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Watchful Eye (Eitan)

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2021 3:19 pm
by Tobias
♅ 63rd Ash, Year 121, A.O.S ♅
Company: Richard and Eitan| Thoughts: Back in this miserable hellhole| Mood: Boredom

The day before, Richard had arranged, Mr Engevin to have a discussion with Richard; he wanted him to show him the ropes of the order properly, in a more informed manner. He was the perfect candidate for the job; known for being a excellent military tactician as well as a brilliant combatant. He wanted someone whom he could count on and help Tobias through the difficult time of his career.

The Aspirant stage.

Richard had just left the meeting hall where they discussed private reconciliator business; eventually he sighed as he could feel the pressures of work amongst him. He walks down the long corridor of offices as he turns towards the entrance to the building, where the front desk was. He was looking for Tobias and Eitan; yet again his eyes roll as he could hear mediocre operatic tenor-like singing bellowing from the corridor's of the halls.

"Always such a songbird when there was ever bored to death of something..." He chuckled as he walked over to the direction of the archive as he witnessed Tobias acting out and singing his heart out as much as possible. Richard stepped in and shook his head as he smiled at his own son; knowing what a comedy genius he was. "Ehem, do you mind not making it rain on us, I havent brought my raincoat" He said rolling his eyes.

Tobias sighed as he jumped off the step ladder and walked over to Richard as he raised his eyebrow at him "I know that look when I see it, you want something from me? Have done something wrong? Just be straight with me." He asked as Tobias tilted his head. There were many times that he did do something wrong, but Richard would not reveal until he had showed him the problem.

"Come, theres someone I'd like you to meet."

Tobias sighed and crossed his arms as he followed Richard through the corridor and back to the front desk again. Richard stood there and waited as he saw people coming and going out of the halls as he wondered where Eitan had gone. The Zorrothys waited patiently as he looked around curiously, hoping that he would turn up soon.


"Tobias Speech"
"Richard Speech"

Re: Watchful Eye (Eitan)

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2021 3:43 pm
by Eitan Angevin
The Vigilant to whom he reported cared little for his schedule, and so it was that Eitan saw Richard's back as he came to the front desk from another cooridor. The click of his bootheels on the polished floor preceded him, but he cleared his throat as well to alert the men to his presence. He stopped as they turned, and he saluted the ranking member of the Order. His own uniform bore an insignia indicating that he was also a member of the Air Defense Corps. When in his military uniform, he bore a similar insignia to denote his licensure to use magic and his rank within the Order of Reconciliation. He was a creature of many binaries—Corps and Order; human and non-human; old blood and baseborn—and some binaries he refused to acknowledge.

"Seeker," he acknowledged, then nodded to the man's son. "Aspirant."

There was a quirk to his lips, as though he were amused by the situation. There was no malice in it, though; they were invited into the joke. Eitan often seemed to laugh at things that ought to be serious, but when one looked at his results, it was clear he took things seriously. Perhaps that was part of why the elder Zorrothy had tapped him despite the fact that they were part of different chains of command within the Order.

"I apologize for the delay," he said, politely enough. "Vigilant Richter required my presence much longer than I anticipated. But now I am at your disposal."

He fell into a military at-ease posture, finding it comfortable after so many years in military service. One didn't have to worry about what one's hands were doing, feeling awkward, or the like. It was his hope that it would telegraph his military training as much as his insignia did, and to inspire people to believe that he was dependable and capable—and he certainly tried to live up to those virtues as well.

Re: Watchful Eye (Eitan)

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2021 1:49 am
by Tobias
♅ 63rd Ash, Year 121, A.O.S ♅
Company: Richard and Eitan| Thoughts: Back in this miserable hellhole| Mood: Boredom

A few weeks ago, Richard and Tobias was reprimanded for blowing their cover, whilst he had taken his son out. Something which didn't quite end well for himself; so much that he needed to find a suitable mentor that would help him progress within the order's ranks, so he could keep his track record clean and keep Tobias out of trouble from future cases. Perhaps he was too trusting of a father, but then without such leniency, he wouldn't have a great relationship with his son that he wanted, compared of to his previous son, Alabaster who rebelled against him.

Zaichaeri society had forced him to do a lot of bad things; which included corporal punishment towards his own son and even forcing him into career choices. Tobias had made the same mistakes as his previous son, but chose to turn it around after seeing a much darker side of coven life; the consequences would've been much too unforgiving if Tobias had been caught by the Reconciliation in the first place. He had been through a realm of torment and back, through all these years. However, he did not want Vigilant Jophis to step in and wrack his mind once again.

