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Of Vengeance & Justice

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2021 12:38 am
by Hikami
龍 12th of Frost, Year 121, A.o.S 龍
Company: Himself| Thoughts: WTF!| Mood: Frustrated

The cold kiss of the Frost air danced across his skin as he practiced to relieve the building tension. The sound of water crashing against the shore opposite of Hyo, the thunderous voice of momentous water colliding with stone singing before going out after a few moments. With each rush, water blasting its way across the grotto, knocking against the stone of the cliff face on the otherside Hyo's anger and frustration seemed to be rising.

Even in the cold of the season, it could not stop his emotions from fueling the fire in his heart. He was now at a point where he didn't know what to live for anymore, the one thing that would keep him going was now no longer something feasible. Hyoga found himself coming to float over the water's edge of the grotto once more, his wings flapping to keep him afloat. So much had been revealed, so much had shaken everything he knew.

Was it truly right to exact revenge on murderers when his father was in fact one himself? He couldn't imagine how many innocent lives had been taken by his father's hands. Why wouldn't his father tell him of such things, so that he could be prepared for the worst? It was unfair to say the least and the more Hyoga thought about it more his emotions boiled over into his magic, causing the waters of the grotto to ripple and pulse.

"AAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!" he roared, sending a wave of water hurdling so fast the cliffside appeared bruised almost. He was seething at this point, and the water began to call out to him, wanting to soothe his emotions and calm the fires burning with his frustration. The waters began to nip at his feet, inviting him to come in.

"Come and sit with me, relax in my embrace as I wash your troubles away, ya?" it pleading, its voice tranquil and calm, as if it didn't have a care in the world. With a sigh, he obliged, stripping down to his underwear and sitting upon the surface in the middle of the lake. Sitting in the center of the body of water, he looked to his reflection before him, remembering a technique that his mother told him about. She was as strong as he was now, if he remembered correctly.

Her words trailed on in his head as he recanted them, closing his eyes, and tried to relax his mind. He never meditated in his life, but he knew this was crucial. He began to fade into a trance-like state, allowing simple thoughts to exist within that space of his mind. He would think about how to become like the water, the sound of rain falling in the distance as his breathing evened. Aether began to slowly seep from him like a mist and flow into the water that was holding him like a friend comforting a friend.

He was almost there, he could almost feel a connection being made between him and the body of water. With his meditative trance, he let his mind fill with thoughts of oneness, of two entities becoming one as his aether seeped into the liquid more steadily. He imagined himself floating in an endless expanse of still water, seeing things through the eyes of the grotto, hearing the sounds only water could understand. He was adrift in a sea of thoughts and feeling, melding to become one.

In that endless world of calm, filled all those words, every emotion, every feeling, the storm that they had become in his mind now seemed to ease itself. At that moment he could feel a sudden surge of energy, of aetheric power flowing from the water into the Kathar, enveloping him. Opening his eyes he could feel the connection had been established, that the two were now in sync with one another.

Raising his hand he watched the water rise with it, swaying side to side as his hand danced left and right. A smile was on his face proud of this new achievement, and rising to his feet, he began to spin. The water beneath him rose with his ascension into the air and cascaded around him like a watery tornado.

"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"

Re: Of Vengeance & Justice

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2021 5:48 pm
by Talon
Talon breathed deeply. The crisp winter air felt different this year. He could not place why but it was heavier, charged with the weight of something pressing down upon his psyche. Winter was his favorite season. Not simply because it was the season of his birth but because he felt more alive during the cold months of the year. For some, they reveled in the bountiful joys of the summer heat but for Talon, he found the most comfort in the cold embrace of winter. It was that soft chill that made him think of the people he loved most in his life. The wolf Rathari, Rickter, who had recently become a father, was on his mind. The arrival of Rickter’s children had brought Talon to pull away from the man. He had found himself withdrawing in order to give the Rathari more space to concentrate on his growing family. Aoren had told him that it was foolish to withdraw because knowing Rickter, the man would want them both to be involved in his life.

Talon did not want to force the man to divide his attention. Even if he craved it. He knew what the feeling in his chest was and he thought it foolish of himself to feel it. Still, he couldn’t help but feel a little insecure. Did he do enough to satisfy the wolf Rathari? Did he show that he cared enough? Was it better to step back or was it better to step forward? On and on the questions in his mind raced until he grew frustrated with them. Rather than let himself fall into a foul mood, Talon went for a flight through the wilds. He’d spread his wings and lifted himself into the air, turning to the north and letting himself wander. Between all of the events that had transpired in weeks of late, he had not had much time to himself. Perhaps that was what he needed?

It was as he was dipping down toward a familiar grotto that he caught sight of movement in the waters below. He came to a gradual stop to observe the familiar frame of a Kathar warrior manipulating the waters of the lake. Talon hovered there, watching as Hyoga moved the waters as though they were an extension of himself. The graceful flexion of his muscles as he propelled himself through a series of movements that reminded Talon of a flowing river. There was an edge to those movements however. From the stiffness in Hyoga’s shoulders and the aggression with which he moved, Talon did not have to touch upon the power of Semblance to know that something was on the Kathar’s mind. Talon drifted closer, tucking in his wings, dropping lower so that he was within speaking distance.

