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The scholar and the commander (Brenner)

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2021 11:28 pm
by Lyra
2nd of Ash, 121 AS

Lyra stood at the bow of the ship, the early autumn air pushed against her as she leaned forward into the wind, hair and robes both ripping as she stared down at the steadily growing docks of Onneifer Airfield. It had been 2 seasons, but the city seemed unchanged. Closing her eyes Lyra expanded herself, listening to the whispers of the city, a grating, chaotic melody that spoke of suffering, madness and anticipation. It was a city on the verge of change, a people that was held by a tight grip but yearned to break free. It felt as if everything balanced on the end of a thin needle, needing just a breath more to tip over in either direction.

The sound of the ship's mechanical engines whirred louder as they drew closer to the long peer that judged out into open space. Beneath her feet the wood quaked and vibrated hard enough to make her teeth chatter, yet still Lyra smiled as she turned to look toward the city just beyond the airfield. Shouts from the crew told her that they were almost ready, and with more than a little anticipation Lyra picked up her bag and put its strap around one shoulder and walked toward where the plank was being lowered for passengers to exit.

I didn't expect to be back so soon. Naila commented absently. Despite her tone Lyra could sense her own eagerness. Zaichaer offered quite a different landscape compared to Kalzasi, and its people had a much different perspective. It was possible the mercenary might find what she was looking for among the less savory sorts in the city.

It is sooner than I originally wished, Lyra admitted as she walked them down the thin plank. Glancing over the side she saw they were a dizzying height above ground, but her steps didn't falter until she stepped off onto the dock itself, but things progressed faster than anticipated. There are things happening in the world, and if we wish to stay ahead we must act before the powers that be set their own plans in motion.

It had been some time since she last saw the young Commander, and Lyra wasn't certain if she could recognize him at first glance. She wore her typical wardrobe. Black robes with elegant golden trip, her leather satchel thrown over one shoulder and dark hair tied back into a braid that fell over one shoulder. Artur was casually draped around her neck, the snake seeming content to bask in the last of the warmth of searing as he lay with his head resting on one of Lyra's shoulders. She swept the peer with her golden eyes, looking for the man she was meant to meet.

Re: The scholar and the commander (Brenner)

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2021 8:02 pm
by Brenner Dornkirk
Little did Air Commander Brenner Dornkirk expect, he would be spending one of his last few days in Zaichaer for the foreseeable future spending time with another Kalzasern delegate. This one, however, had reached out to him personally, rather than professionally, and so the pressures of representing The State did not weight as heavily as they had during Talon's time in Zaichaer. Still, there were politics to consider, and so he received Zaichaer's guest in full uniform.

He recognised the woman who disembarked. He'd seen her during the unfortunate episode when Talon's lapdog had been abducted, creating an international incident that he feared might have served as a premature casus belli for a war all knew was impending, but none was yet prepared to wage. In truth, he hadn't realised which of the visiting Kalzaserns he would be greeting. If their names had been exchanged on that strange night, he couldn't recall it. This was, he thought, excusable given the situation he'd been dealing with- After having been stolen into the skies by an Avialae-cum-Demigod, he had to discourage said creature from committing acts of war. Making the acquaintances of strange women was not high on his list of priorities that evening. Today, however, it was his foremost concern.

"Madame" He addressed the woman, smirking in relief that the seemingly like-minded author of those letters was a proper human. With a bit of a flourish, he removed his hat as she approached. "Welcome back to Zaichaer. I trust your journey was a smooth one?" He offered the obligatory pleasantries, as he offered a hand to help her step down. "I took the liberty of arranging a coach to convey us round town. Would you care to stop off at your accommodations first, or shall we get straight to business? I thought we might take luncheon at the club, and-..." Brenner blinked noticing that one of the woman's accessories was animate. Not just animate, he noticed a moment later, but animal.

"What an interesting scarf..." He said, suppressing a chuckle. "I hope it doesn't bite?"

Re: The scholar and the commander (Brenner)

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2021 4:44 pm
by Lyra

When her eyes fell on Brenner Lyra smiled. He was the straight laced sort, the uniform seeming more a part of him than simply what he wore that day. As she listened to the symphonies coming from the man Lyra was struck by the steadfast devotion that he gave off, an absolute certainty of purpose that would give chills were that devotion not tempered by personal belief.

