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The Icing on the Cake (Thysbae)

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2021 8:21 am
by Tobias
♅ 14 Ash, Year 121, A.O.S ♅
Company: Thysbae, Salahan and Richard| Thoughts: I just cleaned the fucking archive yesterday!| Mood: Extremely Annoyed

Half past eleven, annoyance levels have risen for Tobias as he stared blankly at the desk. An obvious facepalm could be seen. With a discouraged frown, he moved from his chair as his eyes shot like daggers, glaring at everyone that walked past the desk in the middle. Tobias had to deal with multiple tasks, including reporting and sorting the archive once again. Vials of sorcerers sand and necromancy components were stolen. The thieves left the place in a clumsy manner, however it wasn’t Tobias’ place to sort things like that out.

He stared at the entrance of the hall, gazing at the sunlight which made the giant entrance to the cathedral-like structure look like the divine realm’s door. He sighed as Salahan immediately made his way behind the desk before looking over at the other male. He opened his mouth as if he was about to say something “Don’t” He said abruptly, causing Salahan to flinch and jump at the aggressive tone he brought upon him “I know what you’re gonna say, I’d keep your mouth shut today if I were you.” Salahan’s eyes widened slightly as he was met with an icy demeanor from Tobias “Gosh, Toby, what has gotten into you today?”

Tobias rolled his eyes as he shook his head “The fact that no one here seems to have a single ounce of competence attached to their very little avian brains of theirs.” Salahan rolled his eyes, listening intently to Tobias as he complained “You know, you should stop frowning, you’ll break that handsome face of yours” Tobias looked at the other male and laughed before he stopped laughing. A frosty glare shot at Salahan as he eventually rolled his eyes, facepalming. “If you really must know, the archive was a mess this morning, like someone had been taking supplies from there.” He said as Salahan placed a hand on Tobias’ shoulder for a moment “Did you inform one of the Seekers?” Tobias rolled his eyes as his glare became more intense, as if he was staring into the soul of Salahan “Are you questioning my competence?” Salahan sighed “Why have you got a stick up your ass all of a sudden?” He said angrily getting up from his seat and hissed at him, “Look y’know, you need to cool off and stop being so fucking entitled!”

Salahan angrily stormed off away from Tobias as he left him on his own at the desk “Wait, where are you going!” He asked, but did not receive an answer. He sat back in his chair and rolled his eyes as he stared blankly at the entrance to the halls “Great…” Richard approached the desk for a moment and smiled “Hey… Everything ok?” Tobias shook his head “Today is absolutely wonderful…” Richard smiled “Well great news I” Richard trailed off as Tobias interrupted “I was sarcastic, today is the worst day of my life, I had just tidied the archive a day before and someone came in to wreck my absolute work of art…” Richard furrowed his eyebrows “I think you take this job way too seriously, anyway… My permit needs renewing, I’m sure you know the procedure by now”

Tobias smirked at his father as he rolled his eyes “You’re lucky you are family, I would have screamed if someone else patronised me like that, or worse…” Richard smiled as he shrugged “Also, you and Salahan had something, everything ok?” Tobias rolled his eyes as he inspected the paperwork and smiled, immediately providing Richard with a new permit “He’s just emotional, that's all…” He said handing the permit to Richard “Here you go, take care I’ll see you after work”

Richard walked off towards the corridor, which appeared to be a mix of stone and waxed wood. “And chill!” He shouted as he walked over to the direction of the Seeker’s offices. Tobias rolled his eyes as he shook his head “Yeah, easier said than done…”


Re: The Icing on the Cake (Thysbae)

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2021 12:58 pm
by Thysbae
Thysbae liked to think that he was an agreeable presence to have around. One that people wouldn’t mind, even if he simply remained in the corner. He was practically doing it already in the moment. He’d been told, begrudgingly by the reconciliator that had relayed it, that he would be able to go in for some weapons training. The point was to be slightly more useful to the investigations he assisted on. The last thing the reconciliators needed to worry about was him, unable to defend himself or join them in the offensive. But, at the very least, with this training he ought to be just the slightest bit less of a hindrance.

The halfbreed had been told to stay put the way one would tell a small, well-trained dog to do so. Awaiting the moment he would be called on once more. But it had been close to half an hour since he’d been told to sit and his ability to remain still was at the last string. He hummed, kicked his legs. But even that was not enough.

Voices carried over to him, drawing his attention to them. Someone seemed...unhappy, but that didn’t seem all too unfamiliar in the Hall of Reconciliation. There were plenty of people within the walls that were often disgruntled. Lips pressed together, he sat back in his seat. There was nothing to get involved with. But the voice raised, far more unsettled than before. He flinched, made himself small in his seat as the memory of his mother’s fits took over. The way her voice would raise and it would almost be like the walls would shake with her voice. He swallowed, looked down to the ground.

Gazes slipped toward the voices, then back to their work as if it didn’t matter. Right; it didn’t. Bae tapped his hooves on the floor. Then, a moment later, he was up and moving toward the source of the voice. There, he found a disgruntled Tobias.

“Is everything alright?”