You have grown stronger.” That much was abundantly clear. Talon was not altogether clear how long ago it had been since the two of them had met in this exact same grotto. The conversation that had followed had been an emotional one. He had given the warrior some advice then. Perhaps Hyoga would be able to lend him some advice now?

Talon offered the man a smile.

Copper for your thoughts?

Re: Of Vengeance & Justice

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2021 9:14 pm
by Hikami
龍 12th of Frost, Year 121, A.o.S 龍
Company: Himself| Thoughts: WTF!| Mood: Frustrated

The voice that carried over the wind was one that shook Hyoga from his calm, though it was no cause for concern as he knew the voice well. Talon seemed to have a knack for showing up when Hyo was in deep thought, or when he was dealing with things that frustrated him. It was a part of the reason the Kathar liked the Crowned Prince. Given how their last conversation went, Hyo wasn't sure if Talon was still keen on being his friend.

The water that mirrored his movements never faded as he turned to regard the Avialae with a smile, as he was able to concentrate and speak at the same time now. "Yes, it would appear so. My connection with the water has grown exponentially since our last talk. I'm in attuned with it as if synchronized or something, It's hard to really explain really." he chuckled, as he watched Talon approach.

Talon was perceptive as always, quickly inquire about what was bothering the kathar. Hyoga smiled, turning his face to look down at the water beneath them, running a hand through his hair. "My drive for revenge was nothing short of foolish. My father deserved what came to him, and as much as it hurts to say that, it is the truth." he began, his tone simmering with anger and regret.

"This may surprise you, and I'll understand if you don't wish to be my friend anymore, but as it turns out, I come from a long line of Imperium Inquisitors. Apparently, my father and his father were some of the most ruthless Inquisitors the Gelerium ever produced. I don't have all the details, but it makes sense now.

Kaito Yoko isn't even his real name, this whole time he had changed it so he could hide his identity when he fled and came to Kalzasi. And here I am, devoting my whole existence to avenging a man whose hands are marred in the blood of innocent people, folks who didn't do anything him."
he ranted, finding himself fighting back tears once again. "Fuck! I can't believe I'm crying again in front of you." he whimpered, avoiding talon's gaze as he was losing his battle with his own tears.

The water that was hugging his form began to fall from him like rain, almost mimicking the tears falling from the kathar's face.

"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"

Re: Of Vengeance & Justice

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2022 10:01 pm
by Talon

Hyoga-san, one of the bravest, most honorable men I know, was once a Knight of the Imperial Legion. That same man is now the bondmate of my soul and one of the loves of my life.” Talon smiled softly as he thought on Aoren. As if drawn by his thoughts, he felt his beloved raven wrap more snugly around his mind, their connection warming the deepest parts of Talon’s soul. In his mind, Talon could see his bondmates spending time together. Aoren and Rickter working to solve a puzzle while the rest of their circle of cherished ones were not far away.

Where we come from plays a part in defining who we are but it is not the whole of who we must be.” Talon did not know Hyoga’s father. Truthfully, he did not know much about the Kathar beyond what he had experienced with him personally. It seemed to him that Hyoga wanted to do good in the world but was weighed down by the burdens of what he himself did not know about his family or his own potential. As the man began to visibly struggle with his emotions, Talon stepped forward in order to join Hyoga on the lake. His feet came down upon the water without sinking as he enacted Seeming to allow himself to walk upon the surface. Raising his hands, Talon brought them up to rest upon Hyoga’s shoulders. He gave them a gentle squeeze with a soft smile.

A friend is someone you can be yourself with, Hyoga. Especially when you are in pain and suffering. I would like to think that you and I can be friends?” From the day that they had first encountered one another, Talon had admired Hyoga’s bravery. The man had jumped into the fray, battling the shamblers that had surged out of the Warrens without flinching. He had continually shown himself to be a man of honor and selflessness. In his own view, that made him more than worthy of being called a friend given the fact that the two of them had fought together and Hyoga had shared so much of himself with him.

Would it help if you were able to vent some of your frustrations? How may I assist, my friend?

Re: Of Vengeance & Justice

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2022 1:05 am
by Hikami
Company: Talon| Thoughts: What do I do| Mood: Concerned

He could only chuckle at the prince, finding the way he cared so deeply, the way he was so intuned with the feelings and emotions of others. His words always seemed to comfort the kathar, they were warm, which helped to burn away at his fears and anger, cooling him like the ocean would a lava flow. His eyes tried to see through the prince, the more he tried the more he realized they just weren't that familiar yet.

The fact that Talon has seen him in such vulnerable states of his emotions, and has yet to judge him for it only spoke to his character, adding more to the reasons why Hyoga was fond of the man. When given the chance to vent, Hyoga wasn't all too sure that was the case for him. "I don't think its frustration, at least in my eyes." he began, taking a few moments to gather the words he was looking for.

"I feel its more so anger, pure unfiltered rage at being aimless. I have no direction now. I don't see myself having any reason to live now. My whole purpose, the fuel that kept me going was knowing that vengeance would be mine for the innocent lives lost that night, but now, now I'm not so certain." he mused, barely making eye contact with the other. He couldn't help but chuckle, a small smile forming on his face.

"How do you navigate life, when you have nothing to truly keep you going. Living with no purpose is like trudging forward as a living corpse." he explained. There was no other way to explain how he felt at the time.

"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"