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The Obelisk (Karnor)

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2021 9:43 am
by Aegis

The Obelisk (Karnor)


Public Info
There is very little known about the Obelisk of Karnor. It is known that it has been standing in the same spot for as far back as current records of history show. It is known that it has no writing, pictographs, or any other markings on the outside of it. It is known that the rivers of Dead Branch, the Vanishing River, and Mountain Breaker all seem to disappear into the ground around the Obelisk. It is known that no form of tool has ever managed to damage the Obelisk.

Finally, it is known that in a perfect sphere radiating from the base of the Obelisk for 400 meters in all directions, that no form of magic, aether, divinity, or similar abilities function. If there is an ability active, it is deactivated. Any attempt to use such an ability will find the aether expended but the ability will not function. The actual source of this power, nor the physics of it have ever been discovered. This power has never successfully been mimicked, copied, stolen, or otherwise acquired.

Many years of research teams from both Kalzasi and Zaichaer have made attempts to study the Obelisk, but none have made it any further than their predecessors. As such, both cities have dropped its level of important down to minimal and have gone about their lives, not giving it as much more thought. Every couple of decades, a researcher thinks they can learn more about it, and even if they receive the money for an expedition, they've never made headway.

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