"Captain," Lyra replied softly, still smiling as she delicately took the edge of her robe between two fingers and dipped into a modest curtsy. She accepted the hand that was offered, and held it for a few seconds after her feet touched the wood of the dock. These were all the formalities that must be followed, she knew, but inwardly Lyra could feel Naila rolling her eyes.

"The Journey was terribly dull Captain." She continued, giving the hand a squeeze before letting go, "And let us not stand on formality. You may call me Lyra."

Artur lifted his head from where it rested on Lyra's shoulder, staring unblinkingly at Brenner for a few moments before turning to look at the sites around them. With her free hand Lyra reached up and pet the snakes scaly head with a look of fondness.

"Artur is a good pet, but he most certainly does bite." The snake opened its mouth as if to show its fangs before curling up once more around Lyra's neck.

"Lunch sounds wonderful Captain," Lyra said as she returned her attention to Brenner. She adjusted the strap on her shoulder, the sound of glass clinking could be heard as some things shifted in place, "Your letters implied you haven't much time, and I would not waste it. Lead the way and we shall speak as we go."

Re: The scholar and the commander (Brenner)

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2021 7:32 pm
by Brenner Dornkirk
"Commander." Brenner corrected, reluctantly. He might have been tempted to accept the malapropos promotion, were they not in the presence of other ZADC airmen, but such as things were: "Air Commander, to be exact, but as you say- We needn't be overly formal. Brenner will do." He inclined his head in the shadow of a nod as his icy blue eyes fell to the serpentine accessory.

Though somewhat taken aback by her answer, his instinct was to chuckle.

"Then you'll forgive me if I seem ungentlemanly in refraining to offer my arm..." He noted, as he gestured toward the coach and started off ahead of her.

"Ah splendid. I relish a pragmatic woman." He offered over his shoulder, "Here in the Brass City we do prefer to get down to brass tacks, so let us be direct, shall we?" He glanced behind him at the sound of clinking glass, but made no mention of it as he led the way to the coach and, though he'd declined to offer his arm in escort, he did offer his hand to help her step up into the carriage.

"So." He began, as he settled into his seat. "You wrote me fair out-of-the-blue and, as much as I've enjoyed our brief correspondences, I suspect there is more to this overture than aught either of us would be comfortable putting in print and sending between our two cities..." The Air Commander expected politics or perhaps industry were at the heart of why Lyra might have contacted him. Stefan or their father would have made more sense if this were a mercantile matter, and given the nature of their brief meeting, politics seemed more likely. Either way, he was certainly intrigued as the coach jolted into motion and sped along the gravely path leading out to the streets of Zaichaer proper.

Re: The scholar and the commander (Brenner)

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2021 8:28 am
by Lyra

"Brenner then." Lyra affirmed with a smile and a wave at his concern to the etiquette of their interactions, "I do understand, and you needn't worry. I am certainly capable of walking on my own." She followed Brenner as he lead them to a carriage, and when the boy extended his hand she would smile once more before taking it and stepping into the carriage.

The vehicle was comfortable, not overly large or adorned as one might expect. It was, in Lyra's mind, the definition of utilitarian, and she found herself idly running a hand along its simple, but hand-crafted molding around the window. It said something about the city that she would be taken away in such a vehicle. Was it favorable? Or was this simply how they handled all foreign dignitaries? She would have to ponder that later, for while she was distracted Brenner began speaking.

"More indeed." She started, but paused to consider her next words. He had said to be frank, but again she wondered if that was what he truly wished. She barely resisted the instinct to reach out to his symphonies, to listen to those sweet harmonies and discern the underlying meaning in his words... but she dared not. Not here, not now when she had only just arrived and their relationship had not come into its own. No, her magic was not hers to use at the moment, and so Lyra found she would have to rely on the other skills she had cultivated.

After a few seconds Lyra finally decided on a direct approach, suspecting the Commander would likely respond favorably depending on the contents of her words. Once more she reached up to pet Artur's head, eyes softening somewhat as she looked at the creature before refocusing on Brenner. The carriage had begun to move, and with each bump, there was the faint chime of glassware from the floor where her bag sat. This drew Lyra's eye, and with a slow motion, she undid the clasps of the satchel and revealed its contents.

