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With Dearest Regards (Talon)

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2021 5:41 pm
by Aegis

Frost 74th, 121- Morning - Just as the hustle and bustle of a day in Kalzasi is underway, Kalzasi has a day where the clouds are dense and light, but no snow is falling and the winds are quiet. In central Karnor, a vicious blizzard is underway, and rumors of the airship, the Merry Behemoth and its escort, the dragon rider Kisorika Novalys, going missing have begun to spread through the city.

But on this day, every single one of Talon's offices received a letter, delivered by hired, well known and trusted couriers that were commonly used to deliver to these locations. These letters all arrived precisely at the same time. On the outside of the soft white envelope were no words, but the wax seal that kept them enclosed showed a pair of broken wings set in blood red wax. Within these letters were the same, identical words.

For you to look, to truly see what I want you to see,
Out over the frozen beauty, the heart of Kalzasi,
Of that which means most to you,
Lake Udori, the life giver of your people

Since I cannot come to you,
Duty will bring you to me.
If you will not come,
E. will continue to bloody your hands.

In the mountains.

And a moment later, the air was filled with the booming explosion as the peak of Horned Beak was knocked from its mountain home, sending an avalanche downward. This wiped out the fishing village of Shanwei in an instant, and caused an icy, tidal surge that began devastating every port on the eastern and southern coasts of Lake Udori. The devastation was swift, massive, and would have ramifications for years to come.

The couriers of the letters knew little. The names on the purchasing paperwork they'd be given were all fakes, people who never existed. The letters themselves held no touches of magic upon them, no differentiating features between them. Paper made in the Kalzasi way, ink and wax much the same.

Re: With Dearest Regards (Talon)

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2021 10:12 pm
by Talon

Talon stared out the window in abject horror. The sight of the avalanche rolling down the side of the mountain and undoubtedly ending the lives of hundreds of people made him sick to his stomach. He turned back to the letter that he was holding. His hands were shaking.

“Talon?” He turned his silver eyes to his mother. Her voice held a note of sincere concern. House Novalys was gathered within one of the private sections of the palace, the family gathered after receiving another bit of troubling news. It made him go weak in the knees. Talon sunk into his seat.

First Kisorika.

Now this.

He looked up at his mother and father. He felt his mother’s mind brush against his and he let her inside, winnowing down the force of his aura and presence within the aetherium so as not to hurt her. As soon as she perused his thoughts, Sahfri narrowed her eyes. She strode forward and took the letter from Talon’s hands, her eyes scanning over it. She then looked to his father. There were those who sometimes believed that Savien Novalys had become a softer man since taking the throne of Kalzasi. There were those who believed that he had bowed to the wishes of Zaichaer in an attempt to foster peace, one too many times. Talon knew better. His father was staring out at the rumbling devastation that was unfolding. Matched with the news of his daughter being in peril, Talon could see that his father’s face was hardened as he sorted through his thoughts.

“What does it say?” His father was still staring out at the ruinous avalanche. His hands were resting at the small of his back, the feathers of his wings were still. Talon sat forward, he ran his hands through his hair, taking in a deep breath. He took the letter from his mother and read it aloud.

“Then the avalanche was no accident.” Rien, his younger brother, spoke grimly. He too was staring out at the catastrophe.

“No. It was not.” His father’s voice was calm but they all heard the strain beneath his solemn countenance. That was when his father turned to him. Talon met his father’s steady gaze.

“What will you do?” Talon felt a pang in his chest. He had a choice to make. As soon as he had heard the news of Kisorika’s peril, he had immediately volunteered to lead the party that would embark upon her rescue. This letter and the avalanche however, presented another problem. The threat was clear. If he did not come, more disasters would follow. Who knew how long before the Circle of Spells, the Shadow Guard or the Sky Guard would take to find and subdue the culprit? There was no telling.

“The Guard will apprehend--”

No.” Talon interrupted his mother. Sahfri looked at him. His father closed his eyes, letting out a breath as though he knew what was coming.

Kisorika is not some weak Zaichaeri or a cowering Haqsian. She is a Dragon Rider of Antiris. More importantly, she is a Novalys.” Rising to his feet, Talon looked at the letter one last time before turning his attention to the Horned Beak mountain.

I will send Rickter and Hyoga to aid in finding Kisorika. My duty is to the people of Kalzasi.” The muscles in Talon’s jaw flexed. “Rika would never forgive me if I turned my back on them.

A challenger had stepped forward in Kalzasi. Someone who clearly believed they could play games with the lives of his people. Someone who dared to spit in the face of Justice.

Talon narrowed his eyes as he stared out at the mountains.

Justice would answer.

Re: With Dearest Regards (Talon)

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2023 8:24 am
by Aegis


3 Skill Lores

Loot: Guilt?
Injuries: Emotional Damage, probably.

Points: 5 Points, May not be used for magic
