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Forward Base Ossa'emme

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2021 6:01 pm
by Aegis
Forward Base Ossa'emme

Tucked just outside the eastern edge of the Enchanted Bog, is a single, lonely section of a former mountain chain, a leftover remnant from the area that was forever changed with the arrival of the bob. The small mountain chain, known to locals before the Sundering as Ossa'emme, had most of its peaks stolen away to the Everwilds. The remaining small mountains are older, not near as tall as their brethren in the Astralars. There is a sizable amount of springs throughout the Ossa'emme, heated and moved by the geothermal activity down below. This has caused the formation of a plethora of hot springs dotting the mountain range, which shrouds the entire range in fog in the colder seasons.

However, Ossa'emme isn't just a getaway for hot springs. In Ash 121, the Zaichaeri military completed a top secret engineering project known to the few in charge of it as Forward Base Ossa'emme. The projected was initiated several years ago with the intention of establishing a base within the wilderness closer to Kalzasi. This base has been designated as a defensive structure, largely to provide shelter and protection for intelligence agents and assets, and serve as an observation outpost for any potential movements from Kalzasi through the wilderness.

The project was constructed by a small, select group of engineers that were tasked with building the hidden base within the depths of the Ossa'emme mountains. They carved massive halls for troop training, storage, residence, and administrative areas. All of this is hidden from aerial and ground view, with the stone entrances secreted away through the range. Now that it has been completed, a commander has been assigned to oversee the rest of the project. Colonel Agatha Isbjorn has begun hand selecting all of the personnel and having them vetted in secret by Zaichaeri intelligence. The goal is to keep this entire project completely unknown to Kalzasi and its spies.

With the personnel selected and cleared, Forward Base Ossa'emme has begun the process of transporting people and resources to it in secret. This is a long, slow process, and once the initial stocking has been completed, FBO has been tasked to become self sufficient and close looped so as to reduce the risk of discovery. The first of the vetted soldiers and assisting personnel have been delivered successfully Ossa'emme, and efforts are underway to finish preparations.

NPC Info


Name: Colonel Agatha Isbjorn

Description: Colonel Agatha Isbjorn is one of the most decorated members of the Zaichaer military that few have ever met. Many have heard her name and of her many varied, successful missions and postings, but almost none have ever seen her or met her in person, exactly how she wants it. She's been trained and has extensive field experience in the Intelligence Corps, border skirmishes, assassinations and asset retrieval, and a myriad of other skills. Rumor is that she's not achieved General rank by choice, for that would bring on too many optics onto her.

Colonel Agatha Isbjorn founded the very concept of Forward Base Ossa'emme and has overseen every step of it personally. She carries herself with either an overbearing presence or makes herself invisible, depending on what the situation calls for. She knows the costs of every decision she makes and is renown for making the most difficult of choices that have always been revealed later to be the correct ones for the good of all of Zaichaer.

Date of Birth: Classified
Skills: Classified (But worthy of being a General)
Personal History: Classified

Moderator Information

The purpose of this location is to provide a starting point for loyal Zaichaeri soldiers and intelligence PCs. This is not an established location, and as such, must be grown and improved upon IC. There will be various discoveries, encounters, and other issues for the PCs involved that will hinder or enhance the base. As new things are discovered, created, or otherwise added to the base, the location writeup will be updated to reflect it.