"Perhaps you suspected this, as I came as an advisor to Prince Novalys." Inside the satchel there were several small bottles and flasks. Some had dark liquids of different colors, while others simply contained stones, gemstones, and some low-grade Dragonshards. The smell of herbs wafted out from paper envelopes that were stacked neatly at the bottom, and more prevalent than anything else were the sheets upon sheets of paper and parchment of different types.

"I am a scholar by trade and a practitioner of world magics. I specialize in the scripts, Scrivening as it is called, and my knowledge revolves around and supports my primary works." She left the bag open as she sat back, crossing her legs as she considered Brenner before continuing, "As you said, you seem a man who prefers to know things upfront, so I will make no illusion to my skillset or what it is I do. I am a world mage whose ability attracted the eyes of the Prince. As for why I am here..."

The smile had since faded, and Lyra's face now drew into a grimace. She stared down into the satchel, seeming to contemplate her words before speaking, "There is an imbalance in the Free Cities, an imbalance which threatens present and future relations across Karnor." Artur shifted around Lyra's shoulders and raised his head to look out the window at the scenery that passed. Lyra did the same, her golden eyes thoughtful as her brow creased, "My work has shown me what such imbalances can give rise to. I know the dangers of magic that is unrestrained, unchecked. I have suffered at the hands of a people who used magic without thought to the consequences, and I have been scarred, crippled."

When she looked at Brenner once more Lyra worked her expression into one of grim resolve, "I am not a traitor to my homeland, Commander... but I cannot simply sit idly by while my home is ripped apart by the thoughtless actions of a few. I have come today to discuss with you this problem which both of our homes now face, and also to offer to you solutions that will correct this imbalance of power that threatens us all."

She did not say what that great imbalance was, but it was an obvious assumption. A god had appeared in a city of mortals, in a position of power no less. It was a danger to Zaichaer for certain, but the danger was greater, farther spread than that. This was what Lyra implied, and she seemed to plead with her eyes that the man before her grasp those implications as well, if he had not already.

Re: The scholar and the commander (Brenner)

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2021 11:29 am
by Brenner Dornkirk
Brenner settled into his seat and opened a side panel on the wall of the coach between them. He withdrew a large carafe of water with slices of citron, cucumber and mint leaves floating in its midst and infusing the water with a crisp, albeit faint, flavour. He poured a glass for Lyra before pouring one for himself.

His eyes followed the strange woman's hands as she reached down to unclasp her bag and reveal its contents. His lips pursed tautly at the revelation that she was indeed a mage in her own right, which led him to the uncomfortable assumption that these vials and flasks contained the products of sorcery rather than science- Contraband in the High City, without being registered. He would table that matter for the moment, listening on as she continued.

"I thank you for your candour and I do believe there are more righteous loyalties than those afforded the state to which one was born. I am Zaichaeri by happenstance, though fortunate to be so. Had I been reared in your reckless realm, I hope I would have come to a similar understanding of the world and its inequities, but... That is to say I would not consider you a traitor for embarking upon an endeavour that would benefit countless members of your race..." He inclined his head, swallowing down a bit of deference to add, "And some of the others." He nodded once.

"Talon." He replied matter-of-factly, electing to match Lyra's forthrightness. Of course given her position as one of the prince's advisors, he could understand her reluctance to call a spade a spade, but Brenner saw no reason to beat round the bush on his end.

"On the night we met, I... bore witness to some degree of his potency. I don't know how deep that well runs and pray I never learn, but I was harrowed. I think he might have instigated a war that night, if cooler heads had not been present to keep him in check..." The Air Commander demurred from claiming that credit for himself, though the slight smirk that curled his lips seemed to complete the thought.

"And imbalance is really the thing, isn't it?" He lifted his infused water and took a few broad gulps. "If you have some means of restoring equilibrium, I am all ears..." He gestured for her to continue, though he doubted a self-professed mage from Kalzasi was prepared to go to the lengths Brenner and his ilk believed necessary to balm the wounds left by witchcraft and secure a sturdy future for humankind. Still, he did not doubt that her insight could be of use, if it was in earnest. There was still the needling notion at the back of his mind that this might yet be some sort of charade.

