"

The large man jabbed a thumb over his shoulder at two men sitting at a table, talking to one another, one still in his Reconciliator uniform. "The young one there sat down with the older one, and I seen his eyes go red. Shortly after, the older one's eyes did the same. I think the young one is using magic on the older one or something. I ain't know much about magic, but what I saw weren't normal."

Franky cast another gaze at the pair. If the Reconciliator was a mage, he'd surely have a minder with him. Zaichaer didn't let their mages just run around willy nilly, using their magic as they pleased. Franky did a quick look around the tavern, seeing no other uniformed members of the branch. "Alright Gug, go fetch some of the jackboots that patrol our area. I'll talk to the men. Make sure to tell the servers to stay away from the pair until this is sorted out. We don't know what the man can do, if he's magic. I don't want any of our people getting hurt."

Gug nodded, and quickly did the laps in the tavern to speak with the servers, before stepping out the front door. Franky could see Weston looking his way, and Franky nodded at him. Weston got off of his stool, moving over to lean near the front door, a hand tucked behind his back, resting on his pistol. Franky then walked over to the table that Tobias and Richard were sitting at. He kept his hands out in front of him as he spoke, directing his words and attention primarily at the uniformed Tobias.

"Hello gentlemen. My name is Franky, and this is my tavern. We have a strict no magic policy here at the Gobbler, for the safety of all of Zaichaer's citizens. It was reported to me that your eyes flashed red in a very unnatural manner. I've sent one of my employees to fetch some members from the Defense Corps and they will be here shortly. It would be greatly appreciated if you would help to fill out a report on this. We report all incidents of magic to the Defense Corps, of course. If this is official business, I do apologize, but in the past, a writ of investigation has been given to me, indicating who might be conducting the investigation, as well as how myself and my establishment can be of service to Zaicaher and its investigation. But I'm sure you know how paperwork is, Reconciliator. I'm sure it will not take long to get all of this sorted out."

Franky crossed his arms lazily across his torso, giving a polite smile as he waited. He didn't know much about true magic, no more than any normal citizen, but if the men's eyes had flashed red, he had to assume those were involved somehow. So he never cast his own gaze upon those eyes, keeping them firmly on the table between the two men. This was an annoyance, but a necessary one. Cooperating with the authorities was how one kept them from bullying you. The Zaichaer government loved citizens that helped them to root out mages, after all.

And Franky had no particular love for mages anyways.

Re: The Luck of the Draw (Tobias, Open)

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2021 7:05 pm
by Paragon

There was no rush of boots thudding across the cobbled road nor were there raised voices calling for attention or order. The Watcher given charge over Tobias and his father had been waiting just outside the establishment. He sighed heavily, pinching the bridge of his nose as a worker from the Gobbler approached one of the local soldiers. Before the group of men could get up in arms, he walked over. Subtly, he signaled to the other Watchers standing by to stand down. There was no need to cause a panic when things were already so on edge across the city.

“At ease, gentlemen. I will handle this.” The soldiers looked skeptical but they didn’t argue. If there was a mage around, it was better to have a Watcher deal with them than to charge in there themselves.

Into the Hobbled Gobbler, he was led. It didn’t take long for him to suss out where they were and his irritation only grew. He turned to the inn’s employee and gave a nod.

“Thank you. I will take it from here.” Walking forward, he came to stand just beside Franky. He was average height for a human. He wore the common man’s clothing. A decent enough shirt that was only slightly stained with sweat and coal dust. A pair of scuffed boots that looked dusty but well enough to get a man where they needed to go. His hair was a dark black that matched his eyes. His skin was the color of mahogany.

“Evening gents.” His voice held a rough timbre to it. Reaching up he scratched at the beard on his face. As soon as Franky looked in his direction, the man displayed his Order insignia. There was no point in trying to hide anything at this point. The whole operation was a bust. Cover blown and completely ruined. They would have to start from scratch. He was furious but he wouldn’t show that outwardly.

“Apologies, Franky. This was supposed to have been a field test.” He looked at both Tobias and his father. The smile he gave was a pleasant one. His eyes however, told a different story. “A simple moment to introduce one of our rookies to some investigative tactics. One they failed miserably. An oversight that will be remedied.”

Extending a hand to Franky, the man gave a more genial smile.

“Vigilant Jophis.”

Re: The Luck of the Draw (Tobias, Open)

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2021 8:38 pm
by Tobias
♅ 15th Ash, Year 121, A.O.S ♅
Company: Richard, Franky and Bar Patrons| Thoughts: He's Investigating again without me.| Mood: Vigilant

The day just got worse for Tobias, but also Richard. It appeared that their skills of investigative work were being tested; It appeared Richard had completely blown his clean record for completing cases without the need to abort. His father scowled at Tobias for a moment as he shook his head, before stepping up; although he was responsible for using magic in the first place as a method of communication, it appeared that aether was not entirely invisible to some people. Richard nodded at Jophis before he stood before him.

"I will take full responsibility of this, this was my investigation; the writ had my name on it, nor neither was I meant to be..."

