An Uncut Nib [Lyra]

The Jewel of the Northlands

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Ash 14, 121 Age of Steel

The notion was perfectly logical in Avamande's mind, the young Hytori seeing little reason not to at least make the attempt. Ale'Ephirum was the foremost scrivening workshop in all of Kalzasi, and therefore all of Karnor. For their part, they were... not the greatest of scriveners in the city, nor even a particularly exceptional one, but they had every intent of becoming such an august figure. Surely that would count for something, even if the body of their work thus far had been lackluster - at least by their own standards. They had muddled along on a variety of freelance work, correcting shortfalls in inventory here and there, providing their services to those who could not afford the work of the masters. The time had come for a change.

Avamande had grown both frustrated with themself and the lack of direction that they had received from their parents, feeling as if life had begun to pass them by with little to show for it beyond another day of tedious existence. A part of them knew that better could be had, though what that meant was still an unknown in their mind. They did not expect employment and tutelage under the luminaries of Ale'Ephirum to solve all of their problems, but it would at least give them a measure of purpose, something to achieve and work for beyond the vague and absurd task that they had been left with when their sires had departed from the city to continue their own research. The rest they could figure out along the way.

But they had begun to dawdle. Standing in the Plaza of Jeweled Arches, they made their way down the side street that they knew the workshop laid upon, and came to a stop at the shop immediately before it. Straightening out their outfit in the reflection of the building's window, they drew in a single breath to steady themselves before continuing on. The door was a simple dark wood, no different from its neighbors, a decision against ostentation that made them briefly wonder if they were overdressed. Entering inside, they made their way through the surprisingly narrow hallway, coming directly to a desk, the shop continuing onward to its right.

Avamande was not a particularly social person. When forced to speak in such matters, they did so directly without flourish or self flattery. "My name is Avamande, I am a Scrivener of no particular merit but with a desire to change that. If Ale'Ephirum is accepting apprentices, I am willing to perform any work required of such a position," they said without any preamble to the person sitting behind the desk.
word count: 496
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It was a fairly slow day for the shop. A dark skinned woman sat behind the desk, carefully reading and then stacking papers that had begun to pile up past her elbows on either side. In stained her fingers, but her clothing was unmarred. When Avamande entered she looked up, smiled, and listened intently as he spoke.

"Apprentice?" she asked, surprised but not unwelcoming. She studied him for several seconds, examining his clothes, as well as probing what she could hear in his symphonies.

"I am not aware of any openings for apprentices," Emma began slowly, seeming to be looking back in her memories to be certain as she continued, "We could always use the help, but the owner Lyra is often too busy to take on an apprentice."

Just as she said this a door down the long hallway opened and 2 people stepped out. One was Lyra herself, a smile on her face as she undid the tie in her hair, letting it fall free around her shoulders. Beside her was an older Hytori man with a bald head. He did not smile, but seemed to nod at something Lyra said before turning to look at the two at the desk.

"Is this a customer?" the man asked, closing the door and letting Lyra walk forward first.

"No, this is Avamande." Emma replied, indicating the young man with a wave of her hand, "He is asking for an apprenticeship."

"Apprenticeship?" The old man asked, stroking his beard as he too studied the young man. He then looked at Lyra who shrugged as she brushed a hair behind her ear.

"I had not intended to take on an apprentice." She said simply. Glancing at a candle on the wall she waved a hand at the older man, "Remus, what do you think?"

The older Hytori, Remus, grunted and continued to stroke his beard thoughtfully, "It is never bad to have extra hands to prepare materials." Lyra nodded, and he continued, directing his next words at Avamande, "What are your qualifications? Have you done scrivening work before?"

word count: 363
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While the threshold sickness that had accompanied taking the Rune of Negation had dulled their emotions considerably, they were far from absent. So it was with a muted sense of surprise that they turned to regard Lyra herself, the young mage far from expecting to speak with the woman, especially considering how informal of an attempt this was. Avamande made sure to bow their head to both her and the man alongside her, properly showing their respect to both of them.

They remained silent as the three spoke among themselves, fully prepared to accept a polite but firm request for them to walk out of the door unless they intended to purchase something. They knew quite well that Lyra had no intent to take on apprentices, and the entire plan was more brazen than usual for their tastes. Still, so long as they were polite about it, they did not see the harm in asking. Yet another jolt of muted surprise ran through them when somewhat the opposite happened instead, Avamande's eyes immediately snapping towards Remus when they were addressed. Perhaps this wasn't a fool's errand after all.

"Of course. I was trained in the art by my parents, both of them mages following the ancient practices of Sol'Valen." They spoke neither proudly of their education, nor did they seem embarrassed by the fact that they were only formally schooled in magic by their own parents, both emotions shrugged off as irrelevant to the matter at hand. "When it was judged my work would not be an embarrassment to the family name, they began traveling in order to conduct their own research," they explained, momentarily worried that Lyra or Remus might assume that their lack of tutelage was due to incompetence. "I could prepare some for you, if you would like? I have also been initiated into Traversion and Negation, but I am less confident about my quality in those schools."
word count: 332
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Lore: 8
Points: 10
Injuries/Ailments: None
Loot: Employment with the friendliest and nicest boss in the world, Lyra!


Lore: 8
Points: 10
Injuries/Ailments: None
Loot: Yet another elf with some magic chalk working for her

Notes: Honestly very unfortunate this one fizzled out but oh well
word count: 93
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