Re: The scholar and the commander (Brenner)

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2021 10:25 pm
by Lyra

The drink was cool and refreshing, the bite of mint oddly pleasant when paired with the sharp citrus taste and balanced after tones of cucumber. The tastes were at first difficult to distinguish, but with each sip more of their flavors came to the surface. Like the soft playing of a flute just barely hidden by the brass tones of the orchestra in which it harmonized. Condensation was quick to speckle the surface of the glass between her fingers, and when she set the glass down her fingertips came away slightly damp.

"He is a child given power beyond his control." Lyra said simply. She rubbed the moisture between her thumb and forefinger, pressing until the faint wetness was no more. This time the somber look in her eyes was not fully an act, for it was a fact that Lyra... Lyrielle knew already to be true. What Talon played with was more than just divine might, but rather it teetered on the edge of a far greater danger. Were he not who he was perhaps Lyra might have thought differently, but as it was there was no mistake. This part of what she had come to speak of with Brenner was, in its entirety, true.

"What do you think magic is, Brenner?" Her voice softened as she asked this question, looking up from her glass which she now tilted precariously where it rested on the arm of her seat. Though she asked, she did not give him time to speak before continuing in a conversational tone, "Forgive me, for that is an unfair question. What I mean to ask is, what is the true danger of magic?"

She looked back down at her glass which she now rocked side to side, the liquid inside sloshing about.

"Is it the power it seems to give, for little cost? Is it the threat to order that it represents? Anyone, be they lucky enough to survive the initiations, can wield a rune of magic. Then overnight they can go from a nobody with no strength of their own to a woman who can charm and beguile men into doing her bidding. They suddenly can wield the elements when they have never even held a knife in their hands. They can change their appearance to be anything, anyone, or perhaps rip holes in the fabric of the world to travel anywhere, even your most secure vaults. Perhaps they will pull something else through the veil into this world, something so foul that it makes the greatest of mortal villains seem kind and gentle by comparison."

The water in the glass reached the rim, a little spilling over the side as Lyra paused the motion and looked at Brenner once more, "The world magics, though more easily regulated, can pose similar, or perhaps even greater threats. With time and resources, a runeforger can craft items that put the most advanced works of pure science and engineering to shame." Here she paused, picking up her glass and sipping from it, "I mean no insult in my words, Commander. Merely do I wish to make a point. These are things that the average mage could do. Now I call you to imagine a man who not only has access to the mundanest of magics but also access to the power that shaped the world in its entirety. A man who can pull from the depths of the aetherium itself, can shape the domains under his control and twist the fabric of our reality at his merest whim."

Holding the glass up to her eyes Lyra peered through the liquid at Brenner. Artur turned his scaly head to look at him as well, flicking his tongue as he did. With a smile she lowered the glass, gently swirling the liquid now as she continued, " Or at least that is what awaits a man such as our Prince. He is still young both in mind and spirit and has not fully stepped into his domains. If one was to take action to... restore balance, one would need to act before he has awakened fully. Once he holds all of his domains in hand he will no longer be mortal as you or I."

Again she paused to look out the window, and added almost indifferently, "Of course, it is possible to bring the most ferocious hound to heel if one uses the correct tools. Setting aside the beast in Kalzasi, I have sensed this city has its fair share of rabid dogs that need leashing."

Re: The scholar and the commander (Brenner)

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2021 11:20 pm
by Brenner Dornkirk
Brenner smirked at Lyra's analogy. It brought to mind the exchange he had with Talon himself the night everything went to shit when his puppy love when missing. Brenner had made a similar allusion, though he'd been referring not to Talon himself, but to whatever preternatural force had endowed him with his recent puissance. More to the point, he'd compared that force to a child stirring things up in an anthill- causing chaos for its own amusement. Talon didn't seem amused by the comparison, but that made Brenner that much more amused at hearing another independent party coming to such similar conclusions.

"I think magic is, first and foremost, a blight." He replied matter-of-factly and without hesitation. "A poison upon the soul that warps a mortal spirit toward incomparable wickedness. It is... A means of cheating at life. Shirking the hardships that a man ought to face to make him firm and resolute- just and righteous, in favour of an easier option. An actor who relies upon enchantments and charms to instill awe in his audience is a hack. A prince who rules with aetherial command in his proclamations is a despot." He regarded Lyra with an arch of his brow,

"I have not forgotten my audience, mind you. You've plainly admitted to practising witchcraft and you speak of magic with a fondness I frankly find deplorable. A nobody with no strength of their own should build that strength through toil. A man should retain agency over his own mind and emotions. Nature should be alone in wielding control over the elements. A person who shifts between guises is a deceiver." He paused,

"That being said, your comments on Talon and his power echo my own concerns... and add even more to the ever-growing list. If you, a confessed witch, are so troubled by his potency, then I am that much more worried and, despite of my reservations about our... Differences of opinion, Lyra, if you offer up a valid solution to this problem, I would hear it. And if I might be of assistance toward the goal of curbing this unwieldy force of chaos that threatens our world? Then perhaps you'll find an ally in the fight against this common threat to us all." He sighed at Lyra's reference to Zaichaer's internal problems.

