[Season Prompt] Chaos in the Night

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Title: Chief Author of Ransera


10th of Frost, 119th Year of the Age of Steel

The winter winds blew over the rooftops and through the streets of Kalzasi. The sun was setting and evening was beginning to settle across the city. The day’s activities were coming to a close and with the ending of one day, the promise of another sunrise lingered at the forefront of minds across the city. Fishermen secured their boats in Port Udori. Merchants closed their shops. Those establishments that became busier at evening began preparing to take in their patrons. Soldiers in the Sky Guard began to change over to the evening patrols. The sound of music began to drift over some of the streets. Even in the Low City, the sounds of minstrels and bards grouped with the laughter brought about by drink and a warm fire could be heard.

Then the sound shattered the peace Kalzasi believed it would have.

It was a familiar sound.

A sound that was known to any who lived in the city for more than a year.

The horns were blaring from Mistreach Keep.

Every garrison of Sky Guard in the city sprang into action. Men and women jumping out of their bunks in the barracks, tugging on armor swiftly, slinging weapons onto their person, and pouring out of the towers around the city.

At the heart of Mistreach Keep, citadel of the Sky Guard, in the mouth of the chasm leading into the yawning dark of the Warrens...a horde of creatures came crawling out of the pit. Silent prayers were sent to the gods for those guards who had been posted at the first gates in the below. None had hope for survivors, the horde never left any.

To the skies were spit forth wretched flying creatures with ravenous mouths and wicked claws capable of slashing through chain link armor. Swarming through the cracks that formed the mouth into the Warrens were shambling horrors ready to rip, rend and devour anyone and anything in sight.

The Sky Guard remained valiant but even they could not stop every beast from breaking through the front lines.

Chaos began with but a single scream.

A horde was on the loose in Kalzasi.

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Dark creatures have presented themselves. During the events of For Our City and Wayward Son, two distinct types of wraiths make an appearance.

Archwraith of Shadows

A creature of absolute darkness that seems to be able to use them as both cover and weapons. The Archwraith of Shadows can move through dark places as one would move through a door. It snuffs out small lights but seems only able to dim brighter lights and doesn’t seem to be able to affect magical lighting at all. Perhaps, in there rests an answer to its defeat…

Archwraith of Chains

A creature with the body of a spindly skeletal man, draped in tattered robes and covered in scorched iron chains. It flings these chains at victims, using them to drag them into its grasp. It then brings those victims to its hood where it douses them in the ghostly fire that wreathes its form, consuming their life essence to fuel its own. Once this is done, it tethers the victim to itself with one of the seemingly endless chains that protrude from its body. The more of these poor souls one destroys, the more its fire seems to dim and the more vulnerable it seems to be against natural elements...

word count: 657

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