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Name: Boggart

Description: Mysterious masked figures of the swamps, their bodies manifest in all manner of forms, from bipedal to beast, to slithering serpent. What they all have in common, are their wooden masks. Decorated and painted unique to each of them but never seen without them.

Size They range from creatures no less than fifty pounds to the largest the size of bears.

Notable Abilities: The Boggart is in fact the mask entirely. Boggarts possess the animals of the swamp aiding them and caring for the swamp itself though their hosts. These fae creatures abhor anything that wantonly destroys their home, or defies the lifecycle and nature of he swamp. They can temporarily possess unwilling sentient hosts if they are put on by them, either by force or because they simply thought it wise to put on the mask they found in the swamp. Few stories of Boggarts bringing harm exist, they do however cause no end of misfortune for those they deem worthy of their spite. Humans and other thinking races when possessed by a boggart are compelled to undo any damage they have done to the swamp during their possession, barring that they are oft pulled into whatever the boggarts current machinations are for improving the swamp. It is said those that willingly lend their bodies to the boggarts in service of the swamp are often shown its secrets and granted boons by the mischievous wardens.

Threat level Medium

Habitat: The enchanted Bog

Reproduction Little is known about how the boggarts reproduce. But periodically entire groups will collaborate in the carving and decorating of a new mask that will then come to life.

Reasons to interact One of the milder fae to meet in the bog.

Recommended Stats for encounters Meditation Apprentice.

Created By: Brother

word count: 315
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This has been approved for the Enchanted Bog.
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