Tobias was confused; he furrowed his eyebrows at the dark haired man that stood before them as he remained quite. He crossed his arms as he rolled his eyes at the situation like a school boy in detention, whilst Richard dealt with the situation. He noticed the mage they were investigating had already left the Gobbler, knowing that it was truely his fault. Richard was trying his best to take the blame for him "Father, what exactly is going on?" He asked curiously.

Richard was in a foul mood as he shook his head at Tobias, before he turned his attention back to Vigilant Jophis "I'm sorry, I know the boy is eager to learn... As for remedying the matter, I think Tobias should be mentored by someone with greater experience than I have; although I'm his father, I think it's a distraction to him..." Tobias couldn't believe what he was hearing from his father, as if he was trying to sell him out. It clearly annoyed him as he rolled his eyes. He knew his life would be made even worse at some point in his career.

"Here we go again..." He rolled his eyes backwards as he slumped against the back of the chair, as if in boredom with the whole conversation. He stared at Franky as his eyes shifted between Vigilant Jophis and Franky "Oh bloody hell, why do I have to be the one who creates the messes..." He mumbled to himself, to the point where it was inaudible. He had no idea that his day could've gotten even worse, especially now that he had a vigilant on his tail.

Life in Zaichaer was just getting better.


"Tobias Speech"
"Richard Speech"

Re: The Luck of the Draw (Tobias, Open)

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2021 8:28 pm
by Franky

And soon a man in very convincing plain clothes approached. Franky made sure to take in every last detail of this man. Habits from the military days, but it was good to remember who was in charge of things. Especially if they had made the effort to appear less noticeable. Franky was a bit surprised at this man's... less than typical Zaichaeri etiquette, particularly to a Hobgoblin such as he, in a place such as the Gobbler, in the Knob no less.

Franky could only assume it was not out of the goodness of his heart, but rather a practicality common to intelligence officers. Whatever clothes needed to be worn, whatever words needed spoken, whatever person one needed to get in bed with, the best of them did absolutely anything to further their mission. Franky smiled softly, and took the hand offered, firmly and friendly in shake, "Thank you, Vigilant Jophis. I do apologize for the disruption in your exercise. I make sure my staff and myself remain vigilant with dealing with," he looked over at Tobias, just in time to see the younger one roll his eyes. "The threat of mages against Zaichaer and her citizenry." Franky's throat tightened. A sign of such disrespect around a Vigilant? In the wake of a failed investigation, which Richard had just confirmed was not an exercise.

Franky had been genuine in his words, but he was a bit at a loss at the failure in decorum and protocol he was watching unfold before him. The pair had failed an investigation. Their handler had come to bail them out, citing a cover story, and immediately the older one dashed the truth of the cover. Franky was flabbergasted. Visibly shook at the public admission and the cascade of failures.

He was embarrassed for Vigilant Jophis and for Zaichaer. The boy continued to be petulant and roll his eyes. Franky made no attempt to hide his surprise and discomfort as he continued speaking with the Vigilant. "Do.. do you need anything more from me or my establishment Vigilant? We're here to help, to serve the interest of Zaichaer. If not, I'll need to inform my staff to get back to work after such..." Once more glancing at the impudent boy, "a public embarrassment. They might be shaken by the presence of magic in our tavern."

Re: The Luck of the Draw (Tobias, Open)

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2021 9:42 pm
by Paragon
Jophis regarded Richard with a warm smile that did not reach his eyes. He clasped the man’s shoulder, giving it a friendly squeeze. He then pat the man on the shoulder and ushered him toward the door with only a single nudge. Richard opened and closed his mouth a few times before nodding and walking to the door. His movements were a bit stiff but he had stepped outside in short order. The Vigilant then looked to Tobias. There was a moment of brief silence as it seemed the man was considering what to do in the situation.

“No, Franky. You and your staff can go back to normal.” He reached into a pocket and withdrew several bank notes of decent sum. He placed them in Franky’s hand.

“They won’t trouble you again.” No sooner had Jophis spoken the last syllable then an agonizing blast of disorienting pain would shatter every thought in Tobias head. No sooner had that pain been inflicted upon him, his mind was grabbed by an unrelenting force that squeezed his entire symphony and yanked control of his own brain away from him.

“Come along, Tobias. We’ve a few lessons to teach.” Pain continued to burn through every nerve in Tobias body but the young man found he could not even scream. He was merely a passenger in his own mind. As though watching someone else, Tobias body stood up and gave a bashful bow to Franky before Jophis rest a hand on Tobias shoulder in a brotherly fashion. Searing agony blazed across the young man’s thoughts, scattering them and ripping apart any semblance of a mental defense he might have mustered.

“You folks have a pleasant night.” Jophis gave Franky a wide smile. He then led Tobias outside. As they stepped outside, the overwhelming dominance over Tobias mind did not relent. Across the street, Richard stood at attention. Before he could speak, Jophis waved him over with a friendly grin.

 ! Message from: Paragon
Franky, you are free to close out this thread. Both of you may submit your requested lores to me and I will post a review to it directly, myself.

Tobias. Please reply to the following thread: Here.

Re: The Luck of the Draw (Tobias, Open)

Posted: Mon May 22, 2023 6:16 am
by Aegis

Lores: 8


Points: 12


Lores: 6 (2/3 rounded up)


Points: 8 (2/3 rounded up)
