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Old Rooster Young Hound

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2021 7:53 pm
by Myles Arnnett

60 Ash 121

As those who'd gathered seemed content to either meander about or guard the wagon and their way out. It seemed Myles would be spearheading any rescue efforts their might be. The pressure of which was stifling but it was something he had sworn to bear. With that in mind he stood tall and forced any evidence of such fears from his countenance. With Jonah on one side of him and Private Nikolai on his other Flank he was glad to have at least two capable fighters with him on this search.

Scanning the crowd for any further signs of enthusiasm or pro-activity his eyes alighted upon a Hobgoblin of decent dress he felt he had seen before. Approaching the man who was inspecting the feathers Myles heard a scoff from behind him about how Of course the goblin would be eyeing the food. Despite the man's assumption he was still failing to appreciate any evidence the hobgoblin could bring to their search, it was still more than most were doing.

“Lo there, sir” Myles spoke as he approached the fence the frowning feather focused figure fell against. “Anything of note there” He said as he nodded towards the tuft in the man's hand and indignant pink chicken in turn?” As a gross thought occurred to him he looked to Nikolai, “Has this town always had these animals. Any more or less you've noted?” He doubted the villagers had been morphed into beasts but such a thought did make him consider ordering caging of the animals with a strict no slaughtering rule in place until the investigation was over. He felt to admit such a thought would make him seem mad but he would be considering the possibility as the evidence came in. Turning back to the furtive feather fingerer he asked, "If your eyes are any good, and you've any desire to help I could use every freethinking hand here." He stated looking back towards the caravan with a drawn expression.

Regardless of the goblins cooperation he would be heading towards the Minders home next planning to thoroughly ravage the place in his search if he had to. He felt least pity for the minder whom he still considered a prime suspect in his search for his magical inclinations.

Re: Old Rooster Young Hound

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2021 2:27 am
by Franky

Franky stood back up to his full height, looking down at the young commander who had assumed charge of the situation. Sergeant Myles. A young lad that seemed to be trying to make a reputation for himself, doing good and being noticed by civilian and superiors alike. Franky had been there once, many years ago. Franky held his hand closer so Myles could see the crimson residue that smelled faintly of copper.

"This is blood. These chickens were either intentionally covered in blood or were present when it left the victims bodies. I saw it more times than I cared back when I served in the Imperium. Probably from throats being slashed open, if I were to guess."

Nikolai nodded at Myles' question, "Same chickens they've always had, I believe, sir."

Franky stifled a grin at Myles' way of speaking. "My eyes ain't what they used to be, but I came to be helpful." He bit back a retort about the freethinking bit. It was impossible to find any of those within the Zaichaer military. He kept his own theory to himself for now. After all, Myles was in charge, and his real goal here was simply to check in on people for Weston. But Franky couldn't deny this was interesting. And there were more than enough strapping young soldiers to keep the area safe enough. So for the moment, he allowed Myles to walk off toward the Minder's house, and he made his way over to Private Hector.

"Think you can find a perch, where you can keep an eye out? We could use someone protecting us from above, cuz whoever did this, I suspect is still here."

The private nodded, "I can do that."

Franky nodded in return, "Just watch your back. An eye in the sky can quickly become a target."

With that, Private Hector made his way to the bell tower of the town hall. Franky returned his hat to his head, and meandered toward the Minder's house as well, lighting up another cigarette but keeping it casually hung in his lips. People taken would need to be taken somewhere. Footprints or wagon wheels would be so obvious that even these Zaichaeri soldiers would've found them. That led Franky to believe that, since he wasn't convinced magic was in play, that the people, or their corpses, were still here in the village.

As he approached Myles once more, "I'll search around the outside of the house." He intended to look for several easily identifiable signs. Old, pooled blood, any signs of chicken feet in the softer mud, and just anything that would seem out of the ordinary in a village like this. Franky grew up and had lived in villages his entire life before Zaichaer. He could use that experience here.

Re: Old Rooster Young Hound

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2022 7:55 pm
by Myles Arnnett

There was something about the man that was instantly familiar, though he couldn't quite put his thumb on it, that was until he spoke to the other soldier, There was a familiar tone of command in his voice that was unmistakable. Whoever this man was, was familiar with giving orders, though weather ex bandit or ex soldier or what have you, the jury was still out. Still it was a relief to have some competent hands at his back.

Nodding when the goblinoid announced his intentions Myles stepped toward the front porch of the minders estate, like he would any usual courtesy visit of the defense core. Scanning the face of the building for motions in it's entries and windows. Blinking as fall leaves blew past in a heavy breeze. His skin prickled and for the briefest moment he'd thought he had in fact seen something in the window beside the door. Still all was silent save the sparse team that had come on the expedition. Stepping onto the steps of the porch Myles winced at the loud creak that emitted from the steps.

Quickly stepping up the next three steps Myles heavy iron souls thudding on the wooden slabs he made no effort to hide his presence, loudly letting whatever entity present know, that he was the target. Sounding his metal fist three times against the front door Myles announced his presence to the house knowing it was empty and hoping that silence would follow his knocking. Stepping to the side he peered into the dark window wondering if much would be visible. The window was relatively sooty on the inside and he could barely make out the outline of a hearth and high backed chair. Peering closer he through he saw a single hand on the arm of the chair, as he looked closer... Myles cursed as the porch gave way and one of his legs dropped into the hole where the beams split. Landing heavy on his hands before he lunged forward pulling his leg out and rolling to his back. Looking into the window from the ground he swore he again briefly saw a menacing pair of eyes glowering from within the dark confines of the house. Swearing under his breath he decided against entering the abode until he'd regrouped with the others he was with. Pulling himself to his feet he looked around for the others. When they arrived or if they were already there having heard his tumble he would say. “Well aside from the structure trying to kill me, i'm not certain that we will encounter anything a proper minder should have been practicing.”

“I'll take the lead on this, but, well, If this becomes a mess, get out, get those left, and burn this forsaken place to embers.”
Swallowing hard Myles looked to the expectant soldier and the goblin. “I'm no expert in killing anything ethereal, so if it comes to dealing with such we again should retreat and regroup... Anyone have any objections or suggestions?” Jonah raised his hand “Can we just burn it down now?” Shaking his head but grinning Myles stifled a sigh. “If only, no we can't risk killing survivors finding them or their corpses should be mission priority.”

Re: Old Rooster Young Hound

Posted: Mon May 22, 2023 6:04 am
by Aegis

Lores: 6 (2/3 rounded up)


Points: 7 (2/3 rounded up)


Lores: 3 (1/3 rounded up)


Points: 4 (1/3 rounded up)