"Perhaps you are speaking of the Arch-witch Venetia Childs. Her power has terrorised Zaichaer. I was present the day she slaughtered my countrymen in cold blood. Not even a bullet could fell her, and she is not... What Talon is. So let me ask you, Lyra, what do you have to offer that might combat forces like these?" He paused, before adding,

"And what is your endgame in all this? You serve Talon, or... at least you have in the past. So... what becomes of him in your vision of the future?" He clasped the fingers of both hands round the cool glass of infused water in his lap, and leaned slightly forward- staring into the depths of the woman's eyes. It was only now that he was noticing what a striking specimen she was.

Re: The scholar and the commander (Brenner)

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2021 11:16 am
by Lyra

This man, his words, everything about him made something deep inside of Lyra shiver in delight. The mad fervor in those eyes was like a fire in the dead of winter, revitalizing and painful to the frozen fingers that sought warmth from those flames. In the past, it was men and women like this that Lyrielle most enjoyed. She could see it in him. All it would take is just a little more, just a nudge from the right direction, and this man would bring with him genocide.

"Fondness? Perhaps it sounds as such, but what I feel is more akin to respect to a force and the power it can represent." The drink was cool on her tongue as she drank once more before returning to swirling the liquid in its glass, "Our ideologies and beliefs are different, but I believe our goals are the same."

Lyra smiled when she was referred to as a witch, but she did not refute him. She listened intently to his words, however, for the more Brenner spoke the more she felt she began to understand this man. His words on this Venitai Childs gave her pause, but she did not interrupt. Naila perked up slightly at the mention of her name as well. A few thoughts were exchanged, and it seemed her name had been on the lips of some on the ship to Zaichaer as well. She would have to investigate further when the time was right.

"It seems the city is struggling more than I had realized." Lyra said when Brenner had finished. She began to reach into her bag, but stopped with a look up at Brenner, "Brace yourself, Commander, for to continue our discussion I must give something of a demonstration. It will be mundane, with respect to your position."

She would pause until given an affirmation before reaching fully into her bag and bringing out two small vials, each containing a single stone. Uncorking the first and letting the small red gem fall into her palm, it was clear as to its nature. A lesser pyrolytic shard. The other vial was unstoppered, and a stone that was barely a sliver fell into her other palm, black with a single vein of blue. This shard Lyra held up for Brenner to see.

"I have seen the tools of your Reconciliators. Abjinurium, or magebane as it is often called, is a rare material that is difficult to come by, and even harder to use in mass production. This is especially so for the more powerful variants." The small red dragonshard was held up in the fingers of her left hand, and with a brief glance at Brenner, Lyra drew in its power, causing a small red flame to sprout over the top of her fingertips.

"Magic, or rather aether, is like a musical note. It has a frequency, a pattern that makes up its being, and the bending of patterns with purpose is what gives rise to what we know to be magical effects. Runes of magic are like the instruments a musician plays, taking in the aether of the person and converting it to the frequency of that discipline." Lyra held up the abjinurium, both at arm's length from each other before slowly bringing them closer. As she did the little flame flickered, and when the two were less than a hand-span apart the flame completely went out.

"Abjinurium, to keep with our music analogy, is like a gong. It rings with a note of dissonance, canceling out the frequency of any magic that comes within its range. The strength and range of the effects are dependent on a number of factors, but for simplicities sake let us say that the stronger the Abjinurium shard the larger the range it can influence." The shards were both placed back in their vials and set aside as Lyra brought out a piece of parchment, a board to write on, as well as one of the dark-colored jars of ink and a quill. Lyra began drawing a simple pattern of interlocking spirals, all linked to a central square with a small stylized dagger drawn inside of it, "It must be expensive to equip even a few specialized mages... hunters in your city. I cannot imagine what the cost would be to put in place protections across the entire city, or to each of your most important political or military figures."

