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Frost 121 Event Sign Ups

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2021 1:35 pm
by Aegis

Frost 74th, 121 - Word was received to both Kalzasi high command and from spies to Zaichaer high command that a Kalzasi Airship, the Merry Behemoth, that had been traveling from Antiris to Zeraphesh, then from Zeraphesh onward to Kalzasi was downed somewhere after having left Zeraphesh on the 73rd. By the time information has been obtained, a blizzard of extremely high winds has rolled through central Karnor, blanketing everything in heavy snow and making airship travel impossible. Many of the personnel on the ship were military, coming home as the Vykul clans slow their attacks for winter. The ship was also being escorted by Kisorika Novalys and her dragon, but she's also missing.

Both Kalzasi and Zaichaer high commands have begun scrambling teams to locate the downed ship, rescue/capture/kill as many of the members as possible, with Kisorika in particular.

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PC Name and Alias(es):
Kalzasi or Zaichaer side?:
Detailed reason for being selected as part of the teams:


Re: Frost 121 Event Sign Ups

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2021 2:19 pm
by Talon

Participation rescinded in light of this development.

Re: Frost 121 Event Sign Ups

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 12:28 pm
by Hikami
Retracted in light of this - Aegis
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Re: Frost 121 Event Sign Ups

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2021 11:04 pm
by Urs Wardell

PC Name and Alias(es): Urs Wardell
Kalzasi or Zaichaer side?: Kalzasi
Detailed reason for being selected as part of the teams:
Urs is an accomplished surgeon with some minor talent in Necromancy. While it hasn't been made official yet, he will be studying at the College of Sands for the duration of Frost (potentially longer). He is a talented Semblance user - I'd like to imagine that the Tower directly requested his efforts here and that he agreed; he will be finding some information out in early Frost that makes him especially interested in interactions between Kalzasi and Zaichaer.

Re: Frost 121 Event Sign Ups

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2021 3:01 pm
by Rickter
PC Name and Alias(es): Rickter Maze, The Wolf of Kalzasi, The Black Wolf
Kalzasi or Zaichaer side?: Kalzasi
Detailed reason for being selected as part of the teams:
As per this thread Rickter is going to carry out the duties Talon assigns him. Being Talon's personal knight and bodyguard, as well as a Justicar for Talon, he will assemble a team that will help him search and rescue Kisorika.

Re: Frost 121 Event Sign Ups

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2021 3:46 pm
by Nnerka
PC Name and Alias(es): Nnerka
Kalzasi or Zaichaer side?: Kalsazi
Detailed reason for being selected as part of the teams: (Potentially) recruited by Rickter on merit of being a spider. Ability to shapeshift with glamour allows for versatility in the search as well as combat, and the use of webbing for survival reasons. An exceptional scout to have on one's team.

Re: Frost 121 Event Sign Ups

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2021 9:00 am
by Shuai Chisuo
PC Name and Alias(es): Shuai Chisuo
Kalzasi or Zaichaer side?: Kalzasi
Detailed reason for being selected as part of the teams: The Chisuo is a house affiliated with Novalys and like it, Shuai is decent at scrivening. Also he likes to beat the shit out of people which is something to be expected in the mission.