I Am A Stone [Talon]

The Jewel of the Northlands

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Title: Dabu
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=578
Plot Notes: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=78&t=815
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=761
Letters: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=105&t=816


I Am A Stone
Ash 5th, 121 AoS
The very air he breathed reminded him of the crisp chill that hung overhead, and yet, his meditations had allowed him to explore something he had never thought possible before. He had thought to ideally pursue the concept of introversion, letting that introspection reflect on whatever this "Echo" was that he somehow became connected to. Or part of? Tiberius hardly made sense anyway when their meeting took place, regardless, the wolf's friendly trial with the man brought up more questions than it did answers. Oh, there was certainly a benefit to knowing what he did now, but the wolf wasn't too keen on the idea that fate had a particular destiny in mind.

But of course, his mind pondered away too often on the stray thoughts, most bent around these questions while others had other obvious focuses. Eventually, he came to view meditation as an exercise and practiced thinking of nothing but his own aetherial body. Or was it astral? Gods who knew at this point, he certainly didn't consider himself an expert. Regardless he quieted his mind enough to continually count each heartbeat he felt, his body reactively tingling from the aether flowing through his veins. To think of himself a whole year ago, he could hardly channel but a magical sword out of his own soul. Now he could drown enemies with water if he chose to, if not skip around with ice hurled at his foes. Not to mention how nimble kinetics made him with enough focus, and even traversion's flashy nuances helped him slowly developed a keener perception of his battlefields.

But perhaps the most crowning power he possessed was the incredible negation rune on his shoulder, having gradually developed a more personalized style with the defensive magic as well. Over time he'd realized that tasks didn't have to be downright specific, hell, he'd barely even utilize their full potentiality at the time either. He had learned that with layers, he could reinforce the interior of his barriers in critical situations, and even learned that he could ward off specific things if he merely focused on them. Learning to negate his own sense of smell against something, he'd realized their practicality and the amount of creativity they offered. He'd hoped to master it at that time, but it took him this long to actually realize that specific 'how'.

Which explained the necessity in meditation, as the wolf sat within the gardens of the Winter Palace, in his casual dark shirt and boarhide trousers. The willow tree he sat against the base of swayed softly within the breeze, the strands of leaves gently bobbing away from him when they'd fallen four inches near his head. At first, he felt the cold raise goosebumps on his exposed forearms, and when he focused on that specifically he felt the chill gradually leave the surface of his skin. He still felt the airbrush on his skin but there was no chill within it anymore, it was as if his own natural body heat became an armor against the cold. Rickter opened his eyes slightly to gaze down at himself, his aether softly glimmered across his form as his Negation rune shone brightly.

What was even more fascinating to him was that this was just the surface layer of his own aether, he had barely pushed it out from his core when he thought of the cold. Imagining if he could exert a greater amount of aether from his own body, he could essentially be his own anchor, and possibly an impenetrable fortress if he wanted to be. The wolf definitely didn't wish to stop there, his first warded layer gradually covered with another that shimmered as the northern lights. He wondered in particular, and with the task willed into the barrier, Rickter's being felt veiled in a shroud of his own aether after the result of a flash.

When his eyes opened he found nothing had changed immediately, though everything had suddenly gone silent.

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Rickter" "Telion" "Hannah"
"It's hard to say, that I'm back on a straight line,"
Last edited by Rickter on Wed Dec 08, 2021 8:15 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 773
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?t=127
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Talon and Aoren were just leaving the suite of Telion and the twins. He’d offered to spend some time with the babes in order to help grant the woman and their beloved wolf some time to rest and refresh themselves. It was the least he could do as a bondmate. Telion and Hannah had returned from running a few errands in the city. Overall, the day had not gone terrible. Talon certainly remembered the challenges of young children. He had been around his younger siblings frequently enough. He was grateful for the gift of Semblance as it opened up doors of understanding that he had lacked as a boy. The ability to be able to perceive and gauge a baby’s mood with a glance and have supreme insight into what they were focused on had been a boon in helping to keep the children calm and entertained. They were beautiful and brought a bubbling excitement to the palace that had not been seen in several years.

