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Sniffing them out

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2019 11:55 pm
by Kotoru
☵ Frost 2nd, Year 119, Age of Steel ☵

☵ Current Theme: Honda
☵ Attire: Naga Skin

"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"
Continued from HERE
he bandit incursion on the outskirts of Kalzasi had been quelled for the most part, and the time to go on the attack was at hand. Thanks to the ones that were taken captive, the Hattori were able to discern the location of the main camp of the vermin.

The gallop of horses thundered through the land as the horde of black raced to their destination, the Astralar Mountains. "Part of me wonders exactly why they had the balls to ransack Kalzasi villages? These mongrels don't seem to be the smart kind, they were too organized for mere barbarians." Aiko noted, a hint of suspicion in her tone. For a moment she was silent but then continued. "Our borders have been nothing but peaceful for years and now all of a sudden we have bandits attacking our people." she added, looking to her husband.

Kyofu didnt face her but the smile on his face was more than enough to let Aiko know he was listening. "Is that so? Just what are you implying my dear? he asked, his eyes tilting in her direction. "I beleive mother is saying that this is no random act. I feel the same way as well, I'm sure we all have had that same thought to some degree." Kojima chimed in, to which his mother's eyes turned to him with a nod.

It was silent afterward, as there was no need to really say much else. The entirety of the Hattori house knew that this could not be a coincidence that now, after all these years of peace that trouble was brewing. Then again they were always a suspicious lot, even if they didnt show it. Rumors would tell that any member of the house, be it a blood relative or a retainer, judge those they interacted with, even among themselves.

No one was above suspicion, but it was this slight paranoia that has kept them going for as long as they have. Finally, Kyofu's daughter broke the silence, shifting the subject to something more constructive. "Do you think they are expecting us? I'm sure they noticed when their raiding party never returned." she probed, to which her father chuckled, looking back at her. "Whether or not they are expecting us doesn't matter, my little lily. We shall erase them regardless. he assured her, smiling back at her, then looking to his sons Kojima & Kotoru, though his gaze lingered on the latter.

He noticed something in the expression Kotoru held on his face. There was something about the eager look on his son's face, the look of a monster just waiting to be let off its leash. He pondered for a moment what his son would become if he didnt reign in this bloodlust of his, but he was also an advocate for people walking their own path and learning about themselves in the process. He was conflicted as a parent. For the first time in his life, he was uncertain of how to handle his child.

As Kyofu pondered his thoughts one of the clansmen rode up beside him. "My kozoku, the enemy awaits up ahead, 20 strong. It seems like this is the welcoming party my liege!"

Kyofu smiled, but before he could utter a word Kotoru had ridden out in front of the group. "Kotoru! Sometimes I sware, that boy is going to be the death of me." Aiko chastised, to which Ayane had ridden up beside her mother. "Don't worry mother, I'll catch up to him and make sure he doesn't get in over his head." she reassured, giggling before chasing off after her brother.

Kotoru, however, was not concerned about getting in over his head, all he wanted to do was reach new heights with his skill. What better way than to practice on pieces of filth. He was itching to fight more of these vermin ever since yesterday, especially since those villagers got in his way. This time however he wouldn't have any distractions or restrictions in battle. The thought of pushing beyond his current limit was salivating to him.

Leaping over the barricades set up to stop them, Koto lept from his horse, rolling across the cold ground to a sliding stop, immediately gripping Orochi, a look of pure delight on his face as the bandits came at him. The first one was wielding a two-handed ax, and with a heavy swing brought it down on top of Koto. The viper easily dodges rolled to the bandits left, lunging Orochi's bladed end into the side of the man's neck as he came out of the evasive maneuver.

Blood splattered his face as he wrenched his weapon from the corpse, a delighted smile on his face, though it changed as his sister soon joined the fray, trampling over a few bandits. Unfortunately for her, one put a well-placed arrow in the neck of her mount which brought it down, tossing her from it.

Dismounted violently she slid across the ground and was in the sight of the archer, preparing for another shot. Running up from behind the woman, Koto slid and sliced at her ankle, pivoting only to ram the sword end of Orochi through her chest. Once she was dealt with he ran over to cover his sister while she regained her composure.

"And here I was the one thinking I was protecting you.." she teased, gripping tonfas as she stood, eyeing the group of remaining bandits. "You can't keep running off like that Koto, One day no one is going to be there to back you up if you get in over your damn head."

Koto smirked, looking to his sister only to flash her a smug expression. "Don't worry, I'm not stupid, just want to test my limit is all. Just try not to get in my way." he said, running towards the group of bandits, his staffsword in a slashing position, and took the first one he came across down at his pace. Keeping that same momentum he cleaves another vermin down as well. Rolling out from that attack, he came up next to another bandit, only to ram his staffsword into his face.

Twirling Orochi in his hands he got ready for the next wave of encounters. Though his fun was cut short, the rest of the Hattori clan catching up to them and making quick work of the rabble. Once they were dealt with, hi mother dismounted her horse and approached her son, only to slap him across the face. In that same motion, she embraced him in a hug.

"You foolish boy you, stop running headfirst into danger before you lose your head." she reprimanded. Koto could only laugh as he felt her fear was misplaced, but he could understand her worry, acknowledging that he often got carried away.

"Honestly mother you worry far too much about me, I am your son after all." he noted, patting her shoulder, trying to discretely break free of his mother's hold. It was times like these that he hated how overbearing she could be.

The sun began to set and Kyofu urged his family to mount up as it would be dark soon. It was at night that they would strike at the camp the bandits held at the base of the mountain. Kotoru was excited for this, to finally be apart of the ensuing bloodbath to come. He began to hum to himself, a whimsical tune though only he knew the words to it. His father, however, was still concerned for his son.

Kotoru noticed his gaze and smiled. "Is there something on your mind father, care to share what you are thinking?" he prompted, but his father simply turned to face forward. After a moment or two he finally spoke, the tone, however, being stoic and straightforward. "Its nothing of much importance my son, just contemplating who would win in a fight between me and you is all." he confessed, which caused the rest of the family to tense up a bit.

"Why would you be thinking that?" Koto asked, tilting his head in genuine curiosity, to which Kyofu chuckled. "Don't play coy with me boy, I know exactly the demon I created, as you will eventually turn your fangs to me to slate that unquenchable bloodlust. You follow your greatest desires, swayed by whatever tickles your fancy at the moment. I'm no fool, and you shouldn't take me as one." he noted, though it only made Kotoru laugh. The tension around them thickened as his laughter subsided.

"You have nothing to worry about father, though I can't say the thought didnt cross my mind. If anything I aspire to be as strong as you. I guess its why I throw myself into battle so readily. As long as you remain strong head of our clan that you are, I have no reason to unseat you." he said, though his tone changed as he continued. "But the moment you become weak, I will remove you, its the least I can do for you." he noted, to which Kyofu exploded in a hearty laugh of his own which shocked Aiko, Ayane, & Kojima.

"I look forward to that courtesy my son. Now onward, the enemy awaits us near Astralar." Even with the tension in the air, the family chuckled at the thought but only Koto & Kyofu knew the underline tones of that conversation.

Re: Sniffing them out

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 8:43 am
by Paragon

Experience: 5/5
Magic? No.

Blades{Staffsword}: Has more reach than an average blade
Blades{Staffsword}: Able to dismember foes easily
Intimidation: Vieled threats are subtle
Running: Charging a foe
Acrobatics: Dodge rolling
Acrobatics: Sliding past foes

Comments: The dynamics of the Hattori family are interesting but unsurprising given their reputation and background. It'll be interesting to see Kotoru develop.