Richard's thoughts turned over to the other reconciliator standing before him "Been a while since I last saw you hopping around, great shape I hope." He smiled for a moment as he beckoned Tobias to come closer as he reluctantly stepped forth. He nodded at the man before him as he looks over at Richard "Next, he's gonna reveal his evil plan like the genius cunning mastermind he truely is" He teased for a moment. Tobias had always been known to initiate conversations with snarky remarks and hints of sardonism. It showed hints of pessimism in his life. However, his opinionated attitude had always gotten him in trouble, it was clear he needed a firm hand to guide him within matters of the Order of Reconciliation.

Richard sighed at the man's stubbornness and attitude against the rules of the order"To the matter at hand, as I would like I was wondering if you'd keep an eye on Tobias here; I want him to achieve great career aspirations." He said with a smile as he turned his head towards Tobias for a moment "I trust that you would take interest in this young candidate, you have quite a reputation as a Watcher; I hope you inspire Tobias to do the same..." He said with a smile as he nodded towards him.

Clearly, he was never wanting Vigilant Jophis behind his back again; a skilled mesmer like him could break apart his mind and torture them both if he wanted. He wanted the best for his son, but he also wanted him protected and disciplined. He couldn't do what he did to his last son, Alabaster.

He would rather be executed than issue the same fate upon him.

It was time to begin his journey of a reconciliator.


"Tobias Speech"
"Richard Speech"

Re: Watchful Eye (Eitan)

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2021 1:03 am
by Eitan Angevin
Eitan didn't let himself feel too pleased at Zorrothy's compliment, though he had spent the bulk of Searing preparing for the expedition, physically, mentally, and magically. The higher level of training had become a habit now, and he was moderately proud of his advancement. It helped that his brother-in-law would pester him to box or read another book on the sciences. He felt like he was improving himself and he had always tried to shine, even if no amount of brilliance would earn his father's approbation.

But he offered a grateful smile, even if Zorrothy was only being polite.

"Thank you, Seeker," he said respectfully; perhaps it was his military discipline that made him respectful, or perhaps he had been a member of the Order long enough to understand the consequences of flippancy. He didn't take the younger Zorrothy's bait, but he did give him a closer look. He was almost prettier than handsome, and his smooth skin belied his youth despite the striking gray and white of his hair. If his father wasn't going to reprimand him for his behavior, it was hardly Eitan's responsibility to do so.

And then it seemed the man wanted it to be his responsibility.

"Do you wish me to informally mentor him, sir, or are you seeking to transfer him to train under me?" It was important to know. The politics of the Order were murky and complex; Vigilant Richter's feelings about Vigilant Jophis were unclear to Eitan, but an actual shift might cause tensions. "If the latter, I am willing, but it would require the approval of my superior, of course. If the former, I would be happy to do so, though..." He looked to the Aspirant. "Is this something you desire?"

Mentoring an unwilling mentee would be a waste of everyone's time, but if the Aspirant aspired to advance, Eitan could work with that.

Re: Watchful Eye (Eitan)

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2021 10:06 pm
by Tobias
♅ 63rd Ash, Year 121, A.O.S ♅
Company: Richard and Eitan| Thoughts: Back in this miserable hellhole| Mood: Boredom

There was something intriguing about the man as he noticed, his ears appeared to be surgically snipped as if there were modified. It was odd that he found someone who strikingly resembled a Dratori. It was quite uncommon around these parts and heavily frowned upon by Zaichaer; However, Tobias did not judge as it was not his place to. He smiled as he gave Eitan a feline look, before crossing his arms as Richard stared at him, waiting for an answer from him.

"I would love the opportunity to work with you, perhaps learn a lot as I am sure you'll know. It's not been an easy few weeks here" He said nodding like a scalded child. He hoped that he didn't know about the situation that transpired at the Hobbled Gobbler that day, when he had sabotaged his father's own investigation unknowingly, through the act of communicating through mesmer. Perhaps lessons in spycraft were needed for him to become masterful at such tactics.

Richard smiled as he patted Eitan along the shoulder as Vigilant Eris approached "Ahh, Vigilant Eris, what a surprise." She looked sternly at Tobias before his gaze became pleasant for a moment as she looked up at Richard "Could you come to my office, I have some important things to discuss." He said with a smile as he looked upon him. "Sure, I'll leave you two to it, I must dash" He said as he walked with Vigilant Eris to the south side offices, closer to the archive of confiscated magi-contraband.