It was a sad truth but children were rare in at the Palace of the First Wind. For generations, its halls had once been filled with the families of House Novalys. The fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, grandchildren and so forth had filled many of the quarters in the palace. Most of them were quiet ever since the Mad King’s slaughter. The night that the palace went silent as a shroud of death fell upon it. The family had been slow to recover ever since. Though his siblings were much more numerous and not all of the family had been decimated, it had been devastating. He hated to admit it, but there was often a solemn silence that hung over the palace. The birth of children helped to dispel it and Talon looked forward to the day he could add his own to that joy.

Are you sure falling in love with me was a good idea?” Aoren was quietly closing the doors to Rickter and Telion’s apartments closed. Talon chuckled; he took his bondmate’s face into his hands and kissed the man softly. The raven winged kathar hummed.

So that’s a no?” Talon rolled his eyes as Aoren grinned impishly. He swat the man with one of his wings as the two of them opened up their bond in order to connect with Rickter. Talon found the wolf not far away. He was meditating. A surface brush of his thoughts told Talon that the man was filled with questions but they were touched by an undercurrent of confidence. As the two of them turned toward the direction where Rickter was, Talon felt Aoren slide his hand into his own.

Do you want children, my prince?” Talon looked at Aoren. There was a content smile on his face as he kept his eyes forward while they walked.

Of course. I want at least as many children as my father.” His bondmate blinked at that. Talon watched as Aoren lifted a hand to his head, rubbing at the back of his scalp.

There are whispers that you are only attracted to men, Talon. That is…problematic given your status.” He chuckled. Talon had heard these whispers. There was merit to them. He had been with Riven, disastrous as that had been. In terms of intimacy, he had been almost exclusively with Aoren and Rickter. He was even bonded to them. He was preparing to wed Aoren.

It is not so simple as that. I…” He paused in his thoughts. He knew he did not have to speak them aloud. Aoren knew him down to the core of his soul. Talon was attracted to the person. He had to know them. He had to witness who they were before he could begin to see them in an intimate light, perhaps for months, even years. “...it is not that I do not find women attractive. I do. I just…I need to know someone first before I can be intimate with them.

He shook his head.

Thus far, there have only been two women to draw my attention in that regard.” He shrugged his shoulders. He was not worried. “Besides, I am not even thirty, love. Even if I were not a god, we live for centuries. It is not as though I do not have--

Talon’s words were cut short. He staggered, stumbling, a hand immediately going to his chest. He gasped, panic flaring in him as both he and Aoren realized the same thing at the same time.

Rickter was gone.

Where he should have been across their Bond, there was silence. There was emptiness. Talon looked at Aoren, his eyes wide. Before he could even ask, Aoren was shoving him forward.

Go. Go!” Without needing any further prompting, Talon took off at a dead sprint. The spatial pathways of the Slipspace opened up before him and with an urgent press of his thoughts, he aligned them to where he had last felt Rickter. Talon then stepped through the Slipspace and Vaulted to the meditative spaces where Rickter had last been. As soon as he appeared, Talon’s wings were flared, his senses were on high alert and he looked a mix of both terrified and wrathful all at once. That was when his eyes settled upon Rickter and relief flooded him. As soon as he saw him, Talon realized what was happening. Opening up his senses to the flow of aether, he beheld what, to anyone else, would have been an utterly confusing conflux of happenings.

The aether around Rickter was completely still. More than that, Talon could not see its movement at all. It was as though it were simply frozen and thus non-existent. It was muffled and silenced, forming a perimeter around Rickter that created an obvious ring of negation influence. Talon strode forward, he dropped to his knees and he immediately pulled Rickter into his arms. He breathed a sigh of relief as he pressed his brow to the wolf’s.

Sorumeito. You scared me.” He looked over Rickter’s form. No sooner had he pulled back slightly, than the thud of heavy boots sprinting forward came to his ears. Across the Core Bond, he sent a message of calm and peace to Aoren, reassurance that everything was okay. Aoren skirted to a halt, his chest panting as he looked at Rickter, the fires in his eyes burning fiercely. As soon as he set eyes upon the wolf, he calmed slightly.