In just a few seconds the glyph was completed, and Lyra tipped out the Abjinurium shard once more, placing it in the center of the script. A frow furrowed her brow as she concentrated, one finger pressing on the dragonshard. The ink of the glyph shimmered slightly before the smooth edges of the curves turned jagged. When that happened Lyra removed the dragonshard and placed it back in its container.

"I said before that I have a respect for magic, and that is true. I view magic as a tool, and its use must not be abused. That said, if you wish to control that power, or prevent the misuse of it by others, you must understand it. What I have seen of your use of Abjinurium is... rudimentary at best, though I do not know what secrets your state has kept secret from the public. I believe, however, that what I can offer is a more efficient alternative than anything that Zaichaer currently employs." She looked down at the parchment, the pyrolyth shard in her hand once more and again she produced the flame. Lyra let the fire dance for a moment, let it grow larger than before, and then touched the center of the glyph. There was a pulse in the air, like a sudden wind, and the fire was extinguished. The dragonshard itself dimmed, and though she tried Lyra could not produce another flame.

"Practical application of magical theory, aimed at the control of magic itself." Said Lyra, her golden eyes flashing with amusement as the paper she had drawn on crumbled to dust. She put away the dragonshard, as well as the ink and quill, and closed her bag once more, "Abjinurium is expensive, and difficult to work with and refine. There are other methods that can be employed, and with the right knowledge, one can do more than just react to instances of magical misconduct. One can be proactive as well."

She held up a finger as she leaned forward to look Brenner in the eye, "Once more I ask you to imagine. Small slivers such as what I showed you are limited in range, but what if items could be crafted that mimicked those effects. Small, harmless trinkets that give off nullification fields in a small area. Now imagine those items, made not from Abjinurium but another material is given similar properties, given to the populace. Individually they are small, weak, and insignificant, but when combined with numbers that spread across the entire city Zaichaer becomes a place in which magic is exceptionally difficult to wield." Sitting back Lyra raised her cup before drinking again, licking the moisture from her lips before continuing, "What if those sorts of properties could be turned into a liquid that could be injected into an unruly mage? Their own blood would prevent them from harnessing their own magic, and though it would fade with time such a thing could be used to stop fleeing mages from escaping through magical means."

Her cup was empty when she sat it down, but Lyra paid it no heed as she folded her hands neatly in her lap, "The tools used by your military, at least when it came to magic, could all be enhanced by such means. I have been working on these concepts for some time, and the fruits of my research are many."

Falling quiet Lyra looked out the window at the streets as they passed by milling crowds of people. Her eyes lingered on a boy running letters, his clothing dirty but his eyes were shining with youthful optimism that only children could possess. She knew what it was Brenner wanted to know, but she took time to compose her thoughts before answering.

"The Prince... Talon, is a good man. That is in part what makes this so difficult, for good men rarely understand the implications of their actions until it is too late. I have seen, experienced the evil of good men who did terrible things for a cause they believed in." She nodded her head slowly and sighed, running a hand over her temples, "I am not a good woman Brenner. I do not hold onto the ideologies that the Prince does, nor am I fool enough to believe that the good of magic will always outweigh the bad. If magic is to be respected, those who would suffer at its hands must have the tools to fight against it. Without a means to combat magical forces, people will always fear it and never seek to understand it or what it could be."

It was a true enough statement. Lyra doubted Brenner would be able to accept everything she said, but when they first decided to meet she believed they had at least one thing in common. Magic was dangerous, and there were those who would use it for their own purposes. That was what Lyra pressed on now, and inside her true self almost purred in delight.

"Talon is a good man." Lyra repeated, her eyes hardening somewhat as she met Brenner's gaze, "But good men often make terrible rulers. A divine, immortal ruler could potentially tip the balance between the magical and non-magical in total favor of the magical. That would spell the end of all possible outcomes where the two can understand one another. The life of one man is not worth the life of an entire region."

Golden eyes seemed to burn with passion as Lyra thought on her purpose, the one true goal that had pushed her this far. When she spoke again her voice was a hushed whisper, quiet as a razor's edge slipping through flesh.