Tobias smiled at Eitan for a moment as he put his hands behind his back, and gave him a kittenish stare "So, Watcher, what will be my first lesson" He asked curiously, as if he was eager to learn. It appeared he needed the experience for the field before he would go through with investigation. After all, he wouldnt want to be reprimanded by Vigilant Jophis once again.


"Tobias Speech"
"Richard Speech"

Re: Watchful Eye (Eitan)

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2021 8:23 pm
by Eitan Angevin
Eitan nodded respectfully to Vigilant Eris. He was prone to salute given how much time he spent in his role as an Air Commander of the Zaichaer Air Defense Corps, but he had trained himself out of it lest his colleagues within the Order laugh at him. He didn't mind making himself the butt of a joke, but he didn't like stumbling into the role.

Seeker Zorrothy managed to extricate himself from the conversation to follow the Vigilant, which was fine. What was less fine was that he hadn't answered the question, and Aspirant Zorrothy hadn't either. Perhaps that was a trait the men of that family had in common. Perhaps this was another sort of test. They always seemed to enjoy testing more junior members.

"Farewell, Seeker. Vigilant."

And then he turned his dark gaze back upon the Aspirant at hand. Smiling apologetically, he waved a hand.

"Your father has even less time for my questions than Vigilant Richter, it would seem. Do you know whether he intends to have you formally trained by me or if this to be an informal sort of thing? I suppose it doesn't matter one way or the other when it comes to what I can actually offer you, but I can devote more time to your training if Richter approves it."

Pausing to consider the young man, he knew there were several ways training could go, but he hadn't read his profile nor come up with some comprehensive plan.

"What would you like your first lesson to be?"

Re: Watchful Eye (Eitan)

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2021 10:13 am
by Tobias
♅ 63rd Ash, Year 121, A.O.S ♅
Company: Richard and Eitan| Thoughts: Back in this miserable hellhole| Mood: Boredom

His eyes gaze at Eitan with feline intensity as he looks over at the desks; he snorted at him as soon as he saluted as Vigilant Eris came by and Richard left. It was obvious that Richard was a busy man, but his mental health appeared to be fading over the past weeks. Tobias did notice something awfully out of character when talking with him; perhaps it was the recent incident with Vigilant Jophis that worried him. Over the coming weeks, Richard was struggling to find mentorship after the recent mishap but it appeared Tobias wanted to make up for it.

He looked sympathetically at his father before he turned his gaze back to Eitan "I'm very sorry, my father hasn't been well..." He nodded as he placed both his hands behind his back as he sighed frowning for a moment "As I guessed, you probably know why this..." He paused for a moment. A false start into the conversation was normal for Tobias, he didn't wanna have to explain himself to someone who clearly might have known about the rumors. As he understand, he was probably the talk of Zaichaer. The rebellious son with no morals, standards and ettiquette as one citizen called him. However, there were other qualities that people often overlooked.

Tobias knew inside that the only thing that was going to fix things for his own redemption. Change. He had to fit the principles of a Zaichaeri citizen as well as a reconciliator. However, he knew it wouldn't be an easy journey for him. He had already broken some of the laws of Zaichaer; he was already deemed a traitor but he had hoped that he would redeem himself "Forgive me, I'm not exactly sure about that, although my father did want someone who was willing to take me on formally, he believed you were the person fit for the job" He stated.

He looked at the male who stood before him as he tilts his head "Well... Investigation tactics might be a great start..." He said as he took a shaky breath, remembering the trauma that Vigilant Jophis inflicted upon him. It was brutal, harsh and yet questioning of an position of law enforcement. It appeared Zaichaer was very unforgiving of mages, including the ones who are within the order, enforcing laws and regulations upon the country.


"Tobias Speech"
"Richard Speech"

Re: Watchful Eye (Eitan)

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2021 5:15 pm
by Eitan Angevin
Eitan considered the Aspirant. Tobias Zorrothy. Of course, there were rumors, but Eitan had spent a long stretch of Ash abroad on a secret mission and so he hadn't heard all of them. But based entirely on the drama playing out before his eyes, he could guess that Tobias was the cause of his father's malaise. Eitan himself had always striven not to be a burden upon his father's mind, to prove better than his birth, cleaving to the Angevin bloodline rather than that of the Dratori slut his father had dallied with. He didn't know whether it was a mark of shame upon Tobias for not being a dutiful son or if the father's mismanagement of his son had led to whatever the rumors might be.