What happened?” Aoren’s voice was stern. His eyes were scanning the area suspiciously.

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Title: Dabu
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Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=761
Letters: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=105&t=816


I Am A Stone
Ash 5th, 121 AoS
Blue eyes wandered the gardens of the courtyard as he shifted to sit on his knees, a hand pressed into the bark of the tree to help anchor himself upright when he turned to view the immediate surrounding area. How it had grown this quiet baffled him really, not even the wind could be heard or felt where he was. Yet, when Talon had surged out of nowhere with a brief flash, Rickter's eyes widened with alarm before he realized the cause for such an immediate Vault into his vicinity. With the way the prince's wings flared defensively, and the look of sheer rage backed with terror, the wolf's expression turned confused with a hint of penitence within his gaze.

Then he realized that when he tried to read the mood across their Bond, the very same silence his packmates experienced was also the same for him also. Rickter looked to his companion rather shocked at that revelation, never once realizing that just the mere thought could hide away his entire presence. Could one really negate themselves to be hidden away from the world? He had never really fathomed the extent of his power nor the limitations of his shielding before, so it was only natural that he was just as surprised as Talon was when the man came running. "Talon?" The wolf could smell the aether being suffused on the prince, the air heavy with that ozone smell with a charge that tickled his nostrils.

Rickter let the prince observe things with his aetheric vision, before Talon came to approach him finally after observing the changes in the air. Rickter's own aether had hardened and while he could still feel it, the area within felt safeguarded as if it were his own protected sanctuary. Being drawn close to Talon once the Synnekar knelt down, Rickter allowed the prince to bring their heads close together, a short breath of air taken in as he eased into the embrace that they both shared. Immediately the connection of their brows erased all the background noise within his head, and the thoughts of the wolf fell silent as the world around them as he listened to the words of his soulmate. Scared? That had been well beyond any intention Rickter had with his lover, and having realized too late the cause that induced such a scare, the wolf looked apologetically to Talon once their brows were no longer pressed.

"Forigve me, Sorumeito, I hadn't comprehended the extent of this power yet..." He admittedly sheepishly as he accepted the prince's aid to rise on their feet, before the wolf focused on the aetheric field he'd emitted from his own personal being. It felt as though... He didn't think it entirely possible honestly, but to him it seemed as though his own aura had become the shield; which made him the very anchor of that shield in turn. More often than not he would always create an anchor beforehand, but the meditations and little tests he'd done earlier had led him to discover it as unnecessary. This field of negation he generated felt more a part of him than that, thus, he focused on the surrounding area around them before breathing in deeply once more.

Gradually the air started to stir once more as he felt the breeze caress his shoulders again, and the Bond that existed between him, Talon, and Aoren no longer became hindered by the presence of aether. It still baffled him greatly that something so innate as his own aether could even achieve such a feat, even so, he looked quickly to the Kathar that joined them as Hannah and Telion were not far behind. They had returned from their time down in the Promenade then, likely just as confused as the two men that came to inspect their beloved wolf. "I'm sensing strong residual traces of aether..." The healer weighed in after Aoren had asked what had happened, a look of curiosity on Rickter as she and Hannah stood back to observe the trio before them.

Rickter naturally gave the lot of them a soft, and mildly affectionate, grin before he looked back to Talon and Aoren specifically. "I'm not sure," he came to admit with a thoughtful aversion of his eyes, "I was observing how my aether responded when I channeled it a certain way, and then I realized that I could just... exert it into some kind of barrier without even shieldcrafting. It felt like..." He then paid Aoren a mindful glance before eyeing Talon sincerely once more. "Like I could negate everything around me with just a thought."

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Rickter" "Telion" "Hannah"
"You see my path is in fact just a fault line,"
word count: 877
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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Joined: Fri Jun 05, 2020 6:12 pm
Title: Forge your Legend

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Points: 5 XP
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Injuries: N/A

Comments: Given the length of time since the thread started, I felt it best to go ahead and give it a review. Since we didn't meet the normal word quota but were over a 1/3 of the way there, I docked our xp points down to half.

word count: 74
Templates, Workshop
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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