"Talon is just one, simple child who means no real harm, but his power is too great for him to control. It would sadden me if the worst were to happen, but preparations must be made for those who truly deserve punishment." Hatred shown fiercely as she smiled a smile that did not quite reach her eyes, "A purge must occur. Those who wield magic, taint its purpose for selfish, arrogant desires, must all be cleansed from the face of Ransera. I will see to it that magic is not be used to corrupt the world like poison in the well, even if it means an end to the current age of magic as we know it."

Re: The scholar and the commander (Brenner)

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2021 12:53 pm
by Brenner Dornkirk
"Respect, then." Brenner conceded, "That sounds less ominous. One can respect the power of a cyclone after it ravages one's home, after all..." He settled back into his seat and placed his water glass down on the sideboard, clasping his hands between his knees listening intently as the captivating woman continued.

He scowled a bit at her assertion that Zaichaer was struggling. Typically, he'd not have brooked a foreigner making such a comment- Least of all a Kalzasern. When Talon had been visiting it was Brenner's bounden duty to downplay any chinks in the Brass City's armour, but on this occasion when candour reigned supreme, he remained mum. In fact he even nodded, because she was right. Zaichaer was in peril. The Order was, in his opinion, being mismanaged and he was increasingly becoming aware that the Old Guard of monied elitists were doing more to thwart than advance Zaichaer into the golden future he envisioned. Brenner believed the light and hope of humanity- the quality that rendered them superior to all other races of Ransera- was their ability to adapt. And Zaichaer was not adapting quickly enough. Not when, as Lyra so aptly pointed out, Kalzasi's next sovereign was a bloody demi-god.

He cocked an eyebrow at the mention of a demonstration, and promptly drew the curtains on the carriage windows closed lest any bystanders attempt to peek inside and find something unseemly. The last thing he needed two days before his grand expedition was gossip he wouldn't be around to refute. With the curtains drawn, the blue fire of his gaze fell again upon the woman across from him.

Listening to Lyra's pedagogy brought Stefan to mind. Brenner had enjoyed several sessions with his elder brother, lately, preparing for their journey with science experiments pertaining to magic and Lysanrin physiology. The artful, albeit didactic, explanation was not unlike one of Stefan's own lectures, though the subject was different. Even the demonstration was reminiscent enough to bring a smirk to his visage, even as his hackles were raised by the sight of magic abuse being practised before his very eyes. But, if what she said was true, it would be worth the risk.

"Let us be clear: You are offering to outfit a foreign military power with the tools necessary to effectively combat your own homeland?" He paused a beat, "Do you wish to expatriate, or would our... mutual aims be better served with you working within Kalzasi?" The hairs on his arms were standing up- At first because of the discomfort of witnessing magic-use, but now because the prospects she proposed were so thrilling. If Brenner's mission to the Warrens was successful, the complement of Lyra's innovations would advance Zaichaer's efforts exponentially- Perhaps even tipping them toward the advantage in the coming war.

Brenner sighed at the talk of Talon.

"I believe that is so." He glanced down to his own hands, "Having met him, I believe he is well-intentioned, but... Misguided and unruly. As I mentioned, he might have instigated a war during his visit, had he not been dissuaded from deploying his sorcery with utter wantonness. But..." He tilted his head to one side, "And I said this to him directly, sacrifices must be made for the greater good. I do not kill for sport, but out of necessity. The vast majority of the population wields no magic... suffers no sickness to cheat at life. The Everyman works at advancement, and earns their strength. Zaichaer elevates the Everyman and, to our regret, that sometimes means sacrificing those who pose a threat to his livelihood. It is not that we loathe that which is different, so much as we will do anything to protect that which is normal, because normal is, by definition, the majority."

Lyra's last comment brought a wan smile to Brenner's face as the carriage began to slow, turning onto a cobblestone street and jostling as it drew to a stop.

"Those are bold words, Lyra. And not the sort I would expect to drip from the tongue of an avowed witch." The driver of the coach had stepped down and walked round to open the door for them to exit, but when he did so Brenner's hand snapped to the side and shut it, again. He leaned forward, gazing intently into Lyra's eyes as he whispered.

"You may colour me fascinated, Lyra, but answer me this... Given what I know of you, why should I trust this? Why should you come to me, rather than the First Minister or the Grand Marshal, himself? Surely, the implications of what you're saying are not below their notice or interest..."