He supposed that would be for him to investigate.

"Well, if he wants it to be formal, he knows the paperwork and proper channels to make it so. In the meantime, why don't you take me to your desk and show me the investigations you're working on and I will see what we can do with you."

His smirk was more conspiratorial than anything else. Tobias was acknowledging his greater skill and experience and Eitan had agreed to share it informally for the time being.

"And titles... they are important for hierarchy, but in private, if you would rather use names, I'm not opposed to the idea. You can call me Eitan when we aren't in a situation where it would seem overly familiar. Also, I'm in the Air Defense Corps, so I'm used to answering to Angevin as well. What name do you prefer?"

Re: Watchful Eye (Eitan)

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2021 2:53 am
by Tobias
♅ 63rd Ash, Year 121, A.O.S ♅
Company: Richard and Eitan| Thoughts: Back in this miserable hellhole| Mood: Boredom

The nervousness flooded in as he smiled at Eitan; he closed his eyes for a moment "I've actually never been giving a case yet" He said with a sigh as he shrugged, knowing that he had caused this stress upon his father. What was worse was he was the cause of his problem. Richard had been under survelliance and monitoring procedures whilst he had been on parole to contend with personal affairs, that of finding a mentor and disciplining his son into the mindset of a Zaichaeri citizen. Yet, that burden bared deep on Tobias' chest for a moment as he knew he needed to be honest.

"Well, there is something we need to discuss about that" He said, refering to the paperwork as he took a deep sigh, as if he was holding a heavy burden amongst his shoulders. He closed his eyes for a moment before his name was spoken to him Eitan, how strange He thought as he walked over to him, smiling deeply "Eitan sounds fine actually, no need for pleasantries after all, if we are gonna be working together" He said before looking over his shoulder.

"May I speak with you in private?" He asked.

Tobias looked around, noticing one of the private study rooms had been left available; it seemed he was lost for words for a moment as he looked back "I know you're gonna judge me for it, but I don't care what you think, talk all you want, bleed the streets with gossip of how the Zorrothy family had fallen under despair, because of one stupid son. Say what you will, I don't care." He made eye contact with Eitan, his look was somewhat filled with aggression, anger as well as slight disappointment "I will be honest though" He paused as he paced around the room in deep thought as he wondered how he was gonna say it "My father's in a mess because of something I did, I broke alot of the Order's rules. I was sharply reprimanded and unfortunately, my father's head is on the line because of me..." He paused, closing his eyes as if he was gonna get slapped.

It appeared that Tobias had been use to the aggression of Reconciliator's by now. He knows what he had done wrong, but it was best that he came clean. After all, Eitan would've found out about it anyway through the circling gossip around the city.

The low-life good for nothing snowflake who should've been executed for going to bed with the covens!

Thats what they called him "I want my chance of redemption, but it appears noone will give it to me..."


"Tobias Speech"
"Richard Speech"

Re: Watchful Eye (Eitan)

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:28 pm
by Eitan Angevin
An Aspirant with no cases — he was going to have to get a hold of Zorrothy's personnel file so he could see what he was working with here, but he did seem to be a bit of a mess, as was Richard from what he saw. But he followed the man into the private study for a private tête-à-tête, preferring that to the open air in any case. They had trained him too hard in spycraft not to be careful what was said in relative public. Once inside, he wove a quick weave of aether around them in a bubble and tasked it against sound. Nobody would be able to spy on them, even magically.

Turning on him, he listened.

While listening, he tried to put things together. He was going to have to make decisions based on limited information.

"If you will be a loyal subordinate, then I can give you the chance you're looking for." He paused. "I will have to read your file and catch up on your family affairs, but you should also know that my reputation is less than sterling at the moment. I'm going to build myself back up, and perhaps you can help me do that by building yourself back up. But if you're going to be insubordinate and get me into worse trouble, then we're going to have a problem. I'm military, so I'm used to people following orders. You can ask questions about them after the fact, but when I give one, I need you to save your questions for later.

"I don't know how deep in the shit your father is and I don't know whether saving him is out of our pay grade or not, but I will see what I can do.

"Will you be my good little soldier?"

He smirked, but his smirk was tired. Albrecht had left him in the shit, and he didn't know how he fit into the Order anymore. He didn't want to lose the political game within the Order, either. Tobias Zorrothy could be a helpful, willing pawn. They could make each other's lives and careers better, but he had to know he could trust the man.